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Created May 25, 2015 16:04
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NotMuch and Org-Contacts
"""When you are initially starting to use org-contacts it can be tedious to add all of your existing contacts into the contacts database. Using notmuch’s [python bindings]( you can quickly get an exhaustive list of contacts from an e-mail account that can be winnowed down to those you care about. Using some simple scripting with org-map-entries after the face can make adding tags, etc much easier."""
#!/usr/bin/env python
# imports
from notmuch import Database, Query
from email.Utils import parseaddr
import re
# Functions
# Uses notmuch to gather all contacts.
def get_contacts():
db = Database(mode=Database.MODE.READ_WRITE)
msgs = Query(db, '*').search_messages()
_all_msg_addrs = []
for msg in msgs:
_addr_list = []
addr_hdr = ["to", "from", "cc", "bcc"]
for hdr in addr_hdr:
_addr = msg.get_header(hdr)
_addr_list = _addr.split(",")
for a in _addr_list:
# normalize
normalized = a.lower().strip().encode('ascii', 'ignore')
# get address tuple from email and remove spaces
tabled = [e.strip() for e in parseaddr(normalized)]
# Remove any of that repeated address cruft people always put in
tabled[0] = re.sub("\<.*\>", "", re.sub("\(.*\)", "", tabled[0]))
# Strip out any quotes for when we convert to org later
tabled = [re.sub("\"", " ", x).strip() for x in tabled]
tabled = [re.sub("\'", " ", x).strip() for x in tabled]
# I don't want no empty strings
tabled = [x for x in tabled if x != "" and x != " "]
# Check to make sure all single line items are address'
_address = False
if len(tabled) == 1:
if "@" in tabled[0]:
_address = True
_address = True
if _address and tabled != [] and tabled not in _all_msg_addrs:
return _all_msg_addrs
def indexed(x, cons):
for i in cons:
if len(i) == 2:
if x == i[1]:
return True
return False
def deduplicate(raw_contacts):
items = [x for x in raw_contacts if not indexed(x[0], raw_contacts)]
return items
def make_org(contacts, my_org_contacts):
pheader = ":PROPERTIES:\n"
pbackend = """:PHONE:
with open(my_org_contacts, "w+") as cfile:
for i in contacts:
cfile.write("* {0}\n".format(i[0]))
if len(i) == 1:
cfile.write(":EMAIL: {0}\n".format(i[0]))
cfile.write(":EMAIL: {0}\n".format(i[1]))
# Main
def main():
raw_contacts = get_contacts()
deduped = deduplicate(raw_contacts)
make_org(deduped, "./")
if __name__ == '__main__':
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