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Created October 10, 2023 04:41
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Plex Logs
10-10 00:17:10.941 i: [PlaybackManager] Preparing for My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer - S1 • E2
10-10 00:17:10.942 i: [DefaultPlaybackManager] No codecs being downloaded.
10-10 00:17:10.943 i: [PlayQueues] Creating delayed remote PQ.
10-10 00:17:10.965 i: [PlayerService] Service has been created.
10-10 00:17:10.967 i: [PlayerService] Service is being initialised.
10-10 00:17:10.968 i: [Player] Changing to use ExoPlayer for playback.
10-10 00:17:10.970 i: [LoadControl] Setting buffer size to 73.19 MB / 0 seconds.
10-10 00:17:10.970 i: [ExoPlayer][ExoPlayerImpl] Init 88710fe [AndroidXMedia3/1.1.0] [felix, Pixel Fold, Google, 34]
10-10 00:17:10.970 i: [AudioCapabilitiesHelper] Passthrough is disabled, defaulting to PCM support.
10-10 00:17:10.972 i: [ExoPlayerEngine] Constructed ExoPlayer to use a background looper.
10-10 00:17:10.976 i: [MemoryOptimisationBehaviour] Reducing memory cache.
10-10 00:17:10.981 i: [PictureInPictureBehaviour] Picture-in-picture unavailable as the activity is missing.
10-10 00:17:10.983 i: [CurrentItemMetadataBehaviour] Fetching current item
10-10 00:17:10.985 i: [MediaSessionBehaviour] Current item has changed
10-10 00:17:10.985 i: [MediaSessionBehaviour] Updating metadata for video.
10-10 00:17:10.986 i: [InteractionBehaviour] Slept, reason: Startup.
10-10 00:17:10.987 i: [PlayerService] Service has been started successfully.
10-10 00:17:10.987 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] surfaceSize [eventTime=0.01, mediaPos=0.00, window=0, 0, 0]
10-10 00:17:10.987 i: [Player][ExoPlayer] Setting given surfaceView
10-10 00:17:10.988 i: [VideoAwakeBehaviour] Keep screen awake has been requested disabled for VideoAwakeBehaviour.
10-10 00:17:10.988 i: [Player][ExoPlayer] Using PlayQueueMediaSource
10-10 00:17:10.988 i: [ExoPlayerEngine] Media source has been created.
10-10 00:17:10.988 i: [MediaCodecVideoSyncRenderer] Setting allow dummy surface: false
10-10 00:17:10.988 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] playWhenReady [eventTime=0.02, mediaPos=0.00, window=0, true, USER_REQUEST]
10-10 00:17:10.989 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] positionDiscontinuity [eventTime=0.02, mediaPos=681.00, window=0, reason=SEEK, PositionInfo:old [mediaItem=0, period=-1, pos=0], PositionInfo:new [mediaItem=0, period=-1, pos=681000]]
10-10 00:17:10.989 i: [Player][ExoPlayer] onPositionDiscontinuity, Reason: 1
10-10 00:17:10.989 i: [LoadControl] Setting buffer size to 73.19 MB / 0 seconds.
10-10 00:17:10.990 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] timeline [eventTime=0.02, mediaPos=681.00, window=0, periodCount=1, windowCount=1, reason=PLAYLIST_CHANGED
10-10 00:17:10.990 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] period [?]
10-10 00:17:10.990 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] window [?, seekable=false, dynamic=true]
10-10 00:17:10.990 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] ]
10-10 00:17:10.990 i: [Player][ExoPlayer] onTimelineChanged (Position: 0 ms, Duration: 0 ms)
10-10 00:17:10.990 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] mediaItem [eventTime=0.02, mediaPos=681.00, window=0, reason=PLAYLIST_CHANGED]
10-10 00:17:10.990 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] state [eventTime=0.02, mediaPos=681.00, window=0, BUFFERING]
10-10 00:17:10.991 i: [LoadControl] Setting buffer size to 73.19 MB / 0 seconds.
