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Created December 5, 2017 21:58
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import net.datastructures.*;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Iterator;
* An realization of a graph according to adjacency list structure.
* Modified to use a map from vertex names to vertices instead of a
* NodePositionList to hold the vertices.
* Assumes that vertex values are unique.
* @author Roberto Tamassia, Eric Zamore
* @author Scot Drysdale - modifications
public class AdjacencyListGraphMap<V,E> implements Graph<V,E> {
protected Map<V, Vertex<V>> VMap; // Map from vertex values to vertices
protected NodePositionList<Edge<E>> EList; // container for edges
// **** New methods added and old methods modified ****
* Default constructor that creates an empty graph
public AdjacencyListGraphMap() {
VMap = new HashMap<V, Vertex<V>>();
EList = new NodePositionList<Edge<E>>();
* Insert and return a new vertex with a given element
* @param v the vertex to be inserted
* @return the vertex object inserted
public Vertex<V> insertVertex(V v)
throws InvalidKeyException {
MyVertex<V> vv = new MyVertex<V>(v);
throw new InvalidKeyException(v + " is already a vertex identifier");
VMap.put(v, vv);
return vv;
* Insert and return a new edge with a given element between two vertices
* @param v the first vertex identifier
* @param w the second vertex identifier
* @param o the label on the edge
public Edge<E> insertEdge(V v, V w, E o)
throws InvalidPositionException {
return insertEdge(getVertex(v), getVertex(w), o);
* Remove a vertex and all its incident edges and return the
* element stored at the removed vertex
* @param the vertex to remove
* @return the element stored at the vertex
public V removeVertex(Vertex<V> v)
throws InvalidPositionException {
MyVertex<V> vv = checkVertex(v);
Iterator<Edge<E>> inc = incidentEdges(v).iterator();
while (inc.hasNext()) {
MyEdge<E> e = (MyEdge<E>);
if (e.location() != null) // if the edge has not been marked invalid
return v.element();
* Remove a vertex and all its incident edges and return the
* element stored at the removed vertex
* @param the identifier of the vertex to remove
* @return the element stored at the vertex
public V removeVertex(V v)
throws InvalidPositionException {
return removeVertex(getVertex(v));
* Return the vertex associated with the vertex value
* @parm value the value stored in the vertex.
* @return the Vertex object associated with the value
public Vertex<V> getVertex(V value)
return VMap.get(value);
* Is the vertex in the graph?
* @param name the name of the vertex
* @return true if a vertex with value name is in the graph
public boolean vertexInGraph(V name) {
return VMap.containsKey(name);
* Return an iterable collection of edges incident on a vertex
* @param v the vertex identifier
* @return an iterable collection of edges incident on v
public Iterable<Edge<E>> incidentEdges(V v)
throws InvalidPositionException {
return incidentEdges(getVertex(v));
* Return the degree of a given vertex
* @param v the vertex identifier
* @return the degree of the vertex with identifier v
public int degree(V v) {
return degree(getVertex(v));
* Return an iterable collection over the vertices of the graph
* @return an iterable collection of edges in this graph
public Iterable<Vertex<V>> vertices() {
return VMap.values();
* Return the other end vertex of an incident edge
* @param v the identifier of the vertex
* @param e the edge to find the opposite end of
* @return the opposite end of e from v
public Vertex<V> opposite(V v, Edge<E> e)
throws InvalidPositionException {
return opposite(getVertex(v), e);
* Are u and v adjacent vertices?
* @param u the identifier of the first vertex
* @param v the identifier of the second vertex
* @return true if u and v are adjacent
public boolean areAdjacent(V u, V v)
throws InvalidPositionException {
return areAdjacent(getVertex(u), getVertex(v));
* Replace the vertex value in v with the new identifier o.
* @param v the vertex whose value is to be updated
* @param o the new value
* @returns the old value
public V replace(Vertex<V> v, V o) throws InvalidPositionException,
InvalidKeyException {
V temp = v.element();
MyVertex<V> vv = checkVertex(v);
throw new InvalidKeyException(o + " is already a vertex identifier");
VMap.remove(temp); // Must update map entry
VMap.put(o, vv);
return temp;
* Replace the vertex value in v with the new identifier o.
