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Last active July 25, 2023 23:17
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## Helper Functions ##
function DecodeJwt {
param ($encodedToken)
begin {
filter From-Base64 {
param ($b64)
[System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($b64 + ("=" * ($b64.Length % 4))))
process {
$header, $body, $sig = $encodedToken.Split('.')
Header = From-Base64 -b64 $header | ConvertFrom-Json
Body = From-Base64 -b64 $body| ConvertFrom-Json
Signature = $sig
function ViewJwt {
param (
$token = DecodeJwt -encodedToken $encodedToken
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow 'Header:'
$token.Header | ConvertTo-Json
Write-Host ""
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow 'Body:'
$token.Body | ConvertTo-Json
Write-Host ""
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow 'Signature:'
function DoWithRetry {
param (
begin {
function GetBackoffTime {
# Binary exponential backoff
# if you've retried 100 times, do something else, this ain't happenin
param ([ValidateRange(0,100)] $retries, $backoff=2)
if ($retries -eq 0 -or $backoff -eq 0) { return 0 }
[Math]::Pow($backoff, $retries)
process {
$retries = 0
$threshold = $RetryLimit
$backoff = $Backoff
$tryAgain = $true
do {
if ($threshold -le $retries) { break tryloop }
$timeout = GetBackoffTime -retries $retries
if ($timeout) {
Write-Debug "Waiting $timeout seconds after failure"
Start-Sleep -Seconds $timeout
try {
& $Command @ArgumentList
$tryAgain = $false
catch {
Write-Error $_
} while ($tryAgain)
## Token Handling ##
function Epoch { param($When=[DateTime]::UtcNow) ([DateTimeOffset]([DateTime]$When)).ToUnixTimeSeconds() }
New-Variable -Scope Script -Name 'tokenInfo' -Force
#$RunningContext = 'VM'
$RunningContext = 'AzFn'
function RefreshJwtToken {
$resource = ""
if ($RunningContext -like 'VM') {
$uri = "$resource"
$response = $null
$tokenCommand = {
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $uri -Headers @{Metadata="true"}
$responseContent = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$script:tokenInfo = $responseContent
DoWithRetry -Command $tokenCommand -ArgumentList @('2', 'baz') -RetryLimit 2
if ($RunningContext -like 'AzFn') {
$script:tokenInfo = [pscustomobject]@{
$tokenCommand = {
$script:tokenInfo.content = Get-AzAccessToken -Resource $resource
$script:tokenInfo.access_token = $tokenInfo.content.Token
$script:tokenInfo.token_type = $tokenInfo.content.Type
$script:tokenInfo.expires_on = $tokenInfo.content.ExpiresOn.ToUnixTimeSeconds()
DoWithRetry -Command $tokenCommand -ArgumentList @('2', 'baz') -RetryLimit 2
function IsTokenExpired {
if (-not $tokenInfo) {
throw "`$tokenInfo is null, Call RefreshJwtToken first."
# Check if it's good for more than the next ten seconds
return $tokenInfo.expires_on -lt ((Epoch) - 10)
function RefreshIfExpired {
# Get the token if you don't have one
if (-not $tokenInfo) {
# Refresh it if it's too old
if (IsTokenExpired) {
function RefreshTokenIfExpired {
function IsTokenExpired {
if (-not $tokenInfo) {
throw "`$tokenInfo is null, Call RefreshJwtToken first."
# Check if it's good for more than the next ten seconds
return $tokenInfo.expires_on -lt ((Epoch) - 10)
# Get the token if you don't have one
if (-not $tokenInfo) {
# Refresh it if it's too old
if (IsTokenExpired) {
## Az Table Handler ##
function MakeTableRequest {
param (
begin {
## Get access token if we don't have one or refresh if it expires in the next 10 seconds
function EscapeString {
param ([string]$inputString)
$inputString.ToCharArray() | foreach {
switch ($_) {
' ' { '%20' }
'/' { '%2F' }
'?' { '%3F' }
':' { '%3A' }
'@' { '%40' }
'&' { '%26' }
'=' { '%3D' }
'+' { '%2B' }
',' { '%2C' }
'$' { '%24' }
default { $_ }
process {
#region tableCall
$odataAccept = switch ($OdataMetadata) {
'Full' { ';odata=fullmetadata' }
'Minimal' { ';odata=minimalmetadata' }
default { '' }
$requestHeader = @{
Origin=$(& hostname)
Date=(Get-Date -Format "ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss 'GMT'")
Accept='application/json' + $odataAccept
Authorization="$($tokenInfo.token_type) $($tokenInfo.access_token)"
$quoteStart = [regex]"^'"
$quoteEnd = [regex]"'`$"
$uri = "$Account/$Table"
$queryUri = @()
if ($PartitionKey -and $RowKey) { $uri += "(PartitionKey='$(EscapeString $PartitionKey)',RowKey='$(EscapeString $RowKey)')" }
if ($Query) {
# Replace single quotes on the ends of tokens with the url encoded version %27
# then escape innner quotes with ''.
$Query = ($Query.Split(' ') | foreach { $quoteEnd.Replace($quoteStart.Replace($_,'%27'),'%27').Replace("'","''") }) -join ' '
# Escape specific characters found in the filter query.
$queryUri += "`$filter={0}" -f (EscapeString $Query)
if ($Top -ge 0) {
$queryUri += "`$top=$Top"
$queryUri += "&_={0}" -f (Epoch)
$uri = "{0}?{1}" -f $uri, ($queryUri -join '&')
$response = try {
(Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri $uri -Method $Method -Headers $requestHeader -ErrorAction Stop)
} catch [System.Net.WebException] {
return $response
#endregion tableCall
$storageAccount = ""
$table = "empid"
$data = MakeTableRequest -Account $storageAccount -Table $table
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