10-10 00:17:10.992 i: [MediaDecisionEngine] Starting media decision for: My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer - S1 • E2 (part index 0)
10-10 00:17:10.992 i: [MediaDecisionEngine] Transcode server selected: spgrn-test
10-10 00:17:10.993 i: Fetching [method:GET]
10-10 00:17:10.996 i: [HttpServer] / - GET /library/metadata/3581
10-10 00:17:11.000 i: Creating PlayerActivity.
10-10 00:17:11.000 i: [Activity] Resuming the application, attempting to download item and children.
10-10 00:17:11.000 i: [Boot] PlayerActivity took 0ms to run create behaviours.
10-10 00:17:11.004 i: [MediaDecisionEngine] Analyzing media: 1920x1080 8148kbps (Container: mkv, Video: h264, Audio: aac)
10-10 00:17:11.005 i: Resuming PlayerActivity.
10-10 00:17:11.006 i: [MediaDecisionEngine] Selected subtitle (ass) can be direct played (via Transcode? false)
10-10 00:17:11.007 i: [video] User maximum h264 profile determined: 52
10-10 00:17:11.007 i: [video] Device recommended h264 profile determined: 52
10-10 00:17:11.008 i: [PlayerActivity] Creating fragment
10-10 00:17:11.008 i: [Player][DimensionsLayout] Resizing: 100 x 100
10-10 00:17:11.010 i: [PictureInPictureBehaviour] Picture-in-picture is available and can be used.
10-10 00:17:11.023 i: [BufferHelper] Assumed Bitrate: 16296, Segment Count: 1909
10-10 00:17:11.023 i: [BufferHelper] Segment count: 1909
10-10 00:17:11.024 i: Fetching [method:GET]*&session=1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android&skipSubtitles=1&subtitleSize=100&videoBitrate=200000&videoQuality=100&videoResolution=3840x2160&X-Plex-Client-Identifier=1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android&X-Plex-Client-Platform=Android&X-Plex-Client-Profile-Extra=add-limitation(scope%3DvideoCodec%26scopeName%3Dh264%26type%3DupperBound%26name%3Dvideo.level%26value%3D52)%2Badd-limitation(scope%3DvideoCodec%26scopeName%3D*%26type%3DupperBound%26name%3Dvideo.width%26value%3D3840%26replace%3Dtrue)%2Badd-limitation(scope%3DvideoCodec%26scopeName%3D*%26type%3DupperBound%26name%3Dvideo.height%26value%3D2160%26replace%3Dtrue)%2Badd-limitation(scope%3DvideoCodec%26scopeName%3Dhevc%26type%3DnotMatch%26name%3Dvideo.DOVIProfile%26value%3D5)%2Badd-transcode-target(type%3DvideoProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26container%3Dmkv%26videoCodec%3Dh264%2Chevc%26audioCodec%3Daac_latm%2Caac%2Caac%2Cac3%2Calac%2Cdca%2Ceac3%2Cflac%2Cmp1%2Cmp2%2Cmp3%2Copus%2Cvorbis%2Cwmav1%2Cwmav2%2Cwmalossless%2Cwmapro%2Cwmavoice%26subtitleCodec%3Dass%2Cpgs%2Csubrip%2Cdvd_subtitle%2Cmov_text%2Cvtt%2Cdvb_subtitle%26replace%3Dtrue)%2Badd-transcode-target-settings(type%3DvideoProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26CopyMatroskaAttachments%3Dtrue)%2Badd-limitation(scope%3DvideoAudioCodec%26scopeName%3Daac%26type%3DupperBound%26name%3Daudio.channels%26value%3D8%26replace%3Dtrue)%2Badd-transcode-target-audio-codec(type%3DvideoProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26audioCodec%3Dmp3)%2Badd-transcode-target-audio-codec(type%3DvideoProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26audioCodec%3Dac3)%2Badd-transcode-target-audio-codec(type%3DvideoProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26audioCodec%3Deac3)%2Badd-transcode-target-audio-codec(type%3DvideoProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26audioCodec%3Ddca)%2Badd-transcode-target-audio-codec(type%3DvideoProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26audioCodec%3Dopus)%2Badd-limitation(scope%3DvideoCodec%26scopeName%3D*%26type%3DNotMatch%26name%3Dvideo.anamorphic%26value%3D999%26replace%3Dtrue)%2Badd-transcode-target(type%3DsubtitleProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhttp%26container%3Dmkv%26subtitleCodec%3Dsrt)%2Bappend-transcode-target-codec(type%3DvideoProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26videoCodec%3Dhevc)%2Badd-limitation(scope%3DvideoCodec%26scopeName%3Dhevc%26type%3DMatch%26name%3Dvideo.profile%26list%3Dmain%7Cmain%2010)%2Badd-limitation(scope%3DvideoTranscodeTarget%26scopeName%3Dhevc%26scopeType%3DvideoCodec%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26type%3Dmatch%26name%3Dvideo.colorTrc%26list%3Dsmpte2084%7Cbt709%7Cbt470m%7Csmpte240m%7Csmpte170m%7Cbt470bg%7Cbt2020-10%26isRequired%3Dfalse)&X-Plex-Device=Pixel%20Fold&X-Plex-Platform=Android&X-Plex-Platform-Version=14&X-Plex-Product=Plex%20for%20Android%20(Mobile)&X-Plex-Version=
10-10 00:17:11.064 i: [VideoAwakeBehaviour] Keep screen awake has been requested disabled for VideoAwakeBehaviour.
10-10 00:17:11.110 i: [ChaptersSheetHud] Current item behaviour unavailable.
10-10 00:17:11.111 i: [ChaptersSheetHud] Found 0 chapters.
10-10 00:17:11.115 i: [CurrentItemMetadataBehaviour] Fetched current item, success: true
10-10 00:17:11.115 i: [ChaptersSheetHud] Found 0 chapters.
10-10 00:17:11.125 i: [MenuSheetHud] Item changed (and fetched), invalidating settings...
10-10 00:17:11.161 i: [Player][View] Configuration has been changed with a size of 0 x 0.
10-10 00:17:11.181 i: [Player][View] Layout has been measured with a size of 1959 x 907 (1959 x 907).
10-10 00:17:11.181 i: [Player][DimensionsLayout] Resizing: 1612 x 907
10-10 00:17:11.183 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] surfaceSize [eventTime=0.21, mediaPos=681.00, window=0, period=0, 1612, 907]
10-10 00:17:11.183 i: [ASS][Renderer] Surface has been created, connecting to renderer.
10-10 00:17:11.184 i: [ASS][Renderer] Attempting to start renderer from setSurface.
10-10 00:17:11.184 w: [ASS][Renderer] Missing video size, can't start renderer yet.
10-10 00:17:11.189 i: [SystemUIBehaviour] Hiding the system user-interface.
10-10 00:17:11.201 i: [Player][View] Layout has been measured with a size of 1959 x 1080 (1959 x 1080).
10-10 00:17:11.201 i: [Player][DimensionsLayout] Resizing: 1920 x 1080
10-10 00:17:11.203 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] surfaceSize [eventTime=0.23, mediaPos=681.00, window=0, period=0, 1920, 1080]
10-10 00:17:11.212 i: [MediaBrowserAudioService] Service created
10-10 00:17:11.213 i: [MediaBrowserAudioService] Application booted
10-10 00:17:11.225 i: [MediaDecisionEngine] Server was unhappy with client's original decision: Not enough bandwidth for direct play of this item. Required bandwidth is 16296kbps and only 16000kbps is available.
10-10 00:17:11.225 i: [MediaDecisionEngine] Decision: CanPlay: true CanDirectPlay: false CanDirectStreamVideo: false CanDirectStreamAudio: false CanDirectPlaySubtitle: false CanTranscodeSubtitle: false CanDisplayVideo: false Transcode Reason: Not enough bandwidth for direct play of this item. Required bandwidth is 16296kbps and only 16000kbps is available.