* @param v the vertex whose value is to be updated
* @param o the new value
* @returns the old value
public V replace(V v, V o) throws InvalidPositionException {
return replace(getVertex(v), o);
* Get the number of vertices
* @return the number of vertices in this graph
public int numVertices() {
return VMap.size();
// **** End of new and modified methods
* Return an iterable collection of the edges of this graph
* @return an interable collection of the edges of this graph
public Iterable<Edge<E>> edges() {
return EList;
* Replace the element a given position (vertex or edge) with a new
* element and return the old element
* @param p the position (vertex or edge) to be updated
* @param o the new value
public Object replace(Position p, Object o)
throws InvalidPositionException {
MyPosition pp = checkPosition(p);
Object temp = p.element();
return temp;
* Return an iterable collection of edges incident on a vertex
* @param v the vertex
* @return an iterable collection of edges incident on v
public Iterable<Edge<E>> incidentEdges(Vertex<V> v)
throws InvalidPositionException {
MyVertex<V> vv = checkVertex(v);
return vv.incidentEdges();
* Return the end vertices of a edge in an array of length 2
* @param e the edge whose end vertices are to be returned
* @return an array of length 2 of incident vertices
public Vertex<V>[] endVertices(Edge<E> e)
throws InvalidPositionException {
MyEdge<E> ee = checkEdge(e);
return ee.endVertices();
* Return the other end vertex of an incident edge
* @param v the vertex
* @param e the edge to find the opposite end of
* @return the opposite end of e from v
public Vertex<V> opposite(Vertex<V> v, Edge<E> e)
throws InvalidPositionException {
MyEdge<E> ee = checkEdge(e);
Vertex<V>[] endv = ee.endVertices();
if (v == endv[0])
return endv[1];
else if (v == endv[1])
return endv[0];
throw new InvalidPositionException("No such vertex exists");
* Are u and v adjacent vertices?
* @param u the first vertex
* @param v the second vertex
* @return true if u and v are adjacent
public boolean areAdjacent(Vertex<V> u, Vertex<V> v)
throws InvalidPositionException {
// search the incidence list of the vertex with smaller degree
Iterable<Edge<E>> iterToSearch;
if (degree(u) < degree(v)) {
iterToSearch = incidentEdges(u);
else {
iterToSearch = incidentEdges(v);
for (Edge<E> e: iterToSearch ) {
Vertex<V>[] endV = endVertices(e);
// if there exists an edge whose endpoints are u and v
if ((endV[0] == u && endV[1] == v) || (endV[0] == v && endV[1] == u))
return true;
return false;
* Insert and return a new edge with the given element and end vertices
* @param v the first vertex
* @param w the second vertex
* @param o the label on the edge
public Edge<E> insertEdge(Vertex<V> v, Vertex<V> w, E o)
throws InvalidPositionException {
MyVertex<V> vv = checkVertex(v);
MyVertex<V> ww = checkVertex(w);
MyEdge<E> ee = new MyEdge<E>(v, w, o);
Position<Edge<E>> pv = vv.insertIncidence(ee);
Position<Edge<E>> pw = ww.insertIncidence(ee);
ee.setIncidences(pv, pw);
Position<Edge<E>> pe = EList.last();
return ee;
* Remove an edge and return its element
* @param e the edge to remove
* @return the element in the edge that was removed
public E removeEdge(Edge<E> e)
throws InvalidPositionException {
MyEdge<E> ee = checkEdge(e);
MyVertex<V>[] endv = ee.endVertices();
Position<Edge<E>>[] inc = ee.incidences();
ee.setLocation(null); // invalidating this edge
return e.element();
// Auxiliary methods
* Return the degree of a given vertex
* @param v the vertex to examine
* @return the degree of v
public int degree(Vertex<V> v) {
MyVertex<V> vv = checkVertex(v);
* Determines whether a given position is valid.
