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Created March 31, 2020 02:18
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onsets := {
'14 March 2020'.
'17 March 2020'.
'18 March 2020'.
'19 March 2020'.
'16 March 2020'.
'20 March 2020'.
'21 March 2020'.
'18 March 2020'.
'21 March 2020'.
'24 March 2020'.
'21 March 2020'.
'24 March 2020'.
'24 March 2020'.
'24 March 2020' } collect: #asDate.
dso := DataSeries withValues: onsets.
perDate := dso valueCounts sortAssociations: [ :a :b | a key < b key ].
sum := 0.
forFrame := perDate collect: [ :e | sum := sum + e ].
f := DataFrame withColumns: { forFrame values } columnNames: { 'newCases' }.
f rowNames: forFrame keys.
chart := RSChart new.
chart extent: 400@250.
chart addPlot:(RSLinePlot new x: (1 to: f size) y: (f column: #newCases) values).
chart addDecoration: (RSHorizontalTick new fromNames: ((f column: #newCases) keys collect: #asString)).
chart show.
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