10-10 00:17:11.226 i: [LoadControl] New bitrate: 200000, Maximum: 200000
10-10 00:17:11.226 i: [MediaDecisionMediaSource] Resetting mappable types.
10-10 00:17:11.227 i: [video] User maximum h264 profile determined: 52
10-10 00:17:11.227 i: [video] Device recommended h264 profile determined: 52
10-10 00:17:11.228 i: [MediaSessionHelper] Releasing media session with tag: video
10-10 00:17:11.229 i: [MediaSessionHelper] Starting media session with tag: music
10-10 00:17:11.229 i: [MediaSessionHelper] Creating media session with tag: music
10-10 00:17:11.236 i: [MediaBrowserAudioService] Setting session token
10-10 00:17:11.236 i: [MediaBrowserAudioService] Existing media session callback not detected, configuring...
10-10 00:17:11.236 i: [MediaBrowserAudioService] Obtaining root
10-10 00:17:11.260 i: [BufferHelper] Assumed Bitrate: 400000, Segment Count: 46875
10-10 00:17:11.260 i: [BufferHelper] Detected memory pressure, reducing segment count to fit available memory: 512
10-10 00:17:11.260 i: [BufferHelper] Segment count: 3276
10-10 00:17:11.261 i: [MediaDecisionMediaSource] Loading from*%26type%3DupperBound%26name%3Dvideo.width%26value%3D3840%26replace%3Dtrue)%2Badd-limitation(scope%3DvideoCodec%26scopeName%3D*%26type%3DupperBound%26name%3Dvideo.height%26value%3D2160%26replace%3Dtrue)%2Badd-limitation(scope%3DvideoCodec%26scopeName%3Dhevc%26type%3DnotMatch%26name%3Dvideo.DOVIProfile%26value%3D5)%2Badd-transcode-target(type%3DvideoProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26container%3Dmkv%26videoCodec%3Dh264%2Chevc%26audioCodec%3Daac_latm%2Caac%2Caac%2Cac3%2Calac%2Cdca%2Ceac3%2Cflac%2Cmp1%2Cmp2%2Cmp3%2Copus%2Cvorbis%2Cwmav1%2Cwmav2%2Cwmalossless%2Cwmapro%2Cwmavoice%26subtitleCodec%3Dass%2Cpgs%2Csubrip%2Cdvd_subtitle%2Cmov_text%2Cvtt%2Cdvb_subtitle%26replace%3Dtrue)%2Badd-transcode-target-settings(type%3DvideoProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26CopyMatroskaAttachments%3Dtrue)%2Badd-limitation(scope%3DvideoAudioCodec%26scopeName%3Daac%26type%3DupperBound%26name%3Daudio.channels%26value%3D8%26replace%3Dtrue)%2Badd-transcode-target-audio-codec(type%3DvideoProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26audioCodec%3Dmp3)%2Badd-transcode-target-audio-codec(type%3DvideoProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26audioCodec%3Dac3)%2Badd-transcode-target-audio-codec(type%3DvideoProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26audioCodec%3Deac3)%2Badd-transcode-target-audio-codec(type%3DvideoProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26audioCodec%3Ddca)%2Badd-transcode-target-audio-codec(type%3DvideoProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26audioCodec%3Dopus)%2Badd-limitation(scope%3DvideoCodec%26scopeName%3D*%26type%3DNotMatch%26name%3Dvideo.anamorphic%26value%3D999%26replace%3Dtrue)%2Badd-transcode-target(type%3DsubtitleProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhttp%26container%3Dmkv%26subtitleCodec%3Dsrt)%2Bappend-transcode-target-codec(type%3DvideoProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26videoCodec%3Dhevc)%2Badd-limitation(scope%3DvideoCodec%26scopeName%3Dhevc%26type%3DMatch%26name%3Dvideo.profile%26list%3Dmain%7Cmain%2010)%2Badd-limitation(scope%3DvideoTranscodeTarget%26scopeName%3Dhevc%26scopeType%3DvideoCodec%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26type%3Dmatch%26name%3Dvideo.colorTrc%26list%3Dsmpte2084%7Cbt709%7Cbt470m%7Csmpte240m%7Csmpte170m%7Cbt470bg%7Cbt2020-10%26isRequired%3Dfalse)&X-Plex-Device=Pixel%20Fold&X-Plex-Platform=Android&X-Plex-Platform-Version=14&X-Plex-Product=Plex%20for%20Android%20(Mobile)&X-Plex-Token=...YyK8&X-Plex-Version=
