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Last active April 17, 2021 21:19
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Use rust tokio to capture stdout of processes using proc/{pid}/fd/1
extern crate tokio;
use std::fs;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::os::linux::fs::MetadataExt;
use tokio::fs::File;
use tokio::io::AsyncReadExt;
use tokio::time::{sleep, Duration};
use log::{info, LevelFilter};
use simple_logger::SimpleLogger;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct Process {
pid: usize,
std_out_path: PathBuf,
exe: String,
impl Process {
fn new(pid: usize) -> Self {
let std_out_path = Path::new("/proc")
.join(format!("{}", &pid))
fn get_binary_link(pid: &usize) -> String {
let bin_link = Path::new("/proc")
.join(format!("{}", &pid))
match fs::read_link(bin_link) {
Err(_) => String::from("None"),
Ok(x) => x.into_os_string().into_string().unwrap()
let exe: String = get_binary_link(&pid);
Process { pid, std_out_path, exe }
async fn follow_logs(&self) {
let mut pos: usize = 0;
while self.std_out_path.exists() {
let mut contents = String::new();
let mut file = match File::open(&self.std_out_path).await {
Ok(f) => f,
_ => continue,
match file.read_to_string(&mut contents).await {
Ok(_) => {}
_ => continue,
for (i, line) in contents.lines().enumerate() {
if i <= pos { continue; }
info!("[{}] {}: {}",, self.exe, line);
pos += 1;
async fn extract_processes(known: Vec<usize>) -> Vec<Process> {
let mut procs = Vec::new();
let mut dir = tokio::fs::read_dir("/proc").await.unwrap();
let uid = fs::metadata("/proc/self").unwrap().st_uid();
while let Some(proc_dir) = dir.next_entry().await.unwrap() {
let pid = proc_dir.file_name().into_string().unwrap();
let pid = match pid.parse::<usize>() {
Ok(pid) => pid,
_ => continue,
if known.contains(&pid) {
match fs::metadata(proc_dir.path()) {
Ok(m) if m.st_uid() == uid => m,
_ => continue
async fn watch_processes() {
let mut hist: Vec<usize> = Vec::new();
loop {
for new_process in extract_processes(hist.clone()).await {
let pid =;
tokio::spawn(async move {
async fn main() {
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