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Created February 23, 2022 13:25
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#include functions/ct_trajectory.stan
#include functions/truncated_normal_rng.stan
#include functions/censor.stan
data {
int P; // number of patients
int N; // number of tests
real c_lod; // Ct value at limit of detection
real t_e;
real lmean[2]; // mean of incubation period used (+ sd)
real lsd[2]; // standard deviation of incubation period used (+ sd)
int id[N]; // id of person
int pcr_res[N]; // boolean test result
vector[N] day_rel; // day of test (integer)
vector[N] ct_value; // Ct value of test
int swab_types; // Number of swab types used
int swab_type[N]; // Swab type per sample
int any_onsets;
vector[P] onset_avail;
vector[P] onset_time;
int likelihood;
transformed data {
vector[P] T_e_bound;
for (i in 1:P) {
T_e_bound[i] = max({-onset_time[i], 0});
parameters {
// Inferred time of infection
vector<lower = T_e_bound>[P] T_e;
//Incubation period
real inc_mean[any_onsets];
real<lower = 0> inc_sd[any_onsets];
// Ct value before detection
real<lower = c_lod> c_0;
// Hyperparameters
// Ct value of viral load p
real c_p_mean;
real<lower = 0>c_p_var;
vector[P] c_p_raw;
// Ct value at s
real c_s_mean;
real<lower = 0> c_s_var;
vector[P] c_s_raw;
// Timing of peak
real t_p_mean;
real<lower = 0> t_p_var;
vector[P] t_p_raw;
// Timing of switch
real t_s_mean;
real<lower = 0> t_s_var;
vector[P] t_s_raw;
// Time viral load hits lower limit of detection
real t_lod_mean;
real<lower = 0> t_lod_var;
vector[P] t_lod_raw;
// Swab type intercept and gradient
vector[swab_types] swab_type_int;
vector[swab_types] swab_type_grad;
// Variance parameter for oobservation model
real<lower = 0> sigma;
transformed parameters {
vector[P] t_p;
vector[P] t_s;
vector[P] t_lod;
vector[P] c_p;
vector[P] c_s;
vector[P] t_lod_abs;
vector[N] diff;
vector[N] exp_ct;
vector[swab_types + 1] st_int;
vector[swab_types + 1] st_grad;
vector[N] adj_exp_ct;
// individual-level parameters
// non-centred, hierarchical parameterisation
t_p = exp(t_p_mean + t_p_var * t_p_raw);
t_s = exp(t_s_mean + t_s_var * t_s_raw);
t_lod = exp(t_lod_mean + t_lod_var * t_lod_raw);
// Parameterise c_switch as proportion of c_0
c_s = c_0 * inv_logit(c_s_mean + c_s_var * c_s_raw);
// Parameterise c_peak as proportion of c_switch
c_p = c_s .* inv_logit(c_p_mean + c_p_var * c_p_raw);
t_lod_abs = t_p + t_s + t_lod;
diff = day_rel + T_e[id];
// Expected ct value given viral load parameters
exp_ct = ct_hinge_vec_new(diff, c_0, c_p, c_s, c_0, t_e, t_p, t_s,
t_lod_abs, id);
// Adjust Swab types
st_int[1] = 0;
st_grad[1] = 1;
if (swab_types) {
st_int[2:(swab_types + 1)] = swab_type_int;
st_grad[2:(swab_types + 1)] = swab_type_grad;
adj_exp_ct = st_int[swab_type] + st_grad[swab_type] .* exp_ct;
model {
// Prior over possible infection times relative to first
// positive test or symtom onset.
// Assumes that the first positive test is not a false positive.
for (i in 1:P) {
T_e[i] ~ normal(T_e_bound[i] + 5, 5) T[T_e_bound[i],];
// CT value prior/post detection
c_0 ~ normal(c_lod + 10, 5) T[c_lod, ];
// Ct value at peak
c_p_mean ~ normal(0, 1); //mean at 50% of switch value
c_p_var ~ normal(0, 0.25) T[0,];
c_p_raw ~ std_normal();
// Ct value at switch to long wane
c_s_mean ~ normal(0, 1); //mean at 50% of maximum ct
c_s_var ~ normal(0, 0.25) T[0,];
c_s_raw ~ std_normal();
// Viral load peak timing
t_p_mean ~ normal(1.61, 0.5); //mean at log(5)
t_p_var ~ normal(0, 0.25) T[0,];
t_p_raw ~ std_normal();
t_s_mean ~ normal(1.61, 0.5); //mean at log(5) + peak timing
t_s_var ~ normal(0, 0.25) T[0,];
t_s_raw ~ std_normal();
// Time dropping below limit of detection
t_lod_mean ~ normal(2.3, 0.5); //mean at log(10) + peak + scale timing
t_lod_var ~ normal(0, 0.25) T[0,];
t_lod_raw ~ std_normal();
// If multiple swab types make linear adjustments
if (swab_types) {
swab_type_int ~ std_normal();
swab_type_grad ~ normal(1, 1);
// Variation in observation model
sigma ~ normal(0, 2) T[0,];
if (any_onsets && likelihood) {
// Priors on the incubation period
inc_mean[1] ~ normal(lmean[1], lmean[2]);
inc_sd[1] ~ normal(lsd[1], lsd[2]) T[0, ];
// component of likelihood for time of exposure
for(j in 1:P) {
// likelihood for time of exposure using the CDF of the incubation period
// and known symptom onset day
// What is the probability onsets on observed day
if (onset_avail[j]) {
real onset_from_inf = onset_time[j] + T_e[j];
real onset_window = max({0, onset_from_inf - 1});
target += log_diff_exp(
lognormal_lcdf(onset_from_inf | inc_mean[1], inc_sd[1]),
lognormal_lcdf(onset_window | inc_mean[1], inc_sd[1])
if (likelihood) {
// component of likelihood for expected ct values
for(j in 1:N) {
// If non-censored result: P(observed ct | expected ct)
// Truncated above 0 and below latent limit of detection
if(pcr_res[j]) {
ct_value[j] ~ normal(adj_exp_ct[j], sigma) T[0, c_0];
} else{
// if censored result: P(Ct not detected | expected ct)
target += normal_lccdf(c_lod | adj_exp_ct[j], sigma);
generated quantities {
matrix[P, 61] ct;
vector[N] sim_ct;
for (i in 1:N) {
sim_ct[i] = truncated_normal_rng(adj_exp_ct[i], sigma, 0, c_0);
sim_ct[i] = censor(sim_ct[i], c_lod);
for(i in 1:P) {
for(j in 1:61) {
ct[i, j] = ct_hinge_long(j - 1, c_0, c_p[i], c_s[i], c_0, t_e, t_p[i],
t_s[i], t_lod_abs[i]);
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