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Created February 17, 2021 03:30
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  • Save seagreen/414897bad0e1abee242636eb19c5e64f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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src/EasyTest.hs:213:1: error: bool is unused
211 ┃
212 ┃ bool :: Test Bool
213 ┃ bool = random
214 ┃
215 ┃ word8 :: Test Word8
Delete this definition or add ‘EasyTest.bool’ as a root to fix this error.
src/EasyTest.hs:220:1: error: char is unused
218 ┃ -- | Generate a random `Char`
219 ┃ char :: Test Char
220 ┃ char = random
221 ┃
222 ┃ -- | Generate a random `Int`
Delete this definition or add ‘EasyTest.char’ as a root to fix this error.
src/EasyTest.hs:242:1: error: char' is unused
240 ┃ -- Note: `char' 'a' 'z'` includes both `'a'` and `'z'`.
241 ┃ char' :: Char -> Char -> Test Char
242 ┃ char' = random'
243 ┃
244 ┃ -- | Generate a random `Double` in the given range
Delete this definition or add ‘EasyTest.char'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/EasyTest.hs:228:1: error: double is unused
226 ┃ -- | Generate a random `Double`
227 ┃ double :: Test Double
228 ┃ double = random
229 ┃
230 ┃ -- | Generate a random `Word`
Delete this definition or add ‘EasyTest.double’ as a root to fix this error.
src/EasyTest.hs:247:1: error: double' is unused
245 ┃ -- Note: `double' 0 1` includes both `0` and `1`.
246 ┃ double' :: Double -> Double -> Test Double
247 ┃ double' = random'
248 ┃
249 ┃ -- | Generate a random `Double` in the given range
Delete this definition or add ‘EasyTest.double'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/EasyTest.hs:72:1: error: expectJust is unused
70 ┃
71 ┃ expectJust :: HasCallStack => Maybe a -> Test a
72 ┃ expectJust Nothing = crash "expected Just, got Nothing"
73 ┃ expectJust (Just a) = ok >> pure a
74 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘EasyTest.expectJust’ as a root to fix this error.
src/EasyTest.hs:76:1: error: expectRight is unused
74 ┃
75 ┃ expectRight :: HasCallStack => Either e a -> Test a
76 ┃ expectRight (Left _) = crash "expected Right, got Left"
77 ┃ expectRight (Right a) = ok >> pure a
78 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘EasyTest.expectRight’ as a root to fix this error.
src/EasyTest.hs:439:1: error: fork is unused
437 ┃ -- | Run a test in a separate thread, not blocking for its result.
438 ┃ fork :: Test a -> Test ()
439 ┃ fork t = void (fork' t)
440 ┃
441 ┃ -- | Run a test in a separate thread, return a future which can be used
Delete this definition or add ‘EasyTest.fork’ as a root to fix this error.
src/EasyTest.hs:444:1: error: fork' is unused
442 ┃ -- to block on its result.
443 ┃ fork' :: Test a -> Test (Test a)
444 ┃ fork' (Test t) = do
445 ┃ env <- ask
446 ┃ tmvar <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
Delete this definition or add ‘EasyTest.fork'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/EasyTest.hs:224:1: error: int is unused
222 ┃ -- | Generate a random `Int`
223 ┃ int :: Test Int
224 ┃ int = random
225 ┃
226 ┃ -- | Generate a random `Double`
Delete this definition or add ‘’ as a root to fix this error.
src/EasyTest.hs:292:1: error: mapOf is unused
290 ┃ -- | Generate a `Data.Map k v` of the given size.
291 ┃ mapOf :: Ord k => Int -> Test k -> Test v -> Test (Map k v)
292 ┃ mapOf n k v = Map.fromList <$> listOf n (pair k v)
293 ┃
294 ┃ -- | Generate a `[Data.Map k v]` of the given sizes.
Delete this definition or add ‘EasyTest.mapOf’ as a root to fix this error.
src/EasyTest.hs:296:1: error: mapsOf is unused
294 ┃ -- | Generate a `[Data.Map k v]` of the given sizes.
295 ┃ mapsOf :: Ord k => [Int] -> Test k -> Test v -> Test [Map k v]
296 ┃ mapsOf sizes k v = sizes `forM` \n -> mapOf n k v
297 ┃
298 ┃ -- | Catch all exceptions that could occur in the given `Test`
Delete this definition or add ‘EasyTest.mapsOf’ as a root to fix this error.
src/EasyTest.hs:190:1: error: note' is unused
188 ┃ -- | Log a showable value
189 ┃ note' :: Show s => s -> Test ()
190 ┃ note' = note . show
191 ┃
192 ┃ -- | Generate a random value
Delete this definition or add ‘EasyTest.note'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/EasyTest.hs:288:1: error: pair is unused
286 ┃ -- | Alias for `liftA2 (,)`.
287 ┃ pair :: Test a -> Test b -> Test (a,b)
288 ┃ pair = liftA2 (,)
289 ┃
290 ┃ -- | Generate a `Data.Map k v` of the given size.
Delete this definition or add ‘EasyTest.pair’ as a root to fix this error.
src/EasyTest.hs:103:1: error: rerun is unused
101 ┃
102 ┃ rerun :: Int -> Test a -> IO ()
103 ┃ rerun seed = rerunOnly seed []
104 ┃
105 ┃ run' :: Int -> (String -> IO ()) -> String -> Test a -> IO ()
Delete this definition or add ‘EasyTest.rerun’ as a root to fix this error.
src/EasyTest.hs:344:1: error: skip is unused
342 ┃ -- | Explicitly skip this test
343 ┃ skip :: Test ()
344 ┃ skip = Test (Nothing <$ putResult Skipped)
345 ┃
346 ┃ -- | Record a failure at the current scope
Delete this definition or add ‘EasyTest.skip’ as a root to fix this error.
src/EasyTest.hs:316:1: error: using is unused
314 ┃ -- | A test with a setup and teardown
315 ┃ using :: IO r -> (r -> IO ()) -> (r -> Test a) -> Test a
316 ┃ using r cleanup use = Test $ do
317 ┃ r <- liftIO r
318 ┃ env <- ask
Delete this definition or add ‘EasyTest.using’ as a root to fix this error.
src/EasyTest.hs:232:1: error: word is unused
230 ┃ -- | Generate a random `Word`
231 ┃ word :: Test Word
232 ┃ word = random
233 ┃
234 ┃ -- | Generate a random `Int` in the given range
Delete this definition or add ‘EasyTest.word’ as a root to fix this error.
src/EasyTest.hs:252:1: error: word' is unused
250 ┃ -- Note: `word' 0 10` includes both `0` and `10`.
251 ┃ word' :: Word -> Word -> Test Word
252 ┃ word' = random'
253 ┃
254 ┃ -- | Generate a random `Double` in the given range
Delete this definition or add ‘EasyTest.word'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/EasyTest.hs:257:1: error: word8' is unused
255 ┃ -- Note: `word8' 0 10` includes both `0` and `10`.
256 ┃ word8' :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Test Word8
257 ┃ word8' = random'
258 ┃
259 ┃ -- | Sample uniformly from the given list of possibilities
Delete this definition or add ‘EasyTest.word8'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/ABT.hs:206:1: error: absr is unused
204 ┃
205 ┃ absr :: (Functor f, Foldable f, Var v) => v -> Term f (V v) () -> Term f (V v) ()
206 ┃ absr = absr' ()
207 ┃
208 ┃ -- | Rebuild an `abs`, renaming `v` to avoid capturing any `Free v` in `body`.
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.ABT.absr’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/ABT.hs:210:1: error: absr' is unused
208 ┃ -- | Rebuild an `abs`, renaming `v` to avoid capturing any `Free v` in `body`.
209 ┃ absr' :: (Functor f, Foldable f, Var v) => a -> v -> Term f (V v) a -> Term f (V v) a
210 ┃ absr' a v body = wrap' v body $ \v body -> abs' a v body
211 ┃
212 ┃ absChain :: Ord v => [v] -> Term f v () -> Term f v ()
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.ABT.absr'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/ABT.hs:77:1: error: at is unused
75 ┃
76 ┃ at :: Path s t a b m -> s -> Maybe a
77 ┃ at p s = (\(a,_,_) -> a) <$> focus p s
78 ┃
79 ┃ modify' :: Path s t a b m -> (m -> a -> b) -> s -> Maybe t
Delete this definition or add ‘’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/ABT.hs:122:1: error: bound is unused
120 ┃ -- | Return the set of all variables bound by this ABT
121 ┃ bound :: (Ord v, Foldable f) => Term f v a -> Set v
122 ┃ bound t = Set.fromList (bound' t)
123 ┃
124 ┃ -- | `True` if the term has no free variables, `False` otherwise
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.ABT.bound’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/ABT.hs:94:1: error: bound' is unused
92 ┃ -- | Return the list of all variables bound by this ABT
93 ┃ bound' :: Foldable f => Term f v a -> [v]
94 ┃ bound' t = case out t of
95 ┃ Abs v t -> v : bound' t
96 ┃ Cycle t -> bound' t
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.ABT.bound'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/ABT.hs:70:1: error: compose is unused
68 ┃
69 ┃ compose :: Monoid m => Path s t a b m -> Path a b a' b' m -> Path s t a' b' m
70 ┃ compose (Path p1) (Path p2) = Path p3 where
71 ┃ p3 s = do
72 ┃ (get1,set1,m1) <- p1 s
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.ABT.compose’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/ABT.hs:238:1: error: cycler is unused
236 ┃
237 ┃ cycler :: (Functor f, Foldable f, Var v) => [v] -> Term f (V v) () -> Term f (V v) ()
238 ┃ cycler = cycler' ()
239 ┃
240 ┃ into :: (Foldable f, Ord v) => ABT f v (Term f v ()) -> Term f v ()
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.ABT.cycler’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/ABT.hs:235:1: error: cycler' is unused
233 ┃
234 ┃ cycler' :: (Functor f, Foldable f, Var v) => a -> [v] -> Term f (V v) a -> Term f (V v) a
235 ┃ cycler' a vs t = cycle' a $ foldr (absr' a) t vs
236 ┃
237 ┃ cycler :: (Functor f, Foldable f, Var v) => [v] -> Term f (V v) () -> Term f (V v) ()
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.ABT.cycler'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/ABT.hs:704:1: error: distinct is unused
702 ┃ => proxy h
703 ┃ -> [Term f v a] -> [Term f v a]
704 ┃ distinct _ ts = fst <$> sortOn snd m
705 ┃ where m = Map.elems (Map.fromList (hashes `zip` (ts `zip` [0 :: Int .. 1])))
706 ┃ hashes = map hash ts :: [h]
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.ABT.distinct’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/ABT.hs:546:1: error: find' is unused
544 ┃ -> Term f v a
545 ┃ -> [Term f v a]
546 ┃ find' p = Unison.ABT.find (\t -> if p t then Found t else Continue)
547 ┃
548 ┃ instance (Foldable f, Functor f, Eq1 f, Var v) => Eq (Term f v a) where
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.ABT.find'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/ABT.hs:291:1: error: freshEverywhere is unused
289 ┃
290 ┃ freshEverywhere :: (Foldable f, Var v) => Term f v a -> v -> v
291 ┃ freshEverywhere t = freshIn . Set.fromList $ allVars t
292 ┃
293 ┃ allVars :: Foldable f => Term f v a -> [v]
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.ABT.freshEverywhere’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/ABT.hs:301:1: error: freshes is unused
299 ┃
300 ┃ freshes :: Var v => Term f v a -> [v] -> [v]
301 ┃ freshes = freshes' . freeVars
302 ┃
303 ┃ freshes' :: Var v => Set v -> [v] -> [v]
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.ABT.freshes’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/ABT.hs:304:1: error: freshes' is unused
302 ┃
303 ┃ freshes' :: Var v => Set v -> [v] -> [v]
304 ┃ freshes' used vs = evalState (traverse freshenS vs) used
305 ┃
306 ┃ -- | Freshens the given variable wrt. the set of used variables
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.ABT.freshes'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/ABT.hs:57:1: error: here is unused
55 ┃
56 ┃ here :: Monoid m => Path s t s t m
57 ┃ here = Path $ \s -> Just (s, Just, mempty)
58 ┃
59 ┃ instance Semigroup (Path s t a b m) where
Delete this definition or add ‘’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/ABT.hs:241:1: error: into is unused
239 ┃
240 ┃ into :: (Foldable f, Ord v) => ABT f v (Term f v ()) -> Term f v ()
241 ┃ into = into' ()
242 ┃
243 ┃ into' :: (Foldable f, Ord v) => a -> ABT f v (Term f v a) -> Term f v a
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.ABT.into’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/ABT.hs:244:1: error: into' is unused
242 ┃
243 ┃ into' :: (Foldable f, Ord v) => a -> ABT f v (Term f v a) -> Term f v a
244 ┃ into' a abt = case abt of
245 ┃ Var x -> annotatedVar a x
246 ┃ Cycle t -> cycle' a t
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.ABT.into'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/ABT.hs:126:1: error: isClosed is unused
124 ┃ -- | `True` if the term has no free variables, `False` otherwise
125 ┃ isClosed :: Term f v a -> Bool
126 ┃ isClosed t = Set.null (freeVars t)
127 ┃
128 ┃ -- | `True` if `v` is a member of the set of free variables of `t`
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.ABT.isClosed’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/ABT.hs:80:1: error: modify' is unused
78 ┃
79 ┃ modify' :: Path s t a b m -> (m -> a -> b) -> s -> Maybe t
80 ┃ modify' p f s = focus p s >>= \(get,set,m) -> set (f m get)
81 ┃
82 ┃ wrap :: (Functor f, Foldable f, Var v) => v -> Term f (V v) a -> (V v, Term f (V v) a)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.ABT.modify'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/ABT.hs:493:1: error: reabs is unused
491 ┃
492 ┃ reabs :: Ord v => [v] -> Term f v () -> Term f v ()
493 ┃ reabs vs t = foldr abs t vs
494 ┃
495 ┃ transform :: (Ord v, Foldable g, Functor f)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.ABT.reabs’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/ABT.hs:712:1: error: subtract is unused
710 ┃ => proxy h
711 ┃ -> [Term f v a] -> [Term f v a] -> [Term f v a]
712 ┃ subtract _ t1s t2s =
713 ┃ let skips = Set.fromList (map hash t2s :: [h])
714 ┃ in filter (\t -> Set.notMember (hash t) skips) t1s
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.ABT.subtract’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/ABT.hs:481:1: error: unabs1 is unused
479 ┃
480 ┃ unabs1 :: (Foldable f, Functor f, Var v) => Term f v a -> Maybe (Subst f v a)
481 ┃ unabs1 (Term _ _ (Abs v body)) = Just (Subst freshen bind bindInheritAnnotation v) where
482 ┃ freshen f = f v
483 ┃ bind x = subst v x body
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.ABT.unabs1’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/ABT.hs:189:1: error: unabs1A is unused
187 ┃
188 ┃ unabs1A :: Term f v a -> Maybe ([(a,v)], Term f v a)
189 ┃ unabs1A t = case unabsA t of
190 ┃ ([], _) -> Nothing
191 ┃ x -> Just x
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.ABT.unabs1A’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/ABT.hs:184:1: error: unabsA is unused
182 ┃
183 ┃ unabsA :: Term f v a -> ([(a,v)], Term f v a)
184 ┃ unabsA (Term _ a (Abs hd body)) =
185 ┃ let (tl, body') = unabsA body in ((a,hd) : tl, body')
186 ┃ unabsA t = ([], t)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.ABT.unabsA’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/ABT.hs:83:1: error: wrap is unused
81 ┃
82 ┃ wrap :: (Functor f, Foldable f, Var v) => v -> Term f (V v) a -> (V v, Term f (V v) a)
83 ┃ wrap v t =
84 ┃ if Set.member (Free v) (freeVars t)
85 ┃ then let v' = fresh t (Bound v) in (v', rename (Bound v) v' t)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.ABT.wrap’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/ABT.hs:90:1: error: wrap' is unused
88 ┃ wrap' :: (Functor f, Foldable f, Var v)
89 ┃ => v -> Term f (V v) a -> (V v -> Term f (V v) a -> c) -> c
90 ┃ wrap' v t f = uncurry f (wrap v t)
91 ┃
92 ┃ -- | Return the list of all variables bound by this ABT
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.ABT.wrap'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/ABT/Normalized.hs:133:1: error: transform is unused
131 ┃ => (forall a b. f a b -> g a b)
132 ┃ -> Term f v -> Term g v
133 ┃ transform phi (TTm body) = TTm . second (transform phi) $ phi body
134 ┃ transform phi (TAbs u body) = TAbs u $ transform phi body
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.ABT.Normalized.transform’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/ABT/Normalized.hs:72:1: error: unabss is unused
70 ┃
71 ┃ unabss :: Var v => Term f v -> ([v], Term f v)
72 ┃ unabss (TAbs v (unabss -> (vs, bd))) = (v:vs, bd)
73 ┃ unabss bd = ([], bd)
74 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.ABT.Normalized.unabss’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Builtin.hs:85:1: error: constructorType is unused
83 ┃
84 ┃ constructorType :: R.Reference -> Maybe CT.ConstructorType
85 ┃ constructorType r = TL.constructorType (typeLookup @Symbol) r
86 ┃ <|> Map.lookup r builtinConstructorType
87 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Builtin.constructorType’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Builtin/Decls.hs:68:1: error: constructorId is unused
66 ┃
67 ┃ constructorId :: Reference -> Text -> Maybe Int
68 ┃ constructorId ref name = do
69 ┃ (_,_,dd) <- find (\(_,r,_) -> Reference.DerivedId r == ref) (builtinDataDecls @Symbol)
70 ┃ elemIndex name $ DD.constructorNames dd
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Builtin.Decls.constructorId’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Builtin/Decls.hs:58:1: error: filePathRef is unused
56 ┃ fileModeRef, filePathRef, bufferModeRef, seekModeRef, seqViewRef :: Reference
57 ┃ fileModeRef = lookupDeclRef "io2.FileMode"
58 ┃ filePathRef = lookupDeclRef "io2.FilePath"
59 ┃ bufferModeRef = lookupDeclRef "io2.BufferMode"
60 ┃ seekModeRef = lookupDeclRef "io2.SeekMode"
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Builtin.Decls.filePathRef’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Builtin/Decls.hs:325:1: error: filePathType is unused
323 ┃ ioErrorType a = Type.ref a ioErrorRef
324 ┃ fileModeType a = Type.ref a fileModeRef
325 ┃ filePathType a = Type.ref a filePathRef
326 ┃ bufferModeType a = Type.ref a bufferModeRef
327 ┃ seekModeType a = Type.ref a seekModeRef
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Builtin.Decls.filePathType’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Builtin/Decls.hs:50:1: error: ioErrorRef is unused
48 ┃ linkRef = lookupDeclRef "Link"
49 ┃ docRef = lookupDeclRef "Doc"
50 ┃ ioErrorRef = lookupDeclRef "io2.IOError"
51 ┃ stdHandleRef = lookupDeclRef "io2.StdHandle"
52 ┃ failureRef = lookupDeclRef "io2.Failure"
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Builtin.Decls.ioErrorRef’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Builtin/Decls.hs:323:1: error: ioErrorType is unused
321 ┃ optionalType a = Type.ref a optionalRef
322 ┃ eitherType a = Type.ref a eitherRef
323 ┃ ioErrorType a = Type.ref a ioErrorRef
324 ┃ fileModeType a = Type.ref a fileModeRef
325 ┃ filePathType a = Type.ref a filePathRef
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Builtin.Decls.ioErrorType’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Builtin/Decls.hs:54:1: error: tlsPrivateKeyRef is unused
52 ┃ failureRef = lookupDeclRef "io2.Failure"
53 ┃ tlsSignedCertRef = lookupDeclRef "io2.Tls.SignedCert"
54 ┃ tlsPrivateKeyRef = lookupDeclRef "io2.Tls.PrivateKey"
55 ┃
56 ┃ fileModeRef, filePathRef, bufferModeRef, seekModeRef, seqViewRef :: Reference
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Builtin.Decls.tlsPrivateKeyRef’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Builtin/Decls.hs:53:1: error: tlsSignedCertRef is unused
51 ┃ stdHandleRef = lookupDeclRef "io2.StdHandle"
52 ┃ failureRef = lookupDeclRef "io2.Failure"
53 ┃ tlsSignedCertRef = lookupDeclRef "io2.Tls.SignedCert"
54 ┃ tlsPrivateKeyRef = lookupDeclRef "io2.Tls.PrivateKey"
55 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Builtin.Decls.tlsSignedCertRef’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Builtin/Decls.hs:332:1: error: tlsSignedCertType is unused
330 ┃
331 ┃ tlsSignedCertType :: Var v => a -> Type v a
332 ┃ tlsSignedCertType a = Type.ref a tlsSignedCertRef
333 ┃
334 ┃ unitTerm :: Var v => a -> Term v a
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Builtin.Decls.tlsSignedCertType’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Builtin/Decls.hs:379:1: error: unOptionalRef is unused
377 ┃ unUnitRef = (== unitRef)
378 ┃ unPairRef = (== pairRef)
379 ┃ unOptionalRef = (== optionalRef)
380 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Builtin.Decls.unOptionalRef’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Builtin/Decls.hs:378:1: error: unPairRef is unused
376 ┃ unUnitRef,unPairRef,unOptionalRef:: Reference -> Bool
377 ┃ unUnitRef = (== unitRef)
378 ┃ unPairRef = (== pairRef)
379 ┃ unOptionalRef = (== optionalRef)
380 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Builtin.Decls.unPairRef’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Builtin/Decls.hs:371:1: error: unTuplePattern is unused
369 ┃
370 ┃ unTuplePattern :: Pattern.Pattern loc -> Maybe [Pattern.Pattern loc]
371 ┃ unTuplePattern p = case p of
372 ┃ Pattern.Constructor _ PairRef 0 [fst, snd] -> (fst : ) <$> unTuplePattern snd
373 ┃ Pattern.Constructor _ UnitRef 0 [] -> Just []
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Builtin.Decls.unTuplePattern’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Builtin/Decls.hs:358:1: error: unTupleTerm is unused
356 ┃ :: Term.Term2 vt at ap v a
357 ┃ -> Maybe [Term.Term2 vt at ap v a]
358 ┃ unTupleTerm t = case t of
359 ┃ Term.Apps' (Term.Constructor' PairRef 0) [fst, snd] ->
360 ┃ (fst :) <$> unTupleTerm snd
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Builtin.Decls.unTupleTerm’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Builtin/Decls.hs:365:1: error: unTupleType is unused
363 ┃
364 ┃ unTupleType :: Var v => Type v a -> Maybe [Type v a]
365 ┃ unTupleType t = case t of
366 ┃ Type.Apps' (Type.Ref' PairRef) [fst, snd] -> (fst :) <$> unTupleType snd
367 ┃ Type.Ref' UnitRef -> Just []
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Builtin.Decls.unTupleType’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Builtin/Decls.hs:377:1: error: unUnitRef is unused
375 ┃
376 ┃ unUnitRef,unPairRef,unOptionalRef:: Reference -> Bool
377 ┃ unUnitRef = (== unitRef)
378 ┃ unPairRef = (== pairRef)
379 ┃ unOptionalRef = (== optionalRef)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Builtin.Decls.unUnitRef’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Builtin/Decls.hs:65:1: error: unitCtorRef is unused
63 ┃ pairCtorRef, unitCtorRef :: Referent
64 ┃ pairCtorRef = Referent.Con pairRef 0 CT.Data
65 ┃ unitCtorRef = Referent.Con unitRef 0 CT.Data
66 ┃
67 ┃ constructorId :: Reference -> Text -> Maybe Int
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Builtin.Decls.unitCtorRef’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase.hs:126:1: error: getTypeOfConstructor is unused
124 ┃ getTypeOfConstructor ::
125 ┃ (Monad m, Ord v) => Codebase m v a -> Reference -> Int -> m (Maybe (Type v a))
126 ┃ getTypeOfConstructor codebase (Reference.DerivedId r) cid = do
127 ┃ maybeDecl <- getTypeDeclaration codebase r
128 ┃ pure $ case maybeDecl of
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.getTypeOfConstructor’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Branch.hs:219:1: error: childrenR is unused
217 ┃ makeLenses ''Branch
218 ┃ makeLensesFor [("_edits", "edits")] ''Branch0
219 ┃ makeLenses ''Raw
220 ┃
221 ┃ toNames0 :: Branch0 m -> Names0
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Branch.childrenR’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Branch.hs:455:1: error: debugPaths is unused
453 ┃
454 ┃ debugPaths :: Branch m -> Set (Path, Hash)
455 ┃ debugPaths = go Path.empty where
456 ┃ go p b = Set.insert (p, headHash b) . Set.unions $
457 ┃ [ go (Path.snoc p seg) b | (seg, b) <- Map.toList $ _children (head b) ]
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Branch.debugPaths’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Branch.hs:608:1: error: deleteAt is unused
606 ┃
607 ┃ deleteAt :: Applicative m => Path -> Branch m -> Branch m
608 ┃ deleteAt path = setAt path empty
609 ┃
610 ┃ -- returns `Nothing` if no Branch at `path` or if Branch is empty at `path`
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Branch.deleteAt’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Branch.hs:219:1: error: editsR is unused
217 ┃ makeLenses ''Branch
218 ┃ makeLensesFor [("_edits", "edits")] ''Branch0
219 ┃ makeLenses ''Raw
220 ┃
221 ┃ toNames0 :: Branch0 m -> Names0
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Branch.editsR’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Branch.hs:229:1: error: findHistoricalSHs is unused
227 ┃ findHistoricalSHs
228 ┃ :: Monad m => Set ShortHash -> Branch m -> m (Set ShortHash, Names0)
229 ┃ findHistoricalSHs = findInHistory
230 ┃ (\sh r _n -> sh `SH.isPrefixOf` Referent.toShortHash r)
231 ┃ (\sh r _n -> sh `SH.isPrefixOf` Reference.toShortHash r)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Branch.findHistoricalSHs’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Branch.hs:571:1: error: fork is unused
569 ┃ -> Branch m
570 ┃ -> Either ForkFailure (Branch m)
571 ┃ fork src dest root = case getAt src root of
572 ┃ Nothing -> Left SrcNotFound
573 ┃ Just src' -> case setIfNotExists dest src' root of
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Branch.fork’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Branch.hs:841:1: error: lca is unused
839 ┃
840 ┃ lca :: Monad m => Branch m -> Branch m -> m (Maybe (Branch m))
841 ┃ lca (Branch a) (Branch b) = fmap Branch <$> Causal.lca a b
842 ┃
843 ┃ diff0 :: Monad m => Branch0 m -> Branch0 m -> m BranchDiff
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Branch.lca’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Branch.hs:747:1: error: modifyAt is unused
745 ┃ modifyAt :: Applicative m
746 ┃ => Path -> (Branch m -> Branch m) -> Branch m -> Branch m
747 ┃ modifyAt path f = runIdentity . modifyAtM path (pure . f)
748 ┃
749 ┃ -- Modify the Branch at `path` with `f`, after creating it if necessary.
