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Created November 3, 2008 13:41
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%%% File: twitter.erl
%%% @author Sean Cribbs <> []
%%% @copyright 2008 Sean Cribbs
%%% @doc Bindings for the Twitter API
%%% Include 'twitter.hrl' in your module to get the records.
%%% @end
%%% @since 2008-10-30 by Sean Cribbs
%%% @type auth() = {User::string(), Password::string()}
%%% @type id() = integer() | string()
%%% @type user() = id() | email()
%%% @type device() = atom() | string()
-author('Sean Cribbs <>').
public_timeline/0, friends_timeline/1, friends_timeline/2,
user_timeline/1, user_timeline/2, status/1, update/2, update/3,
replies/1, replies/2, destroy_status/2, friends/1, friends/2,
followers/1, followers/2, user/1, direct_messages/1, direct_messages/2,
direct_messages_sent/1, direct_messages_sent/2, create_direct_message/3,
destroy_direct_message/2, create_friend/2, create_friend/3,
friendship_exists/3, verify_credentials/1, update_location/2,
update_delivery_device/2, rate_limit_status/1, favorites/1, favorites/2,
favorites/3, create_favorite/2, destroy_favorite/2, follow/2, trends/0,
search/1, search/2, parse_twitter_time/1
%%% @doc Returns the 20 most recent statuses from non-protected users who
%%% have set a custom icon.
%%% @end
%%% @spec public_timeline() -> [#twitter_status]
public_timeline() ->
JSON = get_json(""),
lists:map(fun parse_status/1, JSON).
%%% @doc Returns the 20 most recent statuses from people you follow
%%% @spec friends_timeline(Auth::auth()) -> [#twitter_status]
friends_timeline(Auth) when is_tuple(Auth) ->
friends_timeline(Auth, []).
%%% @spec friends_timeline(Auth::auth(), UrlParams::proplist()) -> [#twitter_status]
friends_timeline(Auth, Params) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2, is_list(Params) ->
JSON = get_json("", Auth, Params),
lists:map(fun parse_status/1, JSON).
%%% @doc Returns the 20 most recent statuses from the auth user
%%% @spec user_timeline(Auth::auth()) -> [#twitter_status]
user_timeline(Auth) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2 ->
friends_timeline(Auth, []).
%%% @spec friends_timeline(Auth::auth(), UrlParams::proplist()) -> [#twitter_status]
user_timeline(Auth, Params) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2, is_list(Params) ->
JSON = get_json("", Auth, Params),
lists:map(fun parse_status/1, JSON).
%%% @doc Loads a status by ID
%%% @spec show(StatusID::id()) -> #twitter_status
status(StatusID) when is_integer(StatusID) ->
status(StatusID) when is_list(StatusID) ->
%%% @doc Sets the authenticated user's status
%%% @spec update(Auth::auth(), Message::string()) -> #twitter_status
update(Auth, Message) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2, is_list(Message) ->
update(Auth, Message, []).
update(Auth, Message, Params) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2, is_list(Message), is_list(Params) ->
parse_status(post_json("", Auth, [{status, Message}|Params])).
%%% @doc Returns the 20 most recent @replies
%%% @spec replies(Auth::auth()) -> [#twitter_status]
replies(Auth) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2 ->
replies(Auth, []).
replies(Auth, Params) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2, is_list(Params) ->
JSON = get_json("", Auth, Params),
lists:map(fun parse_status/1, JSON).
%%% @doc Destroys a given status (assuming you own it)
%%% @spec destroy_status(Auth::auth(), StatusID::id()) -> #twitter_status
destroy_status(Auth, StatusID) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2, is_integer(StatusID) ->
destroy_status(Auth, integer_to_list(StatusID));
destroy_status(Auth, StatusID) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2, is_list(StatusID) ->
parse_status(post_json(["",StatusID,".json"], Auth)).
