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Created December 18, 2014 17:20
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# Customizations
. ~/.bash/
. ~/.bash/
. ~/.bash/
. ~/.bash/
. ~/.bash/
. ~/.bash/
. ~/.bash/
. ~/.bash/
#!/usr/bin/env bash
function __ {
echo "$@"
function __make_ansi {
next=$1 && shift
echo "\[\e[$(__$next $@)m\]"
function __make_echo {
next=$1 && shift
echo "\033[$(__$next $@)m"
function __reset {
next=$1 && shift
out="$(__$next $@)"
echo "0${out:+;${out}}"
function __bold {
next=$1 && shift
out="$(__$next $@)"
echo "${out:+${out};}1"
function __faint {
next=$1 && shift
out="$(__$next $@)"
echo "${out:+${out};}2"
function __italic {
next=$1 && shift
out="$(__$next $@)"
echo "${out:+${out};}3"
function __underline {
next=$1 && shift
out="$(__$next $@)"
echo "${out:+${out};}4"
function __negative {
next=$1 && shift
out="$(__$next $@)"
echo "${out:+${out};}7"
function __crossed {
next=$1 && shift
out="$(__$next $@)"
echo "${out:+${out};}8"
function __color_normal_fg {
echo "3$1"
function __color_normal_bg {
echo "4$1"
function __color_bright_fg {
echo "9$1"
function __color_bright_bg {
echo "10$1"
function __color_black {
echo "0"
function __color_red {
echo "1"
function __color_green {
echo "2"
function __color_yellow {
echo "3"
function __color_blue {
echo "4"
function __color_magenta {
echo "5"
function __color_cyan {
echo "6"
function __color_white {
echo "7"
function __color_rgb {
r=$1 && g=$2 && b=$3
[[ r == g && g == b ]] && echo $(( $r / 11 + 232 )) && return # gray range above 232
echo "8;5;$(( ($r * 36 + $b * 6 + $g) / 51 + 16 ))"
function __color {
color=$1 && shift
case "$1" in
fg|bg) side="$1" && shift ;;
*) side=fg;;
case "$1" in
normal|bright) mode="$1" && shift;;
*) mode=normal;;
[[ $color == "rgb" ]] && rgb="$1 $2 $3" && shift 3
next=$1 && shift
out="$(__$next $@)"
echo "$(__color_${mode}_${side} $(__color_${color} $rgb))${out:+;${out}}"
function __black {
echo "$(__color black $@)"
function __red {
echo "$(__color red $@)"
function __green {
echo "$(__color green $@)"
function __yellow {
echo "$(__color yellow $@)"
function __blue {
echo "$(__color blue $@)"
function __magenta {
echo "$(__color magenta $@)"
function __cyan {
echo "$(__color cyan $@)"
function __white {
echo "$(__color white $@)"
function __rgb {
echo "$(__color rgb $@)"
function __color_parse {
next=$1 && shift
echo "$(__$next $@)"
function color {
echo "$(__color_parse make_ansi $@)"
function echo_color {
echo "$(__color_parse make_echo $@)"
black="$(color reset black)"
red="$(color reset red)"
green="$(color reset green)"
yellow="$(color reset yellow)"
blue="$(color reset blue)"
purple="$(color reset magenta)"
cyan="$(color reset cyan)"
white="$(color reset white bold)"
orange="$(color reset red fg bright)"
bold_black="$(color black bold)"
bold_red="$(color red bold)"
bold_green="$(color green bold)"
bold_yellow="$(color yellow bold)"
bold_blue="$(color blue bold)"
bold_purple="$(color magenta bold)"
bold_cyan="$(color cyan bold)"
bold_white="$(color white bold)"
bold_orange="$(color red fg bright bold)"
underline_black="$(color black underline)"
underline_red="$(color red underline)"
underline_green="$(color green underline)"
underline_yellow="$(color yellow underline)"
underline_blue="$(color blue underline)"
underline_purple="$(color magenta underline)"
underline_cyan="$(color cyan underline)"
underline_white="$(color white underline)"
underline_orange="$(color red fg bright underline)"
background_black="$(color black bg)"
background_red="$(color red bg)"
background_green="$(color green bg)"
background_yellow="$(color yellow bg)"
background_blue="$(color blue bg)"
background_purple="$(color magenta bg)"
background_cyan="$(color cyan bg)"
background_white="$(color white bg bold)"
background_orange="$(color red bg bright)"
