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Last active May 28, 2022 17:12
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  • Save seandearnaley/2859612e30c76ad2a13e4c9e5ec99353 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Simplified Disco Diffusion YAML for Video Input
# Models
RN101: false
RN50: true
RN50x16: false
RN50x4: false
RN50x64: false
ViTB16: true
ViTB32: true
ViTL14: false
ViTL14_336: false
# 2D Animation Settings
angle: 0:(0)
animation_mode: Video Input
batch_name: JungViz-1
check_model_SHA: false
clamp_grad: true
clamp_max: 0.26
clip_denoised: false
clip_guidance_scale: 51000
console_preview: false
console_preview_width: 80
cuda_device: cuda:0
cut_ic_pow: 1
cut_icgray_p: '[0.2]*400+[0]*600'
cut_innercut: '[4]*400+[12]*600'
cut_overview: '[12]*400+[4]*600'
cutn_batches: 1
cutout_debug: false
diffusion_model: 512x512_diffusion_uncond_finetune_008100
diffusion_sampling_mode: ddim
display_rate: 50
eta: 0.9
extract_nth_frame: 1
far_plane: 10000
fov: 100
frames_scale: 20000
frames_skip_steps: 60%
fuzzy_prompt: false
image_prompts: {}
init_image: null
init_scale: 1000
intermediate_saves: 0
intermediates_in_subfolder: true
interp_spline: Linear
key_frames: true
max_frames: 10000
midas_depth_model: dpt_large
midas_weight: 0.3
n_batches: 50
near_plane: 200
padding_mode: border
rand_mag: 0.05
randomize_class: true
range_scale: 1666
resume_from_frame: latest
resume_run: true
retain_overwritten_frames: false
rotation_3d_x: '0: (0)'
rotation_3d_y: '0: (0)'
rotation_3d_z: '0: (0)'
run_to_resume: 0
sampling_mode: bicubic
sat_scale: 600
set_seed: random_seed
simple_nvidia_smi_display: false
skip_augs: false
skip_steps: 10
skip_video_for_run_all: false
symmetry_loss: true,
steps: 100
- beautiful living Electronic Microcircuitry by beeple and lisa frank, beautiful modern colors, ultradetailed, 4k ultra, trending on artstation:10
- car:-1
- dof:-1
- blur:-1
- text:-1
- writing:-1
- prompt:-1
- signature:-1
- font:-1
- typeface:-1
- bubbles:-1
translation_x: '0: (0)'
translation_y: '0: (0)'
translation_z: '0: (10)'
turbo_mode: false
turbo_preroll: 10
turbo_steps: 3
tv_scale: 0
use_checkpoint: true
use_secondary_model: true
v_symmetry_loss: true
video_init_path: /content/gdrive/MyDrive/Jungle172-visualised.mp4
video_init_seed_continuity: true
vr_eye_angle: 0.5
vr_ipd: 5.0
vr_mode: false
- 960
- 540
zoom: '"0: (1)'
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