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Last active December 29, 2017 20:19
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compliance filter with additional output for logfile
filter {
if [type] == "inspec_report" {
if [end_time] {
date {
match => ["end_time", "YYYY-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZ"]
timezone => "UTC"
mutate {
add_field => { "doc_version" => "1" }
remove_field => [
ruby {
code => "
puts 'ERROR: ENV variable LOGSTASH_CONFIG_DIR is not set' unless ENV['LOGSTASH_CONFIG_DIR']
helper_path = File.join(ENV['LOGSTASH_CONFIG_DIR'].to_s, 'ruby/inspec_helper.rb')
puts 'ERROR: Ruby helper class \''+helper_path+'\' is not available' unless File.file?(helper_path)
require helper_path
# Update the report profiles if inheritance is used
puts 'DEBUG: Ruby filter is processing an event from \'' + event['node_name'].to_s + '\' before fix_inherited_profiles '
puts 'DEBUG: Ruby filter sees an event with \'' + event['profiles'].length.to_s + '\' profiles before fix_inherited_profiles '
puts 'DEBUG: Ruby filter exited fix_inherited_profiles with node \'' + event['node_name'].to_s + '\' with \'' + event['profiles'].length.to_s + '\' profiles'
puts 'DEBUG: Ruby filter exited fix_null_platform with node \'' + event['node_name'].to_s + '\' with \'' + event['profiles'].length.to_s + '\' profiles'
# Creating the inspec_provile event and removing report specific fields
clone {
clones => [ "inspec_profile" ]
# Prevent the inspec_report event type from entering here:
if [type] == "inspec_profile" {
ruby {
code => "
puts 'DEBUG: Ruby filter is processing an \'' + event['type'].to_s + '\' event '
# Remove the 'chef' tag(added by logstash-chef-input.conf) so that the new
# document types we create don't get processed via logstash-chef-output.conf
if event['tags'].is_a?(Array)
# The document split leaves all the other fields from the original document, so removing fields that are not needed.
# puts 'DEBUG: event fields: ' + event.to_hash.keys.to_s
event.to_hash.keys.each { |field| event.remove(field) unless %w(type profiles).include?(field) }
# Generate a new event for each profile
split {
field => "profiles"
if [type] == "inspec_profile" {
ruby {
code => "
require 'json'
puts 'ERROR: ENV variable LOGSTASH_CONFIG_DIR is not set' unless ENV['LOGSTASH_CONFIG_DIR']
helper_path = File.join(ENV['LOGSTASH_CONFIG_DIR'].to_s, 'ruby/inspec_helper.rb')
puts 'ERROR: Ruby helper class \''+helper_path+'\' is not available' unless File.file?(helper_path)
require helper_path
profile_only = InspecHelper.profile_from_report(event['profiles'])
puts 'DEBUG: Ruby filter is processing an event from \'' + event['profiles']['name'].to_s + '\' n profile_only code '
if [type] == "inspec_report" {
ruby {
code => "
puts 'ERROR: ENV variable LOGSTASH_CONFIG_DIR is not set' unless ENV['LOGSTASH_CONFIG_DIR']
helper_path = File.join(ENV['LOGSTASH_CONFIG_DIR'].to_s, 'ruby/inspec_helper.rb')
puts 'ERROR: Ruby helper class \''+helper_path+'\' is not available' unless File.file?(helper_path)
require helper_path
# Remove the 'chef' tag(added by logstash-chef-input.conf) so that the new
# document types we create don't get processed via logstash-chef-output.conf
if event['tags'].is_a?(Array)
event['profiles_min'] = InspecHelper.profiles_min_from_report(event['profiles'])
event['controls'] = InspecHelper.count_controls(event['profiles_min'])
event['status'] = InspecHelper.compliance_status(event['controls'])
# Creating the inspec_summary event from inspec_report
clone {
clones => [ "inspec_summary" ]
if [type] == "inspec_summary" {
ruby {
code => "
puts 'ERROR: ENV variable LOGSTASH_CONFIG_DIR is not set' unless ENV['LOGSTASH_CONFIG_DIR']
helper_path = File.join(ENV['LOGSTASH_CONFIG_DIR'].to_s, 'ruby/inspec_helper.rb')
puts 'ERROR: Ruby helper class \''+helper_path+'\' is not available' unless File.file?(helper_path)
require helper_path
event['profiles_sums'] = InspecHelper.profiles_sums_from_profiles_min(event['profiles_min'])
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