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Last active December 4, 2023 22:15
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A time estimator for use with PowerShell's Write-Progress. Provided a total number of cycles, it tracks how long the last 100 or less itterations of your main loop took and calculates the remaining time based on velocity. Note: when ticks exceed total, it returns a seconds remaining of 0, but continues to track the rate that work is getting done.
A time estimator for use with PowerShell's Write-Progress. Provided a total
number of cycles, it tracks how long the last 100 or less itterations of your
main loop took and calculates the remaining time based on velocity. Note: when
ticks exceed total, it returns a seconds remaining of 0, but continues to track
the rate that work is getting done.
The intended use case is with Write-Progress, calls to that cmdlet are really
slow on PowerShell 2-5, efforts have been made to maintain low overhead. If
you're after performance this is still useful, just log the progress yourself.
For instance, using [System.Diagnostics.Trace]::Write() and watching with
Sysinternals DbgView is a faster alternative than logging to the console. How
much sense that makes when worrying about wallclock time is up to you.
class TimeEstimator {
hidden [long] $Ticks = 0
static hidden $bufferSize = 128 # keep this as power of 2
hidden $Tickline = (New-Object long[] ([TimeEstimator]::bufferSize))
hidden $Timeline = (New-Object long[] ([TimeEstimator]::bufferSize))
hidden [double] $Rate = 0.0
hidden $ComputeInterval
hidden $LastComputeState = @([DateTime]::Now.Ticks,0)
hidden $DynamicInterval = $false
hidden [int] ParseTotal ($Total) {
if ($Total -is [array] -or $Total -is [System.Collections.IEnumerable]) {
return $Total.Count
} elseif ($Total -match '^[\d\.]+') {
return [int]$Total
#TODO can't initialize with a numeric value for total so can't compute
# percentage complete, but could still measure the processing rate.
# Will probably just crash things but using this wrong should never crash
# a script, should just show a warning.
return $Total
# Initialize with a total amount of itterations you're expecting but let the
# script figure out how frequently to compute the rate of work. Currently
# it tries to balance out by recomputing every 11 seconds or so. If your
# work happens faster than that, you probably don't need a progress bar.
TimeEstimator($Total) {
$this.Total = $this.ParseTotal($Total)
$this.ComputeInterval = [int]([Math]::Max(1,[Math]::Min(5, $this.Total / 10)))
$this.DynamicInterval = $true
$this.LastComputeState = @([datetime]::Now.Ticks, $this.Ticks)
# Initialize with a total amount of itterations you're expecting and how frequently you
# want to compute the rate of work. Compute interval is in iterations not wall clock time.
TimeEstimator([int]$Total, [int]$ComputeInterval) {
$this.Total = $this.ParseTotal($Total)
$this.ComputeInterval = [Math]::Max($ComputeInterval, 16) # Don't compute more frequently than every 15. For slow stuff, should probably let the script figure it out by not supplying a ComputeInterval to the constructor.
$this.LastComputeState = @([datetime]::Now.Ticks, $this.Ticks)
[void] Tick() {
$i = $this.Ticks -band ([TimeEstimator]::bufferSize - 1)
$this.Tickline[$i] = $this.Ticks
$this.Timeline[$i] = [datetime]::Now.Ticks
if ($this.Ticks % $this.ComputeInterval -eq 0 `
-or ([DateTime]::Now.Ticks - $this.LastComputeState[0]) / [timespan]::TicksPerSecond -gt 11) {
# Generate a time estimate based on work done recently
# TODO improve by doing a rolling weighted average based on how many have been performed minute over minute since the beginning,
# ignoring minutes which fall outside the stddev for the last 2 minutes. Ideally it should compute a linear regression for
# estimating but that would require some kind of sampling scheme to keep data use bounded. Perhaps a second ring buffer that
# collects samples based on wallclock time, no more than every 20 seconds or so to perform linear regression on. Needs benchmarking
# to determine performance impact but could easily use System.Numerics.Vector<T> to make use of SIMD acceleration for multiplication.
$measurement = ($this.Timeline.Where({ $_ -ne 0 }) | Measure-Object -Minimum -Maximum)
$span = [double]([decimal]($measurement.Maximum - $measurement.Minimum) / [timespan]::TicksPerSecond)
$this.Rate = ([double]($measurement.Count) / $span)
#Write-Host ("Measurement count: {0} timespan: {1} tick min {2} tick max {3}" -f $measurement.Count, $span, $measurement.Minimum, $measurement.Maximum)
$span = ([decimal]([datetime]::Now.Ticks - $this.LastComputeState[0]) / [timespan]::TicksPerSecond)
if ($span -eq 0) { return }
$this.Rate = ([double]($this.Ticks - $this.LastComputeState[1]) / $span)
# When computing the interval dynamically, target resampling every 10 seconds or
# doing at least 10 samples for the given input set if processing things quicly.
# Yes this adds overhead to very quick operations but if you're doing something
# super fast, you shouldn't be using Write-Progress.
if ($this.DynamicInterval) {
$this.ComputeInterval = [int]([Math]::Max(2.0, [Math]::Min(10.0 * $this.Rate, $this.Total / 10.0)))
$this.LastComputeState = @([datetime]::Now.Ticks, $this.Ticks) # capture time and number of itterations
[string] GetStatusQuote() {
if ($this.Rate -eq 0.0) { return 'Too early to tell' }
return "More than {0}/{1} completed. Rate: {2:N2} / sec" -f $this.Ticks, $this.Total, $this.Rate
[int] GetSecondsRemaining() {
if ($this.Rate -eq 0.0) { return [int]::MaxValue }
return [Math]::Max(0, [Math]::Min([int]::MaxValue, (($this.Total - $this.Ticks) / $this.Rate)))
[int] GetPercentage () {
filter Percentage {
param ([ValidateRange(0,[int32]::MaxValue)]$count=0,
[Math]::Min(100, [Math]::Round(($count/$total) * 100))
return (Percentage -count ($this.Ticks) -total ($this.Total))
[void] ShowDefaultProgress () {
$this.ShowDefaultProgress("Processing pipeline")
[void] ShowDefaultProgress ($Msg) {
Write-Progress -Activity $Msg `
-Status ($this.GetStatusQuote()) `
-PercentComplete ($this.GetPercentage()) `
-SecondsRemaining ($this.GetSecondsRemaining())
filter Write-PipelineProgress {
param ([TimeEstimator]$Estimator)
if ($Estimator) {
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