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Last active October 16, 2023 21:54
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Helper classes for performance instrumentation in PowerShell scripts. This is not the start and end of performance analysis of scripts, I'm not even saying it's good, it is as consistent and low overhead as I have the energy to make it right now and has helped troubleshoot a real problem at work.
#Requires -Version 5
#region TimeKeeper
## TimeKeeper ##
class TimeEvent {
Used to compute durations out of event log list.
[int] $id
[string] $caller
[long] $startTick
[long] $endTick
[string] $comment
[TimeSpan] GetDuration() {
if ($this.startTick -and $this.endTick) {
[long]$tickSpan = $this.endTick - $this.startTick
return [System.TimeSpan]::new($tickSpan)
return $null
[bool] Completed() {
return ($this.startTick -and $this.endTick)
[string] ToString() {
$duration = $this.GetDuration()
if ($duration) { $duration = "$(($duration.TotalMilliseconds)) ms"}
if (-not $duration) { $duration = "INCOMPLETE" }
$result = "ID: {0} Caller: {1} Duration: {2}" -f $, $this.caller, $duration
return $result
[PSCustomObject] ToTableFriendly() {
$duration = $(($this.GetDuration().TotalMilliseconds))
if (-not $duration) { $duration = "NaN" }
return [PSCustomObject]@{
Id = $
Caller = $this.caller
StartTick = $this.startTick
EndTick = $this.endTick
'Duration(ms)' = $duration
class TimeKeeper {
This class does the book keeping elements of the performance measurement.
All calls to Started and Ended add a log entry to a generic list of strings.
Data is computed from those log entries.
hidden $calls=1
hidden $initialSize = 100 # If you know how many events are in your script, this preallocates the list of them.
# On the whole doing this has a negligable impact, but testing showed that tracing
# overhead was more consistent this way.
hidden static $default = {}
TimeKeeper() {
$this.timeEvents = [System.Linq.Enumerable]::ToList([Linq.Enumerable]::Repeat({}, $this.initialSize))
TimeKeeper($initialSize=100) {
$this.timeEvents = [System.Linq.Enumerable]::ToList([Linq.Enumerable]::Repeat({}, $initialSize))
[int] Started ([string] $Caller) {
$id = $this.calls
$entry = [Tuple]::Create($([DateTime]::Now.Ticks),${id},1,${Caller})
if ($this.calls -lt $this.initialSize) {
$this.timeEvents[$id] = $entry
} else {
return $id
[void] Ended ([int] $id, [string] $comment=[string]::Empty) {
[object] GetCallTimes() {
$events = [TimeEvent[]]::new($this.calls)
foreach ($e in $this.timeEvents) {
if ($this::default -eq $e) { continue }
switch ($e.Item3) {
1 {
$ev = [TimeEvent]::new()
$ev.startTick = $e.Item1
$ = $e.Item2
$ev.caller = $e.Item4
$events[$] = $ev
0 {
$events[$e.Item2].endTick = $e.Item1
if ($e.Item4) {
$events[$e.Item2].comment = $e.Item4
return $events.Where({ $_ })
[string] GetCallTimeTable () {
return $this.GetCallTimes() | foreach { $_.ToTableFriendly() } | FT | Out-String
[string[]] GetCallTimeLog() {
return $this.GetCallTimes() | foreach { $_.ToString() }
class TimeKeeperNoop : TimeKeeper{
TimeKeeperNoop () { }
[int] Started ([string] $Caller) { return 0 }
[void] Ended ([int] $id) { }
[object] GetCallTimes() { return $null }
[string] GetCallTimeTable () { return [string]::Empty }
[string[]] GetCallTimeLog() { return [string]::Empty }
function New-TimeKeeper {
param ($initialSize=100)
if ($Script:_TimeKeeper -and $Script:_TimeKeeper -isnot [TimeKeeperNoop]) {
Write-Warning "Overwriting existing timekeeper!"
New-Variable -Name _TimeKeeper -Scope Script -Value ([TimeKeeper]::new($initialSize)) -Force
function Get-TimeKeepingLog {
function Get-TimeKeepingTable {
function Get-TimeKeepingEvents {
param (
$result = $null
$events = $Script:_TimeKeeper.GetCallTimes()
if ($IncludeHostInfo) {
$result = @{}
$result.Add("Host", $(hostname))
$result.Add("HostType", $env:HOSTTYPE)
$result.Add("PSVersion", $PSVersionTable.PSVersion)
$result.Add("PSEdition", $PSVersionTable.PSEdition)
$result.Add("PSOS", $PSVersionTable.OS)
$result.Add("PSPlatform", $PSVersionTable.Platform)
$result.Add("Events", $events)
} else {
$result = $events
function BeginFunctionTick {
# Log start event for a span with the given name. Returns span id.
param (
if (-not $Script:_TimeKeeper) { return }
$id = ($Script:_TimeKeeper.Started($Name))
Write-Debug "${id}`tStarted: $Name"
return $id
function EndFunctionTick {
# Log end event for a span with the given id.
param ([int] $id, [string]$comment=[string]::Empty)
Write-Debug "${id}`tEnded"
$Script:_TimeKeeper.Ended($id, $comment)
New-Variable -Name _TimeKeeper -Scope Script -Value ([TimeKeeperNoop]::new()) -Force
#endregion TimeKeeper
#region TimeKeeperAnalysis
function Get-WaterfallChartFromEventTimes {
This returns a ascii string representation of a waterfall chart to show
overlapping timeslices from profile data.