10-10 00:17:11.261 i: [video] User maximum h264 profile determined: 52
10-10 00:17:11.261 i: [video] Device recommended h264 profile determined: 52
10-10 00:17:11.288 i: [BufferHelper] Assumed Bitrate: 400000, Segment Count: 46875
10-10 00:17:11.288 i: [BufferHelper] Detected memory pressure, reducing segment count to fit available memory: 512
10-10 00:17:11.289 i: [BufferHelper] Segment count: 3276
10-10 00:17:11.289 i: [MediaDecisionMediaSource] Loading from*%26type%3DupperBound%26name%3Dvideo.width%26value%3D3840%26replace%3Dtrue)%2Badd-limitation(scope%3DvideoCodec%26scopeName%3D*%26type%3DupperBound%26name%3Dvideo.height%26value%3D2160%26replace%3Dtrue)%2Badd-limitation(scope%3DvideoCodec%26scopeName%3Dhevc%26type%3DnotMatch%26name%3Dvideo.DOVIProfile%26value%3D5)%2Badd-transcode-target(type%3DvideoProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26container%3Dmkv%26videoCodec%3Dh264%2Chevc%26audioCodec%3Daac_latm%2Caac%2Caac%2Cac3%2Calac%2Cdca%2Ceac3%2Cflac%2Cmp1%2Cmp2%2Cmp3%2Copus%2Cvorbis%2Cwmav1%2Cwmav2%2Cwmalossless%2Cwmapro%2Cwmavoice%26subtitleCodec%3Dass%2Cpgs%2Csubrip%2Cdvd_subtitle%2Cmov_text%2Cvtt%2Cdvb_subtitle%26replace%3Dtrue)%2Badd-transcode-target-settings(type%3DvideoProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26CopyMatroskaAttachments%3Dtrue)%2Badd-limitation(scope%3DvideoAudioCodec%26scopeName%3Daac%26type%3DupperBound%26name%3Daudio.channels%26value%3D8%26replace%3Dtrue)%2Badd-transcode-target-audio-codec(type%3DvideoProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26audioCodec%3Dmp3)%2Badd-transcode-target-audio-codec(type%3DvideoProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26audioCodec%3Dac3)%2Badd-transcode-target-audio-codec(type%3DvideoProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26audioCodec%3Deac3)%2Badd-transcode-target-audio-codec(type%3DvideoProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26audioCodec%3Ddca)%2Badd-transcode-target-audio-codec(type%3DvideoProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26audioCodec%3Dopus)%2Badd-limitation(scope%3DvideoCodec%26scopeName%3D*%26type%3DNotMatch%26name%3Dvideo.anamorphic%26value%3D999%26replace%3Dtrue)%2Badd-transcode-target(type%3DsubtitleProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhttp%26container%3Dmkv%26subtitleCodec%3Dsrt)%2Bappend-transcode-target-codec(type%3DvideoProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26videoCodec%3Dhevc)%2Badd-limitation(scope%3DvideoCodec%26scopeName%3Dhevc%26type%3DMatch%26name%3Dvideo.profile%26list%3Dmain%7Cmain%2010)%2Badd-limitation(scope%3DvideoTranscodeTarget%26scopeName%3Dhevc%26scopeType%3DvideoCodec%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26type%3Dmatch%26name%3Dvideo.colorTrc%26list%3Dsmpte2084%7Cbt709%7Cbt470m%7Csmpte240m%7Csmpte170m%7Cbt470bg%7Cbt2020-10%26isRequired%3Dfalse)&X-Plex-Device=Pixel%20Fold&X-Plex-Platform=Android&X-Plex-Platform-Version=14&X-Plex-Product=Plex%20for%20Android%20(Mobile)&X-Plex-Token=...YyK8&X-Plex-Version=