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Branch.modifyAt’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Branch.hs:585:1: error: move is unused
583 ┃ -> Branch m
584 ┃ -> Either ForkFailure (Branch m)
585 ┃ move src dest root = case getAt src root of
586 ┃ Nothing -> Left SrcNotFound
587 ┃ Just src' ->
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Branch.move’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Branch.hs:475:1: error: numHashChars is unused
473 ┃ -- could move a Names0 to a read-only field in Branch0 until it gets too big
474 ┃ numHashChars :: Branch m -> Int
475 ┃ numHashChars _b = 3
476 ┃
477 ┃ -- This type is a little ugly, so we wrap it up with a nice type alias for
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Branch.numHashChars’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Branch.hs:452:1: error: printDebugPaths is unused
450 ┃
451 ┃ printDebugPaths :: Branch m -> String
452 ┃ printDebugPaths = unlines . map show . Set.toList . debugPaths
453 ┃
454 ┃ debugPaths :: Branch m -> Set (Path, Hash)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Branch.printDebugPaths’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Branch.hs:605:1: error: setAt is unused
603 ┃
604 ┃ setAt :: Applicative m => Path -> Branch m -> Branch m -> Branch m
605 ┃ setAt path b = modifyAt path (const b)
606 ┃
607 ┃ deleteAt :: Applicative m => Path -> Branch m -> Branch m
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Branch.setAt’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Branch.hs:600:1: error: setIfNotExists is unused
598 ┃ setIfNotExists
599 ┃ :: Applicative m => Path -> Branch m -> Branch m -> Maybe (Branch m)
600 ┃ setIfNotExists dest b root = case getAt dest root of
601 ┃ Just _destExists -> Nothing
602 ┃ Nothing -> Just $ setAt dest b root
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Branch.setIfNotExists’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Branch.hs:669:1: error: stepAt is unused
667 ┃ -> (Branch0 m -> Branch0 m)
668 ┃ -> Branch m -> Branch m
669 ┃ stepAt p f = modifyAt p g where
670 ┃ g :: Branch m -> Branch m
671 ┃ g (Branch b) = Branch . Causal.consDistinct (f (Causal.head b)) $ b
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Branch.stepAt’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Branch.hs:681:1: error: stepAtM is unused
679 ┃ stepAtM :: forall n m. (Functor n, Applicative m)
680 ┃ => Path -> (Branch0 m -> n (Branch0 m)) -> Branch m -> n (Branch m)
681 ┃ stepAtM p f = modifyAtM p g where
682 ┃ g :: Branch m -> n (Branch m)
683 ┃ g (Branch b) = do
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Branch.stepAtM’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Branch.hs:219:1: error: termsR is unused
217 ┃ makeLenses ''Branch
218 ┃ makeLensesFor [("_edits", "edits")] ''Branch0
219 ┃ makeLenses ''Raw
220 ┃
221 ┃ toNames0 :: Branch0 m -> Names0
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Branch.termsR’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Branch.hs:219:1: error: typesR is unused
217 ┃ makeLenses ''Branch
218 ┃ makeLensesFor [("_edits", "edits")] ''Branch0
219 ┃ makeLenses ''Raw
220 ┃
221 ┃ toNames0 :: Branch0 m -> Names0
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Branch.typesR’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/BranchUtil.hs:95:1: error: getTypeByShortHash is unused
93 ┃
94 ┃ getTypeByShortHash :: SH.ShortHash -> Branch0 m -> Set Reference
95 ┃ getTypeByShortHash sh b = filter sh $ Branch.deepTypeReferences b
96 ┃ where
97 ┃ filter sh = Set.filter (SH.isPrefixOf sh . Reference.toShortHash)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.BranchUtil.getTypeByShortHash’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/BranchUtil.hs:35:1: error: hashesFromNames0 is unused
33 ┃ -- can produce a pure value because there's no history to traverse
34 ┃ hashesFromNames0 :: Monad m => Names0 -> Map Branch.Hash (Branch m)
35 ┃ hashesFromNames0 = deepHashes . fromNames0 where
36 ┃ deepHashes :: Branch m -> Map Branch.Hash (Branch m)
37 ┃ deepHashes b = Map.singleton (Branch.headHash b) b
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.BranchUtil.hashesFromNames0’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Causal.hs:98:1: error: rawHead is unused
96 ┃
97 ┃ rawHead :: Raw h e -> e
98 ┃ rawHead (RawOne e ) = e
99 ┃ rawHead (RawCons e _) = e
100 ┃ rawHead (RawMerge e _) = e
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Causal.rawHead’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Causal.hs:270:1: error: step is unused
268 ┃
269 ┃ step :: (Applicative m, Hashable e) => (e -> e) -> Causal m h e -> Causal m h e
270 ┃ step f c = f (head c) `cons` c
271 ┃
272 ┃ stepDistinct :: (Applicative m, Eq e, Hashable e) => (e -> e) -> Causal m h e -> Causal m h e
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Causal.step’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Causal.hs:281:1: error: stepIf is unused
279 ┃ -> Causal m h e
280 ┃ -> Causal m h e
281 ┃ stepIf cond f c = if cond (head c) then step f c else c
282 ┃
283 ┃ stepM
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Causal.stepIf’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Causal.hs:285:1: error: stepM is unused
283 ┃ stepM
284 ┃ :: (Applicative m, Hashable e) => (e -> m e) -> Causal m h e -> m (Causal m h e)
285 ┃ stepM f c = (`cons` c) <$> f (head c)
286 ┃
287 ┃ stepDistinctM
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Causal.stepM’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Causal.hs:75:1: error: toGraph is unused
73 ┃ -> Causal m h e
74 ┃ -> m (Seq (RawHash h, RawHash h))
75 ┃ toGraph seen c = case c of
76 ┃ One _ _ -> pure Seq.empty
77 ┃ Cons h1 _ (h2, m) -> if Set.notMember h1 seen
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Causal.toGraph’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Editor/HandleInput.hs:141:1: error: _liftToAction is unused
139 ┃
140 ┃ _liftToAction :: m a -> Action m i v a
141 ┃ _liftToAction = lift . lift . Free.eval . Eval
142 ┃
143 ┃ data LoopState m v
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput._liftToAction’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Editor/HandleInput.hs:2084:1: error: _searchBranchPrefix is unused
2082 ┃ -- return `name` and `name.<everything>...`
2083 ┃ _searchBranchPrefix :: Branch m -> Name -> [SearchResult]
2084 ┃ _searchBranchPrefix b n = case Path.unsnoc (Path.fromName n) of
2085 ┃ Nothing -> []
2086 ┃ Just (init, last) -> case Branch.getAt init b of
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput._searchBranchPrefix’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Editor/SlurpComponent.hs:24:1: error: empty is unused
22 ┃
23 ┃ empty :: Ord v => SlurpComponent v
24 ┃ empty = SlurpComponent mempty mempty
25 ┃
26 ┃ difference :: Ord v => SlurpComponent v -> SlurpComponent v -> SlurpComponent v
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Editor.SlurpComponent.empty’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Editor/SlurpResult.hs:369:1: error: ex is unused
367 ┃ -- λ> putStrLn $ toANSI 80 ex
368 ┃ ex :: P.Pretty P.ColorText
369 ┃ ex = P.indentN 2 $ P.lines ["",
370 ┃ "▣ I've added these definitions: ", "",
371 ┃ P.indentN 2 . P.column2 $ [("a", "Nat"), ("map", "(a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]")],
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Editor.SlurpResult.ex’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Editor/SlurpResult.hs:134:1: error: isFailure is unused
132 ┃
133 ┃ isFailure :: Status -> Bool
134 ┃ isFailure s = case s of
135 ┃ TermExistingConstructorCollision -> True
136 ┃ ConstructorExistingTermCollision -> True
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Editor.SlurpResult.isFailure’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Editor/TodoOutput.hs:36:1: error: labeledDependencies is unused
34 ┃
35 ┃ labeledDependencies :: Ord v => TodoOutput v a -> Set LabeledDependency
36 ┃ labeledDependencies TodoOutput{..} = Set.fromList (
37 ┃ -- term refs
38 ┃ [LD.termRef r | (r, _) <- fst todoFrontier] <>
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Editor.TodoOutput.labeledDependencies’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/FileCodebase/Common.hs:418:1: error: doFileOnce is unused
416 ┃ -> (h -> m ()) -- do!
417 ┃ -> h -> m ()
418 ┃ doFileOnce destPath l getFilename f h =
419 ┃ unlessM (use (l . to (Set.member h))) $ do
420 ┃ l %= Set.insert h
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.FileCodebase.Common.doFileOnce’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/MainTerm.hs:95:1: error: mainTypes is unused
93 ┃
94 ┃ mainTypes :: Var v => a -> [Type v a]
95 ┃ mainTypes a = [nullaryMain a]
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.MainTerm.mainTypes’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Metadata.hs:63:1: error: append is unused
61 ┃ -- sequential composition, right-biased
62 ┃ append :: Metadata -> Metadata -> Metadata
63 ┃ append = Map.unionWith (flip const)
64 ┃
65 ┃ empty :: Metadata
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Metadata.append’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Metadata.hs:33:1: error: hasMetadata is unused
31 ┃
32 ┃ hasMetadata :: Ord a => a -> Type -> Value -> Star a n -> Bool
33 ┃ hasMetadata a t v = Set.member (t, v) . R.lookupDom a . Star3.d3
34 ┃
35 ┃ inserts :: (Ord a, Ord n) => [(a, Type, Value)] -> Star a n -> Star a n
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Metadata.hasMetadata’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Metadata.hs:59:1: error: merge is unused
57 ┃ -- parallel composition - commutative and associative
58 ┃ merge :: Metadata -> Metadata -> Metadata
59 ┃ merge = Map.unionWith (<>)
60 ┃
61 ┃ -- sequential composition, right-biased
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Metadata.merge’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Metadata.hs:72:1: error: toRelation is unused
70 ┃
71 ┃ toRelation :: Star3 a n x y -> Relation a n
72 ┃ toRelation = Star3.d1
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Metadata.toRelation’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Patch.hs:64:1: error: allReferences is unused
62 ┃
63 ┃ allReferences :: Patch -> Set Reference
64 ┃ allReferences p = typeReferences p <> termReferences p where
65 ┃ typeReferences p = Set.fromList
66 ┃ [ r | (old, TypeEdit.Replace new) <- R.toList (_typeEdits p)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Patch.allReferences’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Patch.hs:61:1: error: isEmpty is unused
59 ┃
60 ┃ isEmpty :: Patch -> Bool
61 ┃ isEmpty p = p == empty
62 ┃
63 ┃ allReferences :: Patch -> Set Reference
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Patch.isEmpty’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Path.hs:234:1: error: fromSplit' is unused
232 ┃
233 ┃ fromSplit' :: (Path', a) -> (Path, a)
234 ┃ fromSplit' (Path' (Left (Absolute p)), a) = (p, a)
235 ┃ fromSplit' (Path' (Right (Relative p)), a) = (p, a)
236 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Path.fromSplit'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Path.hs:144:1: error: optionalWordyNameSegment is unused
142 ┃
143 ┃ optionalWordyNameSegment :: String -> Either String NameSegment
144 ┃ optionalWordyNameSegment "" = Right $ NameSegment ""
145 ┃ optionalWordyNameSegment s = wordyNameSegment s
146 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Path.optionalWordyNameSegment’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Path.hs:247:1: error: relativeSingleton is unused
245 ┃
246 ┃ relativeSingleton :: NameSegment -> Relative
247 ┃ relativeSingleton = Relative . Path . Seq.singleton
248 ┃
249 ┃ toPath' :: Path -> Path'
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Path.relativeSingleton’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Path.hs:329:1: error: relativeToAncestor is unused
327 ┃ -- two inputs relativized to that ancestor.
328 ┃ relativeToAncestor :: Path -> Path -> (Path, Path, Path)
329 ┃ relativeToAncestor (Path a) (Path b) = case (a, b) of
330 ┃ (ha :<| ta, hb :<| tb) | ha == hb ->
331 ┃ let (ancestor, relA, relB) = relativeToAncestor (Path ta) (Path tb)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Path.relativeToAncestor’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Path.hs:250:1: error: toPath' is unused
248 ┃
249 ┃ toPath' :: Path -> Path'
250 ┃ toPath' = \case
251 ┃ Path (NameSegment "" :<| tail) -> Path' . Left . Absolute . Path $ tail
252 ┃ p -> Path' . Right . Relative $ p
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Path.toPath'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/SearchResult.hs:77:1: error: _fromNames is unused
75 ┃
76 ┃ _fromNames :: Names0 -> [SearchResult]
77 ┃ _fromNames n0@(Names terms types) = typeResults <> termResults where
78 ┃ typeResults =
79 ┃ [ typeResult (Names._hqTypeName n0 name r) r (Names._hqTypeAliases n0 name r)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.SearchResult._fromNames’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/SearchResult.hs:56:1: error: aliases is unused
54 ┃
55 ┃ aliases :: SearchResult -> Set HashQualified
56 ┃ aliases = \case
57 ┃ Tm t -> termAliases t
58 ┃ Tp t -> typeAliases t
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.SearchResult.aliases’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/SearchResult.hs:66:1: error: truncateAliases is unused
64 ┃
65 ┃ truncateAliases :: Int -> SearchResult -> SearchResult
66 ┃ truncateAliases n = \case
67 ┃ Tm (TermResult hq r as) -> termResult hq r ( (HQ.take n) as)
68 ┃ Tp (TypeResult hq r as) -> typeResult hq r ( (HQ.take n) as)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.SearchResult.truncateAliases’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Serialization/V1.hs:309:1: error: getFolded is unused
307 ┃
308 ┃ getFolded :: MonadGet m => (b -> a -> b) -> b -> m a -> m b
309 ┃ getFolded f z a =
310 ┃ foldl' f z <$> getList a
311 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Serialization.V1.getFolded’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Serialization/V1.hs:674:1: error: putLink is unused
672 ┃
673 ┃ putLink :: MonadPut m => (Hash, mb) -> m ()
674 ┃ putLink (h, _) = do
675 ┃ -- 0 means local; later we may have remote links with other ids
676 ┃ putWord8 0
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Serialization.V1.putLink’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/Serialization/V1.hs:580:1: error: putPair'' is unused
578 ┃ -> (a, b)
579 ┃ -> n (m ())
580 ┃ putPair'' putA putBn (a, b) = pure (putA a) *> putBn b
581 ┃
582 ┃ getPair :: MonadGet m => m a -> m b -> m (a,b)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.Serialization.V1.putPair''’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/ShortBranchHash.hs:25:1: error: fullFromHash is unused
23 ┃
24 ┃ fullFromHash :: Branch.Hash -> ShortBranchHash
25 ┃ fullFromHash = ShortBranchHash . Hash.base32Hex . Causal.unRawHash
26 ┃
27 ┃ -- abc -> SBH abc
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.ShortBranchHash.fullFromHash’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/ShortBranchHash.hs:18:1: error: toHash is unused
16 ┃
17 ┃ toHash :: ShortBranchHash -> Maybe Branch.Hash
18 ┃ toHash = fmap Causal.RawHash . Hash.fromBase32Hex . toText
19 ┃
20 ┃ fromHash :: Int -> Branch.Hash -> ShortBranchHash
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.ShortBranchHash.toHash’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/TermEdit.hs:43:1: error: isSame is unused
41 ┃
42 ┃ isSame :: TermEdit -> Bool
43 ┃ isSame e = case e of
44 ┃ Replace _ Same -> True
45 ┃ _ -> False
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.TermEdit.isSame’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codebase/TermEdit.hs:37:1: error: isTypePreserving is unused
35 ┃
36 ┃ isTypePreserving :: TermEdit -> Bool
37 ┃ isTypePreserving e = case e of
38 ┃ Replace _ Same -> True
39 ┃ Replace _ Subtype -> True
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codebase.TermEdit.isTypePreserving’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codecs.hs:282:1: error: lengthEncode is unused
280 ┃
281 ┃ lengthEncode :: MonadPut m => Text -> m ()
282 ┃ lengthEncode text = do
283 ┃ let bs = encodeUtf8 text
284 ┃ putLength $ B.length bs
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codecs.lengthEncode’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codecs.hs:269:1: error: putBackref is unused
267 ┃
268 ┃ putBackref :: MonadPut m => Pos -> m ()
269 ┃ putBackref = BS.serialize . VarInt
270 ┃
271 ┃ putLength :: (MonadPut m, Integral n, Integral (Unsigned n),
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codecs.putBackref’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codecs.hs:274:1: error: putLength is unused
272 ┃ Bits n, Bits (Unsigned n))
273 ┃ => n -> m ()
274 ┃ putLength = BS.serialize . VarInt
275 ┃
276 ┃ serializeMaybe :: (MonadPut m) => (a -> m ()) -> Maybe a -> m ()
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codecs.putLength’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codecs.hs:252:1: error: serializeBoolean is unused
250 ┃
251 ┃ serializeBoolean :: MonadPut m => Bool -> m ()
252 ┃ serializeBoolean False = putWord64be 0 *> putWord8 0
253 ┃ serializeBoolean True = putWord64be 1 *> putWord8 0
254 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codecs.serializeBoolean’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codecs.hs:263:1: error: serializeCase1 is unused
261 ┃ serializeCase1 :: (Var v, MonadPut m, MonadState Pos m)
262 ┃ => MatchCase p (Term v a) -> m (MatchCase p Pos)
263 ┃ serializeCase1 (MatchCase p guard body) = do
264 ┃ posg <- traverse serializeTerm guard
265 ┃ posb <- serializeTerm body
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codecs.serializeCase1’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codecs.hs:256:1: error: serializeCase2 is unused
254 ┃
255 ┃ serializeCase2 :: MonadPut m => MatchCase loc Pos -> m ()
256 ┃ serializeCase2 (MatchCase p guard body) = do
257 ┃ serializePattern p
258 ┃ serializeMaybe putBackref guard
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codecs.serializeCase2’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codecs.hs:321:1: error: serializeConstructorArities is unused
319 ┃
320 ┃ serializeConstructorArities :: MonadPut m => Reference -> [Int] -> m ()
321 ┃ serializeConstructorArities r constructorArities = do
322 ┃ serializeReference r
323 ┃ serializeFoldable (putWord32be . fromIntegral) constructorArities
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codecs.serializeConstructorArities’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codecs.hs:302:1: error: serializeConstructorType is unused
300 ┃
301 ┃ serializeConstructorType :: MonadPut m => ConstructorType.ConstructorType -> m ()
302 ┃ serializeConstructorType ct = case ct of
303 ┃ ConstructorType.Data -> putWord8 0
304 ┃ ConstructorType.Effect -> putWord8 1
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codecs.serializeConstructorType’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codecs.hs:328:1: error: serializeFile is unused
326 ┃ :: (MonadPut m, MonadState Pos m, Monoid a, Var v)
327 ┃ => UnisonFile v a -> Term v a -> m ()
328 ┃ serializeFile uf@(UnisonFile dataDecls effectDecls _ _) tm = do
329 ┃ let body = UF.uberTerm' uf tm
330 ┃ let dataDecls' = second DD.constructorArities <$> toList dataDecls
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codecs.serializeFile’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codecs.hs:237:1: error: serializeFloat is unused
235 ┃
236 ┃ serializeFloat :: MonadPut m => Double -> m ()
237 ┃ serializeFloat n = do
238 ┃ putByteString . BL.toStrict . toLazyByteString $ doubleBE n
239 ┃ putWord8 3
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codecs.serializeFloat’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codecs.hs:288:1: error: serializeFoldable is unused
286 ┃
287 ┃ serializeFoldable :: (MonadPut m, Foldable f) => (a -> m ()) -> f a -> m ()
288 ┃ serializeFoldable f fa = do
289 ┃ putLength $ length fa
290 ┃ traverse_ f fa
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codecs.serializeFoldable’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codecs.hs:247:1: error: serializeInt is unused
245 ┃
246 ┃ serializeInt :: MonadPut m => Int64 -> m ()
247 ┃ serializeInt n = do
248 ┃ putByteString . BL.toStrict . toLazyByteString $ int64BE n
249 ┃ putWord8 1
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codecs.serializeInt’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codecs.hs:277:1: error: serializeMaybe is unused
275 ┃
276 ┃ serializeMaybe :: (MonadPut m) => (a -> m ()) -> Maybe a -> m ()
277 ┃ serializeMaybe f b = case b of
278 ┃ Nothing -> putWord8 0
279 ┃ Just x -> putWord8 1 *> f x
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codecs.serializeMaybe’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codecs.hs:242:1: error: serializeNat is unused
240 ┃
241 ┃ serializeNat :: MonadPut m => Word64 -> m ()
242 ┃ serializeNat n = do
243 ┃ putWord64be n
244 ┃ putWord8 2
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codecs.serializeNat’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codecs.hs:207:1: error: serializePattern is unused
205 ┃
206 ┃ serializePattern :: MonadPut m => Pattern a -> m ()
207 ┃ serializePattern p = case p of
208 ┃ -- note: the putWord8 0 is the tag before any unboxed pattern
209 ┃ Pattern.Boolean _ b -> putWord8 0 *> serializeBoolean b
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codecs.serializePattern’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codecs.hs:307:1: error: serializeReference is unused
305 ┃
306 ┃ serializeReference :: MonadPut m => Reference -> m ()
307 ┃ serializeReference ref = case ref of
308 ┃ Builtin text -> do
309 ┃ putWord8 0
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codecs.serializeReference’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codecs.hs:293:1: error: serializeReferent is unused
291 ┃
292 ┃ serializeReferent :: MonadPut m => Referent.Referent -> m ()
293 ┃ serializeReferent r = case r of
294 ┃ Referent.Ref r -> putWord8 0 *> serializeReference r
295 ┃ Referent.Con r cid ct -> do
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codecs.serializeReferent’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Codecs.hs:39:1: error: serializeTerm is unused
37 ┃ => Term v a
38 ┃ -> m Pos
39 ┃ serializeTerm x = do
40 ┃ let putTag = do putWord8 111; putWord8 0
41 ┃ let incPosition = do pos <- get; modify' (+1); pure pos
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Codecs.serializeTerm’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/CommandLine.hs:136:1: error: completion is unused
134 ┃
135 ┃ completion :: String -> Line.Completion
136 ┃ completion s = Line.Completion s s True
137 ┃
138 ┃ completion' :: String -> Line.Completion
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.CommandLine.completion’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/CommandLine.hs:139:1: error: completion' is unused
137 ┃
138 ┃ completion' :: String -> Line.Completion
139 ┃ completion' s = Line.Completion s s False
140 ┃
141 ┃ prettyCompletion :: (String, P.Pretty P.ColorText) -> Line.Completion
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.CommandLine.completion'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/CommandLine.hs:155:1: error: fuzzyCompleteHashQualified is unused
153 ┃
154 ┃ fuzzyCompleteHashQualified :: Names0 -> String -> [Line.Completion]
155 ┃ fuzzyCompleteHashQualified b q0@(HQ.fromString -> query) = case query of
156 ┃ Nothing -> []
157 ┃ Just query ->
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.CommandLine.fuzzyCompleteHashQualified’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/CommandLine.hs:133:1: error: nothingTodo is unused
131 ┃
132 ┃ nothingTodo :: (ListLike s Char, IsString s) => P.Pretty s -> P.Pretty s
133 ┃ nothingTodo = emojiNote "😶"
134 ┃
135 ┃ completion :: String -> Line.Completion
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.CommandLine.nothingTodo’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/CommandLine.hs:215:1: error: plural is unused
213 ┃ -- `plural ["meow", "meow"] "cat" "cats" = "cats"`
214 ┃ plural :: Foldable f => f a -> b -> b -> b
215 ┃ plural items one other = case toList items of
216 ┃ [_] -> one
217 ┃ _ -> other
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.CommandLine.plural’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/CommandLine.hs:220:1: error: plural' is unused
218 ┃
219 ┃ plural' :: Integral a => a -> b -> b -> b
220 ┃ plural' 1 one _other = one
221 ┃ plural' _ _one other = other
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.CommandLine.plural'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/CommandLine.hs:145:1: error: prettyCompletion is unused
143 ┃ -- prettyCompletion (s, p) = Line.Completion s (P.toPlainUnbroken p) True
144 ┃ -- preserves formatting, but Haskeline doesn't know how to align
145 ┃ prettyCompletion (s, p) = Line.Completion s (P.toAnsiUnbroken p) True
146 ┃
147 ┃ -- avoids adding a space after successful completion
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.CommandLine.prettyCompletion’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/CommandLine.hs:124:1: error: problem is unused
122 ┃
123 ┃ problem :: (ListLike s Char, IsString s) => P.Pretty s -> P.Pretty s
124 ┃ problem = emojiNote "❗️"
125 ┃
126 ┃ bigproblem :: (ListLike s Char, IsString s) => P.Pretty s -> P.Pretty s
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.CommandLine.problem’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/CommandLine.hs:103:1: error: warnNote is unused
101 ┃
102 ┃ warnNote :: String -> String
103 ┃ warnNote s = "⚠️ " <> s
104 ┃
105 ┃ backtick :: IsString s => P.Pretty s -> P.Pretty s
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.CommandLine.warnNote’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/CommandLine/InputPattern.hs:76:1: error: maxArgs is unused
74 ┃
75 ┃ maxArgs :: InputPattern -> Maybe Int
76 ┃ maxArgs ip@(fmap fst . args -> args) = go args where
77 ┃ go [] = Just 0
78 ┃ go (Required : args) = (1 +) <$> go args
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.CommandLine.InputPattern.maxArgs’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/CommandLine/InputPattern.hs:68:1: error: minArgs is unused
66 ┃
67 ┃ minArgs :: InputPattern -> Int
68 ┃ minArgs ip@(fmap fst . args -> args) = go args where
69 ┃ go [] = 0
70 ┃ go (Required : args) = 1 + go args
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.CommandLine.InputPattern.minArgs’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/CommandLine/InputPatterns.hs:74:1: error: helpFor is unused
72 ┃
73 ┃ helpFor :: InputPattern -> Either (P.Pretty CT.ColorText) Input
74 ┃ helpFor p = I.parse help [I.patternName p]
75 ┃
76 ┃ mergeBuiltins :: InputPattern
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.CommandLine.InputPatterns.helpFor’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/CommandLine/InputPatterns.hs:70:1: error: makeExampleEOS is unused
68 ┃ makeExampleEOS ::
69 ┃ InputPattern -> [P.Pretty CT.ColorText] -> P.Pretty CT.ColorText
70 ┃ makeExampleEOS p args = $
71 ┃ backtick (intercalateMap " " id (P.nonEmpty $ fromString (I.patternName p) : args)) <> "."