%%% @doc Retrieves 100 of the authenticating user's friends (people they follow)
%%% @spec friends(Auth::auth()) -> [#twitter_user]
friends(User) when is_integer(User) ->
friends(User) when is_list(User) ->
friends(User, []);
friends(Auth) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2 ->
friends(Auth, []).
friends(User, Params) when is_integer(User), is_list(Params) ->
friends(integer_to_list(User), Params);
friends(User, Params) when is_list(User), is_list(Params) ->
JSON = get_json(["" ++ User ++ ".json"], Params),
lists:map(fun parse_user/1, JSON);
friends(Auth, Params) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2, is_list(Params) ->
JSON = get_json("", Auth, Params),
lists:map(fun parse_user/1, JSON).
%%% @doc Retrieves 100 of the authenticating user's followers
%%% @spec followers(Auth::auth()) -> [#twitter_user]
followers(User) when is_integer(User) ->
followers(User) when is_list(User) ->
followers(User, []);
followers(Auth) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2 ->
followers(Auth, []).
followers(User, Params) when is_integer(User), is_list(Params) ->
followers(integer_to_list(User), Params);
followers(User, Params) when is_list(User), is_list(Params) ->
JSON = get_json(["",User,".json"], Params),
lists:map(fun parse_user/1, JSON);
followers(Auth, Params) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2, is_list(Params) ->
JSON = get_json("", Auth, Params),
lists:map(fun parse_user/1, JSON).
%%% @doc Reads extended information for a user
%%% @spec user(User::user()) -> #twitter_user
user(User) when is_integer(User) ->
user(User) when is_list(User) ->
URL = case lists:member($@, User) of
false -> ["",User,".json"];
_ -> add_params("", [{email, User}])
%%% @doc Retrieves the 20 most recent direct messages
%%% @spec direct_messages(Auth::auth()) -> [#twitter_direct_message]
direct_messages(Auth) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2 ->
direct_messages(Auth, []).
direct_messages(Auth, Params) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2, is_list(Params) ->
JSON = get_json("", Auth, Params),
lists:map(fun parse_direct_message/1, JSON).
%%% @doc Retrieves the 20 most recent direct messages
%%% @spec direct_messages_sent(Auth::auth()) -> [#twitter_direct_message]
direct_messages_sent(Auth) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2 ->
direct_messages_sent(Auth, []).
direct_messages_sent(Auth, Params) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2, is_list(Params) ->
JSON = get_json("", Auth, Params),
lists:map(fun parse_direct_message/1, JSON).
%%% @doc Sends a new direct message
%%% @spec create_direct_message(Auth::auth(), Recipient::id(), Text::string()) -> #twitter_direct_message
create_direct_message(Auth, Recipient, Text) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2, is_list(Text) ->
parse_direct_message(post_json("", Auth, [{user, Recipient}, {text, Text}])).
%%% @doc Deletes a direct message
%%% @spec destroy_direct_message(Auth::auth(), ID::id()) -> #twitter_direct_message
destroy_direct_message(Auth, ID) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2, is_integer(ID) ->
destroy_direct_message(Auth, integer_to_list(ID));
destroy_direct_message(Auth, ID) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2, is_list(ID) ->
parse_direct_message(post_json(["",ID,".json"], Auth)).
%%% @doc Adds a friend (follows them)
%%% @spec create_friend(Auth::auth(), ID::id()) -> #twitter_user
create_friend(Auth, ID) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2, is_integer(ID) ->
create_friend(Auth, integer_to_list(ID));
create_friend(Auth, ID) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2, is_list(ID) ->
create_friend(Auth, ID, []).
create_friend(Auth, ID, Params) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2, is_integer(ID), is_list(Params) ->
create_friend(Auth, integer_to_list(ID), Params);
create_friend(Auth, ID, Params) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2, is_list(ID), is_list(Params) ->
parse_user(post_json(["",ID,".json"], Auth, Params)).
