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Created September 3, 2015 15:43
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| Filename :
| Description : Gibbs sampling based learning for HMM models.
| Author : Pushpendre Rastogi
| Created : Thu Sep 3 02:22:31 2015 (-0400)
| Last-Updated: Thu Sep 3 11:38:18 2015 (-0400)
| By: Pushpendre Rastogi
| Update #: 15
import numpy as np
exp = np.exp
class TrainingExample(object):
def __init__(self, sent, recv):
self.sent = np.array(sent)
self.recv = np.array(recv)
def __repr__(self):
return 'TrainingExample(\n\tsent=%s,\n\trecv=%s)' % (
str(self.sent).replace('\n', ''), str(self.recv).replace('\n', ''))
class BinaryHMM(object):
def __init__(self, T=None, G=None):
# T[i, j] is the probability that bit j is received when bit i was
# sent.
self.T = (np.array([[0.8, 0.2],
[0.1, 0.9]])
if T is None
else T)
# G[i,j] is the probability of generating j given that i was generated
# previously. j=2 is the stop sign. i=2 is the start sign.
self.G = (np.array([[0.7, 0.2, 0.1],
[0.19, 0.8, 0.01],
[0.5, 0.5, 0]])
if G is None
else G)
global START_IDX
global STOP_IDX
def sample(pdf):
r = np.random.rand()
pdf_sum = 0
idx = None
for idx in range(len(pdf)):
pdf_sum += pdf[idx]
if pdf_sum >= r:
return idx
def generate_bit(self, prev_bit):
pdf = self.G[prev_bit]
return self.sample(pdf)
def transmit(self, bit):
pdf = self.T[bit]
return self.sample(pdf)
def generate_sentence(self):
sent = [self.generate_bit(START_IDX)]
recv = [self.transmit(sent[-1])]
while True:
cur_bit = self.generate_bit(sent[-1])
if cur_bit == STOP_IDX:
trans_bit = self.transmit(cur_bit)
return TrainingExample(sent, recv)
def generate(self, num_sentences=10):
return [self.generate_sentence()
for _ in range(num_sentences)]
def post_process(self, Y_hat_t):
for e in Y_hat_t:
print e
return Y_hat_t[-1]
def GibbsInfer(self, training_example, quota=5):
Y_true = training_example.sent
X = training_example.recv
# The goal is to use gibbs sampling(GS) to create an optimal Y_hat
# Gibbs sampling requires, an estimate of p(y_j | y_/j, X)
def p(j, Y_hat, X):
''' Let us say that we model y | x through a first order CRF.
The features are:
- cur bit
- prev bit (prev bit = prev bit in X)
- prev signal (prev signal = prev bit in Y)
- cur bit, prev signal (Ommitted for now)
- prev bit, prev signal (Ommitted for now)
cur_bit = X[j]
prev_bit = X[j - 1]
prev_signal = Y_hat[j - 1]
def simple_scorer(bit):
return ((0.9 if cur_bit == bit else -0.1)
+ (0.9 if prev_bit == bit else 0)
+ (0.9 if prev_signal == bit else 0))
# score_i = score for y_hat[j] being i
score_0 = exp(simple_scorer(0))
score_1 = exp(simple_scorer(1))
sum_scores = score_0 + score_1
return np.array([score_0 / sum_scores, score_1 / sum_scores])
# At iteration 0 we guess that the channel transmitted
# everything perfectly. None of the bits were flipped.
Y_hat_t = [X]
# In vanilla Gibbs, cyclically at each iteration, we guess
# t = 0
for epoch in range(quota):
for j in range(len(X)):
# t += 1
y_hat = np.array(Y_hat_t[-1]) # Copy
y_hat_j_at_t = self.sample(p(j, y_hat, X))
y_hat[j] = y_hat_j_at_t
return self.post_process(Y_hat_t)
def test(self):
import unittest
class TestBinaryHMM(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.obj = BinaryHMM()
def test_generate_sentence(self):
def test_GibbsInfer(self):
training_example = self.obj.generate_sentence()
print training_example
if __name__ == '__main__':
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