72 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.CommandLine.InputPatterns.makeExampleEOS’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/CommandLine/InputPatterns.hs:56:1: error: patternName is unused
54 ┃
55 ┃ patternName :: InputPattern -> P.Pretty P.ColorText
56 ┃ patternName = fromString . I.patternName
57 ┃
58 ┃ -- `example list ["foo", "bar"]` (haskell) becomes `list foo bar` (pretty)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.CommandLine.InputPatterns.patternName’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/CommandLine/InputPatterns.hs:317:1: error: viewByPrefix is unused
315 ┃
316 ┃ viewByPrefix :: InputPattern
317 ┃ viewByPrefix = InputPattern
318 ┃ "view.recursive"
319 ┃ []
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.CommandLine.InputPatterns.viewByPrefix’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/CommandLine/OutputMessages.hs:1872:1: error: filestatusTip is unused
1870 ┃
1871 ┃ filestatusTip :: Pretty
1872 ┃ filestatusTip = tip "Use `help filestatus` to learn more."
1873 ┃
1874 ┃ prettyDiff :: Names.Diff -> Pretty
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.CommandLine.OutputMessages.filestatusTip’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/CommandLine/OutputMessages.hs:1074:1: error: prettyRelative is unused
1072 ┃
1073 ┃ prettyRelative :: Path.Relative -> Pretty
1074 ┃ prettyRelative = . P.shown
1075 ┃
1076 ┃ prettySBH :: IsString s => ShortBranchHash -> P.Pretty s
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.CommandLine.OutputMessages.prettyRelative’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/DataDeclaration.hs:159:1: error: constructorTerms is unused
157 ┃ -> DataDeclaration v a
158 ┃ -> [(Reference.Id, Term v a, Type v a)]
159 ┃ constructorTerms hashCtor f rid dd =
160 ┃ (\((a, _, t), (i, re@(Reference.DerivedId r))) -> (r, f a re i, t)) <$> zip
161 ┃ (constructors' dd)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.DataDeclaration.constructorTerms’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/DataDeclaration.hs:169:1: error: dataConstructorTerms is unused
167 ┃ -> DataDeclaration v a
168 ┃ -> [(Reference.Id, Term v a, Type v a)]
169 ┃ dataConstructorTerms = constructorTerms Term.hashConstructor Term.constructor
170 ┃
171 ┃ effectConstructorTerms
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.DataDeclaration.dataConstructorTerms’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/DataDeclaration.hs:176:1: error: effectConstructorTerms is unused
174 ┃ -> EffectDeclaration v a
175 ┃ -> [(Reference.Id, Term v a, Type v a)]
176 ┃ effectConstructorTerms rid ed =
177 ┃ constructorTerms Term.hashRequest Term.request rid $ toDataDecl ed
178 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.DataDeclaration.effectConstructorTerms’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/DataDeclaration.hs:93:1: error: generateConstructorRefs is unused
91 ┃ -> Int
92 ┃ -> [(ConstructorId, Reference)]
93 ┃ generateConstructorRefs hashCtor rid n =
94 ┃ (\i -> (i, hashCtor (Reference.DerivedId rid) i)) <$> [0 .. n]
95 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.DataDeclaration.generateConstructorRefs’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/DataDeclaration.hs:320:1: error: hash is unused
318 ┃ hash :: (Eq v, Var v, Ord h, Accumulate h)
319 ┃ => [(v, ABT.Term F v ())] -> [(v, h)]
320 ┃ hash recursiveDecls = zip (fst <$> recursiveDecls) hashes where
321 ┃ hashes = ABT.hash <$> toLetRec recursiveDecls
322 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.DataDeclaration.hash’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/DataDeclaration.hs:273:1: error: mkDataDecl is unused
271 ┃
272 ┃ mkDataDecl :: Modifier -> [v] -> [(v, Type v ())] -> DataDeclaration v ()
273 ┃ mkDataDecl m b cs = mkDataDecl' m () b $ map (\(v,t) -> ((),v,t)) cs
274 ┃
275 ┃ constructorArities :: DataDeclaration v a -> [Int]
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.DataDeclaration.mkDataDecl’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/DataDeclaration.hs:266:1: error: mkEffectDecl is unused
264 ┃
265 ┃ mkEffectDecl :: Modifier -> [v] -> [(v, Type v ())] -> EffectDeclaration v ()
266 ┃ mkEffectDecl m b cs = mkEffectDecl' m () b $ map (\(v, t) -> ((), v, t)) cs
267 ┃
268 ┃ mkDataDecl'
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.DataDeclaration.mkEffectDecl’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/DataDeclaration.hs:236:1: error: third is unused
234 ┃
235 ┃ third :: (a -> b) -> (x,y,a) -> (x,y,b)
236 ┃ third f (x,y,a) = (x, y, f a)
237 ┃
238 ┃ -- implementation of dataDeclToNames and effectDeclToNames
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.DataDeclaration.third’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/DataDeclaration.hs:324:1: error: toLetRec is unused
322 ┃
323 ┃ toLetRec :: Ord v => [(v, ABT.Term F v ())] -> [ABT.Term F v ()]
324 ┃ toLetRec decls = do1 <$> vs
325 ┃ where
326 ┃ (vs, decls') = unzip decls
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.DataDeclaration.toLetRec’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/DataDeclaration.hs:332:1: error: unsafeUnwrapType is unused
330 ┃
331 ┃ unsafeUnwrapType :: (Var v) => ABT.Term F v a -> Type v a
332 ┃ unsafeUnwrapType typ = ABT.transform f typ
333 ┃ where f (Type t) = t
334 ┃ f _ = error $ "Tried to unwrap a type that wasn't a type: " ++ show typ
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.DataDeclaration.unsafeUnwrapType’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/DataDeclaration.hs:80:1: error: withEffectDecl is unused
78 ┃ :: (DataDeclaration v a -> DataDeclaration v' a')
79 ┃ -> (EffectDeclaration v a -> EffectDeclaration v' a')
80 ┃ withEffectDecl f e = EffectDeclaration (f . toDataDecl $ e)
81 ┃
82 ┃ withEffectDeclM :: Functor f
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.DataDeclaration.withEffectDecl’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/HashQualified'.hs:33:1: error: fromHQ is unused
31 ┃
32 ┃ fromHQ :: HQ.HashQualified' n -> Maybe (HashQualified' n)
33 ┃ fromHQ = \case
34 ┃ HQ.NameOnly n -> Just $ NameOnly n
35 ┃ HQ.HashQualified n sh -> Just $ HashQualified n sh
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.HashQualified'.fromHQ’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/HashQualified.hs:130:1: error: fromName is unused
128 ┃
129 ┃ fromName :: n -> HashQualified' n
130 ┃ fromName = NameOnly
131 ┃
132 ┃ unsafeFromVar :: Var v => v -> HashQualified
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.HashQualified.fromName’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/HashQualified.hs:136:1: error: fromVar is unused
134 ┃
135 ┃ fromVar :: Var v => v -> Maybe HashQualified
136 ┃ fromVar = fromText .
137 ┃
138 ┃ toVar :: Var v => HashQualified -> v
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.HashQualified.fromVar’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/HashQualified.hs:57:1: error: hasName is unused
55 ┃
56 ┃ hasName, hasHash :: HashQualified -> Bool
57 ┃ hasName = isJust . toName
58 ┃ hasHash = isJust . toHash
59 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.HashQualified.hasName’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/LabeledDependency.hs:35:1: error: derivedTerm is unused
33 ┃
34 ┃ derivedType = X . Left . DerivedId
35 ┃ derivedTerm = X . Right . Ref . DerivedId
36 ┃ typeRef = X . Left
37 ┃ termRef = X . Right . Ref
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.LabeledDependency.derivedTerm’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/LabeledDependency.hs:34:1: error: derivedType is unused
32 ┃ effectConstructor :: Reference -> Int -> LabeledDependency
33 ┃
34 ┃ derivedType = X . Left . DerivedId
35 ┃ derivedTerm = X . Right . Ref . DerivedId
36 ┃ typeRef = X . Left
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.LabeledDependency.derivedType’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Lexer.hs:100:1: error: _Backticks is unused
98 ┃ type IsVirtual = Bool -- is it a virtual semi or an actual semi?
99 ┃
100 ┃ makePrisms ''Lexeme
101 ┃
102 ┃ space :: P ()
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Lexer._Backticks’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Lexer.hs:100:1: error: _Blank is unused
98 ┃ type IsVirtual = Bool -- is it a virtual semi or an actual semi?
99 ┃
100 ┃ makePrisms ''Lexeme
101 ┃
102 ┃ space :: P ()
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Lexer._Blank’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Lexer.hs:100:1: error: _Bytes is unused
98 ┃ type IsVirtual = Bool -- is it a virtual semi or an actual semi?
99 ┃
100 ┃ makePrisms ''Lexeme
101 ┃
102 ┃ space :: P ()
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Lexer._Bytes’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Lexer.hs:100:1: error: _Character is unused
98 ┃ type IsVirtual = Bool -- is it a virtual semi or an actual semi?
99 ┃
100 ┃ makePrisms ''Lexeme
101 ┃
102 ┃ space :: P ()
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Lexer._Character’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Lexer.hs:100:1: error: _Close is unused
98 ┃ type IsVirtual = Bool -- is it a virtual semi or an actual semi?
99 ┃
100 ┃ makePrisms ''Lexeme
101 ┃
102 ┃ space :: P ()
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Lexer._Close’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Lexer.hs:100:1: error: _Err is unused
98 ┃ type IsVirtual = Bool -- is it a virtual semi or an actual semi?
99 ┃
100 ┃ makePrisms ''Lexeme
101 ┃
102 ┃ space :: P ()
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Lexer._Err’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Lexer.hs:100:1: error: _Hash is unused
98 ┃ type IsVirtual = Bool -- is it a virtual semi or an actual semi?
99 ┃
100 ┃ makePrisms ''Lexeme
101 ┃
102 ┃ space :: P ()
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Lexer._Hash’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Lexer.hs:100:1: error: _Numeric is unused
98 ┃ type IsVirtual = Bool -- is it a virtual semi or an actual semi?
99 ┃
100 ┃ makePrisms ''Lexeme
101 ┃
102 ┃ space :: P ()
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Lexer._Numeric’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Lexer.hs:100:1: error: _Open is unused
98 ┃ type IsVirtual = Bool -- is it a virtual semi or an actual semi?
99 ┃
100 ┃ makePrisms ''Lexeme
101 ┃
102 ┃ space :: P ()
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Lexer._Open’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Lexer.hs:100:1: error: _Reserved is unused
98 ┃ type IsVirtual = Bool -- is it a virtual semi or an actual semi?
99 ┃
100 ┃ makePrisms ''Lexeme
101 ┃
102 ┃ space :: P ()
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Lexer._Reserved’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Lexer.hs:100:1: error: _Semi is unused
98 ┃ type IsVirtual = Bool -- is it a virtual semi or an actual semi?
99 ┃
100 ┃ makePrisms ''Lexeme
101 ┃
102 ┃ space :: P ()
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Lexer._Semi’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Lexer.hs:100:1: error: _SymbolyId is unused
98 ┃ type IsVirtual = Bool -- is it a virtual semi or an actual semi?
99 ┃
100 ┃ makePrisms ''Lexeme
101 ┃
102 ┃ space :: P ()
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Lexer._SymbolyId’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Lexer.hs:100:1: error: _Textual is unused
98 ┃ type IsVirtual = Bool -- is it a virtual semi or an actual semi?
99 ┃
100 ┃ makePrisms ''Lexeme
101 ┃
102 ┃ space :: P ()
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Lexer._Textual’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Lexer.hs:100:1: error: _WordyId is unused
98 ┃ type IsVirtual = Bool -- is it a virtual semi or an actual semi?
99 ┃
100 ┃ makePrisms ''Lexeme
101 ┃
102 ┃ space :: P ()
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Lexer._WordyId’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Name.hs:104:1: error: _stripTextPrefix is unused
102 ┃ -- stripTextPrefix "" a.b.c = undefined
103 ┃ _stripTextPrefix :: Text -> Name -> Maybe Name
104 ┃ _stripTextPrefix prefix name =
105 ┃ Name <$> Text.stripPrefix prefix (toText name)
106 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Name._stripTextPrefix’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Name.hs:89:1: error: isPrefixOf is unused
87 ┃
88 ┃ isPrefixOf :: Name -> Name -> Bool
89 ┃ a `isPrefixOf` b = toText a `Text.isPrefixOf` toText b
90 ┃
91 ┃ -- `endsWithSegments` bar.baz == True
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Name.isPrefixOf’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Name.hs:67:1: error: sortNamed' is unused
65 ┃ -- names are equal.
66 ┃ sortNamed' :: (a -> Name) -> (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a]
67 ┃ sortNamed' by by2 as = let
68 ┃ as' = [ (a, toText (by a)) | a <- as ]
69 ┃ comp (a,s) (a2,s2) = RFC5051.compareUnicode s s2 <> by2 a a2
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Name.sortNamed'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Name.hs:53:1: error: sortNames is unused
51 ┃
52 ┃ sortNames :: [Name] -> [Name]
53 ┃ sortNames = sortNamed id
54 ┃
55 ┃ sortNamed :: (a -> Name) -> [a] -> [a]
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Name.sortNames’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Name.hs:120:1: error: stripPrefixes is unused
118 ┃ -- a.b.c.d -> d
119 ┃ stripPrefixes :: Name -> Name
120 ┃ stripPrefixes = fromSegment . last . segments
121 ┃
122 ┃ joinDot :: Name -> Name -> Name
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Name.stripPrefixes’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/NameSegment.hs:28:1: error: isEmpty is unused
26 ┃
27 ┃ isEmpty :: NameSegment -> Bool
28 ┃ isEmpty ns = toText ns == mempty
29 ┃
30 ┃ isPrefixOf :: NameSegment -> NameSegment -> Bool
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.NameSegment.isEmpty’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/NameSegment.hs:31:1: error: isPrefixOf is unused
29 ┃
30 ┃ isPrefixOf :: NameSegment -> NameSegment -> Bool
31 ┃ isPrefixOf n1 n2 = Text.isPrefixOf (toText n1) (toText n2)
32 ┃
33 ┃ toString :: NameSegment -> String
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.NameSegment.isPrefixOf’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Names2.hs:148:1: error: _unionLeftRef is unused
146 ┃ -- = [foo -> #a, bar -> #a, foo -> #b, cat -> #c]
147 ┃ _unionLeftRef :: Ord n => Names' n -> Names' n -> Names' n
148 ┃ _unionLeftRef = unionLeft' $ const R.memberRan
149 ┃
150 ┃ -- unionLeft two Names, but don't create new aliases or new name conflicts.
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Names2._unionLeftRef’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Names2.hs:288:1: error: filter is unused
286 ┃
287 ┃ filter :: Ord n => (n -> Bool) -> Names' n -> Names' n
288 ┃ filter f (Names terms types) = Names (R.filterDom f terms) (R.filterDom f types)
289 ┃
290 ┃ -- currently used for filtering before a conditional `add`
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Names2.filter’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Names2.hs:306:1: error: filterTypes is unused
304 ┃
305 ┃ filterTypes :: Ord n => (n -> Bool) -> Names' n -> Names' n
306 ┃ filterTypes f (Names terms types) = Names terms (R.filterDom f types)
307 ┃
308 ┃ difference :: Ord n => Names' n -> Names' n -> Names' n
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Names2.filterTypes’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Names3.hs:55:1: error: filterTypes is unused
53 ┃
54 ┃ filterTypes :: (Name -> Bool) -> Names0 -> Names0
55 ┃ filterTypes = Unison.Names2.filterTypes
56 ┃
57 ┃ -- Simple 2 way diff, has the property that:
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Names3.filterTypes’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Names3.hs:141:1: error: hasTermNamed is unused
139 ┃
140 ┃ hasTermNamed :: Name -> Names -> Bool
141 ┃ hasTermNamed n ns = not (Set.null $ lookupHQTerm (HQ.NameOnly n) ns)
142 ┃
143 ┃ hasTypeNamed :: Name -> Names -> Bool
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Names3.hasTermNamed’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Names3.hs:79:1: error: isEmpty0 is unused
77 ┃
78 ┃ isEmpty0 :: Names0 -> Bool
79 ┃ isEmpty0 n = R.null (terms0 n) && R.null (types0 n)
80 ┃
81 ┃ -- Add `n1` to `currentNames`, shadowing anything with the same name and
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Names3.isEmpty0’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Names3.hs:76:1: error: isEmptyDiff is unused
74 ┃
75 ┃ isEmptyDiff :: Diff -> Bool
76 ┃ isEmptyDiff d = isEmpty0 (addedNames d) && isEmpty0 (removedNames d)
77 ┃
78 ┃ isEmpty0 :: Names0 -> Bool
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Names3.isEmptyDiff’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Parsers.hs:63:1: error: readAndParseFile is unused
61 ┃ -> FilePath
62 ┃ -> IO (Either (Parser.Err v) (UnisonFile v Ann))
63 ┃ readAndParseFile penv fileName = do
64 ┃ txt <- readFile fileName
65 ┃ let src = Text.unpack txt
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Parsers.readAndParseFile’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Parsers.hs:80:1: error: unsafeParseFileBuiltinsOnly is unused
78 ┃ unsafeParseFileBuiltinsOnly
79 ┃ :: FilePath -> IO (UnisonFile Symbol Ann)
80 ┃ unsafeParseFileBuiltinsOnly =
81 ┃ unsafeReadAndParseFile $ Parser.ParsingEnv
82 ┃ mempty
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Parsers.unsafeParseFileBuiltinsOnly’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Parsers.hs:69:1: error: unsafeParseTerm is unused
67 ┃
68 ┃ unsafeParseTerm :: Var v => String -> Parser.ParsingEnv -> Term v Ann
69 ┃ unsafeParseTerm s = fmap (unsafeGetRightFrom s) . parseTerm $ s
70 ┃
71 ┃ unsafeReadAndParseFile
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Parsers.unsafeParseTerm’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Parsers.hs:73:1: error: unsafeReadAndParseFile is unused
71 ┃ unsafeReadAndParseFile
72 ┃ :: Parser.ParsingEnv -> FilePath -> IO (UnisonFile Symbol Ann)
73 ┃ unsafeReadAndParseFile penv fileName = do
74 ┃ txt <- readFile fileName
75 ┃ let str = Text.unpack txt
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Parsers.unsafeReadAndParseFile’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Path.hs:33:1: error: isSubpath is unused
31 ┃ -- | `isSubpath p1 p2` is true if `p2 == extend p1 x` for some `x`
32 ┃ isSubpath :: (Eq p, Path p) => p -> p -> Bool
33 ┃ isSubpath p1 p2 = lca p1 p2 == p1
34 ┃
35 ┃ instance Eq a => Path (Maybe a) where
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Path.isSubpath’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Path.hs:29:1: error: lca is unused
27 ┃ -- | Compute the lowest common ancestor of two paths
28 ┃ lca :: Path p => p -> p -> p
29 ┃ lca p p2 = fst (factor p p2)
30 ┃
31 ┃ -- | `isSubpath p1 p2` is true if `p2 == extend p1 x` for some `x`
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Path.lca’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Paths.hs:203:1: error: asDeclaration is unused
201 ┃
202 ┃ asDeclaration :: Target v -> Maybe (v, Term v)
203 ┃ asDeclaration (Declaration v b) = Just (v,b)
204 ┃ asDeclaration _ = Nothing
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Paths.asDeclaration’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Paths.hs:191:1: error: asTerm is unused
189 ┃
190 ┃ asTerm :: Target v -> Maybe (Term v)
191 ┃ asTerm (Term t) = Just t
192 ┃ asTerm _ = Nothing
193 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Paths.asTerm’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Paths.hs:195:1: error: asType is unused
193 ┃
194 ┃ asType :: Target v -> Maybe (Type v)
195 ┃ asType (Type t) = Just t
196 ┃ asType _ = Nothing
197 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Paths.asType’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Paths.hs:199:1: error: asVar is unused
197 ┃
198 ┃ asVar :: Target v -> Maybe v
199 ┃ asVar (Var v) = Just v
200 ┃ asVar _ = Nothing
201 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Paths.asVar’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Paths.hs:126:1: error: at is unused
124 ┃
125 ┃ at :: Var v => Path -> Target v -> Maybe (Target v)
126 ┃ at path t = (\(a,_,_) -> a) <$> focus path t
127 ┃
128 ┃ atTerm :: Var v => Path -> Term v -> Maybe (Term v)
Delete this definition or add ‘’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Paths.hs:129:1: error: atTerm is unused
127 ┃
128 ┃ atTerm :: Var v => Path -> Term v -> Maybe (Term v)
129 ┃ atTerm path t = asTerm =<< at path (Term t)
130 ┃
131 ┃ atType :: Var v => Path -> Type v -> Maybe (Type v)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Paths.atTerm’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Paths.hs:132:1: error: atType is unused
130 ┃
131 ┃ atType :: Var v => Path -> Type v -> Maybe (Type v)
132 ┃ atType path t = asType =<< at path (Type t)
133 ┃
134 ┃ modify :: Var v => (Target v -> Target (V v)) -> Path -> Target v -> Maybe (Target v)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Paths.atType’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Paths.hs:122:1: error: focus is unused
120 ┃
121 ┃ focus :: Var v => Path -> Target v -> Maybe (Target v, Target (V v) -> Maybe (Target v), [v])
122 ┃ focus p t = tweak <$> ABT.focus (foldr ABT.compose (map focus1 p)) t where
123 ┃ tweak (get, set, vs) = (get, \t -> vmap ABT.unvar <$> set t, vs)
124 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Paths.focus’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Paths.hs:47:1: error: focus1 is unused
45 ┃ => PathElement
46 ┃ -> ABT.Path (Target v) (Target (V v)) (Target v) (Target (V v)) [v]
47 ┃ focus1 e = ABT.Path go'
48 ┃ where
49 ┃ go' t = go e t
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Paths.focus1’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Paths.hs:153:1: error: inScopeAt is unused
151 ┃
152 ┃ inScopeAt :: Var v => Path -> Target v -> [v]
153 ┃ inScopeAt p t = maybe [] (\(_,_,vs) -> vs) (focus p t)
154 ┃
155 ┃ inScopeAtTerm :: Var v => Path -> Term v -> [v]
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Paths.inScopeAt’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Paths.hs:156:1: error: inScopeAtTerm is unused
154 ┃
155 ┃ inScopeAtTerm :: Var v => Path -> Term v -> [v]
156 ┃ inScopeAtTerm p t = inScopeAt p (Term t)
157 ┃
158 ┃ inScopeAtType :: Var v => Path -> Type v -> [v]
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Paths.inScopeAtTerm’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Paths.hs:159:1: error: inScopeAtType is unused
157 ┃
158 ┃ inScopeAtType :: Var v => Path -> Type v -> [v]
159 ┃ inScopeAtType p t = inScopeAt p (Type t)
160 ┃
161 ┃ insertTerm :: Var v => Path -> Term v -> Maybe (Term v)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Paths.inScopeAtType’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Paths.hs:162:1: error: insertTerm is unused
160 ┃
161 ┃ insertTerm :: Var v => Path -> Term v -> Maybe (Term v)
162 ┃ insertTerm at _ | null at = Nothing
163 ┃ insertTerm at ctx = do
164 ┃ let at' = init at
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Paths.insertTerm’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Paths.hs:135:1: error: modify is unused
133 ┃
134 ┃ modify :: Var v => (Target v -> Target (V v)) -> Path -> Target v -> Maybe (Target v)
135 ┃ modify f path t = focus path t >>= \(at,set,_) -> set (f at)
136 ┃
137 ┃ modifyTerm :: Var v => (Term v -> Term (V v)) -> Path -> Term v -> Maybe (Term v)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Paths.modify’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Paths.hs:138:1: error: modifyTerm is unused
136 ┃
137 ┃ modifyTerm :: Var v => (Term v -> Term (V v)) -> Path -> Term v -> Maybe (Term v)
138 ┃ modifyTerm f p t = do
139 ┃ (at,set,_) <- focus p (Term t)
140 ┃ t <- asTerm at
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Paths.modifyTerm’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Paths.hs:144:1: error: modifyTerm' is unused
142 ┃
143 ┃ modifyTerm' :: Var v => (Term v -> Term (V v)) -> Path -> Term v -> Term v
144 ┃ modifyTerm' f p t = fromMaybe t $ modifyTerm f p t
145 ┃
146 ┃ modifyType :: Var v => (Type v -> Type (V v)) -> Path -> Type v -> Maybe (Type v)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Paths.modifyTerm'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Paths.hs:147:1: error: modifyType is unused
145 ┃
146 ┃ modifyType :: Var v => (Type v -> Type (V v)) -> Path -> Type v -> Maybe (Type v)
147 ┃ modifyType f p t = do
148 ┃ (at,set,_) <- focus p (Type t)
149 ┃ t <- asType at
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Paths.modifyType’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Paths.hs:184:1: error: parent is unused
182 ┃
183 ┃ parent :: Path -> Maybe Path
184 ┃ parent [] = Nothing
185 ┃ parent p = Just (init p)
186 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Paths.parent’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Paths.hs:188:1: error: parent' is unused
186 ┃
187 ┃ parent' :: Path -> Path
188 ┃ parent' = fromMaybe [] . parent
189 ┃
190 ┃ asTerm :: Target v -> Maybe (Term v)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Paths.parent'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Paths.hs:181:1: error: pathExtend is unused
179 ┃ -- | Add an element onto the end of this 'Path'
180 ┃ pathExtend :: PathElement -> Path -> Path
181 ┃ pathExtend e p = p ++ [e]
182 ┃
183 ┃ parent :: Path -> Maybe Path
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Paths.pathExtend’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Paths.hs:177:1: error: pathPrefixes is unused
175 ┃ -- | Return the list of all prefixes of the input path
176 ┃ pathPrefixes :: Path -> [Path]
177 ┃ pathPrefixes = inits
178 ┃
179 ┃ -- | Add an element onto the end of this 'Path'
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Paths.pathPrefixes’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Paths.hs:26:1: error: vmap is unused
24 ┃
25 ┃ vmap :: Ord v2 => (v -> v2) -> Target v -> Target v2
26 ┃ vmap f (Var v) = Var (f v)
27 ┃ vmap f (Declaration v b) = Declaration (f v) (E.vmap f b)
28 ┃ vmap f (Term t) = Term (E.vmap f t)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Paths.vmap’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Pattern.hs:64:1: error: application is unused
62 ┃
63 ┃ application :: Pattern loc -> Bool
64 ┃ application (Constructor _ _ _ (_ : _)) = True
65 ┃ application _ = False
66 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Pattern.application’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Pattern.hs:161:1: error: labeledDependencies is unused
159 ┃
160 ┃ labeledDependencies :: Pattern loc -> Set LabeledDependency
161 ┃ labeledDependencies = generalizedDependencies LD.typeRef
162 ┃ LD.dataConstructor
163 ┃ LD.typeRef
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Pattern.labeledDependencies’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/PrettyPrintEnv.hs:86:1: error: assignTermName is unused
84 ┃
85 ┃ assignTermName :: Referent -> HashQualified -> PrettyPrintEnv -> PrettyPrintEnv