%%% @doc Checks whether a friendship exists between users
%%% @spec friendship_exists(Auth::auth(), User1::id(), User2::id()) -> true | false
friendship_exists(Auth, User1, User2) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2 ->
case get_json("", Auth, [{user_a, User1}, {user_b, User2}]) of
<<"true">> -> true;
<<"false">> -> false;
_ -> error
%%% @doc Checks whether the given credentials will authenticate
%%% @spec verify_credentials(Auth::auth()) -> true | false
verify_credentials(Auth) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2 ->
try get_json("", Auth) of
{struct, [{<<"authorized">>, true}]} -> true;
_ -> false
throw:{error, authorization_required} -> false;
throw:{error, forbidden} -> false;
E -> E
%%% @doc Updates the authenticated user's location
%%% @spec update_location(Auth::auth(), Location) -> #twitter_user
update_location(Auth, Location) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2 ->
parse_user(post_json("", Auth, [{location, Location}])).
%%% @doc Updates the authenticated user's delivery device
%%% @spec update_delivery_device(Auth::auth(), Device::device()) -> #twitter_user
update_delivery_device(Auth, Device) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2 ->
parse_user(post_json("", Auth, [{device, Device}])).
%%% @doc Checks the number of remaining API requests left this hour
%%% @spec rate_limit_status(Auth::auth()) -> #twitter_rate_limit_status
rate_limit_status(Auth) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2 ->
parse_rate_limit_status(get_json("", Auth)).
%%% @doc Lists 20 most recent favorited statuses for authenticated user
%%% @spec favorites(Auth::auth()) -> [#twitter_status]
favorites(Auth) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2 ->
favorites(Auth, self, []).
favorites(Auth, User) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2, is_integer(User) ->
favorites(Auth, integer_to_list(User));
favorites(Auth, User) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2, is_list(User) ->
favorites(Auth, User, []).
favorites(Auth, self, Params) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2, is_list(Params) ->
JSON = get_json("", Auth, Params),
lists:map(fun parse_status/1, JSON);
favorites(Auth, User, Params) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2, is_list(User), is_list(Params) ->
JSON = get_json(["", User, ".json"], Auth, Params),
lists:map(fun parse_status/1, JSON).
%%% @doc Favorites a given status
%%% @spec create_favorite(Auth::auth(), ID::id()) -> #twitter_status
create_favorite(Auth, ID) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2, is_integer(ID) ->
create_favorite(Auth, integer_to_list(ID));
create_favorite(Auth, ID) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2, is_list(ID) ->
parse_status(post_json(["",ID,".json"], Auth, [])).
%%% @doc Unfavorites a given status
%%% @spec destroy_favorite(Auth::auth(), ID::id()) -> #twitter_status
destroy_favorite(Auth, ID) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2, is_integer(ID) ->
destroy_favorite(Auth, integer_to_list(ID));
destroy_favorite(Auth, ID) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2, is_list(ID) ->
parse_status(post_json(["",ID,".json"], Auth, [])).
%%% @doc Enables notifications for a given user
%%% @spec follow(Auth::auth(), User::id()) -> #twitter_user
follow(Auth, User) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2, is_integer(User) ->
follow(Auth, integer_to_list(User));
follow(Auth, User) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2, is_list(User) ->
parse_user(post_json(["",User,".json"], Auth)).
%%% @doc Lists the latest most popular search terms on Twitter
%%% @spec trends() -> {AsOf::httptime(), [#twitter_search_trend]}
trends() ->
%%% @doc Searchs for recent statuses with the given search terms
search(Terms) when is_list(Terms) ->
search(Terms, []).
search(Terms, Params) when is_list(Terms), is_list(Params) ->
parse_search_results(get_json("", [{q, Terms}|Params])).
