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Created May 11, 2020 18:38
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Test memory leak
# Packages -----------------------------------------------------------------
require(data.table, quietly = TRUE)
require(future, quietly = TRUE)
## Require for data and nowcasting
# require(EpiNow, quietly = TRUE)
# require(NCoVUtils, quietly = TRUE)
## Required for forecasting
# require(future.apply, quietly = TRUE)
# require(fable, quietly = TRUE)
# require(fabletools, quietly = TRUE)
# require(feasts, quietly = TRUE)
# require(urca, quietly = TRUE)
# Get cases ---------------------------------------------------------------
cases <- NCoVUtils::get_ecdc_cases()
cases <- NCoVUtils::format_ecdc_data(cases)
cases <- data.table::setDT(cases)[!][,
`:=`(local = cases, imported = 0)][, cases := NULL]
cases <- data.table::melt(cases, measure.vars = c("local", "imported"), = "import_status", = "confirm")
## Remove regions with data issues
cases <- cases[!region %in% c("Faroe Islands", "Sao Tome and Principe", "Tajikistan")]
cases <- cases[1:2000]
# Get linelist ------------------------------------------------------------
linelist <-
delays <- linelist[!][,
.(report_delay = as.numeric(lubridate::dmy(date_confirmation) -
delays <- delays$report_delay
# Set up cores -----------------------------------------------------
if (!interactive()){
options(future.fork.enable = TRUE)
gc = TRUE, earlySignal = TRUE)
# Fit the reporting delay -------------------------------------------------
delay_defs <- EpiNow::get_dist_def(delays,
bootstraps = 10,
samples = 50)
# Fit the incubation period -----------------------------------------------
## Mean delay
exp(EpiNow::covid_incubation_period[1, ]$mean)
## Get incubation defs
incubation_defs <- EpiNow::lognorm_dist_def(mean = EpiNow::covid_incubation_period[1, ]$mean,
mean_sd = EpiNow::covid_incubation_period[1, ]$mean_sd,
sd = EpiNow::covid_incubation_period[1, ]$sd,
sd_sd = EpiNow::covid_incubation_period[1, ]$sd_sd,
max_value = 30, samples = 50)
# future::plan("multiprocess", workers = future::availableCores(),
# gc = TRUE, earlySignal = TRUE)
future::plan("sequential", earlySignal = TRUE, gc = TRUE)
# Run pipeline ----------------------------------------------------
cases = cases,
delay_defs = delay_defs,
incubation_defs = incubation_defs,
target_folder = "national",
case_limit = 60,
horizon = 14,
nowcast_lag = 8,
approx_delay = TRUE,
report_forecast = TRUE,
forecast_model = function(...) {
EpiSoon::fable_model(model = fabletools::combination_model(fable::RW(y ~ drift()), fable::ETS(y),
cmbn_args = list(weights = "inv_var")), ...)
# Summarise results -------------------------------------------------------
EpiNow::regional_summary(results_dir = "national",
summary_dir = "national-summary",
target_date = "latest",
region_scale = "Country",
csv_region_label = "country",
log_cases = TRUE)
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adhusch commented May 13, 2020

@seabbs Any news on this? I could try to find some R wizards here at our Bioinformatics Core group to have a look. Unfortunately i cant help much with R, never really used it. (Anyway, problem seems to be in C in the end right? Could you provide the valgrind output?)

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seabbs commented May 13, 2020

Hi @adhusch - still a work in progress unfortunately though I think getting there. Any help with the code would be much appreciated at any time. Being new to valgrind I didn't find the output particularly helpful in identifying the code areas in R that were causing problems and I have not been able to find anything on how to do this - anything on this would be great.

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seabbs commented May 13, 2020

New issue detailing progress: epiforecasts/covid#56

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