86 ┃ assignTermName r name = (fromTermNames [(r,name)] `unionLeft`)
87 ┃
88 ┃ fromTypeNames :: [(Reference,HashQualified)] -> PrettyPrintEnv
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.PrettyPrintEnv.assignTermName’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/PrettyPrintEnv.hs:94:1: error: fromTermNames is unused
92 ┃
93 ┃ fromTermNames :: [(Referent,HashQualified)] -> PrettyPrintEnv
94 ┃ fromTermNames tms = let
95 ┃ m = Map.fromList tms
96 ┃ in PrettyPrintEnv (`Map.lookup` m) (const Nothing)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.PrettyPrintEnv.fromTermNames’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/PrettyPrintEnv.hs:89:1: error: fromTypeNames is unused
87 ┃
88 ┃ fromTypeNames :: [(Reference,HashQualified)] -> PrettyPrintEnv
89 ┃ fromTypeNames types = let
90 ┃ m = Map.fromList types
91 ┃ in PrettyPrintEnv (const Nothing) (`Map.lookup` m)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.PrettyPrintEnv.fromTypeNames’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/PrettyTerminal.hs:11:1: error: stripSurroundingBlanks is unused
9 ┃
10 ┃ stripSurroundingBlanks :: String -> String
11 ┃ stripSurroundingBlanks s = unlines (dropWhile isBlank . dropWhileEnd isBlank $ lines s) where
12 ┃ isBlank line = all isSpace line
13 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.PrettyTerminal.stripSurroundingBlanks’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/PrintError.hs:882:1: error: _posToEnglish is unused
880 ┃
881 ┃ _posToEnglish :: IsString s => L.Pos -> s
882 ┃ _posToEnglish (L.Pos l c) =
883 ┃ fromString $ "Line " ++ show l ++ ", Column " ++ show c
884 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.PrintError._posToEnglish’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/PrintError.hs:968:1: error: _printArrowsAtPos is unused
966 ┃
967 ┃ _printArrowsAtPos :: String -> Int -> Int -> String
968 ┃ _printArrowsAtPos s line column =
969 ┃ let lineCaret s i = s ++ if i == line then "\n" ++ columnCaret else ""
970 ┃ columnCaret = replicate (column - 1) '-' ++ "^"
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.PrintError._printArrowsAtPos’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/PrintError.hs:962:1: error: _printPosRange is unused
960 ┃
961 ┃ _printPosRange :: String -> L.Pos -> L.Pos -> String
962 ┃ _printPosRange s (L.Pos startLine startCol) _end =
963 ┃ -- todo: multi-line ranges
964 ┃ -- todo: ranges
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.PrintError._printPosRange’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/PrintError.hs:839:1: error: arrows is unused
837 ┃
838 ┃ arrows :: (IsString a, Monoid a) => (b -> a) -> [b] -> a
839 ┃ arrows = intercalateMap " ->"
840 ┃
841 ┃ commas :: (IsString a, Monoid a) => (b -> a) -> [b] -> a
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.PrintError.arrows’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/PrintError.hs:1328:1: error: findTerm is unused
1326 ┃
1327 ┃ findTerm :: Seq (C.PathElement v loc) -> Maybe loc
1328 ┃ findTerm = go
1329 ┃ where
1330 ┃ go (C.InSynthesize t :<| _) = Just $ ABT.annotation t
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.PrintError.findTerm’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/PrintError.hs:978:1: error: firstLexerError is unused
976 ┃
977 ┃ firstLexerError :: Foldable t => t (L.Token L.Lexeme) -> Maybe ([L.Token L.Lexeme], L.Err)
978 ┃ firstLexerError ts =
979 ┃ find (const True) [ (toList ts, e) | (L.payload -> L.Err e) <- toList ts ]
980 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.PrintError.firstLexerError’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/PrintError.hs:96:1: error: showTypeWithProvenance is unused
94 ┃ -> Type v a
95 ┃ -> Pretty (AnnotatedText style)
96 ┃ showTypeWithProvenance env src color typ =
97 ┃ style color (renderType' env typ)
98 ┃ <> ".\n"
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.PrintError.showTypeWithProvenance’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/PrintError.hs:877:1: error: styleInOverallType is unused
875 ┃ -> Color
876 ┃ -> Pretty ColorText
877 ┃ styleInOverallType e overallType leafType c = renderType e f overallType
878 ┃ where
879 ┃ f loc s = if loc == ABT.annotation leafType then c <$> s else s
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.PrintError.styleInOverallType’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/PrintError.hs:1312:1: error: tokensAsErrorSite is unused
1310 ┃
1311 ┃ tokensAsErrorSite :: String -> [L.Token a] -> Pretty ColorText
1312 ┃ tokensAsErrorSite src ts =
1313 ┃ showSource src [(rangeForToken t, ErrorSite) | t <- ts ]
1314 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.PrintError.tokensAsErrorSite’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Reference.hs:166:1: error: groupByComponent is unused
164 ┃
165 ┃ groupByComponent :: [(k, Reference)] -> [[(k, Reference)]]
166 ┃ groupByComponent refs = done $ foldl' insert Map.empty refs
167 ┃ where
168 ┃ insert m (k, r@(Derived h _ _)) =
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Reference.groupByComponent’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Reference.hs:108:1: error: showShort is unused
106 ┃
107 ┃ showShort :: Int -> Reference -> Text
108 ┃ showShort numHashChars = SH.toText . SH.take numHashChars . toShortHash
109 ┃
110 ┃ type Pos = Word64
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Reference.showShort’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Reference.hs:130:1: error: unsafeFromText is unused
128 ┃
129 ┃ unsafeFromText :: Text -> Reference
130 ┃ unsafeFromText = either error id . fromText
131 ┃
132 ┃ idFromText :: Text -> Maybe Id
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Reference.unsafeFromText’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Referent.hs:54:1: error: showShort is unused
52 ┃
53 ┃ showShort :: Int -> Referent -> Text
54 ┃ showShort numHashChars = SH.toText . SH.take numHashChars . toShortHash
55 ┃
56 ┃ toText :: Referent -> Text
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Referent.showShort’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Referent.hs:69:1: error: toString is unused
67 ┃
68 ┃ toString :: Referent -> String
69 ┃ toString = Text.unpack . toText
70 ┃
71 ┃ isConstructor :: Referent -> Bool
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Referent.toString’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Referent.hs:76:1: error: toTermReference is unused
74 ┃
75 ┃ toTermReference :: Referent -> Maybe Reference
76 ┃ toTermReference = \case
77 ┃ Ref r -> Just r
78 ┃ _ -> Nothing
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Referent.toTermReference’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Referent.hs:100:1: error: unsafeFromText is unused
98 ┃
99 ┃ unsafeFromText :: Text -> Referent
100 ┃ unsafeFromText = fromMaybe (error "invalid referent") . fromText
101 ┃
102 ┃ -- #abc[.xy][#<T>cid]
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Referent.unsafeFromText’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Result.hs:54:1: error: isFailure is unused
52 ┃
53 ┃ isFailure :: Functor f => ResultT note f a -> f Bool
54 ┃ isFailure = (isNothing . fst <$>) . runResultT
55 ┃
56 ┃ toMaybe :: Functor f => ResultT note f a -> f (Maybe a)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Result.isFailure’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Result.hs:51:1: error: isSuccess is unused
49 ┃
50 ┃ isSuccess :: Functor f => ResultT note f a -> f Bool
51 ┃ isSuccess = (isJust . fst <$>) . runResultT
52 ┃
53 ┃ isFailure :: Functor f => ResultT note f a -> f Bool
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Result.isSuccess’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Result.hs:45:1: error: result is unused
43 ┃
44 ┃ result :: Result notes a -> Maybe a
45 ┃ result (Result _ may) = may
46 ┃
47 ┃ pattern Result notes may = MaybeT (WriterT (Identity (may, notes)))
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Result.result’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Result.hs:67:1: error: toEither is unused
65 ┃
66 ┃ toEither :: Functor f => ResultT notes f a -> ExceptT notes f a
67 ┃ toEither r = ExceptT (go <$> runResultT r)
68 ┃ where go (may, notes) = note notes may
69 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Result.toEither’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/ANF.hs:636:1: error: bind is unused
634 ┃
635 ┃ bind :: Var v => Cte v -> ANormal v -> ANormal v
636 ┃ bind (ST d us ms bu) = TLets d us ms bu
637 ┃ bind (LZ u f as) = TName u f as
638 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.ANF.bind’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/ANF.hs:1389:1: error: indent is unused
1387 ┃
1388 ┃ indent :: Int -> ShowS
1389 ┃ indent ind = showString (replicate (ind*2) ' ')
1390 ┃
1391 ┃ prettyGroup :: Var v => String -> SuperGroup v -> ShowS
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.ANF.indent’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/ANF.hs:588:1: error: matchLit is unused
586 ┃
587 ┃ matchLit :: Term v a -> Maybe Lit
588 ┃ matchLit (Int' i) = Just $ I i
589 ┃ matchLit (Nat' n) = Just $ N n
590 ┃ matchLit (Float' f) = Just $ F f
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.ANF.matchLit’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/ANF.hs:356:1: error: optimize is unused
354 ┃
355 ┃ optimize :: forall a v . (Semigroup a, Var v) => Term v a -> Term v a
356 ┃ optimize t = go t where
357 ┃ ann = ABT.annotation
358 ┃ go (Let1' b body) | canSubstLet b body = go (ABT.bind body b)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.ANF.optimize’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/ANF.hs:512:1: error: packTags is unused
510 ┃
511 ┃ packTags :: RTag -> CTag -> Word64
512 ┃ packTags (RTag rt) (CTag ct) = ri .|. ci
513 ┃ where
514 ┃ ri = rt `shiftL` 16
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.ANF.packTags’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/ANF.hs:1437:1: error: prettyANF is unused
1435 ┃
1436 ┃ prettyANF :: Var v => Bool -> Int -> ANormal v -> ShowS
1437 ┃ prettyANF m ind tm = prettySpace (reqSpace m tm) ind . case tm of
1438 ┃ TLets _ vs _ bn bo
1439 ┃ -> prettyRBind vs
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.ANF.prettyANF’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/ANF.hs:1497:1: error: prettyBranches is unused
1495 ┃
1496 ┃ prettyBranches :: Var v => Int -> Branched (ANormal v) -> ShowS
1497 ┃ prettyBranches ind bs = case bs of
1498 ┃ MatchEmpty -> showString "{}"
1499 ┃ MatchIntegral bs df
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.ANF.prettyBranches’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/ANF.hs:1525:1: error: prettyCase is unused
1523 ┃
1524 ┃ prettyCase :: Var v => Int -> ShowS -> ANormal v -> ShowS -> ShowS
1525 ┃ prettyCase ind sc (ABTN.TAbss vs e) r
1526 ┃ = showString "\n" . indent ind . sc . prettyVars vs
1527 ┃ . showString " ->" . prettyANF False (ind+1) e . r
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.ANF.prettyCase’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/ANF.hs:1483:1: error: prettyFunc is unused
1481 ┃
1482 ┃ prettyFunc :: Var v => Func v -> ShowS
1483 ┃ prettyFunc (FVar v) = pvar v . showString " "
1484 ┃ prettyFunc (FCont v) = pvar v . showString " "
1485 ┃ prettyFunc (FComb w) = showString "ENV(" . shows w . showString ")"
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.ANF.prettyFunc’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/ANF.hs:1392:1: error: prettyGroup is unused
1390 ┃
1391 ┃ prettyGroup :: Var v => String -> SuperGroup v -> ShowS
1392 ┃ prettyGroup s (Rec grp ent)
1393 ┃ = showString ("let rec[" ++ s ++ "]\n")
1394 ┃ . foldr f id grp
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.ANF.prettyGroup’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/ANF.hs:1409:1: error: prettyLVars is unused
1407 ┃
1408 ┃ prettyLVars :: Var v => [Mem] -> [v] -> ShowS
1409 ┃ prettyLVars [] [] = showString " "
1410 ┃ prettyLVars (c:cs) (v:vs)
1411 ┃ = showString " "
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.ANF.prettyLVars’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/ANF.hs:1472:1: error: prettyLZF is unused
1470 ┃
1471 ┃ prettyLZF :: Var v => Either Reference v -> ShowS
1472 ┃ prettyLZF (Left w) = showString "ENV(" . shows w . showString ") "
1473 ┃ prettyLZF (Right v) = pvar v . showString " "
1474 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.ANF.prettyLZF’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/ANF.hs:1419:1: error: prettyRBind is unused
1417 ┃
1418 ┃ prettyRBind :: Var v => [v] -> ShowS
1419 ┃ prettyRBind [] = showString "()"
1420 ┃ prettyRBind [v] = pvar v
1421 ┃ prettyRBind (v:vs)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.ANF.prettyRBind’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/ANF.hs:1476:1: error: prettyRefs is unused
1474 ┃
1475 ┃ prettyRefs :: [Reference] -> ShowS
1476 ┃ prettyRefs [] = showString "{}"
1477 ┃ prettyRefs (r:rs)
1478 ┃ = showString "{" . shows r
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.ANF.prettyRefs’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/ANF.hs:1468:1: error: prettySpace is unused
1466 ┃
1467 ┃ prettySpace :: Bool -> Int -> ShowS
1468 ┃ prettySpace False _ = showString " "
1469 ┃ prettySpace True ind = showString "\n" . indent ind
1470 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.ANF.prettySpace’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/ANF.hs:1426:1: error: prettySuperNormal is unused
1424 ┃
1425 ┃ prettySuperNormal :: Var v => Int -> SuperNormal v -> ShowS
1426 ┃ prettySuperNormal ind (Lambda ccs (ABTN.TAbss vs tm))
1427 ┃ = prettyLVars ccs vs
1428 ┃ . showString "="
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.ANF.prettySuperNormal’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/ANF.hs:1405:1: error: prettyVars is unused
1403 ┃
1404 ┃ prettyVars :: Var v => [v] -> ShowS
1405 ┃ prettyVars
1406 ┃ = foldr (\v r -> showString " " . pvar v . r) id
1407 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.ANF.prettyVars’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/ANF.hs:1402:1: error: pvar is unused
1400 ┃
1401 ┃ pvar :: Var v => v -> ShowS
1402 ┃ pvar v = showString . Text.unpack $ v
1403 ┃
1404 ┃ prettyVars :: Var v => [v] -> ShowS
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.ANF.pvar’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/ANF.hs:1432:1: error: reqSpace is unused
1430 ┃
1431 ┃ reqSpace :: Var v => Bool -> ANormal v -> Bool
1432 ┃ reqSpace _ TLets{} = True
1433 ┃ reqSpace _ TName{} = True
1434 ┃ reqSpace b _ = b
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.ANF.reqSpace’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/ANF.hs:640:1: error: unbind is unused
638 ┃
639 ┃ unbind :: Var v => ANormal v -> Maybe (Cte v, ANormal v)
640 ┃ unbind (TLets d us ms bu bd) = Just (ST d us ms bu, bd)
641 ┃ unbind (TName u f as bd) = Just (LZ u f as, bd)
642 ┃ unbind _ = Nothing
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.ANF.unbind’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/ANF.hs:645:1: error: unbinds is unused
643 ┃
644 ┃ unbinds :: Var v => ANormal v -> ([Cte v], ANormal v)
645 ┃ unbinds (TLets d us ms bu (unbinds -> (ctx, bd)))
646 ┃ = (ST d us ms bu:ctx, bd)
647 ┃ unbinds (TName u f as (unbinds -> (ctx, bd))) = (LZ u f as:ctx, bd)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.ANF.unbinds’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/ANF.hs:518:1: error: unpackTags is unused
516 ┃
517 ┃ unpackTags :: Word64 -> (RTag, CTag)
518 ┃ unpackTags w = (RTag $ w `shiftR` 16, CTag . fromIntegral $ w .&. 0xFFFF)
519 ┃
520 ┃ ensureRTag :: (Ord n, Show n, Num n) => String -> n -> r -> r
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.ANF.unpackTags’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/Debug.hs:26:1: error: traceComb is unused
24 ┃
25 ┃ traceComb :: Bool -> Word64 -> Comb -> Bool
26 ┃ traceComb False _ _ = True
27 ┃ traceComb True w c = trace (prettyComb w 0 c "\n") True
28 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.Debug.traceComb’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/Debug.hs:34:1: error: traceCombs is unused
32 ┃ -> EnumMap Word64 Comb
33 ┃ -> EnumMap Word64 Comb
34 ┃ traceCombs _ False c = c
35 ┃ traceCombs w True c = trace (prettyCombs w c "") c
36 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.Debug.traceCombs’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/Debug.hs:43:1: error: tracePretty is unused
41 ┃ -> Term v
42 ┃ -> Term v
43 ┃ tracePretty _ False tm = tm
44 ┃ tracePretty ppe True tm = trace (toANSI 50 $ pretty ppe tm) tm
45 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.Debug.tracePretty’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/Debug.hs:52:1: error: tracePrettyGroup is unused
50 ┃ -> SuperGroup v
51 ┃ -> SuperGroup v
52 ┃ tracePrettyGroup _ False g = g
53 ┃ tracePrettyGroup w True g = trace (prettyGroup (show w) g "") g
54 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.Debug.tracePrettyGroup’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/IOSource.hs:89:1: error: hostNameReference is unused
87 ┃ isPropagatedReference = typeNamed "IsPropagated"
88 ┃ filePathReference = typeNamed "io.FilePath"
89 ┃ hostNameReference = typeNamed "io.HostName"
90 ┃ serviceNameReference = typeNamed "io.ServiceName"
91 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.IOSource.hostNameReference’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/IOSource.hs:100:1: error: isIOTest is unused
98 ┃
99 ┃ isIOTest :: (R.Reference, R.Reference)
100 ┃ isIOTest = (isTestReference, termNamed "metadata.isIOTest")
101 ┃
102 ┃ isPropagatedValue :: R.Reference
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.IOSource.isIOTest’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/IOSource.hs:90:1: error: serviceNameReference is unused
88 ┃ filePathReference = typeNamed "io.FilePath"
89 ┃ hostNameReference = typeNamed "io.HostName"
90 ┃ serviceNameReference = typeNamed "io.ServiceName"
91 ┃
92 ┃ failureReference = typeNamed "io2.Failure"
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.IOSource.serviceNameReference’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/IR.hs:1049:1: error: compilationEnv0 is unused
1047 ┃
1048 ┃ compilationEnv0 :: CompilationEnv e cont
1049 ┃ compilationEnv0 = CompilationEnv builtins mempty
1050 ┃
1051 ┃ instance Semigroup (CompilationEnv e cont) where (<>) = mappend
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.IR.compilationEnv0’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/IR.hs:256:1: error: prettyIR is unused
254 ┃ -> IR e cont
255 ┃ -> P.Pretty String
256 ┃ prettyIR ppe prettyE prettyCont = pir
257 ┃ where
258 ┃ unlets (Let s hd tl _) = (Just s, hd) : unlets tl
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.IR.prettyIR’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/IR.hs:366:1: error: prettyValue is unused
364 ┃ -> Value e cont
365 ┃ -> P.Pretty String
366 ┃ prettyValue ppe prettyE prettyCont = pv
367 ┃ where
368 ┃ pv v = case v of
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.IR.prettyValue’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/IR.hs:245:1: error: prettyZ is unused
243 ┃ -> Z e cont
244 ┃ -> P.Pretty String
245 ┃ prettyZ ppe prettyE prettyCont z = case z of
246 ┃ Slot i -> "@" <> P.shown i
247 ┃ LazySlot i -> "'@" <> P.shown i
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.IR.prettyZ’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/MCode.hs:1324:1: error: bx is unused
1322 ┃
1323 ┃ bx :: ShowS
1324 ┃ bx = ('B':)
1325 ┃
1326 ┃ prettyIns :: Instr -> ShowS
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.MCode.bx’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/MCode.hs:1260:1: error: indent is unused
1258 ┃
1259 ┃ indent :: Int -> ShowS
1260 ┃ indent ind = showString (replicate (ind*2) ' ')
1261 ┃
1262 ┃ prettyCombs
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.MCode.indent’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/MCode.hs:1333:1: error: prettyArgs is unused
1331 ┃
1332 ┃ prettyArgs :: Args -> ShowS
1333 ┃ prettyArgs ZArgs = shows @[Int] []
1334 ┃ prettyArgs (UArg1 i) = un . shows [i]
1335 ┃ prettyArgs (BArg1 i) = bx . shows [i]
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.MCode.prettyArgs’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/MCode.hs:1303:1: error: prettyBranches is unused
1301 ┃
1302 ┃ prettyBranches :: Int -> Branch -> ShowS
1303 ┃ prettyBranches ind bs
1304 ┃ = case bs of
1305 ┃ Test1 i e df -> pdf df . picase i e
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.MCode.prettyBranches’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/MCode.hs:1271:1: error: prettyComb is unused
1269 ┃
1270 ┃ prettyComb :: Word64 -> Word64 -> Comb -> ShowS
1271 ┃ prettyComb w i (Lam ua ba _ _ s)
1272 ┃ = shows w . showString ":" . shows i . shows [ua,ba]
1273 ┃ . showString ":\n" . prettySection 2 s
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.MCode.prettyComb’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/MCode.hs:1266:1: error: prettyCombs is unused
1264 ┃ -> EnumMap Word64 Comb
1265 ┃ -> ShowS
1266 ┃ prettyCombs w es
1267 ┃ = foldr (\(i,c) r -> prettyComb w i c . showString "\n" . r)
1268 ┃ id (mapToList es)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.MCode.prettyCombs’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/MCode.hs:1327:1: error: prettyIns is unused
1325 ┃
1326 ┃ prettyIns :: Instr -> ShowS
1327 ┃ prettyIns (Pack r i as)
1328 ┃ = showString "Pack " . showsPrec 10 r
1329 ┃ . (' ':) . shows i . (' ':) . prettyArgs as
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.MCode.prettyIns’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/MCode.hs:1298:1: error: prettyIx is unused
1296 ┃
1297 ┃ prettyIx :: CombIx -> ShowS
1298 ┃ prettyIx (CIx _ c s)
1299 ┃ = showString "Resume[" . shows c
1300 ┃ . showString "," . shows s . showString "]"
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.MCode.prettyIx’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/MCode.hs:1276:1: error: prettySection is unused
1274 ┃
1275 ┃ prettySection :: Int -> Section -> ShowS
1276 ┃ prettySection ind sec
1277 ┃ = indent ind . case sec of
1278 ┃ App _ r as ->
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.MCode.prettySection’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/MCode.hs:1321:1: error: un is unused
1319 ┃
1320 ┃ un :: ShowS
1321 ┃ un = ('U':)
1322 ┃
1323 ┃ bx :: ShowS
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.MCode.un’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/Machine.hs:1369:1: error: discardCont is unused
1367 ┃ :: DEnv -> Stack 'UN -> Stack 'BX -> K
1368 ┃ -> Word64 -> IO (DEnv, Stack 'UN, Stack 'BX, K)
1369 ┃ discardCont denv ustk bstk k p
1370 ┃ = splitCont denv ustk bstk k p
1371 ┃ <&> \(_, denv, ustk, bstk, _, _, k) -> (denv, ustk, bstk, k)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.Machine.discardCont’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/Machine.hs:159:1: error: lookupDenv is unused
157 ┃
158 ┃ lookupDenv :: Word64 -> DEnv -> Closure
159 ┃ lookupDenv p denv = fromMaybe BlackHole $ EC.lookup p denv
160 ┃
161 ┃ exec
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.Machine.lookupDenv’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/Machine.hs:672:1: error: peekForeign is unused
670 ┃
671 ┃ peekForeign :: Stack 'BX -> Int -> IO a
672 ┃ peekForeign bstk i
673 ┃ = peekOff bstk i >>= \case
674 ┃ Foreign x -> pure $ unwrapForeign x
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.Machine.peekForeign’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/Machine.hs:86:1: error: refNumTy is unused
84 ┃
85 ┃ refNumTy :: CCache -> Reference -> IO Word64
86 ┃ refNumTy cc r = refNumsTy cc >>= \case
87 ┃ (M.lookup r -> Just w) -> pure w
88 ┃ _ -> die $ "refNumTy: unknown reference: " ++ show r
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.Machine.refNumTy’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/Machine.hs:91:1: error: refNumTy' is unused
89 ┃
90 ┃ refNumTy' :: CCache -> Reference -> IO (Maybe Word64)
91 ┃ refNumTy' cc r = M.lookup r <$> refNumsTy cc
92 ┃
93 ┃ baseCCache :: IO CCache
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.Machine.refNumTy'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/Machine.hs:1398:1: error: reserveIds is unused
1396 ┃
1397 ┃ reserveIds :: Word64 -> TVar Word64 -> IO Word64
1398 ┃ reserveIds n free = atomically . stateTVar free $ \i -> (i, i+n)
1399 ┃
1400 ┃ updateMap :: Semigroup s => s -> TVar s -> STM s
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.Machine.reserveIds’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/Rt1.hs:218:1: error: arity is unused
216 ┃
217 ┃ arity :: Value -> Int
218 ┃ arity (Lam n _ _) = n
219 ┃ arity _ = 0
220 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.Rt1.arity’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/Rt1.hs:159:1: error: atd is unused
157 ┃
158 ┃ atd :: Size -> Z -> Stack -> IO (R.Reference, ConstructorId, [Value])
159 ┃ atd size i m = at size i m >>= \case
160 ┃ Data r id vs -> pure (r, id, vs)
161 ┃ v -> fail $ "type error, expecting Data, got " <> show v
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.Rt1.atd’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/Rt1IO.hs:195:1: error: constructPair is unused
193 ┃
194 ┃ constructPair :: RT.Value -> RT.Value -> RT.Value
195 ┃ constructPair a b = IR.Data DD.pairRef 0 [a, b]
196 ┃
197 ┃ convertErrorType :: IOError -> IR.ConstructorId
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.Rt1IO.constructPair’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/Rt1IO.hs:186:1: error: convertOptional is unused
184 ┃
185 ┃ convertOptional :: RT.Value -> Maybe RT.Value
186 ┃ convertOptional (IR.Data _ _ [] ) = Nothing
187 ┃ convertOptional (IR.Data _ _ [x]) = Just x
188 ┃ convertOptional v =
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.Rt1IO.convertOptional’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/SparseVector.hs:72:1: error: _1 is unused
70 ┃
71 ┃ _1 :: (UV.Unbox a, UV.Unbox b) => SparseVector bits (a,b) -> SparseVector bits a
72 ┃ _1 = fst . unzip
73 ┃
74 ┃ _2 :: (UV.Unbox a, UV.Unbox b) => SparseVector bits (a,b) -> SparseVector bits b
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.SparseVector._1’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/SparseVector.hs:75:1: error: _2 is unused
73 ┃
74 ┃ _2 :: (UV.Unbox a, UV.Unbox b) => SparseVector bits (a,b) -> SparseVector bits b
75 ┃ _2 = snd . unzip
76 ┃
77 ┃ -- Denotationally: `unzip p = (\n -> fst <$> p n, \n -> snd <$> p n)`
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.SparseVector._2’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/SparseVector.hs:91:1: error: choose is unused
89 ┃ -> SparseVector bits a
90 ┃ -> SparseVector bits a
91 ┃ choose bits t f
92 ┃ | B.zeroBits == bits = f
93 ┃ | B.complement bits == B.zeroBits = t
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.SparseVector.choose’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/SparseVector.hs:127:1: error: eq is unused
125 ┃ -- Pointer equality a la Scala.
