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Forked from kevsmith/bench.erl
Last active December 14, 2015 07:18
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run(Count) ->
Me = self(),
timer:tc(fun() -> run(Me, Count) end).
run(Me, Count) ->
F = spawn(fun() -> worker(Me, Count) end),
spawn(fun() -> worker(Me, F, Count) end),
wait_for_done(0) ->
wait_for_done(Count) ->
done ->
wait_for_done(Count - 1)
worker(Owner, 0) ->
Owner ! done;
worker(Owner, Count) ->
{From, ping} ->
From ! pong,
worker(Owner, Count - 1)
worker(Owner, _Target, 0) ->
Owner ! done;
worker(Owner, Target, Count) ->
Target ! {self(), ping},
pong ->
worker(Owner, Target, Count - 1)
| Iteration | Message Count | R16B ET(us)   | R15B01 ET(us)   | R14B03 ET(us)   |
|   1       |      1000000  |     3473396   |     1016343     |      927738     |
|   2       |      1000000  |     3613964   |     1089535     |      927751     |
|   3       |      1000000  |     3614176   |     1085716     |      930875     |
|   4       |      1000000  |     3627181   |     1075551     |      926532     |
|   5       |      1000000  |     3781928   |     1076596     |      954513     |
| Average   |               |     3622129   |     1068748     |      933482     |
| Std. Dev  |               |      109331   |       29892     |       11806     |

NOTE: Informal benchmark written in a few spare minutes.

All tests were run on an otherwise idle 2.7ghz Core i7 2011 MBP. Erlang command line: erl +K true +A 4

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