10-10 00:17:11.290 i: [MediaDecisionMediaSource] Opening*%26type%3DupperBound%26name%3Dvideo.width%26value%3D3840%26replace%3Dtrue)%2Badd-limitation(scope%3DvideoCodec%26scopeName%3D*%26type%3DupperBound%26name%3Dvideo.height%26value%3D2160%26replace%3Dtrue)%2Badd-limitation(scope%3DvideoCodec%26scopeName%3Dhevc%26type%3DnotMatch%26name%3Dvideo.DOVIProfile%26value%3D5)%2Badd-transcode-target(type%3DvideoProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26container%3Dmkv%26videoCodec%3Dh264%2Chevc%26audioCodec%3Daac_latm%2Caac%2Caac%2Cac3%2Calac%2Cdca%2Ceac3%2Cflac%2Cmp1%2Cmp2%2Cmp3%2Copus%2Cvorbis%2Cwmav1%2Cwmav2%2Cwmalossless%2Cwmapro%2Cwmavoice%26subtitleCodec%3Dass%2Cpgs%2Csubrip%2Cdvd_subtitle%2Cmov_text%2Cvtt%2Cdvb_subtitle%26replace%3Dtrue)%2Badd-transcode-target-settings(type%3DvideoProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26CopyMatroskaAttachments%3Dtrue)%2Badd-limitation(scope%3DvideoAudioCodec%26scopeName%3Daac%26type%3DupperBound%26name%3Daudio.channels%26value%3D8%26replace%3Dtrue)%2Badd-transcode-target-audio-codec(type%3DvideoProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26audioCodec%3Dmp3)%2Badd-transcode-target-audio-codec(type%3DvideoProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26audioCodec%3Dac3)%2Badd-transcode-target-audio-codec(type%3DvideoProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26audioCodec%3Deac3)%2Badd-transcode-target-audio-codec(type%3DvideoProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26audioCodec%3Ddca)%2Badd-transcode-target-audio-codec(type%3DvideoProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26audioCodec%3Dopus)%2Badd-limitation(scope%3DvideoCodec%26scopeName%3D*%26type%3DNotMatch%26name%3Dvideo.anamorphic%26value%3D999%26replace%3Dtrue)%2Badd-transcode-target(type%3DsubtitleProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhttp%26container%3Dmkv%26subtitleCodec%3Dsrt)%2Bappend-transcode-target-codec(type%3DvideoProfile%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26videoCodec%3Dhevc)%2Badd-limitation(scope%3DvideoCodec%26scopeName%3Dhevc%26type%3DMatch%26name%3Dvideo.profile%26list%3Dmain%7Cmain%2010)%2Badd-limitation(scope%3DvideoTranscodeTarget%26scopeName%3Dhevc%26scopeType%3DvideoCodec%26context%3Dstreaming%26protocol%3Dhls%26type%3Dmatch%26name%3Dvideo.colorTrc%26list%3Dsmpte2084%7Cbt709%7Cbt470m%7Csmpte240m%7Csmpte170m%7Cbt470bg%7Cbt2020-10%26isRequired%3Dfalse)&X-Plex-Device=Pixel%20Fold&X-Plex-Platform=Android&X-Plex-Platform-Version=14&X-Plex-Product=Plex%20for%20Android%20(Mobile)&X-Plex-Token=...YyK8&X-Plex-Version=
10-10 00:17:11.290 i: [MediaDecisionMediaSource] Using HlsMediaSource with FFmpegExtractor.
10-10 00:17:11.290 i: [MediaDecisionMediaSource] onMediaDecisionRefreshed (Sources: 1)
10-10 00:17:11.303 i: [MediaBrowserAudioService] onLoadChildren, parentId=__ROOT__
10-10 00:17:11.303 i: [MediaBrowserAudioServiceProvider] Retrieving: __ROOT__
10-10 00:17:11.303 i: [MediaBrowserAudioServiceProvider] Clearing image cache
10-10 00:17:11.304 i: [MediaBrowserAudioServiceProvider] Providers not ready, fetching them..