%%% Private API
get_json(URL) ->
get_json(URL, Params) when is_list(Params) ->
parse_json(api_get(URL, Params));
get_json(URL, Auth) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2 ->
parse_json(api_get(URL, Auth)).
get_json(URL, Auth, Params) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2, is_list(Params) ->
parse_json(api_get(URL, Auth, Params)).
post_json(URL, Auth) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2 ->
parse_json(api_post(URL, Auth)).
post_json(URL, Auth, Params) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2, is_list(Params) ->
parse_json(api_post(URL, Auth, Params)).
api_get(URL) ->
api_get(URL, []).
api_get(URL, Params) when is_list(Params) ->
ok = start(),
handle_request(http:request(add_params(lists:flatten(URL), Params)));
api_get(URL, Auth) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2 ->
api_get(URL, Auth, []).
api_get(URL, Auth, Params) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2, is_list(Params) ->
ok = start(),
handle_request(http:request(get, {add_params(lists:flatten(URL), Params), [basic_auth(Auth)]}, [], [])).
api_post(URL, Auth) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2 ->
api_post(URL, Auth, []).
api_post(URL, Auth, Params) when is_tuple(Auth) andalso size(Auth) == 2, is_list(Params) ->
ok = start(),
handle_request(http:request(post, {lists:flatten(URL), [basic_auth(Auth)],"application/x-www-form-urlencoded", mochiweb_util:urlencode(Params)}, [], [])).
handle_request({ok, Result}) ->
{Status, _Headers, Body} = Result,
case Status of
{_,200,_} ->
{_,201,_} ->
{_,401,_} ->
throw({error, authorization_required});
{_,403,_} ->
throw({error, forbidden});
_ ->
throw({error, Status})
handle_request({error, Reason}) ->
throw({error, Reason}).
add_params(URL, []) ->
add_params(URL, Params) when is_list(Params) ->
basic_auth({User, Password}) ->
basic_auth(User, Password).
basic_auth(User, Password) ->
{"Authorization", lists:flatten(["Basic ", binary_to_list(base64:encode(lists:flatten([User,":",Password])))])}.
start() ->
case inets:start() of
{error,{already_started, inets}} -> ok;
{error, Reason} -> {error, Reason};
_ -> ok
parse_json(Data) ->
parse_status({struct, PropList}) ->
#twitter_status {
id=proplists:get_value(<<"id">>, PropList),
text=proplists:get_value(<<"text">>, PropList),
user=parse_user(proplists:get_value(<<"user">>, PropList)),
created_at=parse_twitter_time(proplists:get_value(<<"created_at">>, PropList)),
truncated=proplists:get_value(<<"truncated">>, PropList),
favorited=proplists:get_value(<<"favorited">>, PropList),
source=proplists:get_value(<<"source">>, PropList),
in_reply_to_user_id=proplists:get_value(<<"in_reply_to_user_id">>, PropList),
in_reply_to_status_id=proplists:get_value(<<"in_reply_to_status_id">>, PropList)
parse_status(_) -> null.
parse_direct_message({struct, PropList}) ->
#twitter_direct_message {
id=proplists:get_value(<<"id">>, PropList),
text=proplists:get_value(<<"text">>, PropList),
created_at=parse_twitter_time(proplists:get_value(<<"created_at">>, PropList)),
sender=parse_user(proplists:get_value(<<"sender">>, PropList)),
recipient=parse_user(proplists:get_value(<<"recipient">>, PropList))
parse_direct_message(_) -> null.
parse_user({struct, PropList}) ->
#twitter_user {
id=proplists:get_value(<<"id">>, PropList),
screen_name=proplists:get_value(<<"screen_name">>, PropList),
name=proplists:get_value(<<"name">>, PropList),
description=proplists:get_value(<<"description">>, PropList),
url=proplists:get_value(<<"url">>, PropList),
profile_image_url=proplists:get_value(<<"profile_image_url">>, PropList),
protected=proplists:get_value(<<"protected">>, PropList),
location=proplists:get_value(<<"location">>, PropList),
followers_count=proplists:get_value(<<"followers_count">>, PropList),
status=parse_status(proplists:get_value(<<"status">>, PropList)),
profile_background_color=proplists:get_value(<<"profile_background_color">>, PropList),
profile_text_color=proplists:get_value(<<"profile_text_color">>, PropList),
profile_link_color=proplists:get_value(<<"profile_link_color">>, PropList),
profile_sidebar_fill_color=proplists:get_value(<<"profile_sidebar_fill_color">>, PropList),
profile_sidebar_border_color=proplists:get_value(<<"profile_sidebar_border_color">>, PropList),
favourites_count=proplists:get_value(<<"favourites_count">>, PropList),
utc_offset=proplists:get_value(<<"utc_offset">>, PropList),
time_zone=proplists:get_value(<<"time_zone">>, PropList),
following=proplists:get_value(<<"following">>, PropList),
notifications=proplists:get_value(<<"notifications">>, PropList),
statuses_count=proplists:get_value(<<"statuses_count">>, PropList)
parse_user(_) -> null.
