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Last active June 13, 2021 13:48
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Shroggs Park Pavilion

CONSTITUTION Of Save Shroggs Park Pavilion Group.

1. Name:

The name of the group shall be: “Save Shroggs Park Pavilion Group.”

2. Aim:

To bring the Shroggs Park Pavilion back into use, and encourage more sports to use the pavilion and other sports facilities at Shroggs Park.

3. Objectives:

The group will fulfil their objectives by.

  • Having the pavilion open, and in use.

  • Having more sports in Shroggs Park.

  • Working together as residents regardless of age, ethnic origin, ability, sex, belief, or political affiliation recognising the value of our many differences.

  • Involving local people to save the pavilion.

  • Promoting sport, community recreation, and play facilities.

  • To raise funds and receive contributions when appropriate to finance the work.

  • To publicise and promote work.

  • To open bank accounts, take out insurance and fulfil any legal requirements that are required to meet the stated aims of the organisation at a time that is appropriate.

  • Organise meetings, training courses and events.

  • Work with similar groups and exchange information and advice with them.

  • Take any action that is lawful, which would help it to fulfil its aims and objectives.

4. Membership:

Membership of Save Shroggs Park Pavilion Group. shall be open to anyone who is interested in helping the group to achieve its aims and willing to abide by the rules of the group.

  • Every member shall have one vote at general meetings.

  • Membership of the group and eligibility to vote at AGM and general meetings should be by attendees in person at least 18 years old.

  • The management committee shall have the power to refuse membership to an applicant, where it is considered such membership would be detrimental to the aims, purposes or activities of the group.

  • Any member of the group may resign his/her membership.

  • Any representative may initiate the termination or suspension of the membership of any members, if in their opinion his/her conduct is prejudicial to the interests and objects of the group. Members facing termination have the right to be heard by the general committee before the final decision is made. Members facing termination should be informed of their right to be heard by a general committee before a final decision is made. There shall be a right of appeal to an independent arbitrator appointed by mutual agreement.

5. Management:

Save Shroggs Park Pavilion Group. shall be administered by a management committee of not less than three people and not more than fifteen people elected at the group's Annual General Meeting, Committee Members must be at least 18 years old.

The officers of the management committee shall be:

  • The Chairperson
  • The Treasurer
  • The Secretary
  • Up to 11 ordinary members

Non-voting member places are available and open to persons providing support to the group.

The Management Committee shall meet at least four times per year in person or by Zoom or similar.

At least four Committee members must be present for any Management Committee meeting to take place.

Voting at Management Committee meetings shall be by show of hands on a majority basis, if there is a tied vote then the chairperson shall have a second vote.

Power to set up sub-groups and working parties as deemed necessary, which shall be accountable to the Committee.

6. Finance:

Any money obtained by the group shall be used only for the group.

Any bank accounts opened for the group shall be in the name of the group (“Save Shroggs Park Pavilion Group.”)

Any cheque’s issued shall be signed by at least two of any three nominated signatures. Any monies transferred or used must be approved by at least two of any three nominated signatures.

The Management Committee will ensure that the group stays within the budget.

A requisition form for the issue of cheques or money orders above a sum of £250, which will be assessed annually, should be in writing to the treasurer and signed by two members of the management committee, one not being a signatory on the cheque.

The Treasurer will be responsible for the safe custody of the groups bank account and cheque book and any other valuable instrument that may be relevant to the group.

7. General Public Meetings:

The Committee shall call at least two general public meetings each year, purpose of these meetings is for the group to account for its actions and consider the regeneration and development of, according to the group's objectives.

The chair of the group shall normally chair these meetings

At least fourteen days notice of such a meeting must be given, and best effort made to ensure all members and the public are made aware of any meetings.

All meetings, including AGM's must be minuted and available to any interested party.

The quorum for a general meeting is four.

8. Annual General Meeting:

Save Shroggs Park Pavilion Group. shall hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) at no more than 15 month intervals.

Where possible members shall be notified personally, and best effort made to ensure all members and the public are made aware of any meetings 14 days prior to the meeting date.

The business of the AGM shall include:

  • Receiving a report from the chairperson of the group's activities over the year.
  • Receiving a report and presentation of the last financial year’s accounts from the treasurer on the finances of the group.
  • Electing a new management committee and considering any other matters as may be appropriate at such a meeting.
  • The quorum for an Annual General Meeting shall be at least six persons of which at least two shall not be committee members.

9. Special General Meeting:

The management committee may call a special meeting at any time where 10 days notice must be given to all members.

10. Alteration of the Constitution:

Proposals for amendments to this Constitution or dissolution (see clause 11) must be delivered to the secretary in writing. The secretary in conjunction with all other officers shall then decide on the date of a forum meeting to discuss such proposals, giving at least four weeks clear notice.

Any changes to this Constitution must be agreed by at least two thirds of those members present and voting at any general meeting.

11. Dissolution:

The group may be wound up at any time if agreed by two thirds of those members present and voting at any general meeting. Any assets shall be returned to their providers, if they require it, or shall be passed to another group with similar aims.

12. Adoption of the Constitution:

This Constitution was adopted by the members present at the AGM held on:

Date ____________________ Sign and Print Name.

_________________________________ (Chair) Print_________________________________

_________________________________ (Secretary) Print_________________________________

_________________________________ (Treasurer) Print_________________________________

_________________________________ (Member) Print_________________________________

_________________________________ (Member) Print_________________________________

_________________________________ (Member) Print_________________________________

_________________________________ (Member) Print_________________________________

_________________________________ (Member) Print_________________________________

_________________________________ (Member) Print_________________________________

_________________________________ (Member) Print_________________________________

_________________________________ (Member) Print_________________________________

_________________________________ (Member) Print_________________________________

_________________________________ (Member) Print_________________________________

_________________________________ (Member) Print_________________________________

Meetings per Annum:

  • One Annual General Public Meeting (AGM)
  • Two General Public Meetings
  • Six Management Committee Meetings

The venue for meetings to be announced at the time but will be local to Shroggs Park.

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