It expects an array of objects that look like the TimeEvent class but there's
no typesafety enforcing it so capturing output from where and select statements
to filter your profile is fine.
The member properties that must be present are: StartTick, EndTick and Caller.
param (
# Sets resolution width for the chart
$Width = 120
$events = $null
if ($Times -is [array]) {
$events = $Times
} elseif ($Times -is [hashtable] -or $Times -is [PSCustomObject]) {
$events = $Times.Events
[long[]] $starts = ($events.StartTick)
[long[]] $ends = ($events.EndTick)
[long] $rangeMin = [Linq.Enumerable]::Min($starts)
[long] $rangeMax = [Math]::Max([Linq.Enumerable]::Max($starts), [Linq.Enumerable]::Max($ends))
$range = $rangeMax - $rangeMin
$sb = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
$events | Sort-Object StartTick | ForEach-Object {
[long]$start = $_.StartTick
[long]$end = $_.EndTick
$tickOffsetFromBeginning = $start - $rangeMin
$tickSpan = $end - $start
$startPadding = [Math]::Round($tickOffsetFromBeginning / $range * $Width)
$charWidth = [Math]::Abs([Math]::Round(($tickSpan / $range * $Width))) - 1
$sb.Append(''.PadLeft([Math]::Max($startPadding-1,0),' ')) | Out-Null
$sb.AppendFormat("* {0} {1} ms`n", $_.Caller, ([timespan]::new($tickSpan).TotalMilliseconds)) | Out-Null
$sb.Append('['.PadLeft($startPadding,' ')) | Out-Null
if ($charWidth -gt 0) { $sb.Append(('=' * $charWidth)) | Out-Null }
$sb.AppendLine("]") | Out-Null
$sb.AppendLine() | Out-Null
$totalTime = [timespan]::new($range)
$sb.AppendLine("Begin: " + [DateTime]::new($rangeMin).ToString("o")) | Out-Null
$sb.AppendLine("End: " + [DateTime]::new($rangeMax).ToString("o")) | Out-Null
$sb.AppendLine("Elapsed (ticks): $range") | Out-Null
$sb.AppendLine("Elapsed (ms): " + $totalTime.TotalMilliseconds) | Out-Null
$chart = $sb.ToString()
[int[]]$lengths = @(($chart -split "`n").Where({$_.TrimEnd().EndsWith(']')}).ForEach({ $_.TrimEnd().Length }))
$chartWidth = [System.Linq.Enumerable]::Max($lengths) - 2
[string]::Concat("* Total Time $($totalTime.TotalMilliseconds) ms`n", "[$('=' * ($chartWidth))]`n", $chart)
function Get-ChromeProfileFromEventTimes {
Returns a JSON payload that can be read by the performance profiler in
Chrome dev tools. As of August 2023, it works in Chromium based broswers from
Chromium 55+. Ultimately it's the same representation of info from the waterfall
chart but is more interactive and can lead to a richer debugging experience
when analysing a large sample set.
It expects an array of objects that look like the TimeEvent class but there's
no typesafety enforcing it so capturing output from where and select statements
to filter your profile is fine.
The member properties that must be present are: StartTick, EndTick and Caller.
param (
$Width # not used, just makes it easier to switch between waterfall chart and this
$profile = @"
"traceEvents": [],
"meta_datetime": "$((Get-Date).ToString())",
"meta_user": "$($env:currentuser)"
"@ | ConvertFrom-Json
# '{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":0, "dur":0, "ph":"X", "name":"", "args":{ "ms":0 } }'
class ChrmTraceEvent { $pid=1; $tid=1; $ts=0; $dur=0; $ph="X"; $name=""; $args=[pscustomobject]@{'ms'=0}; TraceEvent() {}}
$events = $null
if ($Times -is [array]) {
$events = $Times
} elseif ($Times -is [hashtable]) {
$events = $Times.Events
foreach ($k in $Times.Keys) {
if ($k -like 'Events') { continue }
$memberName = "meta_$k"
$profile | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $memberName -Value ($Times[$k])
} elseif ($Times -is [PSCustomObject]) {
$events = $Times.Events
[long[]] $starts = ($events.StartTick)
[long[]] $ends = ($events.EndTick)
[long] $rangeMin = [Linq.Enumerable]::Min($starts)
[long] $rangeMax = [Math]::Max([Linq.Enumerable]::Max($starts), [Linq.Enumerable]::Max($ends))
$events | ForEach-Object {
[long]$start = $_.StartTick
[long]$end = $_.EndTick
$tickOffsetFromBeginning = $start - $rangeMin
$ts = $tickOffsetFromBeginning / [timespan]::TicksPerMicrosecond
$tickSpan = $end - $start
$timespan = [timespan]::new($tickSpan)
$dur = $timespan.TotalMicroseconds
$te = [ChrmTraceEvent]::new()
$ = $_.Caller
$te.ts = $ts
$te.dur = $dur
$ = $timespan.TotalMilliseconds
if ($_.comment) {
$comment = $_.comment
$te.args | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'comment' -Value $comment -Force
$profile.traceEvents += $te
$profile | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 5
#endregion TimeKeeperAnalysis
#region Testing
class TimeKeeperTracer {
This class does the book keeping elements of the performance measurement.
