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Created November 29, 2011 17:29
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/**instance of Library*/
interface Isolate {
final LibraryMirror library;
interface LibraryMirror extends ScopeMirror {
final LinkedHashMap<Import> imports;
final LinkedHashMap<Source> sources;
final Map <Dynamic> topLevels;
interface Import {
String get url;
String get prefix;
Library get library;
interface Source {
String url;
Library get library;
// () operator
interface Function {
// Matches any signature, all arguments optional
operator () (... List positional, [... Map<String> named]);
// Function typedefs just become interfaces
typedef Z F (X x, [Y y]);
// becomes
interface F extends Function {
Z operator () (X x, [Y y]);
class Foo implements F {
Z operator () (X x, [Y y]) {/*...*/}
// Function becomes extensible
interface NiceFunction extends Function factory NiceFunctionFactory {
NiceFunction memoize(Function hashFunction);
NiceFunction wrap (Function f);
NiceFunction compose(Function f);
NiceFunction wrap (Function f);
class FooFunction extends NiceFunctionFactory {
operator () (Bar bar, Baz baz) {
// generic functions via Function becomes extensible
interface GenericFunction<R, X1, X2, X3> extends Function {
GenericFunction(R _(X1 x1, X2 x2, X3 x3));
R operator () (X1 x1, X2 x2, X3 x3);
// Rest parameters
foo(first, ...restPositional, [key, ...: restNamed]) {
// Splays (inverse of rest parameters)
// List
Iterable<T> middle, rest;
List<T> all = <T> [first, ... middle, next,];
// Map
Map<K, V> from, fromAgain;
K key;
V value;
// if a key appears more than once, last occurrence wins
Map<K, V> to = <K, V> {key: value, ...: from, ...: fromAgain};
// Arguments
// List syntax for positional arguments
// Map syntax for named arguments, keys are toString'ed
f(first, ... middle, next,, foo: value, ...: from, ...: fromAgain);
interface Receiver<T> {
receive(_(T value), Sender replyTo);
interface Sender<T> {
Receiver<T> get receiver();
send(T value, [Receiver replyTo]);
interface Result<T, E> extends Receiver<T> {
receiveException(_(E exception));
interface Call<T, E> extends Sender<T> {
sendException(_(E exception));
interface DatePort extends Port<void> {
DatePort(Duration duration);
interface RepeatDurationFuture extends Future<int> {
RepeatDurationFuture(Duration duration);
interface DateFuture extends Future<void> {
DateFuture(Date date);
new Timer(new Duration(milliseconds: 500))
interface Realizer<T> extends Trigger<T> {
Event<T> get event();
void fire(T event);
class Matrix<T> implements List<List<T>> {
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Thrown if you attempt to normalize a zero length vector.
class ZeroLengthVectorException implements Exception {
ZeroLengthVectorException() {}
* 3 dimensional vector.
class Vector3 {
final double x;
final double y;
final double z;
// TODO - need to figure out better syntax for things like this
Vector3([num x, num y, num z]) :
x = (x != null) ? x.toDouble() : 0.0,
y = (y != null) ? y.toDouble() : 0.0,
z = (z != null) ? z.toDouble() : 0.0
double magnitude() => Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
Vector3 normalize() {
double len = magnitude();
if (len == 0.0) {
throw new ZeroLengthVectorException();
return new Vector3(x/len, y/len, z/len);
String toString() {
return "Vector3($x,$y,$z)";
* A 4x4 transformation matrix (for use with webgl)
* We label the elements of the matrix as follows:
* m11 m12 m13 m14
* m21 m22 m23 m24
* m31 m32 m33 m34
* m41 m42 m43 m44
* These are stored in a 16 element array of doubles.
