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Created March 11, 2016 20:08
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Using Rx to update the configuration stream. No variables to hold the state.
package com.example.cosa
import rx.lang.scala.subjects.{BehaviorSubject, PublishSubject}
object ConfigurationExample1 extends App {
val poleSubject = PublishSubject[String]()
val configurations = BehaviorSubject(Map.empty[Pole, Config])
configurations.subscribe(x => println("Configurations: " + x))
case x if x.startsWith("L") => Config(LeftPole, "Lefty! " + x)
case x => Config(RightPole, "Poling to the right... " + x)
.withLatestFrom(configurations) { case (config, configMap) =>
println("Receiving configuration for " + config.pole)
configMap.get(config.pole).foreach(item => println("Mapping over existing config to unsubscribe"))
configMap + (config.pole -> config)
sealed trait Pole
case object LeftPole extends Pole
case object RightPole extends Pole
case class Config(pole: Pole, data: String)
* Output:
* Configurations: Map()
* Receiving configuration for LeftPole
* Configurations: Map(LeftPole -> Config(LeftPole,Lefty! L01))
* Receiving configuration for RightPole
* Configurations: Map(LeftPole -> Config(LeftPole,Lefty! L01), RightPole -> Config(RightPole,Poling to the right... R02))
* Receiving configuration for LeftPole
* Mapping over existing config to unsubscribe
* Configurations: Map(LeftPole -> Config(LeftPole,Lefty! L99), RightPole -> Config(RightPole,Poling to the right... R02))
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