126 ┃ eq :: a -> a -> Bool
127 ┃ eq x y = Exts.isTrue# (Exts.reallyUnsafePtrEquality# x y Exts.==# 1#)
128 ┃ {-# INLINE eq #-}
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.SparseVector.eq’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/SparseVector.hs:26:1: error: map is unused
24 ┃ -- Denotationally: `map f v n = f <$> v n`
25 ┃ map :: (UV.Unbox a, UV.Unbox b) => (a -> b) -> SparseVector bits a -> SparseVector bits b
26 ┃ map f v = v { elements = f (elements v) }
27 ┃
28 ┃ -- Denotationally, a mask is a `Nat -> Bool`, so this implementation
Delete this definition or add ‘’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/SparseVector.hs:32:1: error: mask is unused
30 ┃ mask :: (UV.Unbox a, B.FiniteBits bits)
31 ┃ => bits -> SparseVector bits a -> SparseVector bits a
32 ┃ mask bits a =
33 ┃ if indices' == bits then a -- check if mask is a superset
34 ┃ else SparseVector indices' $ UV.create $ do
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.SparseVector.mask’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/SparseVector.hs:102:1: error: merge is unused
100 ┃ -> SparseVector bits a
101 ┃ -> SparseVector bits a
102 ┃ merge a b = SparseVector indices' tricky
103 ┃ where
104 ┃ indices' = indices a .|. indices b
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.SparseVector.merge’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/SparseVector.hs:81:1: error: unzip is unused
79 ┃ => SparseVector bits (a,b)
80 ┃ -> (SparseVector bits a, SparseVector bits b)
81 ┃ unzip (SparseVector inds ps) =
82 ┃ let (as,bs) = UV.unzip ps
83 ┃ in (SparseVector inds as, SparseVector inds bs)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.SparseVector.unzip’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/SparseVector.hs:62:1: error: zipWith is unused
60 ┃ -> SparseVector bits b
61 ┃ -> SparseVector bits c
62 ┃ zipWith f a b =
63 ┃ if indices a `eq` indices b || indices a == indices b then
64 ┃ SparseVector (indices a) (UV.zipWith f (elements a) (elements b))
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.SparseVector.zipWith’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/Stack.hs:133:1: error: formData is unused
131 ┃
132 ┃ formData :: Reference -> Word64 -> [Int] -> [Closure] -> Closure
133 ┃ formData r t [] [] = Enum r t
134 ┃ formData r t [i] [] = DataU1 r t i
135 ┃ formData r t [i,j] [] = DataU2 r t i j
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.Stack.formData’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/Stack.hs:646:1: error: frameView is unused
644 ┃
645 ┃ frameView :: MEM b => Show (Elem b) => Stack b -> IO ()
646 ┃ frameView stk = putStr "|" >> gof False 0
647 ┃ where
648 ┃ fsz = fsize stk
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.Stack.frameView’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/Stack.hs:124:1: error: ints is unused
122 ┃
123 ┃ ints :: ByteArray -> [Int]
124 ┃ ints ba = fmap (indexByteArray ba) [0..n-1]
125 ┃ where
126 ┃ n = sizeofByteArray ba `div` 8
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.Stack.ints’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/Stack.hs:492:1: error: peekBi is unused
490 ┃
491 ┃ peekBi :: BuiltinForeign b => Stack 'BX -> IO b
492 ┃ peekBi bstk = unwrapForeign . marshalToForeign <$> peek bstk
493 ┃ {-# inline peekBi #-}
494 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.Stack.peekBi’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/Stack.hs:456:1: error: peekD is unused
454 ┃
455 ┃ peekD :: Stack 'UN -> IO Double
456 ┃ peekD (US _ _ sp stk) = readByteArray stk sp
457 ┃ {-# inline peekD #-}
458 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.Stack.peekD’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/Stack.hs:452:1: error: peekN is unused
450 ┃
451 ┃ peekN :: Stack 'UN -> IO Word64
452 ┃ peekN (US _ _ sp stk) = readByteArray stk sp
453 ┃ {-# inline peekN #-}
454 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.Stack.peekN’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/Stack.hs:488:1: error: pokeOffBi is unused
486 ┃
487 ┃ pokeOffBi :: BuiltinForeign b => Stack 'BX -> Int -> b -> IO ()
488 ┃ pokeOffBi bstk i x = pokeOff bstk i (Foreign $ wrapBuiltin x)
489 ┃ {-# inline pokeOffBi #-}
490 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.Stack.pokeOffBi’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/Stack.hs:114:1: error: splitData is unused
112 ┃
113 ┃ splitData :: Closure -> Maybe (Reference, Word64, [Int], [Closure])
114 ┃ splitData (Enum r t) = Just (r, t, [], [])
115 ┃ splitData (DataU1 r t i) = Just (r, t, [i], [])
116 ┃ splitData (DataU2 r t i j) = Just (r, t, [i,j], [])
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.Stack.splitData’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/Stack.hs:129:1: error: useg is unused
127 ┃
128 ┃ useg :: [Int] -> Seg 'UN
129 ┃ useg ws = case L.fromList ws of
130 ┃ PrimArray ba -> ByteArray ba
131 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.Stack.useg’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/Vector.hs:43:1: error: bound is unused
41 ┃ -- Returns the maximum `Nat` for which `mu v` may return `Just`.
42 ┃ bound :: Nat -> Vec a -> Nat
43 ┃ bound width v = case v of
44 ┃ Scalar _ -> width
45 ┃ Vec vs -> fromIntegral $ UV.length vs
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.Vector.bound’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/Vector.hs:27:1: error: mu is unused
25 ┃
26 ┃ mu :: Vec a -> Nat -> Maybe a
27 ┃ mu v = case v of
28 ┃ Scalar a -> const (Just a)
29 ┃ Vec vs -> \i -> vs UV.!? fromIntegral i
Delete this definition or add ‘’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Runtime/Vector.hs:51:1: error: toList is unused
49 ┃
50 ┃ toList :: Vec a -> [a]
51 ┃ toList v = let
52 ┃ n = bound maxBound v
53 ┃ muv = mu v
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Runtime.Vector.toList’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Settings.hs:12:1: error: demoHideVarNumber is unused
10 ┃
11 ┃ demoHideVarNumber :: Bool
12 ┃ demoHideVarNumber = False
13 ┃
14 ┃ removePureEffects :: Bool
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Settings.demoHideVarNumber’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/ShortHash.hs:19:1: error: isConstructor is unused
17 ┃ -- currently unused
18 ┃ isConstructor :: ShortHash -> Bool
19 ┃ isConstructor = \case
20 ┃ ShortHash _ _ (Just _) -> True
21 ┃ _ -> False
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.ShortHash.isConstructor’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Term.hs:567:1: error: ann_ is unused
565 ┃
566 ┃ ann_ :: Ord v => Term0' vt v -> Type vt () -> Term0' vt v
567 ┃ ann_ e t = (Ann e t)
568 ┃
569 ┃ ann :: Ord v
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Term.ann_’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Term.hs:526:1: error: app_ is unused
524 ┃ -- todo: delete and rename app' to app
525 ┃ app_ :: Ord v => Term0' vt v -> Term0' vt v -> Term0' vt v
526 ┃ app_ f arg = (App f arg)
527 ┃
528 ┃ app :: Ord v => a -> Term2 vt at ap v a -> Term2 vt at ap v a -> Term2 vt at ap v a
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Term.app_’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Term.hs:917:1: error: betaNormalForm is unused
915 ┃
916 ┃ betaNormalForm :: Var v => Term0 v -> Term0 v
917 ┃ betaNormalForm (App' f a) = betaNormalForm (betaReduce (app() (betaNormalForm f) a))
918 ┃ betaNormalForm e = e
919 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Term.betaNormalForm’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Term.hs:296:1: error: freeTypeVars is unused
294 ┃
295 ┃ freeTypeVars :: Ord vt => Term' vt v a -> Set vt
296 ┃ freeTypeVars t = Map.keysSet $ freeTypeVarAnnotations t
297 ┃
298 ┃ freeTypeVarAnnotations :: Ord vt => Term' vt v a -> Map vt [a]
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Term.freeTypeVars’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Term.hs:458:1: error: fresh is unused
456 ┃
457 ┃ fresh :: Var v => Term0 v -> v -> v
458 ┃ fresh = ABT.fresh
459 ┃
460 ┃ -- some smart constructors
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Term.fresh’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Term.hs:962:1: error: hashConstructor is unused
960 ┃
961 ┃ hashConstructor :: Reference -> ConstructorId -> Reference
962 ┃ hashConstructor = hashConstructor' $ constructor ()
963 ┃
964 ┃ hashRequest :: Reference -> ConstructorId -> Reference
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Term.hashConstructor’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Term.hs:952:1: error: hashConstructor' is unused
950 ┃ hashConstructor'
951 ┃ :: (Reference -> ConstructorId -> Term0 Symbol) -> Reference -> ConstructorId -> Reference
952 ┃ hashConstructor' f r cid =
953 ┃ let
954 ┃ -- this is a bit circuitous, but defining everything in terms of hashComponents
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Term.hashConstructor'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Term.hs:965:1: error: hashRequest is unused
963 ┃
964 ┃ hashRequest :: Reference -> ConstructorId -> Reference
965 ┃ hashRequest = hashConstructor' $ request ()
966 ┃
967 ┃ fromReferent :: Ord v
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Term.hashRequest’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Term.hs:584:1: error: lam'' is unused
582 ┃
583 ┃ lam'' :: Ord v => [(a,v)] -> Term2 vt at ap v a -> Term2 vt at ap v a
584 ┃ lam'' vs body = foldr (uncurry lam) body vs
585 ┃
586 ┃ isLam :: Term2 vt at ap v a -> Bool
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Term.lam''’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Term.hs:654:1: error: letRec_ is unused
652 ┃ -- and the output expression may also reference any binding in the block.
653 ┃ letRec_ :: Ord v => IsTop -> [(v, Term0' vt v)] -> Term0' vt v -> Term0' vt v
654 ┃ letRec_ _ [] e = e
655 ┃ letRec_ isTop bindings e = ABT.cycle (foldr (ABT.abs . fst) z bindings)
656 ┃ where
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Term.letRec_’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Term.hs:513:1: error: placeholder is unused
511 ┃
512 ┃ placeholder :: Ord v => a -> String -> Term2 vt a ap v a
513 ┃ placeholder a s =' a . Blank $ B.Recorded (B.Placeholder a s)
514 ┃
515 ┃ resolve :: Ord v => at -> ab -> String -> Term2 vt ab ap v at
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Term.placeholder’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Term.hs:747:1: error: unApps is unused
745 ┃ :: Term2 vt at ap v a
746 ┃ -> Maybe (Term2 vt at ap v a, [Term2 vt at ap v a])
747 ┃ unApps t = unAppsPred (t, const True)
748 ┃
749 ┃ -- Same as unApps but taking a predicate controlling whether we match on a given function argument.
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Term.unApps’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Term.hs:752:1: error: unAppsPred is unused
750 ┃ unAppsPred :: (Term2 vt at ap v a, Term2 vt at ap v a -> Bool) ->
751 ┃ Maybe (Term2 vt at ap v a, [Term2 vt at ap v a])
752 ┃ unAppsPred (t, pred) = case go t [] of [] -> Nothing; f:args -> Just (f,args)
753 ┃ where
754 ┃ go (App' i o) acc | pred o = go i (o:acc)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Term.unAppsPred’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Term.hs:762:1: error: unBinaryApp is unused
760 ┃ Term2 vt at ap v a,
761 ┃ Term2 vt at ap v a)
762 ┃ unBinaryApp t = case unApps t of
763 ┃ Just (f, [arg1, arg2]) -> Just (f, arg1, arg2)
764 ┃ _ -> Nothing
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Term.unBinaryApp’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Term.hs:773:1: error: unBinaryApps is unused
771 ┃ , Term2 vt at ap v a
772 ┃ )
773 ┃ unBinaryApps t = unBinaryAppsPred (t, const True)
774 ┃
775 ┃ -- Same as unBinaryApps but taking a predicate controlling whether we match on a given binary function.
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Term.unBinaryApps’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Term.hs:781:1: error: unBinaryAppsPred is unused
779 ┃ Term2 vt at ap v a)],
780 ┃ Term2 vt at ap v a)
781 ┃ unBinaryAppsPred (t, pred) = case unBinaryApp t of
782 ┃ Just (f, x, y) | pred f -> case unBinaryAppsPred (x, pred) of
783 ┃ Just (as, xLast) -> Just ((xLast, f) : as, y)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Term.unBinaryAppsPred’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Term.hs:794:1: error: unLamsOpt' is unused
792 ┃ -- lambda extraction.
793 ┃ unLamsOpt' :: Term2 vt at ap v a -> Maybe ([v], Term2 vt at ap v a)
794 ┃ unLamsOpt' t = case unLams' t of
795 ┃ r@(Just _) -> r
796 ┃ Nothing -> Just ([], t)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Term.unLamsOpt'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Term.hs:804:1: error: unLamsUntilDelay' is unused
802 ┃ => Term2 vt at ap v a
803 ┃ -> Maybe ([v], Term2 vt at ap v a)
804 ┃ unLamsUntilDelay' t = case unLamsPred' (t, (/=) $ Var.named "()") of
805 ┃ r@(Just _) -> r
806 ┃ Nothing -> Just ([], t)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Term.unLamsUntilDelay'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Term.hs:704:1: error: unLet is unused
702 ┃ :: Term2 vt at ap v a
703 ┃ -> Maybe ([(IsTop, v, Term2 vt at ap v a)], Term2 vt at ap v a)
704 ┃ unLet t = fixup (go t)
705 ┃ where
706 ┃ go (ABT.Tm' (Let isTop b (ABT.out -> ABT.Abs v t))) = case go t of
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Term.unLet’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Term.hs:697:1: error: unLet1 is unused
695 ┃ => Term' vt v a
696 ┃ -> Maybe (IsTop, Term' vt v a, ABT.Subst (F vt a a) v a)
697 ┃ unLet1 (ABT.Tm' (Let isTop b (ABT.Abs' subst))) = Just (isTop, b, subst)
698 ┃ unLet1 _ = Nothing
699 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Term.unLet1’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Term.hs:735:1: error: unLetRec is unused
733 ┃ )
734 ┃ )
735 ┃ unLetRec (unLetRecNamed -> Just (isTop, bs, e)) = Just
736 ┃ ( isTop
737 ┃ , \freshen -> do
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Term.unLetRec’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Term.hs:720:1: error: unLetRecNamed is unused
718 ┃ , Term2 vt at ap v a
719 ┃ )
720 ┃ unLetRecNamed (ABT.Cycle' vs (ABT.Tm' (LetRec isTop bs e)))
721 ┃ | length vs == length bs = Just (isTop, zip vs bs, e)
722 ┃ unLetRecNamed _ = Nothing
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Term.unLetRecNamed’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Term.hs:598:1: error: unLetRecNamedAnnotated is unused
596 ┃ -> Maybe
597 ┃ (IsTop, a, [((a, v), Term' vt v a)], Term' vt v a)
598 ┃ unLetRecNamedAnnotated (ABT.CycleA' ann avs (ABT.Tm' (LetRec isTop bs e))) =
599 ┃ Just (isTop, ann, avs `zip` bs, e)
600 ┃ unLetRecNamedAnnotated _ = Nothing
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Term.unLetRecNamedAnnotated’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Term.hs:817:1: error: unReqOrCtor is unused
815 ┃
816 ┃ unReqOrCtor :: Term2 vt at ap v a -> Maybe (Reference, ConstructorId)
817 ┃ unReqOrCtor (Constructor' r cid) = Just (r, cid)
818 ┃ unReqOrCtor (Request' r cid) = Just (r, cid)
819 ┃ unReqOrCtor _ = Nothing
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Term.unReqOrCtor’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Term.hs:466:1: error: var' is unused
464 ┃
465 ┃ var' :: Var v => Text -> Term0' vt v
466 ┃ var' = var() . Var.named
467 ┃
468 ┃ ref :: Ord v => a -> Reference -> Term2 vt at ap v a
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Term.var'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Term.hs:502:1: error: watch is unused
500 ┃
501 ┃ watch :: (Var v, Semigroup a) => a -> String -> Term v a -> Term v a
502 ┃ watch a note e =
503 ┃ apps' (builtin a "") [text a (Text.pack note), e]
504 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Term.hs:506:1: error: watchMaybe is unused
504 ┃
505 ┃ watchMaybe :: (Var v, Semigroup a) => Maybe String -> Term v a -> Term v a
506 ┃ watchMaybe Nothing e = e
507 ┃ watchMaybe (Just note) e = watch (ABT.annotation e) note e
508 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Term.watchMaybe’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Term.hs:280:1: error: wrapV is unused
278 ┃
279 ┃ wrapV :: Ord v => Term v a -> Term (ABT.V v) a
280 ┃ wrapV = vmap ABT.Bound
281 ┃
282 ┃ -- | All variables mentioned in the given term.
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Term.wrapV’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/TermParser.hs:677:1: error: var is unused
675 ┃
676 ┃ var :: Var v => L.Token v -> Term v Ann
677 ┃ var t = Term.var (ann t) (L.payload t)
678 ┃
679 ┃ seqOp :: Ord v => P v Pattern.SeqOp
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.TermParser.var’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/TermParser.hs:715:1: error: verifyRelativeName is unused
713 ┃
714 ┃ verifyRelativeName :: Ord v => P v (L.Token Name) -> P v (L.Token Name)
715 ┃ verifyRelativeName name = do
716 ┃ name <- name
717 ┃ verifyRelativeName' name
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.TermParser.verifyRelativeName’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/TermParser.hs:51:1: error: watch is unused
49 ┃
50 ┃ watch :: Show a => String -> a -> a
51 ┃ watch msg a = let !_ = trace (msg ++ ": " ++ show a) () in a
52 ┃
53 ┃ {-
Delete this definition or add ‘’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/TermPrinter.hs:526:1: error: prettyBinding' is unused
524 ┃ prettyBinding' ::
525 ┃ Var v => Int -> PrettyPrintEnv -> HQ.HashQualified -> Term v a -> ColorText
526 ┃ prettyBinding' width n v t = PP.render width $ PP.syntaxToColor $ prettyBinding n v t
527 ┃
528 ┃ prettyBinding0
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.TermPrinter.prettyBinding'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/TermPrinter.hs:1186:1: error: toBytes is unused
1184 ┃
1185 ┃ toBytes :: Term3 v PrintAnnotation -> Maybe [Word64]
1186 ┃ toBytes (App' (Builtin' "Bytes.fromList") (Sequence' bs)) =
1187 ┃ toList <$> traverse go bs
1188 ┃ where go (Nat' n) = Just n
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.TermPrinter.toBytes’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/TermPrinter.hs:1143:1: error: unLamsMatch' is unused
1141 ┃ => Term2 vt at ap v a
1142 ┃ -> Maybe ([v], [([Pattern ap], Maybe (Term2 vt at ap v a), Term2 vt at ap v a)])
1143 ┃ unLamsMatch' t = case unLamsUntilDelay' t of
1144 ┃ -- x -> match x with pat -> ...
