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Created November 8, 2022 11:08
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// ******************************************************
// An example of the SimpleFusion library that combines
// accelerometer and gyroscope data quickly and easily.
// This example uses the mpu6050 6-dof IMU and the
// Adafruit library for it.
// Created in 2022 by Sean Boerhout under the MIT License
// ******************************************************
#include <simpleFusion.h> // If you've used the "include library" tool, you'll need to use '<[library]>'
#include <Adafruit_LSM6DSOX.h>
#include <Wire.h>
SimpleFusion fuser; // Initialize the SimpleFusion object
Adafruit_LSM6DSOX sox;
void setup() {
fuser.init(100, 0.98, 0.98); // Initialize the fusion object with the filter update rate (hertz) and
if (!sox.begin_I2C()) {
Serial.println("failed to find LSM6DSOX");
while (1)
void loop() {
if (fuser.shouldUpdateData()) {
FusedAngles fusedAngles; // Variable to store the output
sensors_event_t a, g, temp;
sox.getEvent(&a, &g, &temp);
ThreeAxis accelerometer; // Please verify that the units are in meters / second ^ 2
accelerometer.x = a.acceleration.x;
accelerometer.y = a.acceleration.y;
accelerometer.z = a.acceleration.z;
ThreeAxis gyroscope; // Please verify that the units are in raidans / second
gyroscope.x = g.gyro.x;
gyroscope.y = g.gyro.y;
gyroscope.z = g.gyro.z;
fuser.getFilteredAngles(accelerometer, gyroscope, &fusedAngles, UNIT_DEGREES); // Fuse the angles
Serial.print(" Pitch: ");
Serial.print(" Roll : ");
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