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Last active June 7, 2018 07:51
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# Shuffle dataframe
# Read data from Google Cloud Storage
california_housing_dataframe = pd.read_csv("", sep=",")
# Convert pandas data into a dict of np arrays
# where `key` is column name.
# example:
# {'households': array([ 472., 463., 117., ..., 356., 359., 1453.]), 'median_income': array([1.4936, 1.82 , 1.6509, ..., 2.8462, 8.4016, 4.3644]), 'total_rooms': array([5612., 7650., 720., ..., 2019., 2648., 8507.]), 'housing_median_age': array([15., 19., 17., ..., 36., 33., 19.]), 'longitude': array([-114.31, -114.47, -114.56, ..., -121.39, -121.39, -121.39]), 'total_bedrooms': array([1283., 1901., 174., ..., 369., 357., 1470.])}
features = {key:np.array(value) for key,value in dict(features).items()}
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