1145 ┃ -- becomes
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.TermPrinter.unLamsMatch'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/TermPrinter.hs:1087:1: error: unLetBlock is unused
1085 ┃ => Term2 vt at ap v a
1086 ┃ -> Maybe ([(v, Term2 vt at ap v a)], Term2 vt at ap v a)
1087 ┃ unLetBlock t = rec t where
1088 ┃ dontIntersect v1s v2s =
1089 ┃ all (`Set.notMember` v2set) (fst <$> v1s) where
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.TermPrinter.unLetBlock’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Type.hs:365:1: error: andor is unused
363 ┃
364 ┃ andor :: Ord v => Type v ()
365 ┃ andor = arrows (f <$> [boolean(), boolean()]) $ boolean()
366 ┃ where f x = ((), x)
367 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Type.andor’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Type.hs:205:1: error: derivedBase32Hex is unused
203 ┃
204 ┃ derivedBase32Hex :: Ord v => Reference -> a -> Type v a
205 ┃ derivedBase32Hex r a = ref a r
206 ┃
207 ┃ -- derivedBase58' :: Text -> Reference
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Type.derivedBase32Hex’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Type.hs:311:1: error: effectType is unused
309 ┃
310 ┃ effectType :: Ord v => a -> Type v a
311 ┃ effectType a = ref a $ effectRef
312 ┃
313 ┃ code, value :: Ord v => a -> Type v a
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Type.effectType’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Type.hs:428:1: error: flipApply is unused
426 ┃ -- `(a -> (a -> b) -> b)`
427 ┃ flipApply :: Var v => Type v () -> Type v ()
428 ┃ flipApply t = forall() b $ arrow() (arrow() t (var() b)) (var() b)
429 ┃ where b = ABT.fresh t (Var.named "b")
430 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Type.flipApply’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Type.hs:383:1: error: forall' is unused
381 ┃
382 ┃ forall' :: Var v => a -> [Text] -> Type v a -> Type v a
383 ┃ forall' a vs body = foldr (forall a) body (Var.named <$> vs)
384 ┃
385 ┃ foralls :: Ord v => a -> [v] -> Type v a -> Type v a
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Type.forall'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Type.hs:567:1: error: functionResult is unused
565 ┃
566 ┃ functionResult :: Type v a -> Maybe (Type v a)
567 ┃ functionResult = go False
568 ┃ where
569 ┃ go inArr (ForallNamed' _ body) = go inArr body
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Type.functionResult’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Type.hs:655:1: error: hashComponents is unused
653 ┃ hashComponents
654 ┃ :: Var v => Map v (Type v a) -> Map v (Reference.Id, Type v a)
655 ┃ hashComponents = ReferenceUtil.hashComponents $ refId ()
656 ┃
657 ┃ instance Hashable1 F where
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Type.hashComponents’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Type.hs:347:1: error: iff is unused
345 ┃
346 ┃ iff :: Var v => Type v ()
347 ┃ iff = forall () aa $ arrows (f <$> [boolean(), a, a]) a
348 ┃ where aa = Var.named "a"
349 ┃ a = var () aa
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Type.iff’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Type.hs:353:1: error: iff' is unused
351 ┃
352 ┃ iff' :: Var v => a -> Type v a
353 ┃ iff' loc = forall loc aa $ arrows (f <$> [boolean loc, a, a]) a
354 ┃ where aa = Var.named "a"
355 ┃ a = var loc aa
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Type.iff'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Type.hs:183:1: error: isArrow is unused
181 ┃ -- | True if the given type is a function, possibly quantified
182 ┃ isArrow :: ABT.Var v => Type v a -> Bool
183 ┃ isArrow (ForallNamed' _ t) = isArrow t
184 ┃ isArrow (Arrow' _ _) = True
185 ┃ isArrow _ = False
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Type.isArrow’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Type.hs:145:1: error: unApps is unused
143 ┃
144 ┃ unApps :: Type v a -> Maybe (Type v a, [Type v a])
145 ┃ unApps t = case go t [] of
146 ┃ [] -> Nothing
147 ┃ [ _ ] -> Nothing
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Type.unApps’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Type.hs:174:1: error: unEffect0 is unused
172 ┃
173 ┃ unEffect0 :: Ord v => Type v a -> ([Type v a], Type v a)
174 ┃ unEffect0 (Effect1' e a) = (flattenEffects e, a)
175 ┃ unEffect0 t = ([], t)
176 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Type.unEffect0’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Type.hs:134:1: error: unEffectfulArrows is unused
132 ┃ unEffectfulArrows
133 ┃ :: Type v a -> Maybe (Type v a, [(Maybe [Type v a], Type v a)])
134 ┃ unEffectfulArrows t = case t of
135 ┃ Arrow' i o -> Just (i, go o)
136 ┃ _ -> Nothing
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Type.unEffectfulArrows’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Type.hs:178:1: error: unEffects1 is unused
176 ┃
177 ┃ unEffects1 :: Ord v => Type v a -> Maybe ([Type v a], Type v a)
178 ┃ unEffects1 (Effect1' (Effects' es) a) = Just (es, a)
179 ┃ unEffects1 _ = Nothing
180 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Type.unEffects1’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Type.hs:122:1: error: unPure is unused
120 ┃
121 ┃ unPure :: Ord v => Type v a -> Maybe (Type v a)
122 ┃ unPure (Effect'' [] t) = Just t
123 ┃ unPure (Effect'' _ _) = Nothing
124 ┃ unPure t = Just t
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Type.unPure’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Type.hs:443:1: error: unforall is unused
441 ┃
442 ┃ unforall :: Type v a -> Type v a
443 ┃ unforall (ForallsNamed' _ t) = t
444 ┃ unforall t = t
445 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Type.unforall’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Type.hs:462:1: error: usesEffects is unused
460 ┃
461 ┃ usesEffects :: Ord v => Type v a -> Bool
462 ┃ usesEffects t = getAny . getConst $ ABT.visit go t where
463 ┃ go (Effect1' _ _) = Just (Const (Any True))
464 ┃ go _ = Nothing
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Type.usesEffects’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Type.hs:376:1: error: v' is unused
374 ┃
375 ┃ v' :: Var v => Text -> Type v ()
376 ┃ v' s = ABT.var (Var.named s)
377 ┃
378 ┃ -- Like `v'`, but creates an annotated variable given an annotation
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Type.v'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Type.hs:57:1: error: wrapV is unused
55 ┃
56 ┃ wrapV :: Ord v => Type v a -> Type (ABT.V v) a
57 ┃ wrapV = ABT.vmap ABT.Bound
58 ┃
59 ┃ freeVars :: Type v a -> Set v
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Type.wrapV’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/TypePrinter.hs:184:1: error: prettySignaturesAlt is unused
182 ┃ -> [([HashQualified], Type v a)]
183 ┃ -> Pretty ColorText
184 ┃ prettySignaturesAlt env ts = PP.lines $
185 ┃ <$> prettySignaturesAlt' env ts
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.TypePrinter.prettySignaturesAlt’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/TypePrinter.hs:158:1: error: prettySignaturesAlt' is unused
156 ┃ -> [([HashQualified], Type v a)]
157 ┃ -> [Pretty ColorText]
158 ┃ prettySignaturesAlt' env ts = map PP.syntaxToColor $ PP.align
159 ┃ [ ( PP.commas . fmap (\name -> styleHashQualified'' (fmt $ S.HashQualifier name) name) $ names
160 ┃ , (fmt S.TypeAscriptionColon ": " <> pretty0 env Map.empty (-1) typ)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.TypePrinter.prettySignaturesAlt'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Typechecker.hs:318:1: error: check is unused
316 ┃ -> Type v loc
317 ┃ -> ResultT (Notes v loc) f (Type v loc)
318 ┃ check env term typ = synthesize env (Term.ann (ABT.annotation term) term typ)
319 ┃ -- | `checkAdmissible' e t` tests that `(f : t -> r) e` is well-typed.
320 ┃ -- If `t` has quantifiers, these are moved outside, so if `t : forall a . a`,
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Typechecker.check’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Typechecker.hs:330:1: error: wellTyped is unused
328 ┃ -- | Returns `True` if the expression is well-typed, `False` otherwise
329 ┃ wellTyped :: (Monad f, Var v, Ord loc) => Env v loc -> Term v loc -> f Bool
330 ┃ wellTyped env term = go <$> runResultT (synthesize env term)
331 ┃ where go (may, _) = isJust may
332 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Typechecker.wellTyped’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Typechecker/Context.hs:477:1: error: _logContext is unused
475 ┃
476 ┃ _logContext :: (Ord loc, Var v) => String -> M v loc ()
477 ┃ _logContext msg = when debugEnabled $ do
478 ┃ ctx <- getContext
479 ┃ let !_ = trace ("\n"++msg ++ ": " ++ show ctx) ()
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Typechecker.Context._logContext’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Typechecker/Context.hs:1929:1: error: isEqual is unused
1927 ┃ isEqual
1928 ┃ :: (Var v, Ord loc) => Type v loc -> Type v loc -> Either (CompilerBug v loc) Bool
1929 ┃ isEqual t1 t2 =
1930 ┃ (&&) <$> isSubtype t1 t2 <*> isSubtype t2 t1
1931 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Typechecker.Context.isEqual’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Typechecker/Extractor.hs:93:1: error: _any is unused
91 ┃ -- unused / untested
92 ┃ _any :: SubseqExtractor v loc ()
93 ┃ _any = _any' (\n -> pathLength n - 1)
94 ┃ where
95 ┃ pathLength :: C.ErrorNote v loc -> Int
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Typechecker.Extractor._any’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Typechecker/Extractor.hs:99:1: error: _any' is unused
97 ┃
98 ┃ _any' :: (n -> Int) -> SubseqExtractor' n ()
99 ┃ _any' getLast = SubseqExtractor' $ \note -> Pure () : do
100 ┃ let last = getLast note
101 ┃ start <- [0 .. last]
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Typechecker.Extractor._any'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Typechecker/Extractor.hs:68:1: error: _no is unused
66 ┃ -- unused, but don't want to delete it yet - Aug 30, 2018
67 ┃ _no :: SubseqExtractor' n a -> SubseqExtractor' n ()
68 ┃ _no xa = SubseqExtractor' $ \note ->
69 ┃ let as = runSubseq xa note
70 ┃ in if null [ a | Pure a <- as ]
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Typechecker.Extractor._no’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Typechecker/Extractor.hs:262:1: error: effectConstructorWrongArgCount is unused
260 ┃ loc
261 ┃ (C.ExpectedArgCount, C.ActualArgCount, Reference, C.ConstructorId)
262 ┃ effectConstructorWrongArgCount = cause >>= \case
263 ┃ C.EffectConstructorWrongArgCount expected actual r cid ->
264 ┃ pure (expected, actual, r, cid)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Typechecker.Extractor.effectConstructorWrongArgCount’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Typechecker/Extractor.hs:234:1: error: illFormedType is unused
232 ┃
233 ┃ illFormedType :: ErrorExtractor v loc (C.Context v loc)
234 ┃ illFormedType = cause >>= \case
235 ┃ C.IllFormedType c -> pure c
236 ┃ _ -> mzero
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Typechecker.Extractor.illFormedType’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Typechecker/Extractor.hs:160:1: error: inSynthesize is unused
158 ┃
159 ┃ inSynthesize :: SubseqExtractor v loc (C.Term v loc)
160 ┃ inSynthesize = asPathExtractor $ \case
161 ┃ C.InSynthesize t -> Just t
162 ┃ _ -> Nothing
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Typechecker.Extractor.inSynthesize’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Typechecker/Extractor.hs:283:1: error: infoNote is unused
281 ┃
282 ┃ infoNote :: InfoExtractor v loc (C.InfoNote v loc)
283 ┃ infoNote = extractor $ Just . id
284 ┃
285 ┃ innermostTerm :: ErrorExtractor v loc (C.Term v loc)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Typechecker.Extractor.infoNote’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Typechecker/Extractor.hs:269:1: error: malformedEffectBind is unused
267 ┃ malformedEffectBind
268 ┃ :: ErrorExtractor v loc (C.Type v loc, C.Type v loc, [C.Type v loc])
269 ┃ malformedEffectBind = cause >>= \case
270 ┃ C.MalformedEffectBind ctor ctorResult es -> pure (ctor, ctorResult, es)
271 ┃ _ -> mzero
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Typechecker.Extractor.malformedEffectBind’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Typechecker/Extractor.hs:274:1: error: solvedBlank is unused
272 ┃
273 ┃ solvedBlank :: InfoExtractor v loc (B.Recorded loc, v, C.Type v loc)
274 ┃ solvedBlank = extractor $ \n -> case n of
275 ┃ C.SolvedBlank b v t -> pure (b, v, t)
276 ┃ _ -> mzero
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Typechecker.Extractor.solvedBlank’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Typechecker/Extractor.hs:299:1: error: topLevelComponent is unused
297 ┃ loc
298 ┃ [(v, Type v loc, RedundantTypeAnnotation)]
299 ┃ topLevelComponent = extractor go
300 ┃ where
301 ┃ go (C.TopLevelComponent c) = Just c
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Typechecker.Extractor.topLevelComponent’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Typechecker/Extractor.hs:47:1: error: traceNote is unused
45 ┃ traceNote
46 ┃ :: Show a => String -> ErrorExtractor v loc a -> ErrorExtractor v loc a
47 ┃ traceNote s ex = extractor $ \n ->
48 ┃ let result = extract ex n
49 ┃ in trace (if null s then show result else s ++ ": " ++ show result) result
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Typechecker.Extractor.traceNote’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Typechecker/Extractor.hs:41:1: error: traceSubseq is unused
39 ┃
40 ┃ traceSubseq :: Show a => String -> SubseqExtractor' n a -> SubseqExtractor' n a
41 ┃ traceSubseq s ex = SubseqExtractor' $ \n ->
42 ┃ let rs = runSubseq ex n
43 ┃ in trace (if null s then show rs else s ++ ": " ++ show rs) rs
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Typechecker.Extractor.traceSubseq’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Typechecker/TypeError.hs:124:1: error: topLevelComponent is unused
122 ┃
123 ┃ topLevelComponent :: Ex.InfoExtractor v a (TypeInfo v a)
124 ┃ topLevelComponent = do
125 ┃ defs <- Ex.topLevelComponent
126 ┃ pure $ TopLevelComponent defs
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Typechecker.TypeError.topLevelComponent’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Typechecker/TypeLookup.hs:34:1: error: constructorType is unused
32 ┃
33 ┃ constructorType :: TypeLookup v a -> Reference -> Maybe CT.ConstructorType
34 ┃ constructorType tl r =
35 ┃ (const CT.Data <$> Map.lookup r (dataDecls tl)) <|>
36 ┃ (const CT.Effect <$> Map.lookup r (effectDecls tl))
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Typechecker.TypeLookup.constructorType’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Typechecker/TypeLookup.hs:29:1: error: unsafeConstructorType is unused
27 ┃ -- bombs if not found
28 ┃ unsafeConstructorType :: TypeLookup v a -> Reference -> CT.ConstructorType
29 ┃ unsafeConstructorType tl r = fromMaybe
30 ┃ (error $ "no constructor type for " <> show r)
31 ┃ (constructorType tl r)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Typechecker.TypeLookup.unsafeConstructorType’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/UnisonFile.hs:279:1: error: bindNames is unused
277 ┃ -> UnisonFile v a
278 ┃ -> Names.ResolutionResult v a (UnisonFile v a)
279 ┃ bindNames names (UnisonFileId d e ts ws) = do
280 ┃ -- todo: consider having some kind of binding structure for terms & watches
281 ┃ -- so that you don't weirdly have free vars to tiptoe around.
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.UnisonFile.bindNames’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/UnisonFile.hs:292:1: error: constructorType is unused
290 ┃ constructorType ::
291 ┃ Var v => UnisonFile v a -> Reference -> Maybe CT.ConstructorType
292 ┃ constructorType = TL.constructorType . declsToTypeLookup
293 ┃
294 ┃ data Env v a = Env
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.UnisonFile.constructorType’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/UnisonFile.hs:183:1: error: dependencies' is unused
181 ┃ dependencies' ::
182 ┃ forall v a. Var v => TypecheckedUnisonFile v a -> Relation Reference.Id Reference
183 ┃ dependencies' file = let
184 ┃ terms :: Map v (Reference.Id, Term v a, Type v a)
185 ┃ terms = hashTermsId file
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.UnisonFile.dependencies'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/UnisonFile.hs:307:1: error: effects is unused
305 ┃
306 ┃ effects :: Env v a -> Map v (Reference, EffectDeclaration v a)
307 ┃ effects = fmap (first Reference.DerivedId) . effectsId
308 ┃
309 ┃ data Error v a
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.UnisonFile.effects’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/UnisonFile.hs:157:1: error: getDecl' is unused
155 ┃
156 ┃ getDecl' :: Ord v => TypecheckedUnisonFile v a -> v -> Maybe (DD.Decl v a)
157 ┃ getDecl' uf v =
158 ┃ (Right . snd <$> Map.lookup v (dataDeclarations' uf)) <|>
159 ┃ (Left . snd <$> Map.lookup v (effectDeclarations' uf))
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.UnisonFile.getDecl'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/UnisonFile.hs:246:1: error: typecheckedUnisonFile0 is unused
244 ┃
245 ┃ typecheckedUnisonFile0 :: Ord v => TypecheckedUnisonFile v a
246 ┃ typecheckedUnisonFile0 = TypecheckedUnisonFileId Map.empty Map.empty mempty mempty mempty
247 ┃
248 ┃ -- Returns true if the file has any definitions or watches
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.UnisonFile.typecheckedUnisonFile0’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/UnisonFile.hs:88:1: error: uberTerm' is unused
86 ┃ -- Converts a file and a body to a single let rec with the given body.
87 ┃ uberTerm' :: (Var v, Monoid a) => UnisonFile v a -> Term v a -> Term v a
88 ┃ uberTerm' uf body =
89 ┃ Term.letRec' True (terms uf <> allWatches uf) $ body
90 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.UnisonFile.uberTerm'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/AnnotatedText.hs:88:1: error: deannotate is unused
86 ┃
87 ┃ deannotate :: AnnotatedText a -> AnnotatedText b
88 ┃ deannotate = annotate' Nothing
89 ┃
90 ┃ -- Replace the annotation (whether existing or no) with the given annotation
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.AnnotatedText.deannotate’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/AnnotatedText.hs:118:1: error: textEmpty is unused
116 ┃
117 ┃ textEmpty :: AnnotatedText a -> Bool
118 ┃ textEmpty = (==0) . textLength
119 ┃
120 ┃ condensedExcerptToText :: Int -> AnnotatedExcerpt a -> AnnotatedText a
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.AnnotatedText.textEmpty’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/AnnotatedText.hs:114:1: error: textLength is unused
112 ┃
113 ┃ textLength :: AnnotatedText a -> Int
114 ┃ textLength (AnnotatedText chunks) = foldl' go 0 chunks
115 ┃ where go len (text, _a) = len + length text
116 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.AnnotatedText.textLength’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/AnnotatedText.hs:99:1: error: trailingNewLine is unused
97 ┃
98 ┃ trailingNewLine :: AnnotatedText a -> Bool
99 ┃ trailingNewLine (AnnotatedText (init :|> (s,_))) =
100 ┃ case lastMay s of
101 ┃ Just '\n' -> True
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.AnnotatedText.trailingNewLine’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Bytes.hs:56:1: error: cons is unused
54 ┃
55 ┃ cons :: B.ByteArrayAccess ba => ba -> Bytes -> Bytes
56 ┃ cons b bs | B.null b = bs
57 ┃ cons b (Bytes bs) = Bytes (view (B.convert b) T.<| bs)
58 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Bytes.cons’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Bytes.hs:28:1: error: null is unused
26 ┃
27 ┃ null :: Bytes -> Bool
28 ┃ null (Bytes bs) = T.null bs
29 ┃
30 ┃ empty :: Bytes
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Bytes.null’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/ColorText.hs:36:1: error: hiCyan is unused
34 ┃ hiBlue = style HiBlue
35 ┃ hiPurple = style HiPurple
36 ┃ hiCyan = style HiCyan
37 ┃ hiWhite = style HiWhite
38 ┃ bold = style Bold
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.ColorText.hiCyan’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/ColorText.hs:35:1: error: hiPurple is unused
33 ┃ hiYellow = style HiYellow
34 ┃ hiBlue = style HiBlue
35 ┃ hiPurple = style HiPurple
36 ┃ hiCyan = style HiCyan
37 ┃ hiWhite = style HiWhite
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.ColorText.hiPurple’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/ColorText.hs:37:1: error: hiWhite is unused
35 ┃ hiPurple = style HiPurple
36 ┃ hiCyan = style HiCyan
37 ┃ hiWhite = style HiWhite
38 ┃ bold = style Bold
39 ┃ underline = style Underline
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.ColorText.hiWhite’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/ColorText.hs:45:1: error: toHTML is unused
43 ┃
44 ┃ toHTML :: String -> ColorText -> String
45 ┃ toHTML cssPrefix (AnnotatedText at) = toList at >>= \case
46 ┃ (s, color) -> wrap color (s >>= newlineToBreak)
47 ┃ where
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.ColorText.toHTML’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/ColorText.hs:29:1: error: white is unused
27 ┃ purple = style Purple
28 ┃ cyan = style Cyan
29 ┃ white = style White
30 ┃ hiBlack = style HiBlack
31 ┃ hiRed = style HiRed
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.ColorText.white’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/CyclicEq.hs:29:1: error: bothEq' is unused
27 ┃ bothEq' :: (Eq a, CyclicEq b) => CT.CycleTable Int Int -> CT.CycleTable Int Int
28 ┃ -> a -> a -> b -> b -> IO Bool
29 ┃ bothEq' h1 h2 a1 a2 b1 b2 =
30 ┃ if a1 == a2 then cyclicEq h1 h2 b1 b2
31 ┃ else pure False
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.CyclicEq.bothEq'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/EnumContainers.hs:93:1: error: keys is unused
91 ┃
92 ┃ keys :: EnumKey k => EnumMap k a -> [k]
93 ┃ keys (EM m) = fmap intToKey . IM.keys $ m
94 ┃
95 ┃ restrictKeys :: EnumKey k => EnumMap k a -> EnumSet k -> EnumMap k a
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.EnumContainers.keys’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/EnumContainers.hs:82:1: error: setSingleton is unused
80 ┃
81 ┃ setSingleton :: EnumKey k => k -> EnumSet k
82 ┃ setSingleton e = ES . IS.singleton $ keyToInt e
83 ┃
84 ┃ mapInsert :: EnumKey k => k -> a -> EnumMap k a -> EnumMap k a
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.EnumContainers.setSingleton’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/EnumContainers.hs:90:1: error: unionWith is unused
88 ┃ :: EnumKey k => EnumKey k
89 ┃ => (a -> a -> a) -> EnumMap k a -> EnumMap k a -> EnumMap k a
90 ┃ unionWith f (EM l) (EM r) = EM $ IM.unionWith f l r
91 ┃
92 ┃ keys :: EnumKey k => EnumMap k a -> [k]
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.EnumContainers.unionWith’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Exception.hs:16:1: error: catchAny is unused
14 ┃ -- Catch all exceptions except asynchronous exceptions.
15 ┃ catchAny :: IO a -> (SomeException -> IO a) -> IO a
16 ┃ catchAny action onE = tryAny action >>= either onE return
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Exception.catchAny’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Find.hs:139:1: error: candidates is unused
137 ┃
138 ┃ candidates :: Names.Names' Name.Name -> HashQualified -> [SearchResult]
139 ┃ candidates b hq = typeCandidates <> termCandidates
140 ┃ where
141 ┃ -- filter branch by hash
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Find.candidates’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Find.hs:129:1: error: fuzzyFindInBranch is unused
127 ┃ -> HashQualified
128 ┃ -> [(SearchResult, P.Pretty P.ColorText)]
129 ┃ fuzzyFindInBranch b hq =
130 ┃ case HQ.toName hq of
131 ┃ (Name.toString -> n) ->
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Find.fuzzyFindInBranch’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Find.hs:82:1: error: fuzzyFindMatchArray is unused
80 ┃ String -> [a] -> (a -> String)
81 ┃ -> [(RE.MatchArray, (a, P.Pretty P.ColorText))]
82 ┃ fuzzyFindMatchArray query items render =
83 ┃ scoreAndHighlight $ items
84 ┃ where
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Find.fuzzyFindMatchArray’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Find.hs:34:1: error: fuzzyFinder is unused
32 ┃ fuzzyFinder :: forall a.
