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Last active December 23, 2015 04:29
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This is a few of the ways to create an object in JavaScript
The different ways to create an object
Example object needs to have this heirachy
Bank Account
> holder - the account holder
> deposit - function allowing increase of balance
the input amount should be a positive number
> withdraw - function allowing decrease / use of balance
the input amount should be a negative number
> balance - if possible, a function allowing the view of the immutable balance
otherwise a int member for uing deposit and withdraw
note: the balance is immutable so it can not be directly set.
only through the use of deposit and withdraw can the balance change
-- Yes, technically we should be formatting the string to be in currency format,
but for the sake of the example being about objects, we will omit the formatting
-- Proper error throwing and input validation
have mostly been omitted for example sake as well
1. Object Literals / Static Objects
a. They do not need instantiation with new operator
b. All members are public and can not share private vars
between one another
c. using {}, new Object(), or Object.create(Object.prototype) will
all create an empty object.
var bankAccount = {
holder: '',
//we can't have a private value shared across members so
//we will have to throw the value into a public member
//this is the best we can do with object literal style of doing things
balance: 0,
withdraw: function (amount) {
//we need this amount to be less than 0
amount = amount > 0 ? 0 : amount;
return this.balance += amount;
deposit: function (amount) {
//we need this amount to be greater than 0
amount = amount < 0 ? 0 : amount;
return this.balance += amount;
var myAccount = bankAccount;
myAccount.holder = 'sean';
This object is static in the since that when you assign something
the BankAccount object you are assigning a reference this object.
So any mutation done upon any reference of this object will be reflected
through out the space and affect all other referencing objects.
Such classes are often called a singleton. This is so because at any given
time you only have one instance of the class.
2. Constructed Objects / Instantiated Objects
a. They need instantiation with new operator
b. With constructors being functions, they have the benefit of
lexical scoping and closures allowing for private vars inside
of that scope
var BankAccount = function (options) {
'use strict';
//make sure the options is defined so
//sniffing for members isn't an exception
options = options || {};
//immutable balance value
var _balance = 0;
return {
holder: options.holder || '',
balance: function () {
return _balance;
withdraw: function (amount) {
//we need this amount to be less than 0
amount = amount > 0 ? 0 : amount;
return _balance += amount;
deposit: function (amount) {
//we need this amount to be greater than 0
amount = amount < 0 ? 0 : amount;
return _balance += amount;
var myAccount = new BankAccount({
holder: 'sean'
I prefer to return an object but you can just use 'this.withdraw = function...'
inside the body of the constructor.
note: the naming convention for classes defined with constructors
is it should be PascalCase. As opposed to literals that are operating
directly on an object so they should follow the camelCase style.
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