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Created January 25, 2020 22:30
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{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- Based off of:
module Lib where
import Control.Applicative
import Concur.Core
import Concur.Replica (HTML)
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Prelude
data Delta a
= Delta (TVar a) (TChan a)
deriving Eq
:: forall a b r
. Delta a
-> Delta b
-> ((a, b) -> Widget HTML (Either (a, b) r))
-> Widget HTML r
with2 (Delta ref1 bcast1) (Delta ref2 bcast2) w = do
(a, b, readA, readB) <-
$ atomically
$ liftA4 (,,,) (readTVar ref1) (readTVar ref2) (dupTChan bcast1) (dupTChan bcast2)
go readA readB (a, b)
go :: TChan a -> TChan b -> (a, b) -> Widget HTML r
go readA readB (a, b) = do
res <- fmap One2 (w (a, b)) <|> fmap Two2 (get readA readB (a, b))
case res of
One2 (Left (a', b')) -> do
_ <- write readA readB (a', b')
go readA readB (a', b')
One2 (Right r) ->
pure r
Two2 (a', b') ->
go readA readB (a', b')
get :: forall. TChan a -> TChan b -> (a, b) -> Widget HTML (a, b)
get readA readB (a, b) =
liftSafeBlockingIO $ atomically $ do
resA <- tryReadTChan readA
resB <- tryReadTChan readB
case (resA, resB) of
(Nothing, Nothing) ->
(Just a', Nothing) ->
pure (a', b)
(Nothing, Just b') ->
pure (a, b')
(Just a', Just b') ->
pure (a', b')
write :: TChan a -> TChan b -> (a, b) -> Widget HTML ()
write readA readB (a, b) =
liftUnsafeBlockingIO $ atomically $ do
writeTVar ref1 a
writeTVar ref2 b
writeTChan bcast1 a
writeTChan bcast2 b
_ <- readTChan readA -- don't react to the values we just wrote
_ <- readTChan readB
pure ()
data OneOf2 a b = One2 a | Two2 b
:: Applicative m
=> (a -> b -> c -> d -> r)
-> m a
-> m b
-> m c
-> m d
-> m r
liftA4 fn a b c d =
fn <$> a <*> b <*> c <*> d
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