33 ┃ String -> [a] -> (a -> String) -> [(a, P.Pretty P.ColorText)]
34 ┃ fuzzyFinder query items render =
35 ┃ sortAndCleanup $ fuzzyFindMatchArray query items render
36 ┃ where
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Find.fuzzyFinder’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Find.hs:136:1: error: getName is unused
134 ┃
135 ┃ getName :: SearchResult -> (SearchResult, P.Pretty P.ColorText)
136 ┃ getName sr = (sr, P.syntaxToColor $ prettyHashQualified' ( sr))
137 ┃
138 ┃ candidates :: Names.Names' Name.Name -> HashQualified -> [SearchResult]
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Find.getName’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Find.hs:164:1: error: highlight is unused
162 ┃ -> [(Pos, Len)]
163 ┃ -> P.Pretty P.ColorText
164 ┃ highlight on = highlight' on id
165 ┃
166 ┃ highlight' :: (P.Pretty P.ColorText -> P.Pretty P.ColorText)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Find.highlight’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Find.hs:171:1: error: highlight' is unused
169 ┃ -> [(Pos, Len)]
170 ┃ -> P.Pretty P.ColorText
171 ┃ highlight' on off t groups = case groups of
172 ┃ [] -> (off . P.text) t
173 ┃ (0,_) : _ -> go groups
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Find.highlight'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Find.hs:116:1: error: prefixFindInBranch is unused
114 ┃ prefixFindInBranch ::
115 ┃ Names0 -> HashQualified -> [(SearchResult, P.Pretty P.ColorText)]
116 ┃ prefixFindInBranch b hq = fmap getName $
117 ┃ case HQ.toName hq of
118 ┃ -- query string includes a name component, so do a prefix find on that
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Find.prefixFindInBranch’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Free.hs:21:1: error: fold is unused
19 ┃
20 ┃ fold :: Monad m => (forall x. f x -> m x) -> Free f a -> m a
21 ┃ fold f m = case m of
22 ┃ Pure a -> pure a
23 ┃ Bind x k -> f x >>= fold f . k
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Free.fold’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Free.hs:42:1: error: free is unused
40 ┃
41 ┃ free :: Traversable f => f (Free f a) -> Free f a
42 ┃ free = go . sequence
43 ┃ where go (Pure fa) = Bind fa Pure
44 ┃ go (Bind fi f) = Bind fi (go . f)
Delete this definition or add ‘’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Free.hs:26:1: error: unfold is unused
24 ┃
25 ┃ unfold :: (v -> Either a (f v)) -> v -> Free f a
26 ┃ unfold f seed = case f seed of
27 ┃ Left a -> Pure a
28 ┃ Right fv -> Bind fv (unfold f)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Free.unfold’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Free.hs:31:1: error: unfold' is unused
29 ┃
30 ┃ unfold' :: (v -> Free f (Either a v)) -> v -> Free f a
31 ┃ unfold' f seed = f seed >>= either Pure (unfold' f)
32 ┃
33 ┃ unfoldM :: (Traversable f, Applicative m, Monad m)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Free.unfold'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Free.hs:35:1: error: unfoldM is unused
33 ┃ unfoldM :: (Traversable f, Applicative m, Monad m)
34 ┃ => (b -> m (Either a (f b))) -> b -> m (Free f a)
35 ┃ unfoldM f seed = do
36 ┃ e <- f seed
37 ┃ case e of
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Free.unfoldM’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/List.hs:17:1: error: groupBy is unused
15 ┃
16 ┃ groupBy :: (Foldable f, Ord k) => (v -> k) -> f v -> Map k [v]
17 ┃ groupBy f vs = reverse <$> foldl' step Map.empty vs
18 ┃ where step m v = Map.insertWith (++) (f v) [v] m
19 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.List.groupBy’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/List.hs:30:1: error: nubOrdOn is unused
28 ┃ else a : wrangle' as (Set.insert b seen)
29 ┃ where b = f a
30 ┃ nubOrdOn = uniqueBy
31 ┃
32 ┃ -- prefers later copies
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.List.nubOrdOn’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Logger.hs:99:1: error: at is unused
97 ┃
98 ┃ at :: Level -> Logger -> Logger
99 ┃ at lvl logger = logger { getLevel = lvl }
100 ┃
101 ┃ atError, atWarn, atInfo, atDebug, atTrace :: Logger -> Logger
Delete this definition or add ‘’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Logger.hs:35:1: error: atomic is unused
33 ┃ -- | Ensure at most one message is logged at the same time
34 ┃ atomic :: Logger -> IO Logger
35 ┃ atomic logger = do
36 ┃ lock <- newMVar ()
37 ┃ pure $
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Logger.atomic’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Logger.hs:85:1: error: debug is unused
83 ┃ warn l = logAt l warnLevel
84 ┃ info l = logAt l infoLevel
85 ┃ debug l = logAt l debugLevel
86 ┃ trace l = logAt l traceLevel
87 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Logger.debug’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Logger.hs:92:1: error: debug' is unused
90 ┃ warn' l = logAt' l warnLevel
91 ┃ info' l = logAt' l infoLevel
92 ┃ debug' l = logAt' l debugLevel
93 ┃ trace' l = logAt' l traceLevel
94 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Logger.debug'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Logger.hs:109:1: error: decrement is unused
107 ┃
108 ┃ decrement :: Logger -> Logger
109 ┃ decrement (Logger s p n l) = Logger s p (n-1) l
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Logger.decrement’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Logger.hs:82:1: error: error is unused
80 ┃
81 ┃ error, warn, info, debug, trace :: Logger -> String -> IO ()
82 ┃ error l = logAt l errorLevel
83 ┃ warn l = logAt l warnLevel
84 ┃ info l = logAt l infoLevel
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Logger.error’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Logger.hs:89:1: error: error' is unused
87 ┃
88 ┃ error', warn', info', debug', trace' :: Logger -> IO String -> IO ()
89 ┃ error' l = logAt' l errorLevel
90 ┃ warn' l = logAt' l warnLevel
91 ┃ info' l = logAt' l infoLevel
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Logger.error'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Logger.hs:106:1: error: increment is unused
104 ┃
105 ┃ increment :: Logger -> Logger
106 ┃ increment (Logger s p n l) = Logger s p (n+1) l
107 ┃
108 ┃ decrement :: Logger -> Logger
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Logger.increment’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Logger.hs:84:1: error: info is unused
82 ┃ error l = logAt l errorLevel
83 ┃ warn l = logAt l warnLevel
84 ┃ info l = logAt l infoLevel
85 ┃ debug l = logAt l debugLevel
86 ┃ trace l = logAt l traceLevel
Delete this definition or add ‘’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Logger.hs:91:1: error: info' is unused
89 ┃ error' l = logAt' l errorLevel
90 ┃ warn' l = logAt' l warnLevel
91 ┃ info' l = logAt' l infoLevel
92 ┃ debug' l = logAt' l debugLevel
93 ┃ trace' l = logAt' l traceLevel
Delete this definition or add ‘'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Logger.hs:66:1: error: logAt is unused
64 ┃
65 ┃ logAt :: Logger -> Level -> String -> IO ()
66 ┃ logAt logger lvl msg | lvl <= getLevel logger = raw logger (prefix logger msg)
67 ┃ | otherwise = pure ()
68 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Logger.logAt’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Logger.hs:62:1: error: logAt' is unused
60 ┃
61 ┃ logAt' :: Logger -> Level -> IO String -> IO ()
62 ┃ logAt' logger lvl msg | lvl <= getLevel logger = msg >>= \msg -> raw logger (prefix logger msg)
63 ┃ | otherwise = pure ()
64 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Logger.logAt'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Logger.hs:51:1: error: logHandleAt is unused
49 ┃
50 ┃ logHandleAt :: Logger -> Level -> Handle -> IO ()
51 ┃ logHandleAt logger lvl h
52 ┃ | lvl > getLevel logger = pure ()
53 ┃ | otherwise = void . forkIO $ loop where
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Logger.logHandleAt’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Logger.hs:79:1: error: logger is unused
77 ┃
78 ┃ logger :: (String -> IO ()) -> Logger
79 ┃ logger log = Logger [] id 0 log
80 ┃
81 ┃ error, warn, info, debug, trace :: Logger -> String -> IO ()
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Logger.logger’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Logger.hs:70:1: error: scope is unused
68 ┃
69 ┃ scope :: String -> Logger -> Logger
70 ┃ scope s (Logger s0 _ lvl raw) = Logger s' prefix' lvl raw where
71 ┃ prefix' msg = prefix ++ msg
72 ┃ prefix = "[" ++ intercalate " " s' ++ "] "
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Logger.scope’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Logger.hs:76:1: error: scope' is unused
74 ┃
75 ┃ scope' :: [String] -> Logger -> Logger
76 ┃ scope' s l = foldr scope l s
77 ┃
78 ┃ logger :: (String -> IO ()) -> Logger
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Logger.scope'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Logger.hs:42:1: error: toHandle is unused
40 ┃
41 ┃ toHandle :: Handle -> Logger
42 ┃ toHandle h = logger (hPutStrLn h)
43 ┃
44 ┃ toStandardError :: Logger
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Logger.toHandle’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Logger.hs:45:1: error: toStandardError is unused
43 ┃
44 ┃ toStandardError :: Logger
45 ┃ toStandardError = toHandle stderr
46 ┃
47 ┃ toStandardOut :: Logger
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Logger.toStandardError’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Logger.hs:48:1: error: toStandardOut is unused
46 ┃
47 ┃ toStandardOut :: Logger
48 ┃ toStandardOut = toHandle stdout
49 ┃
50 ┃ logHandleAt :: Logger -> Level -> Handle -> IO ()
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Logger.toStandardOut’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Logger.hs:86:1: error: trace is unused
84 ┃ info l = logAt l infoLevel
85 ┃ debug l = logAt l debugLevel
86 ┃ trace l = logAt l traceLevel
87 ┃
88 ┃ error', warn', info', debug', trace' :: Logger -> IO String -> IO ()
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Logger.trace’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Logger.hs:93:1: error: trace' is unused
91 ┃ info' l = logAt' l infoLevel
92 ┃ debug' l = logAt' l debugLevel
93 ┃ trace' l = logAt' l traceLevel
94 ┃
95 ┃ errorLevel, warnLevel, infoLevel, debugLevel, traceLevel :: Level
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Logger.trace'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Logger.hs:83:1: error: warn is unused
81 ┃ error, warn, info, debug, trace :: Logger -> String -> IO ()
82 ┃ error l = logAt l errorLevel
83 ┃ warn l = logAt l warnLevel
84 ┃ info l = logAt l infoLevel
85 ┃ debug l = logAt l debugLevel
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Logger.warn’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Logger.hs:90:1: error: warn' is unused
88 ┃ error', warn', info', debug', trace' :: Logger -> IO String -> IO ()
89 ┃ error' l = logAt' l errorLevel
90 ┃ warn' l = logAt' l warnLevel
91 ┃ info' l = logAt' l infoLevel
92 ┃ debug' l = logAt' l debugLevel
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Logger.warn'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Menu.hs:110:1: error: _repeatMenu1 is unused
108 ┃ -> Maybe Keyword
109 ┃ -> IO (Either mc [a])
110 ┃ _repeatMenu1 console caption render renderMeta groups metas initial =
111 ┃ groupMenu1 console caption render renderMeta groups metas initial >>= \case
112 ┃ Just x -> pure x
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Menu._repeatMenu1’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Menu.hs:124:1: error: groupMenu1 is unused
122 ┃ -> Maybe Keyword
123 ┃ -> IO (Maybe (Either mc [a]))
124 ┃ groupMenu1 console caption render renderMeta groups metas initial = do
125 ┃ when ((not . textEmpty) caption) $ do
126 ┃ print . toANSI $ caption
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Menu.groupMenu1’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Menu.hs:220:1: error: groupMenuN is unused
218 ┃ -> [[Keyword]]
219 ┃ -> IO (Either mc [[a]])
220 ┃ groupMenuN console caption render renderMeta groups metas initials =
221 ┃ groupMenuN' console caption render renderMeta groups metas (Set.fromList initials)
222 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Menu.groupMenuN’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Menu.hs:232:1: error: groupMenuN' is unused
230 ┃ -> Set [Keyword]
231 ┃ -> IO (Either mc [[a]])
232 ┃ groupMenuN' console caption render renderMeta groups metas initials = do
233 ┃ when ((not . textEmpty) caption) $ do
234 ┃ print . toANSI $ caption
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Menu.groupMenuN'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Menu.hs:92:1: error: menu1 is unused
90 ┃ -> Maybe Keyword
91 ┃ -> IO (Maybe (Either mc a))
92 ┃ menu1 console caption render renderMeta groups metas initial = do
93 ┃ let groups' = [ ([k], [a]) | (k, a) <- groups ]
94 ┃ metas' = [ ([k], mc) | (k, mc) <- metas ]
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Menu.menu1’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Menu.hs:209:1: error: menuN is unused
207 ┃ -> [Keyword]
208 ┃ -> IO (Either mc [[a]])
209 ┃ menuN _console _caption _render _renderMeta _groups _metas _initials = pure (Right [])
210 ┃
211 ┃ groupMenuN :: forall a mc. Ord a
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Menu.menuN’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Menu.hs:29:1: error: renderChoices is unused
27 ┃ -> (Keyword -> Bool)
28 ┃ -> Stylized
29 ┃ renderChoices render renderMeta groups metas isSelected =
30 ┃ showGroups <> showMetas
31 ┃ where
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Menu.renderChoices’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/PinBoard.hs:94:1: error: debugDump is unused
92 ┃
93 ┃ debugDump :: MonadIO m => (a -> Text) -> PinBoard a -> m ()
94 ┃ debugDump f (PinBoard boardVar) = liftIO do
95 ┃ board <- readMVar boardVar
96 ┃ contents <- (traverse . traverse) bucketToList (IntMap.toList board)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.PinBoard.debugDump’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Pretty.hs:797:1: error: boxForkLeft is unused
795 ┃ boxForkLeft, boxLeft, boxRight ::
796 ┃ forall s . (LL.ListLike s Char, IsString s) => [Pretty s] -> [Pretty s]
797 ┃ boxForkLeft = boxLeft' lBoxStyle1
798 ┃ boxLeft = boxLeft' lBoxStyle2
799 ┃ boxRight = boxRight' rBoxStyle2
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Pretty.boxForkLeft’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Pretty.hs:828:1: error: boxLeftM is unused
826 ┃ boxLeftM, boxRightM :: forall m s . (Monad m, LL.ListLike s Char, IsString s)
827 ┃ => [m (Pretty s)] -> [m (Pretty s)]
828 ┃ boxLeftM = boxLeftM' lBoxStyle2
829 ┃ boxRightM = boxRightM' rBoxStyle2
830 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Pretty.boxLeftM’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Pretty.hs:829:1: error: boxRightM is unused
827 ┃ => [m (Pretty s)] -> [m (Pretty s)]
828 ┃ boxLeftM = boxLeftM' lBoxStyle2
829 ┃ boxRightM = boxRightM' rBoxStyle2
830 ┃
831 ┃ boxLeftM' :: forall m s . (Monad m, LL.ListLike s Char, IsString s)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Pretty.boxRightM’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Pretty.hs:525:1: error: column2Header is unused
523 ┃ column2Header
524 ┃ :: Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText -> [(Pretty ColorText, Pretty ColorText)] -> Pretty ColorText
525 ┃ column2Header left right = column2sep " " . ((fmap CT.hiBlack left, fmap CT.hiBlack right):)
526 ┃
527 ┃ column2sep
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Pretty.column2Header’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Pretty.hs:553:1: error: column3M is unused
551 ┃ => [m (Pretty s, Pretty s, Pretty s)]
552 ┃ -> m (Pretty s)
553 ┃ column3M = fmap column3 . sequence
554 ┃
555 ┃ column3UnzippedM
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Pretty.column3M’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Pretty.hs:562:1: error: column3UnzippedM is unused
560 ┃ -> [m (Pretty s)]
561 ┃ -> m (Pretty s)
562 ┃ column3UnzippedM bottomPadding left mid right = let
563 ┃ rowCount = maximum (fmap length [left, mid, right])
564 ┃ pad :: [m (Pretty s)] -> [m (Pretty s)]
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Pretty.column3UnzippedM’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Pretty.hs:450:1: error: commented is unused
448 ┃ commented
449 ┃ :: (Foldable f, LL.ListLike s Char, IsString s) => f (Pretty s) -> Pretty s
450 ┃ commented = prefixed "-- " "-- "
451 ┃
452 ┃ numbered
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Pretty.commented’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Pretty.hs:514:1: error: excerptColumn2 is unused
512 ┃ -> [(Pretty s, Pretty s)]
513 ┃ -> Pretty s
514 ┃ excerptColumn2 max cols = case max of
515 ┃ Just max | len > max -> lines [column2 cols, "... " <> shown (len - max)]
516 ┃ _ -> column2 cols
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Pretty.excerptColumn2’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Pretty.hs:503:1: error: excerptColumn2Headed is unused
501 ┃ -> [(Pretty s, Pretty s)]
502 ┃ -> Pretty s
503 ┃ excerptColumn2Headed max hd cols = case max of
504 ┃ Just max | len > max ->
505 ┃ lines [column2 (hd : take max cols), "... " <> shown (len - max) <> " more"]
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Pretty.excerptColumn2Headed’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Pretty.hs:397:1: error: excerptSep is unused
395 ┃ -- if list is too long, adds `... 22 more` to the end
396 ┃ excerptSep :: IsString s => Maybe Int -> Pretty s -> [Pretty s] -> Pretty s
397 ┃ excerptSep maxCount =
398 ┃ excerptSep' maxCount (\i -> group ("... " <> shown i <> " more"))
399 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Pretty.excerptSep’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Pretty.hs:664:1: error: hangUngrouped is unused
662 ┃ hangUngrouped
663 ┃ :: (LL.ListLike s Char, IsString s) => Pretty s -> Pretty s -> Pretty s
664 ┃ hangUngrouped from = hangUngrouped' from " "
665 ┃
666 ┃ hang :: (LL.ListLike s Char, IsString s) => Pretty s -> Pretty s -> Pretty s
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Pretty.hangUngrouped’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Pretty.hs:658:1: error: hangUngrouped' is unused
656 ┃ -> Pretty s
657 ┃ -> Pretty s
658 ┃ hangUngrouped' from by p = if isMultiLine p
659 ┃ then from <> "\n" <> indent by p
660 ┃ else (from <> " " <> p) `orElse` (from <> "\n" <> indent by p)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Pretty.hangUngrouped'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Pretty.hs:771:1: error: hiCyan is unused
769 ┃ hiBlue = map CT.hiBlue
770 ┃ hiPurple = map CT.hiPurple
771 ┃ hiCyan = map CT.hiCyan
772 ┃ hiWhite = map CT.hiWhite
773 ┃ bold = map CT.bold
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Pretty.hiCyan’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Pretty.hs:770:1: error: hiPurple is unused
768 ┃ hiYellow = map CT.hiYellow
769 ┃ hiBlue = map CT.hiBlue
770 ┃ hiPurple = map CT.hiPurple
771 ┃ hiCyan = map CT.hiCyan
772 ┃ hiWhite = map CT.hiWhite
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Pretty.hiPurple’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Pretty.hs:772:1: error: hiWhite is unused
770 ┃ hiPurple = map CT.hiPurple
771 ┃ hiCyan = map CT.hiCyan
772 ┃ hiWhite = map CT.hiWhite
773 ┃ bold = map CT.bold
774 ┃ underline = map CT.underline
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Pretty.hiWhite’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Pretty.hs:813:1: error: lBoxStyle1 is unused
811 ┃ )
812 ┃ lBoxStyle1, lBoxStyle2, rBoxStyle2 :: IsString s => BoxStyle s
813 ┃ lBoxStyle1 = (("┌ ", "│ ") -- first
814 ┃ ,("├ ", "│ ") -- middle
815 ┃ ,("└ ", " ") -- last
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Pretty.lBoxStyle1’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Pretty.hs:490:1: error: leftPad is unused
488 ┃
489 ┃ leftPad, rightPad :: IsString s => Int -> Pretty s -> Pretty s
490 ┃ leftPad n p =
491 ┃ let rem = n - preferredWidth p
492 ┃ in if rem > 0 then fromString (replicate rem ' ') <> p else p
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Pretty.leftPad’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Pretty.hs:670:1: error: nest is unused
668 ┃
669 ┃ nest :: (LL.ListLike s Char, IsString s) => Pretty s -> Pretty s -> Pretty s
670 ┃ nest = hang' ""
671 ┃
672 ┃ indent :: (LL.ListLike s Char, IsString s) => Pretty s -> Pretty s -> Pretty s
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Pretty.nest’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Pretty.hs:166:1: error: orElses is unused
164 ┃
165 ┃ orElses :: [Pretty s] -> Pretty s
166 ┃ orElses [] = mempty
167 ┃ orElses ps = foldr1 orElse ps
168 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Pretty.orElses’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Pretty.hs:387:1: error: sepSpaced is unused
385 ┃
386 ┃ sepSpaced :: (Foldable f, IsString s) => Pretty s -> f (Pretty s) -> Pretty s
387 ┃ sepSpaced between = sep (between <> softbreak)
388 ┃
389 ┃ sep :: (Foldable f, IsString s) => Pretty s -> f (Pretty s) -> Pretty s
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Pretty.sepSpaced’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Pretty.hs:254:1: error: toHTML is unused
252 ┃
253 ┃ toHTML :: String -> Width -> Pretty CT.ColorText -> String
254 ┃ toHTML cssPrefix avail p = CT.toHTML cssPrefix (render avail p)
255 ┃
256 ┃ toPlainUnbroken :: Pretty ColorText -> String
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Pretty.toHTML’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Pretty.hs:764:1: error: white is unused
762 ┃ purple = map CT.purple
763 ┃ cyan = map CT.cyan
764 ┃ white = map CT.white
765 ┃ hiBlack = map CT.hiBlack
766 ┃ hiRed = map CT.hiRed
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Pretty.white’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Range.hs:16:1: error: isMultiLine is unused
14 ┃
15 ┃ isMultiLine :: Range -> Bool
16 ┃ isMultiLine (Range (Pos startLine _) (Pos endLine _)) = startLine < endLine
17 ┃
18 ┃ data Range = Range { start :: Pos, end :: Pos } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Range.isMultiLine’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation.hs:330:1: error: <$| is unused
328 ┃ --
329 ┃ (<$|) :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Set a -> Set b -> Relation a b -> Set a
330 ┃ (as <$| bs) r = as `S.intersection` generarAS bs
331 ┃ where generarAS = compactSet . (`lookupRan'` r)
332 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation.<$|’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation.hs:478:1: error: bimap is unused
476 ┃ bimap :: (Ord a, Ord b, Ord c, Ord d)
477 ┃ => (a -> c) -> (b -> d) -> Relation a b -> Relation c d
478 ┃ bimap f g = fromList . fmap (\(a,b) -> (f a, g b)) . toList
479 ┃
480 ┃ instance (Ord a, Ord b) => Monoid (Relation a b) where
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation.bimap’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation.hs:496:1: error: collectRan is unused
494 ┃ collectRan :: Ord a => Ord c =>
495 ┃ (b -> Maybe c) -> Relation a b -> Relation a c
496 ┃ collectRan f r = fromList [ (a, c) | (a, f -> Just c) <- toList r ]
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation.collectRan’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation.hs:285:1: error: compactSet is unused
283 ┃ -- It is similar to 'concat'.
284 ┃ compactSet :: Ord a => Set (Maybe (Set a)) -> Set a
285 ┃ compactSet = S.fold (S.union . fromMaybe S.empty) S.empty
286 ┃
287 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation.compactSet’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation.hs:429:1: error: deleteDomWhere is unused
427 ┃
428 ┃ deleteDomWhere :: (Ord a, Ord b) => (a -> Bool) -> b -> Relation a b -> Relation a b
429 ┃ deleteDomWhere f b r =
430 ┃ foldl' (\r a -> if f a then delete a b r else r) r (lookupRan b r)
431 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation.deleteDomWhere’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation.hs:419:1: error: deleteRan is unused
417 ┃
418 ┃ deleteRan :: (Ord a, Ord b) => b -> Relation a b -> Relation a b
419 ┃ deleteRan b r = foldl' (\r a -> delete a b r) r $ lookupRan b r
420 ┃
421 ┃ deleteDom :: (Ord a, Ord b) => a -> Relation a b -> Relation a b
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation.deleteRan’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation.hs:425:1: error: deleteRanWhere is unused
423 ┃
424 ┃ deleteRanWhere :: (Ord a, Ord b) => (b -> Bool) -> a -> Relation a b -> Relation a b
425 ┃ deleteRanWhere f a r =
426 ┃ foldl' (\r b -> if f b then delete a b r else r) r (lookupDom a r)
427 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation.deleteRanWhere’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation.hs:157:1: error: foldlStrict is unused
155 ┃ --
156 ┃ foldlStrict :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
157 ┃ foldlStrict f z xs = case xs of
158 ┃ [] -> z
159 ┃ (x : xx) -> let z' = f z x in seq z' (foldlStrict f z' xx)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation.foldlStrict’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation.hs:467:1: error: fromManyRan is unused
465 ┃ fromManyRan
466 ┃ :: (Foldable f, Ord a, Ord b) => a -> f b -> Relation a b
467 ┃ fromManyRan a bs = insertManyRan a bs mempty
468 ┃
469 ┃ fromManyDom
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation.fromManyRan’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation.hs:463:1: error: fromSet is unused
461 ┃
462 ┃ fromSet :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Set (a,b) -> Relation a b
463 ┃ fromSet = fromList . S.toList
464 ┃
465 ┃ fromManyRan
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation.fromSet’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation.hs:129:1: error: joinDom is unused
127 ┃
128 ┃ joinDom :: (Ord a, Ord b, Ord c) => Relation a b -> Relation a c -> Relation a (b,c)
129 ┃ joinDom b c = swap $ joinRan (swap b) (swap c)
130 ┃
131 ┃ -- joinRan [(1, 'x'), (2, 'x'), (3, 'z')] [(true, 'x'), (true, 'y'), (false, 'z')]
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation.joinDom’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation.hs:134:1: error: joinRan is unused
132 ┃ -- == [((1,true), 'x'), ((2,true), 'x'), ((3,false), 'z')]
133 ┃ joinRan :: (Ord a, Ord b, Ord c) => Relation a c -> Relation b c -> Relation (a,b) c
134 ┃ joinRan a b = fromList
135 ┃ [ ((a,b), c)
136 ┃ | c <- S.toList $ ran a `S.intersection` ran b
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation.joinRan’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation.hs:264:1: error: manyRan is unused
262 ┃
263 ┃ manyRan :: Ord b => b -> Relation a b -> Bool
264 ┃ manyRan b = (>1) . S.size . lookupRan b
265 ┃
266 ┃ -- | Returns the domain in the relation, as a Set, in its entirety.
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation.manyRan’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation.hs:111:1: error: outerJoinRanMultimaps is unused
109 ┃ -> Relation b c
110 ┃ -> Map c (Set a, Set b)
111 ┃ outerJoinRanMultimaps a b = outerJoinDomMultimaps (swap a) (swap b)
112 ┃
113 ┃ innerJoinDomMultimaps :: (Ord a, Ord b, Ord c)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation.outerJoinRanMultimaps’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation.hs:407:1: error: replaceRan is unused
405 ┃
406 ┃ replaceRan :: (Ord a, Ord b) => b -> b -> Relation a b -> Relation a b
407 ┃ replaceRan b b' r =
408 ┃ foldl' (\r a -> insert a b' $ delete a b r) r (lookupRan b r)
409 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation.replaceRan’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation.hs:372:1: error: subtractRan is unused
370 ┃
371 ┃ subtractRan :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Set b -> Relation a b -> Relation a b
372 ┃ subtractRan = flip (||>)
373 ┃
374 ┃ -- Restrict the domain to not include these `a`
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation.subtractRan’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation.hs:77:1: error: toSet is unused
75 ┃ -- | Builds a Set from a Relation
76 ┃ toSet :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Relation a b -> S.Set (a, b)
77 ┃ toSet = S.fromList . toList
78 ┃
79 ┃ -- |
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation.toSet’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation.hs:492:1: error: toUnzippedMultimap is unused
490 ┃ toUnzippedMultimap ::
491 ┃ Ord a => Ord b => Ord c => Relation a (b,c) -> Map a (Set b, Set c)
492 ┃ toUnzippedMultimap r = (\s -> ( fst s, snd s)) <$> toMultimap r
493 ┃
494 ┃ collectRan :: Ord a => Ord c =>
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation.toUnzippedMultimap’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation.hs:164:1: error: unions is unused
162 ┃ -- | Union a list of relations using the 'empty' relation.
