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Created June 7, 2024 21:49
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{%- comment -%}
image: Liquid object - Shopify media object.
img_alt (optional): string - Text for the alt attribute. Defaults to media alt.
max_width: (optional): number|string - maximum width used for srcset.
img_class (optional): string - Class(es) for the <img> element.
img_attributes (optional): string - Attribute(s) for the <img> element.
lazy: (optional) boolean - Defaults to true (lazy-load).
sizes (optional) : string - sizes attribute for <img>. Defaults to empty.
aspect_ratio (optional): string - Defaults to empty, which uses image intrinsic aspect ratio.
{%- endcomment -%}
{%- liquid
assign lazy = lazy | default: true, allow_false: true
{%- capture image_markup -%}
{%- unless image == blank -%}
{%- assign assign img_alt = img_alt | default: image.alt -%}
{%- if image contains '.svg' -%}
<img class="component-image__image{% if img_class != blank %} {{ img_class }}{% endif %}"
src="{{ image | image_url }}"
loading="{% if lazy %}lazy{% else %}eager{% endif %}"
width="{{ image.width }}"
height="{{ image.height }}"
alt="{{ img_alt | strip_html | escape }}"
{{ img_attributes }}
{%- else -%}
{%- comment -%}
Handle preview images of non-image media objects (eg. 3D models, videos)
Handle Accentuate Custom Fields MediaV2 images through cloudinary_src property
{%- endcomment -%}
{%- liquid
if image.media_type and image.media_type != 'image'
assign image = image.preview_image
if image.cloudinary_src == blank
assign src_fallback = image | image_url: width: 640
assign src_template = image | image_url: width: 100 | replace: 'width=100', 'width={width}'
assign src_fallback = image.cloudinary_src | append: 'w_640'
assign src_template = image.cloudinary_src | append: 'w_{width}'
capture srcset
render 'srcset', img_url: src_template, max_width: max_width
<img class="component-image__image{% if img_class != blank %} {{ img_class }}{% endif %}"
srcset="{{ srcset }}"
src="{{ src_fallback }}"
loading="{% if lazy %}lazy{% else %}eager{% endif %}"
{% unless lazy %}fetchpriority="high"{% endunless %}
sizes="{{ sizes }}"
width="{{ image.width }}"
height="{{ image.height }}"
alt="{{ img_alt | strip_html | escape }}"
{{ img_attributes }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- else -%}
{{ 'image' | placeholder_svg_tag: 'component-image__image placeholder-svg' }}
{%- endunless -%}
{%- endcapture -%}
{%- if aspect_ratio != blank -%}
class="component-image__wrapper{% if image contains '.svg' %} component-image__wrapper--svg{% endif %} aspect-ratio aspect-ratio--{{ aspect_ratio }}"
{% if aspect_ratio == 'natural' %}
style="padding-top: {% if image != blank %}{{ 100 | divided_by: image.aspect_ratio | append: '%' }}{% else %}100%{% endif %}"
{% endif %}
{{ image_markup }}
{%- else -%}
{{ image_markup }}
{%- endif -%}
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