parse_rate_limit_status({struct, PropList}) ->
#twitter_rate_limit_status {
remaining_hits=proplists:get_value(<<"remaining_hits">>, PropList),
hourly_limit=proplists:get_value(<<"hourly_limit">>, PropList),
reset_time_in_seconds=proplists:get_value(<<"reset_time_in_seconds">>, PropList),
reset_time=parse_twitter_time(proplists:get_value(<<"reset_time">>, PropList))
parse_rate_limit_status(_) -> null.
parse_trends({struct, PropList}) ->
{httpd_util:convert_request_date(binary_to_list(proplists:get_value(<<"as_of">>, PropList))),
lists:map(fun parse_trend/1, proplists:get_value(<<"trends">>, PropList))};
parse_trends(_) -> null.
parse_trend({struct, PropList}) ->
#twitter_search_trend {
name=proplists:get_value(<<"name">>, PropList),
url=proplists:get_value(<<"url">>, PropList)
parse_trend(_) -> null.
parse_search_results({struct, PropList}) ->
#twitter_search_results {
results=lists:map(fun parse_search_result/1, proplists:get_value(<<"results">>, PropList)),
since_id=proplists:get_value(<<"since_id">>, PropList),
max_id=proplists:get_value(<<"max_id">>, PropList),
refresh_url=proplists:get_value(<<"refresh_url">>, PropList),
results_per_page=proplists:get_value(<<"results_per_page">>, PropList),
total=proplists:get_value(<<"total">>, PropList),
page=proplists:get_value(<<"page">>, PropList),
q=proplists:get_value(<<"query">>, PropList)
parse_search_results(_) -> null.
parse_search_result({struct, PropList}) ->
#twitter_search_result {
id=proplists:get_value(<<"id">>, PropList),
text=proplists:get_value(<<"text">>, PropList),
to_user_id=proplists:get_value(<<"to_user_id">>, PropList),
from_user=proplists:get_value(<<"from_user">>, PropList),
from_user_id=proplists:get_value(<<"from_user_id">>, PropList),
iso_language_code=proplists:get_value(<<"iso_language_code">>, PropList),
profile_image_url=proplists:get_value(<<"profile_image_url">>, PropList),
created_at=httpd_util:convert_request_date(binary_to_list(proplists:get_value(<<"created_at">>, PropList)))
parse_search_result(_) -> null.
% Parses <<"Tue Nov 11 14:34:06 +0000 2008">> format
parse_twitter_time(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
_D,_A,_Y, _SP,
M, O, N, _SP,
D1, D2, _SP,
H1, H2, $:,
M1, M2, $:,
S1, S2, _SP,
$+, $0, $0, $0, $0, _SP,
Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4 | _Rest
]) ->
Year = list_to_integer([Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4]),
Month = http_util:convert_month([M,O,N]),
Day = list_to_integer([D1,D2]),
Hour = list_to_integer([H1,H2]),
Minute = list_to_integer([M1,M2]),
Second = list_to_integer([S1,S2]),
parse_twitter_time(Whatever) -> Whatever.
-record(twitter_user, {id,name,screen_name,location,description,
-record(twitter_status, {id,text,user,created_at,in_reply_to_status_id,
-record(twitter_direct_message, {id,text,created_at,sender,recipient}).
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