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adaption of the insert by period dbt materialization for snowflake
{% macro get_period_boundaries_noquote(target_schema, target_table, timestamp_field, start_date, stop_date, period) -%}
{% call statement('period_boundaries', fetch_result=True) -%}
with data as (
coalesce(max({{timestamp_field}}), '{{start_date}}')::timestamp as start_timestamp,
"nullif('" ~ stop_date ~ "','')::timestamp")}},
) as stop_timestamp
from {{target_schema}}.{{target_table}}
period)}} + 1 as num_periods
from data
{%- endcall %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro get_period_sql_noquote(target_cols_csv, sql, timestamp_field, period, start_timestamp, stop_timestamp, offset) -%}
{%- set period_filter -%}
({{timestamp_field}} > '{{start_timestamp}}'::timestamp + interval '{{offset}} {{period}}' and
{{timestamp_field}} <= '{{start_timestamp}}'::timestamp + interval '{{offset}} {{period}}' + interval '1 {{period}}' and
{{timestamp_field}} < '{{stop_timestamp}}'::timestamp)
{%- endset -%}
{%- set filtered_sql = sql | replace("__PERIOD_FILTER__", period_filter) -%}
from (
{%- endmacro %}
{% materialization insert_by_period_noquote, default -%}
{%- set timestamp_field = config.require('timestamp_field') -%}
{%- set start_date = config.require('start_date') -%}
{%- set stop_date = config.get('stop_date') or '' -%}}
{%- set period = config.get('period') or 'week' -%}
{% set schema = config.get('schema') | upper %}
{%- if sql.find('__PERIOD_FILTER__') == -1 -%}
{%- set error_message -%}
Model '{{ model.unique_id }}' does not include the required string '__PERIOD_FILTER__' in its sql
{%- endset -%}
{{ exceptions.raise_compiler_error(error_message) }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- set identifier = model['name'] | upper -%}
{%- set old_relation = adapter.get_relation(database=database, schema=schema, identifier=identifier) -%}
{%- set target_relation = api.Relation.create(identifier=identifier, schema=schema, type='table') -%}
{%- set non_destructive_mode = (flags.NON_DESTRUCTIVE == True) -%}
{%- set full_refresh_mode = (flags.FULL_REFRESH == True) -%}
{%- set exists_as_table = (old_relation is not none and old_relation.is_table) -%}
{%- set exists_not_as_table = (old_relation is not none and not old_relation.is_table) -%}
{%- set should_truncate = (non_destructive_mode and full_refresh_mode and exists_as_table) -%}
{%- set should_drop = (not should_truncate and (full_refresh_mode or exists_not_as_table)) -%}
{%- set force_create = (flags.FULL_REFRESH and not flags.NON_DESTRUCTIVE) -%}
-- setup
{% if old_relation is none -%}
-- noop
{%- elif should_truncate -%}
{%- elif should_drop -%}
{%- set old_relation = none -%}
{%- endif %}
{{run_hooks(pre_hooks, inside_transaction=False)}}
-- `begin` happens here, so `commit` after it to finish the transaction
{{run_hooks(pre_hooks, inside_transaction=True)}}
{% call statement() -%}
begin; -- make extra sure we've closed out the transaction
{%- endcall %}
-- build model
{% if force_create or old_relation is none -%}
{# Create an empty target table -#}
{% call statement('main') -%}
{%- set empty_sql = sql | replace("__PERIOD_FILTER__", 'false') -%}
{{create_table_as(False, target_relation, empty_sql)}};
{%- endcall %}
{%- endif %}
{% set _ = get_period_boundaries_noquote(schema,
period) %}
{%- set start_timestamp = load_result('period_boundaries')['data'][0][0] | string -%}
{%- set stop_timestamp = load_result('period_boundaries')['data'][0][1] | string -%}
{%- set num_periods = load_result('period_boundaries')['data'][0][2] | int -%}
{% set target_columns = adapter.get_columns_in_relation(target_relation) %}
{%- set target_cols_csv = target_columns | map(attribute='quoted') | join(', ') -%}
{%- set loop_vars = {'sum_rows_inserted': 0} -%}
-- commit each period as a separate transaction
{% for i in range(num_periods) -%}
{%- set msg = "Running for " ~ period ~ " " ~ (i + 1) ~ " of " ~ (num_periods) -%}
{{ dbt_utils.log_info(msg) }}
{%- set tmp_identifier = model['name'] ~ '__dbt_incremental_period' ~ i ~ '_tmp' -%}
{%- set tmp_relation = api.Relation.create(identifier=tmp_identifier,
schema=schema, type='table') -%}
{% call statement() -%}
{% set tmp_table_sql = get_period_sql_noquote(target_cols_csv,
i) %}
{{dbt.create_table_as(True, tmp_relation, tmp_table_sql)}}
{%- endcall %}
{%- set name = 'main-' ~ i -%}
{% call statement(name, fetch_result=True) -%}
insert into {{target_relation}} ({{target_cols_csv}})
from {{tmp_relation}}
{%- endcall %}
{% set result = load_result('main-' ~ i) %}
{% if 'response' in result.keys() %} {# added in v0.19.0 #}
{% set rows_inserted = result['response']['rows_affected'] %}
{% else %} {# older versions #}
{% set rows_inserted = result['status'].split(" ")[2] | int %}
{% endif %}
{%- set sum_rows_inserted = loop_vars['sum_rows_inserted'] + rows_inserted -%}
{%- if loop_vars.update({'sum_rows_inserted': sum_rows_inserted}) %} {% endif -%}
{%- set msg = "Ran for " ~ period ~ " " ~ (i + 1) ~ " of " ~ (num_periods) ~ "; " ~ rows_inserted ~ " records inserted" -%}
{{ dbt_utils.log_info(msg) }}
{%- endfor %}
{% call statement() -%}
{%- endcall %}
{{run_hooks(post_hooks, inside_transaction=True)}}
{% call statement() -%}
{%- endcall %}
{{run_hooks(post_hooks, inside_transaction=False)}}
{%- set status_string = "INSERT " ~ loop_vars['sum_rows_inserted'] -%}
{% call noop_statement('main', status_string) -%}
-- no-op
{%- endcall %}
-- Return the relations created in this materialization
{{ return({'relations': [target_relation]}) }}
{%- endmaterialization %}
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