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Created February 23, 2024 19:16
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Pydantic CRUD
import asyncio
from livingcharter._subcommands import create_yaml
import os
import streamlit as st
import yaml
import streamlit_pydantic as sp
from typing import List, Dict
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
import datetime
from utils.create_prompts import create_data
class Task(BaseModel):
title: str = Field(..., description="Title of the task")
description: str = Field(..., description="Description of the task")
due_date: = Field(..., description="Due date of the task")
status: str = Field(..., description="Status of the task")
class Project(BaseModel):
name: str = Field(..., description="Name of the project")
description: str = Field(..., description="Description of the project")
start_date: = Field(..., description="Start date of the project")
end_date: = Field(None, description="End date of the project")
status: str = Field(..., description="Current status of the project")
tasks: List[Task] = Field(..., description="List of tasks in the")
class Config:
allow_extra = True
from_model_tab, from_instance_tab = st.tabs(
["Form inputs from model", "Form inputs from instance"]
def to_yaml(model: BaseModel, data, file_path: str = None) -> str:
yaml_content = yaml.dump(data, default_flow_style=False, width=1000)
if file_path:
with open(file_path, "w") as yaml_file:
return yaml_content
def from_yaml(model_cls: BaseModel, file_path: str) -> BaseModel:
with open(file_path, "r") as yaml_file:
data = yaml.safe_load(yaml_file)
return model_cls(**data)
data_state_key = "Project-data"
# Check if there's data in the session state
if data_state_key in st.session_state:
data_state = st.session_state[data_state_key]
"Found data",
instance = Project.parse_obj(data_state)
to_yaml(Project, data_state, "Project.yaml")
if os.path.exists("Project.yaml"):
instance = from_yaml(Project, "Project.yaml")
instance = Project
# Render the Pydantic form and update the instance
# data = sp.pydantic_form(key=f"Project", model=self.instance)
data_prompt = st.text_area("Data Prompt", "")
# Add a button to trigger the conversion
if st.button("Convert to Data"):
# Run the conversion asynchronously
async def async_conversion():
project_data = await create_data(data_prompt, Project)
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
st.write("Conversion complete!")
yaml_prompt = st.text_area("Yaml Prompt", "")
# Add a button to trigger the conversion
if st.button("Convert to Yaml"):
# Run the conversion asynchronously
async def async_conversion():
yaml_data = await create_yaml.render(yaml_prompt)
st.code(yaml_data, language="yaml")
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
st.write("Conversion complete!")
with from_model_tab:
data = sp.pydantic_input(key="Project", model=instance)
with st.expander("Current Input State", expanded=False):
to_yaml(Project, data, "Project.yaml")
if data:
instance = data
# st.json(data.json())
with st.expander("Session State", expanded=False):
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