normal="$(color reset)"
reset_color="$(__make_ansi '' 39)"
# These colors are meant to be used with `echo -e`
echo_black="$(echo_color reset black)"
echo_red="$(echo_color reset red)"
echo_green="$(echo_color reset green)"
echo_yellow="$(echo_color reset yellow)"
echo_blue="$(echo_color reset blue)"
echo_purple="$(echo_color reset magenta)"
echo_cyan="$(echo_color reset cyan)"
echo_white="$(echo_color reset white bold)"
echo_orange="$(echo_color reset red fg bright)"
echo_bold_black="$(echo_color black bold)"
echo_bold_red="$(echo_color red bold)"
echo_bold_green="$(echo_color green bold)"
echo_bold_yellow="$(echo_color yellow bold)"
echo_bold_blue="$(echo_color blue bold)"
echo_bold_purple="$(echo_color magenta bold)"
echo_bold_cyan="$(echo_color cyan bold)"
echo_bold_white="$(echo_color white bold)"
echo_bold_orange="$(echo_color red fg bright bold)"
echo_underline_black="$(echo_color black underline)"
echo_underline_red="$(echo_color red underline)"
echo_underline_green="$(echo_color green underline)"
echo_underline_yellow="$(echo_color yellow underline)"
echo_underline_blue="$(echo_color blue underline)"
echo_underline_purple="$(echo_color magenta underline)"
echo_underline_cyan="$(echo_color cyan underline)"
echo_underline_white="$(echo_color white underline)"
echo_underline_orange="$(echo_color red fg bright underline)"
echo_background_black="$(echo_color black bg)"
echo_background_red="$(echo_color red bg)"
echo_background_green="$(echo_color green bg)"
echo_background_yellow="$(echo_color yellow bg)"
echo_background_blue="$(echo_color blue bg)"
echo_background_purple="$(echo_color magenta bg)"
echo_background_cyan="$(echo_color cyan bg)"
echo_background_white="$(echo_color white bg bold)"
echo_background_orange="$(echo_color red bg bright)"
echo_normal="$(echo_color reset)"
echo_reset_color="$(__make_echo '' 39)"
# Aliases - erlang
alias rebar='/Users/sean/dev/rebar/rebar'
alias listdeps='rebar list-deps | grep -v "==>" | cut -f 1-3 -d " " | sort | uniq'
# Erlang switching
export PATH="$HOME/erlang/current/bin:$PATH"
# Detects the current erlang version
erlcur() {
DIR=`ls -lr $HOME/erlang | awk '/current/ { print $NF }'`
echo -n ${DIR##*/}
# Switches to the given erlang version using wildcards
erlsw() {
TARGET=`find $HOME/erlang -depth 1 -type d -name "*$1*" | head -1`
if [ -z "$TARGET" ]; then
echo "No release matching $1\!"
if [ -e $HOME/erlang/current ]; then
echo Using `erlcur`
ln -vnfs $TARGET $HOME/erlang/current
echo Using `erlcur`
# Builds and installs an erlang release, Kerl-Lite
_erlbuild() {
set -e
if [[ ! -d "$PREFIX" ]]; then
mkdir -p $HOME/erlang/_builds
cd $HOME/erlang/_builds
if [[ ! -f "$TARBALL" ]]; then
echo -n "Downloading $RELNAME: "
wget --progress=dot:mega$TARBALL
if [[ ! -d $BUILDDIR ]]; then
echo "Unpacking $RELNAME..."
tar xzf $TARBALL
echo "Configuring $RELNAME..."
./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --enable-darwin-64-bit --with-dynamic-trace=dtrace --without-wx $EXTRACONFIGS > /dev/null 2>&1
echo "Building and installing $RELNAME into $PREFIX..."
make all docs install install-docs > /dev/null 2>&1
echo "$RELNAME is already installed in $PREFIX"
exit 1
# Builds and installs an erlang release
erlbuild() {
echo "_erlbuild $@" | $SHELL -l
# Cleans up build artifacts for the given release
erlclean() {
echo "Removing build artifacts for $RELNAME:"
rm -rvf $HOME/erlang/_builds/*$RELNAME*
## Prompt magic, must be included after and
git_prompt() {
local branch="$(parse_git_branch)"
if [[ -n "$branch" ]]; then
local bcolor="$echo_bold_green"
local sha="$(parse_git_sha)"
if [[ -n "$(git status -z)" ]]; then
echo -n -e "$echo_white[$bcolor$branch$echo_white$echo_bold_cyan@$sha$echo_white]$echo_normal"
export PS1="\n$red\w$normal $purple\$(erlcur)$normal \$(git_prompt)\n\$ "
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