All calls to Started and Ended add a log entry to a generic list of strings.
Data is computed from those log entries.
hidden $calls=1
hidden $initialSize = 100 # If you know how many events are in your script, this preallocates the list of them.
# On the whole doing this has a negligable impact, but testing showed that tracing
# overhead was more consistent this way.
hidden $pid = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::GetCurrentProcess().Id
TimeKeeper() {
[System.Diagnostics.Trace]::AutoFlush = $false
[int] Started ([string] $Caller) {
$id = $this.calls
return $id
[void] Ended ([int] $id) {
[object] GetCallTimes() {
$events = [TimeEvent[]]::new($this.calls)
foreach ($e in $this.timeEvents) {
if ($this::default -eq $e) { continue }
switch ($e.Item3) {
1 {
$ev = [TimeEvent]::new()
$ev.startTick = $e.Item1
$ = $e.Item2
$ev.caller = $e.Item4
$events[$] = $ev
0 {
$events[$e.Item2].endTick = $e.Item1
return $events.Where({ $_ })
[string] GetCallTimeTable () {
return $this.GetCallTimes() | foreach { $_.ToTableFriendly() } | FT | Out-String
[string[]] GetCallTimeLog() {
return $this.GetCallTimes() | foreach { $_.ToString() }
function TimeMeasuredScope {
param (
begin {
$local:_totalId = BeginFunctionTick "$Name-Total"
process {
$local:_id = BeginFunctionTick "$Name-${local:_rounds}"
Invoke-Command -NoNewScope -ScriptBlock $Command -ArgumentList $ArgumentList
EndFunctionTick $local:_id
end {
EndFunctionTick $local:_totalId
#endregion Testing
## Instrumented Test Functions ##
function DoThis {
begin {
$beginId = BeginFunctionTick $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)
process {
$st = 222 # statically set to measure overhead of my tracing though Start-Sleep seems to have the most variability
$st = (Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 1000)
#Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "$(($MyInvocation.MyCommand)) Sleeping for $st ms"
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $st
end {
EndFunctionTick $beginId
function DoThat {
begin {
$beginId = BeginFunctionTick ($MyInvocation.MyCommand)
process {
$st = 222 # statically set to measure overhead of my tracing though Start-Sleep seems to have the most variability
$st = (Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 1000)
#Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "$(($MyInvocation.MyCommand)) Sleeping for $st ms"
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $st
end {
EndFunctionTick $beginId
function DoThisOtherThing {
begin {
$beginId = BeginFunctionTick ($MyInvocation.MyCommand)
process {
$st = 222 # statically set to measure overhead of my tracing though Start-Sleep seems to have the most variability
$st = (Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 1000)
#Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "$(($MyInvocation.MyCommand)) Sleeping for $st ms"
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $st
end {
EndFunctionTick $beginId
function ThenDoThis {
begin {
$beginId = BeginFunctionTick ($MyInvocation.MyCommand)
process {
$st = 222 # statically set to measure overhead of my tracing though Start-Sleep seems to have the most variability
$st = (Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 1000)
#Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "$(($MyInvocation.MyCommand)) Sleeping for $st ms"
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $st
end {
EndFunctionTick $beginId
function OrThat {
process {
TimeMeasuredScope -Name ($MyInvocation.MyCommand) -Command {
$st = 222 # statically set to measure overhead of my tracing though Start-Sleep seems to have the most variability
$st = (Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 1000)
#Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "$(($MyInvocation.MyCommand)) Sleeping for $st ms"
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $st
## Execute Test Functions ##
$debugPref = $DebugPreference
try {
#$DebugPreference = 'Continue'
## Set some tracing around the functions themselves. Makes the resulting charts more interesting
$at = BeginFunctionTick 'AllTests'
$t = BeginFunctionTick 'ThisAndThat'
EndFunctionTick -id $t
$t = BeginFunctionTick 'TheseOtherThings'
EndFunctionTick $t
EndFunctionTick $at
Write-Host "** Simple time log"
Write-Host "** Log as a table"
Write-Host "** Time keeping events as waterfall chart`n"
$events = Get-TimeKeepingEvents
Get-WaterfallChartFromEventTimes -Times $events -Width 100
Write-Host "** Write out json file that can be loaded with Chrome profiler"
Get-ChromeProfileFromEventTimes $events -Width 100 | Out-File ./timekeeper.json -Encoding ascii
$events = Get-TimeKeepingEvents -IncludeHostInfo
Get-ChromeProfileFromEventTimes $events -Width 100 | Out-File ./timekeeper_full.json -Encoding ascii
finally {
$DebugPreference = $debugPref
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Saw your post on Reddit. Running your code throws div by zero error on line 314.

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