163 ┃ unions :: (Ord a, Ord b) => [Relation a b] -> Relation a b
164 ┃ unions = foldlStrict union empty
165 ┃
166 ┃ -- | Insert a relation @ x @ and @ y @ in the relation @ r @
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation.unions’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation.hs:411:1: error: updateDom is unused
409 ┃
410 ┃ updateDom :: (Ord a, Ord b) => (a -> a) -> b -> Relation a b -> Relation a b
411 ┃ updateDom f b r =
412 ┃ foldl' (\r a -> insert (f a) b $ delete a b r) r (lookupRan b r)
413 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation.updateDom’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation.hs:415:1: error: updateRan is unused
413 ┃
414 ┃ updateRan :: (Ord a, Ord b) => (b -> b) -> a -> Relation a b -> Relation a b
415 ┃ updateRan f a r =
416 ┃ foldl' (\r b -> insert a (f b) $ delete a b r) r (lookupDom a r)
417 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation.updateRan’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation.hs:341:1: error: |$> is unused
339 ┃ -- @( Case a |> r b )@
340 ┃ (|$>) :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Set a -> Set b -> Relation a b -> Set b
341 ┃ (as |$> bs) r = bs `S.intersection` generarBS as
342 ┃ where generarBS = compactSet . (`lookupDom'` r)
343 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation.|$>’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation.hs:369:1: error: ||> is unused
367 ┃ -- Restrict the range to not include these `b`s
368 ┃ (||>) :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Relation a b -> Set b -> Relation a b
369 ┃ r ||> t = fromList [ (a,b) | (a,b) <- toList r, not (b `S.member` t)]
370 ┃
371 ┃ subtractRan :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Set b -> Relation a b -> Relation a b
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation.||>’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation3.hs:25:1: error: d1s is unused
23 ┃
24 ┃ d1s :: Relation3 a b c -> Set a
25 ┃ d1s = Map.keysSet . d1
26 ┃
27 ┃ d2s :: Relation3 a b c -> Set b
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation3.d1s’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation3.hs:28:1: error: d2s is unused
26 ┃
27 ┃ d2s :: Relation3 a b c -> Set b
28 ┃ d2s = Map.keysSet . d2
29 ┃
30 ┃ d3s :: Relation3 a b c -> Set c
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation3.d2s’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation3.hs:31:1: error: d3s is unused
29 ┃
30 ┃ d3s :: Relation3 a b c -> Set c
31 ┃ d3s = Map.keysSet . d3
32 ┃
33 ┃ filter :: (Ord a, Ord b, Ord c)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation3.d3s’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation3.hs:35:1: error: filter is unused
33 ┃ filter :: (Ord a, Ord b, Ord c)
34 ┃ => ((a,b,c) -> Bool) -> Relation3 a b c -> Relation3 a b c
35 ┃ filter f = fromList . Prelude.filter f . toList
36 ┃
37 ┃ member :: (Ord a, Ord b, Ord c) => a -> b -> c -> Relation3 a b c -> Bool
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation3.filter’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation3.hs:64:1: error: fromNestedDom is unused
62 ┃
63 ┃ fromNestedDom :: (Ord a, Ord b, Ord c) => Relation (a,b) c -> Relation3 a b c
64 ┃ fromNestedDom = fromList . fmap (\((a,b),c) -> (a,b,c)) . R.toList
65 ┃ fromNestedRan :: (Ord a, Ord b, Ord c) => Relation a (b,c) -> Relation3 a b c
66 ┃ fromNestedRan = fromList . fmap (\(a,(b,c)) -> (a,b,c)) . R.toList
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation3.fromNestedDom’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation3.hs:66:1: error: fromNestedRan is unused
64 ┃ fromNestedDom = fromList . fmap (\((a,b),c) -> (a,b,c)) . R.toList
65 ┃ fromNestedRan :: (Ord a, Ord b, Ord c) => Relation a (b,c) -> Relation3 a b c
66 ┃ fromNestedRan = fromList . fmap (\(a,(b,c)) -> (a,b,c)) . R.toList
67 ┃
68 ┃ fromList :: (Ord a, Ord b, Ord c) => [(a,b,c)] -> Relation3 a b c
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation3.fromNestedRan’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation3.hs:47:1: error: lookupD3 is unused
45 ┃
46 ┃ lookupD3 :: (Ord a, Ord b, Ord c) => c -> Relation3 a b c -> Relation a b
47 ┃ lookupD3 c = fromMaybe mempty . Map.lookup c . d3
48 ┃
49 ┃ size :: (Ord a, Ord b, Ord c) => Relation3 a b c -> Int
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation3.lookupD3’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation3.hs:61:1: error: nestD12 is unused
59 ┃
60 ┃ nestD12 :: (Ord a, Ord b, Ord c) => Relation3 a b c -> Relation (a,b) c
61 ┃ nestD12 r = R.fromList [ ((a,b),c) | (a,b,c) <- toList r ]
62 ┃
63 ┃ fromNestedDom :: (Ord a, Ord b, Ord c) => Relation (a,b) c -> Relation3 a b c
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation3.nestD12’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation3.hs:50:1: error: size is unused
48 ┃
49 ┃ size :: (Ord a, Ord b, Ord c) => Relation3 a b c -> Int
50 ┃ size = getSum . foldMap (Sum . R.size) . d1
51 ┃
52 ┃ toList :: Relation3 a b c -> [(a,b,c)]
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation3.size’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation4.hs:67:1: error: d12 is unused
65 ┃
66 ┃ d12 :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Relation4 a b c d -> Relation a b
67 ┃ d12 = R.fromMultimap . fmap (Map.keysSet . R3.d1) . d1
68 ┃
69 ┃ d34 :: (Ord c, Ord d) => Relation4 a b c d -> Relation c d
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation4.d12’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation4.hs:74:1: error: d12s is unused
72 ┃ -- todo: make me faster
73 ┃ d12s :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Relation4 a b c d -> [(a,b)]
74 ┃ d12s = nubOrd . fmap (\(a, (b, _)) -> (a,b)) . toNestedList
75 ┃ --e.g. Map.toList (d1 r) >>= \(a, r3) -> (a,) <$> Map.keys (R3.d1 r3)
76 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation4.d12s’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation4.hs:64:1: error: d1set is unused
62 ┃
63 ┃ d1set :: Ord a => Relation4 a b c d -> Set a
64 ┃ d1set = Map.keysSet . d1
65 ┃
66 ┃ d12 :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Relation4 a b c d -> Relation a b
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation4.d1set’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation4.hs:89:1: error: delete is unused
87 ┃ ins x y z = Just . R3.insert x y z . fromMaybe mempty
88 ┃
89 ┃ delete a b c d Relation4{..} =
90 ┃ Relation4
91 ┃ (Map.alter (del b c d) a d1)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation4.delete’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation4.hs:52:1: error: selectD3 is unused
50 ┃ selectD3 :: (Ord a, Ord b, Ord c, Ord d)
51 ┃ => c -> Relation4 a b c d -> Relation4 a b c d
52 ┃ selectD3 c r =
53 ┃ fromList [ (a,b,c,d) | (a,b,d) <- maybe [] R3.toList $ Map.lookup c (d3 r) ]
54 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation4.selectD3’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Relation4.hs:30:1: error: size is unused
28 ┃
29 ┃ size :: (Ord a, Ord b, Ord c, Ord d) => Relation4 a b c d -> Int
30 ┃ size = getSum . foldMap (Sum . R3.size) . d1
31 ┃
32 ┃ toNestedList :: Relation4 a b c d -> [(a,(b,(c,d)))]
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Relation4.size’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Star3.hs:60:1: error: d12s is unused
58 ┃ => Star3 fact d1 d2 d3
59 ┃ -> [(fact, d1, d2)]
60 ┃ d12s s = [ (f, x, y) | f <- Set.toList (fact s)
61 ┃ , x <- Set.toList (R.lookupDom f (d1 s))
62 ┃ , y <- Set.toList (R.lookupDom f (d2 s)) ]
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Star3.d12s’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Star3.hs:67:1: error: d13s is unused
65 ┃ => Star3 fact d1 d2 d3
66 ┃ -> [(fact, d1, d3)]
67 ┃ d13s s = [ (f, x, y) | f <- Set.toList (fact s)
68 ┃ , x <- Set.toList (R.lookupDom f (d1 s))
69 ┃ , y <- Set.toList (R.lookupDom f (d3 s)) ]
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Star3.d13s’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Star3.hs:46:1: error: d23s is unused
44 ┃ => Star3 fact d1 d2 d3
45 ┃ -> [(fact, d2, d3)]
46 ┃ d23s s = [ (f, x, y) | f <- Set.toList (fact s)
47 ┃ , x <- Set.toList (R.lookupDom f (d2 s))
48 ┃ , y <- Set.toList (R.lookupDom f (d3 s)) ]
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Star3.d23s’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Star3.hs:53:1: error: d23s' is unused
51 ┃ => Star3 fact d1 d2 d3
52 ┃ -> [(d2, d3)]
53 ┃ d23s' s = [ (x, y) | f <- Set.toList (fact s)
54 ┃ , x <- Set.toList (R.lookupDom f (d2 s))
55 ┃ , y <- Set.toList (R.lookupDom f (d3 s)) ]
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Star3.d23s'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Star3.hs:82:1: error: fromList is unused
80 ┃ fromList :: (Ord fact, Ord d1, Ord d2, Ord d3)
81 ┃ => [(fact, d1, d2, d3)] -> Star3 fact d1 d2 d3
82 ┃ fromList = foldl' (flip insert) mempty
83 ┃
84 ┃ selectFact
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Star3.fromList’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Star3.hs:148:1: error: insert is unused
146 ┃ -> Star3 fact d1 d2 d3
147 ┃ -> Star3 fact d1 d2 d3
148 ┃ insert (f, d1i, d2i, d3i) s = Star3 fact' d1' d2' d3' where
149 ┃ fact' = Set.insert f (fact s)
150 ┃ d1' = R.insert f d1i (d1 s)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Star3.insert’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Star3.hs:72:1: error: mapD1 is unused
70 ┃
71 ┃ mapD1 :: (Ord fact, Ord d1, Ord d1a) => (d1 -> d1a) -> Star3 fact d1 d2 d3 -> Star3 fact d1a d2 d3
72 ┃ mapD1 f s = s { d1 = R.mapRan f (d1 s) }
73 ┃
74 ┃ mapD2 :: (Ord fact, Ord d2, Ord d2a) => (d2 -> d2a) -> Star3 fact d1 d2 d3 -> Star3 fact d1 d2a d3
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Star3.mapD1’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Star3.hs:75:1: error: mapD2 is unused
73 ┃
74 ┃ mapD2 :: (Ord fact, Ord d2, Ord d2a) => (d2 -> d2a) -> Star3 fact d1 d2 d3 -> Star3 fact d1 d2a d3
75 ┃ mapD2 f s = s { d2 = R.mapRan f (d2 s) }
76 ┃
77 ┃ mapD3 :: (Ord fact, Ord d3, Ord d3a) => (d3 -> d3a) -> Star3 fact d1 d2 d3 -> Star3 fact d1 d2 d3a
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Star3.mapD2’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Star3.hs:139:1: error: memberD2 is unused
137 ┃
138 ┃ memberD2 :: (Ord fact, Ord d2) => (fact,d2) -> Star3 fact d1 d2 d3 -> Bool
139 ┃ memberD2 (f, x) s = R.member f x (d2 s)
140 ┃
141 ┃ memberD3 :: (Ord fact, Ord d3) => (fact,d3) -> Star3 fact d1 d2 d3 -> Bool
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Star3.memberD2’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Star3.hs:142:1: error: memberD3 is unused
140 ┃
141 ┃ memberD3 :: (Ord fact, Ord d3) => (fact,d3) -> Star3 fact d1 d2 d3 -> Bool
142 ┃ memberD3 (f, x) s = R.member f x (d3 s)
143 ┃
144 ┃ insert :: (Ord fact, Ord d1, Ord d2, Ord d3)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Star3.memberD3’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Star3.hs:98:1: error: select1D3 is unused
96 ┃ :: (Ord fact, Ord d1, Ord d2, Ord d3)
97 ┃ => d3 -> Star3 fact d1 d2 d3 -> Star3 fact d1 d2 d3
98 ┃ select1D3 = selectD3 . Set.singleton
99 ┃
100 ┃ selectD3
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Star3.select1D3’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/Star3.hs:105:1: error: selectD3 is unused
103 ┃ -> Star3 fact d1 d2 d3
104 ┃ -> Star3 fact d1 d2 d3
105 ┃ selectD3 d3s s = Star3 fact' d1' d2' d3' where
106 ┃ fact' = Set.intersection (R.dom d3') (fact s)
107 ┃ d1' = R.dom d3' R.<| d1 s
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.Star3.selectD3’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/SyntaxText.hs:63:1: error: toPlain is unused
61 ┃ -- Convert a `SyntaxText` to a `String`, ignoring syntax markup
62 ┃ toPlain :: SyntaxText -> String
63 ┃ toPlain (AnnotatedText at) = join (toList $ fst <$> at)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.SyntaxText.toPlain’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/TQueue.hs:24:1: error: awaitSize is unused
22 ┃ -- other thread which is consuming elements from the queue.
23 ┃ awaitSize :: Int -> TQueue a -> STM ()
24 ┃ awaitSize target q = size q >>= \n ->
25 ┃ if n <= target then pure ()
26 ┃ else retrySTM
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.TQueue.awaitSize’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/TQueue.hs:48:1: error: dequeueN is unused
46 ┃
47 ┃ dequeueN :: TQueue a -> Int -> STM [a]
48 ┃ dequeueN (TQueue v _) n = readTVar v >>= \s ->
49 ┃ if length s >= n then writeTVar v (S.drop n s) $> toList (S.take n s)
50 ┃ else retrySTM
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.TQueue.dequeueN’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/TQueue.hs:86:1: error: peekWhile is unused
84 ┃
85 ┃ peekWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> TQueue a -> STM [a]
86 ┃ peekWhile cond (TQueue v _) = readTVar v >>= \s -> let
87 ┃ (left, right) = S.spanl cond s in
88 ┃ if null right then retrySTM
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.TQueue.peekWhile’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/TQueue.hs:68:1: error: raceIO is unused
66 ┃
67 ┃ raceIO :: MonadUnliftIO m => STM a -> STM b -> m (Either a b)
68 ┃ raceIO a b = do
69 ┃ aa <- Async.async $ atomically a
70 ┃ ab <- Async.async $ atomically b
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.TQueue.raceIO’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/TQueue.hs:18:1: error: size is unused
16 ┃
17 ┃ size :: TQueue a -> STM Int
18 ┃ size (TQueue q _) = S.length <$> readTVar q
19 ┃
20 ┃ -- Waits for this queue to reach a size <= target.
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.TQueue.size’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/TQueue.hs:80:1: error: takeWhile is unused
78 ┃ -- then return the prefix before that
79 ┃ takeWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> TQueue a -> STM [a]
80 ┃ takeWhile cond (TQueue v _) = readTVar v >>= \s -> let
81 ┃ (left, right) = S.spanl cond s in
82 ┃ if null right then retrySTM
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.TQueue.takeWhile’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/TQueue.hs:75:1: error: tryPeekWhile is unused
73 ┃ -- take all elements up to but not including the first not satisfying cond
74 ┃ tryPeekWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> TQueue a -> STM [a]
75 ┃ tryPeekWhile cond (TQueue v _) = toList . S.takeWhileL cond <$> readTVar v
76 ┃
77 ┃ -- block until at least one element is enqueued not satisfying cond,
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.TQueue.tryPeekWhile’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/TransitiveClosure.hs:24:1: error: transitiveClosure' is unused
22 ┃
23 ┃ transitiveClosure' :: Ord a => (a -> Set a) -> Set a -> Set a
24 ┃ transitiveClosure' f as = runIdentity $ transitiveClosure (pure . f) as
25 ┃
26 ┃ transitiveClosure1 :: forall m a. (Monad m, Ord a)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.TransitiveClosure.transitiveClosure'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/TransitiveClosure.hs:28:1: error: transitiveClosure1 is unused
26 ┃ transitiveClosure1 :: forall m a. (Monad m, Ord a)
27 ┃ => (a -> m (Set a)) -> a -> m (Set a)
28 ┃ transitiveClosure1 f a = transitiveClosure f (Set.singleton a)
29 ┃
30 ┃ transitiveClosure1' :: Ord a => (a -> Set a) -> a -> Set a
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.TransitiveClosure.transitiveClosure1’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Util/TransitiveClosure.hs:31:1: error: transitiveClosure1' is unused
29 ┃
30 ┃ transitiveClosure1' :: Ord a => (a -> Set a) -> a -> Set a
31 ┃ transitiveClosure1' f a = runIdentity $ transitiveClosure1 (pure . f) a
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Util.TransitiveClosure.transitiveClosure1'’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Var.hs:162:1: error: freshNamed is unused
160 ┃
161 ┃ freshNamed :: Var v => Set v -> Text -> v
162 ┃ freshNamed used n = ABT.freshIn used (named n)
163 ┃
164 ┃ universallyQuantifyIfFree :: forall v . Var v => v -> Bool
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Var.freshNamed’ as a root to fix this error.
src/Unison/Var.hs:157:1: error: joinDot is unused
155 ┃
156 ┃ joinDot :: Var v => v -> v -> v
157 ┃ joinDot prefix v2 =
158 ┃ if name prefix == "." then named (name prefix `mappend` name v2)
159 ┃ else named (name prefix `mappend` "." `mappend` name v2)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Var.joinDot’ as a root to fix this error.
tests/Unison/Test/ANF.hs:118:1: error: backReference is unused
116 ┃
117 ┃ backReference :: Word64 -> Reference
118 ┃ backReference _ = error "backReference"
119 ┃
120 ┃ denormalizeMatch
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Test.ANF.backReference’ as a root to fix this error.
tests/Unison/Test/ANF.hs:108:1: error: denormalizeRef is unused
106 ┃
107 ┃ denormalizeRef :: RTag -> Reference
108 ┃ denormalizeRef r
109 ┃ | 0 <- rawTag r = Ty.natRef
110 ┃ | 1 <- rawTag r = Ty.intRef
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Test.ANF.denormalizeRef’ as a root to fix this error.
tests/Unison/Test/ANF.hs:36:1: error: simpleRefs is unused
34 ┃
35 ┃ simpleRefs :: Reference -> RTag
36 ┃ simpleRefs r
37 ┃ | r == Ty.natRef = 0
38 ┃ | r == Ty.intRef = 1
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Test.ANF.simpleRefs’ as a root to fix this error.
tests/Unison/Test/Codebase/Causal.hs:29:1: error: c is unused
27 ┃
28 ┃ c :: M (Causal M Int64 [Int64])
29 ┃ c = merge (foldr cons (one [1]) t1)
30 ┃ (foldr cons (foldr cons (one [1]) t2) t3)
31 ┃ where
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Test.Codebase.Causal.c’ as a root to fix this error.
tests/Unison/Test/Codebase/Causal.hs:38:1: error: c2 is unused
36 ┃
37 ┃ c2 :: M (Causal M Int64 [Int64])
38 ┃ c2 = merge (foldr cons (one [1]) t1)
39 ┃ (foldr cons (foldr cons (one [1]) t2) t3)
40 ┃ where
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Test.Codebase.Causal.c2’ as a root to fix this error.
tests/Unison/Test/Codebase/Causal.hs:298:1: error: cons'' is unused
296 ┃ => (Causal m1 h e2 -> m2 (Causal m2 h e1))
297 ┃ -> e1 -> Causal m1 h e2 -> Causal m2 h e1
298 ┃ cons'' pure e tl =
299 ┃ Cons (RawHash $ Causal.hash [Causal.hash e, unRawHash . currentHash $ tl]) e (currentHash tl, pure tl)
300 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Test.Codebase.Causal.cons''’ as a root to fix this error.
tests/Unison/Test/Codebase/Causal.hs:304:1: error: merge'' is unused
302 ┃ => (Causal m h e -> m (Causal m h e))
303 ┃ -> Causal m h e -> Causal m h e -> m (Causal m h e)
304 ┃ merge'' pure a b =
305 ┃ ifM (before a b) (pure b) . ifM (before b a) (pure a) $ case (a, b) of
306 ┃ (Merge _ _ tls, Merge _ _ tls2) -> merge0 $ Map.union tls tls2
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Test.Codebase.Causal.merge''’ as a root to fix this error.
tests/Unison/Test/ColorText.hs:53:1: error: ex is unused
51 ┃
52 ┃ ex :: Ord a => AnnotatedExcerpt a
53 ┃ ex = [r|The Tempest | Act 1, Scene 1
54 ┃
55 ┃ SCENE I. On a ship at sea: a tempestuous noise
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Test.ColorText.ex’ as a root to fix this error.
tests/Unison/Test/ColorText.hs:31:1: error: ex2 is unused
29 ┃
30 ┃ ex2 :: AnnotatedExcerpt Color
31 ┃ ex2 = markup ex (Map.fromList
32 ┃ [ (Range (Pos 3 1) (Pos 3 5), Red) -- SCENE
33 ┃ , (Range (Pos 5 9) (Pos 5 14), Blue) -- Master
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Test.ColorText.ex2’ as a root to fix this error.
tests/Unison/Test/ColorText.hs:43:1: error: ex3 is unused
41 ┃
42 ┃ ex3 :: AnnotatedExcerpt Color
43 ┃ ex3 = markup "Hello, world!" $ Map.fromList
44 ┃ [ (Range (Pos 1 8) (Pos 1 12), Blue)
45 ┃ , (Range (Pos 1 1) (Pos 1 5), Green) ]
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Test.ColorText.ex3’ as a root to fix this error.
tests/Unison/Test/ColorText.hs:48:1: error: ex4 is unused
46 ┃
47 ┃ ex4 :: AnnotatedExcerpt Color
48 ┃ ex4 = markup "Hello,\nworld!" $ Map.fromList
49 ┃ [ (Range (Pos 2 1) (Pos 2 5), Blue)
50 ┃ , (Range (Pos 1 1) (Pos 1 5), Green) ]
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Test.ColorText.ex4’ as a root to fix this error.
tests/Unison/Test/ColorText.hs:23:1: error: ex4e is unused
21 ┃
22 ┃ ex4e :: String
23 ┃ ex4e = toANSI . condensedExcerptToText 1 $ markup "abc" m
24 ┃ where m = Map.singleton (Range (Pos 1 2) (Pos 1 3)) Red
25 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Test.ColorText.ex4e’ as a root to fix this error.
tests/Unison/Test/ColorText.hs:27:1: error: ex4t is unused
25 ┃
26 ┃ ex4t :: String
27 ┃ ex4t = toANSI $ " 1 | " <> "a" <> Red "b" <> "c" <> "\n"
28 ┃
29 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Test.ColorText.ex4t’ as a root to fix this error.
tests/Unison/Test/ColorText.hs:40:1: error: renderEx2 is unused
38 ┃
39 ┃ renderEx2 :: String
40 ┃ renderEx2 = toANSI . condensedExcerptToText 3 $ ex2
41 ┃
42 ┃ ex3 :: AnnotatedExcerpt Color
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Test.ColorText.renderEx2’ as a root to fix this error.
tests/Unison/Test/FileParser.hs:50:3: error: test2 is unused
48 ┃
49 ┃ test2 :: Test ()
50 ┃ test2 = scope "test2" $
51 ┃ (io $ unsafeParseFileBuiltinsOnly "unison-src/test1.u") *> ok
52 ┃
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Test.FileParser.test2’ as a root to fix this error.
tests/Unison/Test/Git.hs:294:1: error: initCodebaseDir is unused
292 ┃ -- initialize a fresh codebase
293 ┃ initCodebaseDir :: Branch.Cache IO -> FilePath -> String -> IO CodebasePath
294 ┃ initCodebaseDir branchCache tmpDir name = fst <$> initCodebase branchCache tmpDir name
295 ┃
296 ┃ initCodebase :: Branch.Cache IO -> FilePath -> String -> IO (CodebasePath, Codebase IO Symbol Ann)
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Test.Git.initCodebaseDir’ as a root to fix this error.
tests/Unison/Test/TypePrinter.hs:56:1: error: tc_breaks is unused
54 ┃ -- Use renderBroken to render the output to some maximum width.
55 ┃ tc_breaks :: String -> Int -> String -> Test ()
56 ┃ tc_breaks s width expected = tc_diff_rtt True s expected width
57 ┃
58 ┃ test :: Test ()
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Test.TypePrinter.tc_breaks’ as a root to fix this error.
tests/Unison/Test/Typechecker/Components.hs:11:1: error: test is unused
9 ┃
10 ┃ test :: Test ()
11 ┃ test = scope "Typechecker.Components" $ ok
12 ┃ -- [
13 ┃ -- -- simple case, no minimization done
Delete this definition or add ‘Unison.Test.Typechecker.Components.test’ as a root to fix this error.
unison/System/Path.hs:55:1: error: fileList is unused
53 ┃ -- | Recursively list the contents of a directory. Depth-first.
54 ┃ fileList :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
55 ┃ fileList = mtreeList children
56 ┃ where children path = do
57 ┃ directory <- doesDirectoryExist path
Delete this definition or add ‘System.Path.fileList’ as a root to fix this error.
Weeds detected: 576
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