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Created April 18, 2020 14:33
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Full and partial silhouette width calculation. Code used in
from itertools import permutations, product
from collections import defaultdict
import time
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.metrics import silhouette_score
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform, cdist
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
def full_distances(data, metric="sqeuclidean"):
return squareform(pdist(data, metric=metric))
def full_intraclusts(dists, N, cluster_size):
# Calculate the intracluster variance
a_vals = np.zeros((N,))
# Loop over each cluster (exploit equal size)
for start in range(0, N, cluster_size):
# Get the final index for that cluster
stop = start+cluster_size
# Get the relevant part of the dist array
clust_array = dists[start:stop, start:stop]
# Divide by the cardinality
a_vals[start:stop] = np.true_divide(
np.sum(clust_array, axis=0),
stop-start-1 # As we don't include d(i,i)
return a_vals
def full_interclusts(dists, N, K, cluster_size):
# Calculate the intercluster variance
# Get the permutations of cluster numbers
perms = permutations(range(K), 2)
# Initialize the b_values
# Default to np.inf so we get a warning if it doesn't work
b_vals = np.full((N, K), np.inf)
# Calc each intercluster dist
for c1, c2 in perms:
# Get indices for distance array
c1_start = c1*cluster_size
c1_stop = c1_start+cluster_size
c2_start = c2*cluster_size
c2_stop = c2_start+cluster_size
# Get the relevant part of the dist array
clust_array = dists[c1_start:c1_stop, c2_start:c2_stop]
# Select the minimum average distance
b_vals[c1_start:c1_stop, c2] = np.mean(clust_array, axis=1)
return b_vals
def full_silh(data, N, cluster_size, K):
# Get the distances
dists = full_distances(data)
# Calculate the main terms
a_vals = full_intraclusts(dists, N, cluster_size)
b_vals = full_interclusts(dists, N, K, cluster_size)
# Select the minimum average distance
b_vec = b_vals.min(1)
# Calculate the numerator and denominator
top_term = b_vec - a_vals
bottom_term = np.maximum(b_vec, a_vals)
res = top_term / bottom_term
# Handle singleton clusters
res = np.nan_to_num(res)
return np.mean(res), dists, a_vals, b_vals
def partial_distances(data, dists, cluster_size, changed_clusters, metric="sqeuclidean"):
for i, changed in enumerate(changed_clusters):
# Skip if unchanged
if not changed:
# Get the indices for the cluster
start = i*cluster_size
stop = start+cluster_size
# Calculate the new block of pairwise matrices
new_dists = cdist(
data[start:stop, :],
# Insert the new distances (in both as symmetric)
dists[:, start:stop] = new_dists
dists[start:stop, :] = new_dists.T
return dists
def partial_intraclusts(a_vals, dists, N, cluster_size, changed_list):
# Loop over each cluster (exploit equal size)
for clust_num, changed in enumerate(changed_list):
if not changed:
# Get the indices for the cluster
start = cluster_size * clust_num
stop = start + cluster_size
# Get the relevant part of the dist array
clust_array = dists[start:stop, start:stop]
# Divide by the cardinality
a_vals[start:stop] = np.true_divide(
np.sum(clust_array, axis=0),
stop-start-1 # As we don't include d(i,i)
return a_vals
def partial_interclusts(b_vals, dists, K, cluster_size, changed_list):
# Loop over the clusters that have changed
for c1, changed in enumerate(changed_list):
if changed:
# Determine the relevant indices
c1_start = c1*cluster_size
c1_stop = c1_start+cluster_size
# Loop over every other cluster
for c2 in range(K):
if c1 == c2:
# Get indices for distance array
c2_start = c2*cluster_size
c2_stop = c2_start+cluster_size
# Get the relevant part of the dist array
clust_array = dists[c1_start:c1_stop, c2_start:c2_stop]
# Set the minimum average distance for the c1,c2 combo
b_vals[c1_start:c1_stop, c2] = np.mean(clust_array, axis=1)
# Set the minimum average distance for the c2,c1 combo
b_vals[c2_start:c2_stop, c1] = np.mean(clust_array, axis=0)
return b_vals
def partial_silh(data, N, cluster_size, K, changed_list=None, dists=None, a_vals=None, b_vals=None):
if changed_list is None:
changed_list = [True]*K
# Get the distances
if dists is None:
dists = full_distances(data)
dists = partial_distances(data, dists, cluster_size, changed_list)
# Allows us to use this function for the first calc
if a_vals is None:
a_vals = np.zeros((N,))
if b_vals is None:
b_vals = np.full((N, K), np.inf)
# Calculate the main terms
a_vals = partial_intraclusts(a_vals, dists, N, cluster_size, changed_list)
b_vals = partial_interclusts(b_vals, dists, K, cluster_size, changed_list)
# Select the minimum average distance
b_vec = b_vals.min(1)
# Calculate the numerator and denominator
top_term = b_vec - a_vals
bottom_term = np.maximum(b_vec, a_vals)
res = top_term / bottom_term
# Handle singleton clusters
res = np.nan_to_num(res)
return np.mean(res), dists, a_vals, b_vals
def random_data(cluster_size, D, K):
data_list = []
for k in range(K):