class Matrix4 {
final List<double> buf;
double get m11() => buf[rc(1, 1)];
double get m12() => buf[rc(1, 2)];
double get m13() => buf[rc(1, 3)];
double get m14() => buf[rc(1, 4)];
double get m21() => buf[rc(2, 1)];
double get m22() => buf[rc(2, 2)];
double get m23() => buf[rc(2, 3)];
double get m24() => buf[rc(2, 4)];
double get m31() => buf[rc(3, 1)];
double get m32() => buf[rc(3, 2)];
double get m33() => buf[rc(3, 3)];
double get m34() => buf[rc(3, 4)];
double get m41() => buf[rc(4, 1)];
double get m42() => buf[rc(4, 2)];
double get m43() => buf[rc(4, 3)];
double get m44() => buf[rc(3, 4)];
void set m11(double m) { buf[rc(1, 1)] = m; }
void set m12(double m) { buf[rc(1, 2)] = m; }
void set m13(double m) { buf[rc(1, 3)] = m; }
void set m14(double m) { buf[rc(1, 4)] = m; }
void set m21(double m) { buf[rc(2, 1)] = m; }
void set m22(double m) { buf[rc(2, 2)] = m; }
void set m23(double m) { buf[rc(2, 3)] = m; }
void set m24(double m) { buf[rc(2, 4)] = m; }
void set m31(double m) { buf[rc(3, 1)] = m; }
void set m32(double m) { buf[rc(3, 2)] = m; }
void set m33(double m) { buf[rc(3, 3)] = m; }
void set m34(double m) { buf[rc(3, 4)] = m; }
void set m41(double m) { buf[rc(4, 1)] = m; }
void set m42(double m) { buf[rc(4, 2)] = m; }
void set m43(double m) { buf[rc(4, 3)] = m; }
void set m44(double m) { buf[rc(3, 4)] = m; }
String toString() {
List<String> rows = new List();
for (int row = 1; row <= rows; row++) {
List<String> items = new List();
for (int col = 1; col <= cols; col++) {
items.add(buf[rc(row, col)].toString());
rows.add("| ${Strings.join(items, ", ")} |");
return "Matrix4:\n${Strings.join(rows, '\n')}";
* returns the index into the buf list for a given
* row and column.
static int rc(int row, int col) {
assert(row <= rows && row > 0);
assert(col <= cols && col > 0);
return (row - 1) * rows + (col - 1);
* Constructs a new Matrix4 with all entries initialized
* to null.
Matrix4(int rows, int cols) : buf = new List<double>(rows * cols) { }
* Cosntructs a new Matrix4 with all entries initialized to zero.
*/ : this() {
for (int i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) {
buf[i] = 0.0;
* Cosntructs a new Matrix4 that represents the identity transformation.
* (which means the diagonal entries are 1, and everything else is zero).
Matrix4.identity() : {
for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
buf[rc(i, i)] = 1.0;
* Constructs a new Matrix4 that represents a rotation around an axis.
* [degrees] number of degrees to rotate
* [axis] direction of axis of rotation (must not be zero length)
Matrix4.rotation(double degrees, Vector3 axis) : this.identity() {
double radians = degrees / 180.0 * Math.PI;
axis = axis.normalize();
double x = axis.x;
double y = axis.y;
double z = axis.z;
double s = Math.sin(radians);
double c = Math.cos(radians);
double t = 1 - c;
m11 = x*x*t + c; m12 = y*x*t + z*s; m13 = z*x*t - y*s;
m21 = x*y*t - z*s; m22 = y*y*t + c; m23 = z*y*t + x*s;
m31 = x*z*t + y*s; m32 = y*z*t - x; m33 = z*z*t + c;
* Constructs a new Matrix4 that represents translation.
* [v] - 3d vector representing which direction and how much to move
Matrix4.translation(Vector3 v) : this.identity() {
m14 = v.x;
m24 = v.y;
m34 = v.z;
* returns the transpose of this matrix
Matrix4 transpose() {
Matrix4 m = new Matrix4();
List<double> destBuf = m.buf;
for (int row = 1; row <= size; row++) {
for (int col = 1; col <= size; col++) {
destBuf[rc(col, row)] = buf[rc(row, col)];
return m;
* Matrix multiplication where
* C = AB
* A is this matrix
* B is another matrix
* C is the result of multiplying A * B.
Matrix4 operator *(Matrix4 matrixB) {
Matrix4 matrixC = new;
List<double> bufA = this.buf;
List<double> bufB = matrixB.buf;
List<double> bufC = matrixC.buf;
for (int row = 1; row <= 4; row++) {
for (int col = 1; col <= 4; col++) {
for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
bufC[rc(row, col)] +=
bufA[rc(row, i)] * bufB[rc(i, col)];
return matrixC;
Matrix4 rotate(double degrees, Vector3 axis) => this * new Matrix4.rotation(degrees, axis);
Matrix4 translate(Vector3 vector) => this * new Matrix4.translation(vector);
// TODO - add other matrix operations - determinant, perspective
// projection, etc.
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