* @param the position to check for validity
* @return the position p cast to a MyPosition
protected MyPosition checkPosition(Position p)
throws InvalidPositionException {
if (p == null || !(p instanceof MyPosition))
throw new InvalidPositionException("Position is invalid");
return (MyPosition) p;
* Determines whether a given vertex is valid.
* @param the vertex to check for validity
* @return the vertex v cast to a MyVertex
protected MyVertex<V> checkVertex(Vertex<V> v)
throws InvalidPositionException {
if (v == null || !(v instanceof MyVertex))
throw new InvalidPositionException("Vertex is invalid");
return (MyVertex<V>) v;
* Determines whether a given edge is valid.
* @param e the edge to check for validity
* @return the edge e cast to a MyEdge
protected MyEdge<E> checkEdge(Edge<E> e)
throws InvalidPositionException {
if (e == null || !(e instanceof MyEdge))
throw new InvalidPositionException("Edge is invalid");
return (MyEdge<E>) e;
* Implementation of a decorable position by means of a hash table.
protected static class MyPosition<T>
extends HashTableMap<Object,Object> implements DecorablePosition<T> {
/** The element stored at this position. */
protected T elem;
* Default constructor
public MyPosition() {
super(3); // Reduce the size of the HashTableMap from 1000 to 3.
* Returns the element stored at this position.
* @return the element stored at this position.
public T element() {
return elem;
* Sets the element stored at this position.
* @param o the new element value
public void setElement(T o) {
elem = o;
* Returns a string representation of the vertex and edge lists.
* @return string represention of vertex list and edge list,
* separated by a newline.
public String toString() {
return VMap.toString() + "\n" + EList.toString();
* return the number of edges in this graph
* @return the number of edges in this graph
public int numEdges() {
return EList.size();
* Replace the element in an edge by a new value
* @param p the edge to update
* @param o the new value
* @return the old value stored in the edge
public E replace(Edge<E> p, E o) throws InvalidPositionException {
E temp = p.element();
MyEdge<E> ee = checkEdge(p);
return temp;
* Implementation of a vertex for an undirected adjacency list
* graph. Each vertex stores its incidence container and position
* in the vertex container of the graph.
protected class MyVertex<V>
extends MyPosition<V> implements Vertex<V> {
/** Incidence container of the vertex. */
protected PositionList<Edge<E>> incEdges;
/** Position of the vertex in the vertex container of the graph. */
protected Position<Vertex<V>> loc;
* Constructs a vertex with the given element.
* @param o the value to store in this edge
public MyVertex(V o) {
elem = o;
incEdges = new NodePositionList<Edge<E>>();
* Return the degree of this vertex
* @return the degree of this vertex
public int degree() {
return incEdges.size();
* Returns the incident edges on this vertex.
* @return an iterable collection of incident edges
public Iterable<Edge<E>> incidentEdges() {
return incEdges;
* Inserts an edge into the incidence container of this vertex.
* @param e the edge to insert
* @return the position holding edge e
public Position<Edge<E>> insertIncidence(Edge<E> e) {
return incEdges.last();
* Removes an edge from the incidence container of this vertex.
* @param p the edge-containing position to remove from its container
public void removeIncidence(Position<Edge<E>> p) {
* Returns the position of this vertex in the vertex container of
* the graph.
* @return the position
public Position<Vertex<V>> location() {
return loc;
* Sets the position of this vertex in the vertex container of
* the graph.
* @param the new value of the position of this vertex
public void setLocation(Position<Vertex<V>> p) {
loc = p;
* Returns a string representation of the element stored at this vertex.
* @return a string representation of this vertex
public String toString() {
return elem.toString();
* Implementation of an edge for an undirected adjacency list
* graph. Each edge stores its endpoints (end vertices), its
* positions within the incidence containers of its endpoints, and
* position in the edge container of the graph.
protected class MyEdge<E> extends MyPosition<E> implements Edge<E> {
/** The end vertices of the edge. If the edge is directed the
* source is in endVertices[0] and the destination is in
* endVertices[1]*/
protected MyVertex<V>[] endVertices;
/** The positions of the entries for the edge in the incidence
* containers of the end vertices. If the edge is directed the
* source is in inc[0] and the destination is in inc[1]*/
protected Position<Edge<E>>[] inc;
/** The position of the edge in the edge container of the
* graph. */
protected Position<Edge<E>> loc;
* Constructs an edge with the given endpoints and elements.