# Generate some random normal data
data = np.random.multivariate_normal(
mean=[np.random.rand() * 5 * k for _ in range(D)],
# Append labels to the data
# Note that this is only needed for the partial computation
data = np.hstack((data, np.full((cluster_size, 1), k)))
# Add the data to our list
# Create a single array of the data
full_data = np.concatenate(data_list)
labels = full_data[:, -1]
return full_data[:, :-1], labels
def modify_data(data, changed_list, cluster_size, D):
new_data = data.copy()
for i, changed in enumerate(changed_list):
if changed:
start = i*cluster_size
stop = start + cluster_size
new_data[start:stop] = np.random.multivariate_normal(
mean=[np.random.rand() * np.random.randint(100, 1000) for _ in range(D)],
return new_data
def test_full():
# Set random seed
# Setup variables
N, D, K = 1000, 2, 10
cluster_size = int(N/K)
data, labels = random_data(cluster_size, D, K)
# Calculate the silhouette widths
our_sw, _, _, _ = full_silh(data, N, cluster_size, K)
sk_sw = silhouette_score(data, labels, metric='sqeuclidean')
print(f"Our method: {our_sw}")
print(f"Scikit-learn: {sk_sw}")
assert np.isclose(our_sw, sk_sw)
def test_partial():
# Set random seed
# Setup variables
N, D, K = 1000, 2, 10
cluster_size = int(N/K)
data, labels = random_data(cluster_size, D, K)
changed_list = [True]*K
# Need to first do the full calculation
our_sw, dists, a_vals, b_vals = partial_silh(data, N, cluster_size, K, changed_list)
# Compare with the full scikit calc to check
sk_sw = silhouette_score(data, labels, metric='sqeuclidean')
assert np.isclose(our_sw, sk_sw)
# Drastically change the first cluster
data[:100] = np.random.multivariate_normal(
mean=[np.random.rand() * 1000 for _ in range(D)],
# Drastically change the third cluster
data[200:300] = np.random.multivariate_normal(
mean=[np.random.rand() * 500 for _ in range(D)],
# We changed the first and third cluster
changed_list = [True, False, True, False, False]
# Now partially recalculate the silhouette width
our_sw, _, _, _ = partial_silh(data, N, cluster_size, K, changed_list, dists, a_vals, b_vals)
sk_sw = silhouette_score(data, labels, metric='sqeuclidean')
print(f"Partial method: {our_sw}")
print(f"Full method: {full_silh(data, N, cluster_size, K)[0]}")
print(f"Scikit-learn: {sk_sw}")
assert np.isclose(our_sw, sk_sw)
def add_result(res, N, D, K, changes, method, time):
res["# Examples"].append(N)
res["Number of Clusters"].append(K)
res["Proportion Changes"].append(changes)
res["Time (s)"].append(time)
return res
def time_comparison(Ns, Ds, Ks, changes_list):
params = product(Ns, Ds, Ks, changes_list)
res = defaultdict(list)
repeats = 10
# Loop over param combs
for N, D, K, changes in params:
print(N, D, K, sum(changes))
cluster_size = int(N/K)
data, labels = random_data(cluster_size, D, K)
# Simulate expected mutations
changed_list = [True if np.random.rand() < (changes/K) else False for _ in range(K)]
# Just modify it the once so it doesn't interfere with timing
new_data = modify_data(data, changed_list, cluster_size, D)
for _ in range(repeats):
# Full calculation
start = time.time()
# Run initial
test = full_silh(data, N, cluster_size, K)
# Run on mutated data
full_sw, _, _, _ = full_silh(new_data, N, cluster_size, K)
full_time = time.time() - start
# Store the result
res = add_result(res, N, D, K, changes, "Full", full_time)
# Partial calculation
start = time.time()
# Run initial
test2, dists, a_vals, b_vals = partial_silh(data, N, cluster_size, K)
# Run on mutated data
partial_sw, _, _, _ = partial_silh(new_data, N, cluster_size, K, changed_list, dists, a_vals, b_vals)
partial_time = time.time() - start
# Store the result
res = add_result(res, N, D, K, changes, "Partial", partial_time)
# sklearn calculation
start = time.time()
_ = silhouette_score(data, labels, metric='sqeuclidean')
sklearn_sw = silhouette_score(new_data, labels, metric='sqeuclidean')
sk_time = time.time() - start
# Store the result
res = add_result(res, N, D, K, changes, "sklearn", sk_time)
# Check that all the results are the same
assert np.isclose(full_sw, partial_sw) and np.isclose(partial_sw, sklearn_sw)
df = pd.DataFrame(res)
return df
def plot_times(df):
# Construct a facetgrid
g = sns.FacetGrid(
data=df.groupby(["# Examples", "Dimensionality", "Proportion Changes", "Method"])["Time (s)"].mean().reset_index(),
row="# Examples",
# Plot the data
g =, "Proportion Changes", "Time (s)", marker=".").set(yscale="log")
g = g.add_legend()
# Save the results
g.savefig("sw_times_graph.png", dpi=600)
if __name__ == "__main__":
TEST = True
if TEST:
# Main experiment
# Set the magic number
# Set parameters to vary across
Ns = [1000, 5000, 10000, 20000]
Ds = [2, 50, 100]
Ks = [50] # No need to vary if we change proportion
changes_list = [1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
# Load previously saved results
if (Path.cwd() / "sw_times.csv").is_file():
df = pd.read_csv("sw_times.csv")
df = time_comparison(Ns, Ds, Ks, changes_list)
# Plot the result
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