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Created January 7, 2011 18:00
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WIP port of Ripple's Riak::TestServer to riak-js
$ node ts.js
10 Jan 15:01:23 - prepared
10 Jan 15:01:24 - started
PUT /riak/airlines/KLM
10 Jan 15:01:24 - saved
10 Jan 15:01:24 - cleared
GET /riak/airlines/KLM
10 Jan 15:01:24 - not found! it works
sys = require 'sys'
{spawn} = require 'child_process'
fs = require 'fs'
path = require 'path'
EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
Utils = require './utils'
erlangPath = path.normalize("#{__dirname}/../erl_src")
tempPath = path.normalize("#{process.cwd()}/.riaktest")
# Ported from the Ruby riak-client
class TestServer extends EventEmitter
@defaults =
web_ip: ""
web_port: 9000
handoff_port: 9001
ring_creation_size: 64
storage_backend: {atom: "riak_kv_test_backend"}
pb_ip: ""
pb_port: 9002
js_vm_count: 8
js_max_vm_mem: 8
js_thread_stack: 16
riak_kv_stat: true
enabled: false
errlog_type: {atom: "error"}
"-name": "riaktest#{Math.floor(Math.random()*100000000000)}@"
"-setcookie": "riak-js-test"
"+K": true
"+A": 64
"-smp": "enable"
"-env ERL_MAX_PORTS": 4096
"-pa": erlangPath
tempDir: tempPath
constructor: (options) ->
@options = Utils.mixin true, {}, TestServer.defaults, options
@options.appConfig.riak_core.ring_state_dir = "#{@options.tempDir}/data/ring"
@options.binDir = path.normalize(@options.binDir)
@erlangPrompt = new RegExp("^.#{@options.vmArgs['-name']}.\\d+>", "m")
prepare: (callback) ->
unless @prepared?
@createTempDirectories =>
@riakScript = "#{@temp_bin}/riak"
@writeRiakScript =>
@writeVmArgs =>
@writeAppConfig =>
@prepared = true
callback() if callback
start: (callback) ->
if @prepared and not @started and @listeners('erlangPrompt').length is 0
setStarted = =>
@started = true
callback() if callback
@once 'erlangPrompt', setStarted
@console = spawn(@riakScript, ["console"])
@console.on 'exit', @registerStop
# do the work of what we get from expect() in Ruby
@console.stdout.on 'data', (data) =>
unless is -1
if @options.debug
@console.stderr.on 'data', sys.debug
@console.stdout.on 'data', sys.debug
process.on 'exit', =>
stop: ->
if @started and @listeners('erlangPrompt').length is 0
@console.stdin.write("init:stop().\n", "ascii")
clear: (callback) ->
if @started and @listeners('erlangPrompt').length is 0
setStarted = =>
@started = true
callback() if callback
sendReset = =>
@once 'erlangPrompt', setStarted
@started = false
@console.stdin.write("riak_kv_test_backend:reset().\n", "ascii")
@once 'erlangPrompt', sendReset
@console.stdin.write("ok.\n", "ascii")
registerStop: ->
delete @console
@started = false
createTempDirectories: (callback) ->
subdirs = for dir in ['bin', 'etc', 'log', 'data', 'data/ring', 'pipe']
this["temp_#{dir}"] = path.normalize("#{@options.tempDir}/#{dir}")
subdirs.unshift @options.tempDir
createDir = =>
if subdirs.length is 0
currDir = subdirs.shift()
fs.mkdir currDir, 0700, createDir
rmrf = spawn("rm", ["-rf", @options.tempDir])
rmrf.on 'exit', createDir
writeRiakScript: (callback) ->
outScript = fs.createWriteStream @riakScript, {encoding: 'utf8', mode: 0700}
inScript = fs.createReadStream "#{@options.binDir}/riak", encoding: 'utf8'
inScript.on 'error', (err) ->
sys.debug "error reading from #{inScript.path}:\n#{sys.inspect(err, true, null)}"
throw err
outScript.on 'error', (err) ->
sys.debug "error writing to #{outScript.path} script:\n#{sys.inspect(err, true, null)}"
throw err
outScript.on 'drain', -> inScript.resume()
inScript.on 'data', (data) =>
data = data.toString('utf8') if Buffer.isBuffer(data)
data = data.replace(/(RUNNER_SCRIPT_DIR=)(.*)$/m, "$1#{@temp_bin}")
data = data.replace(/(RUNNER_ETC_DIR=)(.*)$/m, "$1#{@temp_etc}")
data = data.replace(/(RUNNER_USER=)(.*)$/m, "$1")
data = data.replace(/(RUNNER_LOG_DIR=)(.*)$/m, "$1#{@temp_log}")
data = data.replace(/(PIPE_DIR=)(.*)$/m, "$1#{@temp_pipe}")
data = data.replace("RUNNER_BASE_DIR=${RUNNER_SCRIPT_DIR%/*}", "RUNNER_BASE_DIR=#{path.normalize(@options.binDir + '/..')}")
outScript.write data
inScript.on 'end', ->
callback() if callback
writeVmArgs: (callback) ->
vmArgs = for own option, value of @options.vmArgs
"#{option} #{value}"
vmArgs = vmArgs.join("\n")
fs.writeFile("#{@temp_etc}/vm.args", vmArgs, callback)
writeAppConfig: (callback) ->
appConfig = @toErlangConfig(@options.appConfig) + "."
fs.writeFile("#{@temp_etc}/app.config", appConfig, callback)
# Converts an object into app.config-compatible Erlang terms
toErlangConfig: (object, depth = 1) ->
padding = (' ' for num in [1..depth]).join ""
parentPadding = if depth <= 1
(' ' for num in [1..(depth-1)]).join ""
values = for own key, value of object
if value.atom?
printable = value.atom
else if typeof value is 'string'
printable = "\"#{value}\""
else if value instanceof Object
printable = @toErlangConfig(value, depth+1)
printable = value.toString()
"{#{key}, #{printable}}"
values = values.join(",\n#{padding}")
# Node v0.2.6 doesn't have EventEmitter.once
once: (type, listener) ->
callback = =>
@removeListener(type, callback)
listener.apply(this, arguments)
@on type, callback
module.exports = TestServer
var sys = require('sys')
var TestServer = require("./lib/test_server")
var ts = new TestServer({binDir: "/Users/sean/Development/riak/rel/riak/bin", debug: false})
process.on("exit", function(){
var db = require('riak-js').getClient({port: 9000})'airlines', 'KLM',
{fleet: 111, country: 'NL'},
{ links:
[{ bucket: 'flights', key: 'KLM-8098', tag: 'cargo' },
{ bucket: 'flights', key: 'KLM-1196', tag: 'passenger' }]
}, function(err){
if(err) throw err;
db.get("airlines", "KLM", function(err){
if(err && err.notFound){
sys.log("not found! it works")
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Any sample usage I could help to wrap my head around this with? Never really used coffeescript much except for reading / understanding other people's libraries >.<

Seems like a lot of your event bookkeeping could be simplified by using EventEmitter.once instead of using EventEmitter.on and removing the listeners yourself. Interesting approach, I'll let you know if I see any other optimizations.

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@indexzero Thanks for the tip about once, as you can see I'm a node newb.

The idea of the code is to run Riak as a subprocess with an in-memory backend that can be easily cleared at the end of a test-suite, either after each example or after a section of examples. It's a port of

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