* @param v the first vertex (source vertex if directed)
* @param w the second vertex (destination vertex if directed)
* @parem o the edge label
protected MyEdge (Vertex<V> v, Vertex<V> w, E o) {
elem = o;
endVertices = (MyVertex<V>[]) new MyVertex[2];
endVertices[0] = (MyVertex<V>)v;
endVertices[1] = (MyVertex<V>)w;
inc = (Position<Edge<E>>[]) new Position[2];
* Returns the end vertices of the edge. There are always two
* elements in the returned array. If directed the 0th array
* position contains the source, the 1st the destination.
* @return the end vertices of the edge.
public MyVertex<V>[] endVertices() {
return endVertices;
* Returns the positions of the edge in the incidence containers
* of its end vertices. The returned array always contains two
* elements.
* @return the positions of the edge in the incidence containers
* of its end vertices.
public Position<Edge<E>>[] incidences() {
return inc;
* Sets the positions of the edge in the incidence containers of
* its end vertices.
* @param pv the position of the first vertex
* @param pw the position of the second vertex
public void setIncidences(Position<Edge<E>> pv, Position<Edge<E>> pw) {
inc[0] = pv;
inc[1] = pw;
* Returns the position of the edge in the edge container of the
* graph.
* @return the position of the edge in the edge container
public Position<Edge<E>> location() {
return loc;
* Sets the position of the edge in the edge container of the graph.
* @param p the new value for the position of this edge
public void setLocation(Position<Edge<E>> p) {
loc = p;
* Returns a string representation of the edge via a tuple of
* vertices.
* @return the string representation of this edge
public String toString() {
return element() + "(" + endVertices[0].toString() +
"," + endVertices[1].toString() + ")";
* Test program
public static void main(String [] args) {
AdjacencyListGraphMap<String, String> baconGraph =
new AdjacencyListGraphMap<String, String>();
baconGraph.insertVertex("Kevin Bacon");
baconGraph.insertVertex("Laura Linney");
baconGraph.insertVertex("Tom Hanks");
baconGraph.insertVertex("Liam Neeson");
baconGraph.insertEdge("Kevin Bacon", "Laura Linney", "Mystic River");
baconGraph.insertEdge("Laura Linney", "Liam Neeson", "Kinsey");
baconGraph.insertEdge("Kevin Bacon", "Tom Hanks", "Apollo 13");
System.out.println("The graph:");
System.out.println("\nDegree of Kevin Bacon = " +"Kevin Bacon"));
System.out.println("\nEdges adjacent to Kevin Bacon:");
for(Edge<String> edge : baconGraph.incidentEdges("Kevin Bacon"))
for(Vertex<String> vertex : baconGraph.vertices()) {
System.out.println("\nEdges adjacent to " + vertex + ":");
for(Edge<String> edge : baconGraph.incidentEdges(vertex))
System.out.println("\nRenaming Laura Linney to L. Linney");
baconGraph.replace("Laura Linney", "L. Linney");
System.out.println("\nGetting Laura Linney: " +
baconGraph.getVertex("Laura Linney"));
for(Vertex<String> vertex : baconGraph.vertices()) {
System.out.println("\nEdges adjacent to " + vertex + ":");
for(Edge<String> edge : baconGraph.incidentEdges(vertex))
System.out.println("\nRemoving L. Linney");
baconGraph.removeVertex("L. Linney");
for(Vertex<String> vertex : baconGraph.vertices()) {
System.out.println("\nEdges adjacent to " + vertex + ":");
for(Edge<String> edge : baconGraph.incidentEdges(vertex))
baconGraph.insertVertex("Kevin Bacon");
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