10-10 00:17:11.304 i: [MediaBrowserAudioServiceProvider] Providers are ready, adding them..
10-10 00:17:11.304 i: [MediaBrowserAudioServiceProvider] Filling providers and root entries
10-10 00:17:11.304 i: [MediaBrowserAudioServiceProvider] Adding music entry
10-10 00:17:11.304 i: [MediaBrowserAudioServiceProvider] Clearing image cache
10-10 00:17:11.304 i: [MediaBrowserAudioServiceProvider] Only one provider available, adding its root item entry
10-10 00:17:11.305 i: [MediaBrowserAudioService] Retrieved [MediaItem{mFlags=1, mDescription=Music, On TIDAL, null}, MediaItem{mFlags=1, mDescription=Music, spgrn, null}, MediaItem{mFlags=1, mDescription=Music, spgrn-test, null}] for parentId=__ROOT__
10-10 00:17:11.310 i: [MediaBrowserAudioService] Service destroyed
10-10 00:17:12.032 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] timeline [eventTime=1.06, mediaPos=681.00, window=0, period=0, periodCount=1, windowCount=1, reason=SOURCE_UPDATE
10-10 00:17:12.033 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] period [1421.00]
10-10 00:17:12.033 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] window [1421.00, seekable=true, dynamic=false]
10-10 00:17:12.033 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] ]
10-10 00:17:12.033 i: [Player][ExoPlayer] onTimelineChanged (Position: 681000 ms, Duration: 1421000 ms)
10-10 00:17:12.033 i: [EngineEventManager] onBufferingStarted (isSeeking: false)
10-10 00:17:12.033 i: [Player][Timeline] Playback started (or buffering), scheduling updates
10-10 00:17:12.034 i: [TranscodeSession] Media choice updated
10-10 00:17:12.034 i: [TranscodeSession] Pausing...
10-10 00:17:12.335 i: [FFmpegExtractor] Initialised with new output.
10-10 00:17:12.336 i: [FFmpegExtractor] Opening demuxer.
10-10 00:17:12.337 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] [FFmpegExtractor] Connecting directly to ExoPlayer.
10-10 00:17:12.337 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] [FFmpegExtractor] Preparing context for demuxing.
10-10 00:17:12.337 i: [FFmpegExtractor] IO-seek has been requested, target of 0 bytes (whence 65536).
10-10 00:17:12.337 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] [FFmpegExtractor] Requesting IO seek to 0 bytes.
10-10 00:17:12.338 i: [FFmpegExtractor] IO-seek not resolvable, returning -38 instead.
10-10 00:17:12.338 i: [FFmpegExtractor] IO-seek has been requested, target of -1 bytes (whence 2).
10-10 00:17:12.338 i: [FFmpegExtractor] IO-seek not resolvable, returning -38 instead.
10-10 00:17:12.338 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] [FFmpegExtractor] IO seek completed to -38 Interrupted: No Closed: No
10-10 00:17:12.339 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] [FFmpegExtractor] Requesting IO seek to -1 bytes.
10-10 00:17:12.339 i: [FFmpegExtractor] End of input has been reached.
10-10 00:17:12.339 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] [FFmpegExtractor] IO seek completed to -38 Interrupted: No Closed: No
10-10 00:17:13.682 i: [FFmpegExtractor] Demuxer context has been opened.
10-10 00:17:13.683 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] [FFmpegExtractor] Successfully opened demuxer.
10-10 00:17:13.684 i: [FFmpegExtractor] Discovering streams on the demuxer.
10-10 00:17:13.949 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (268435456 > 201351).
10-10 00:17:13.950 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 201360
10-10 00:17:13.950 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 8351).
10-10 00:17:13.951 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 8360
10-10 00:17:13.951 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 4239).
10-10 00:17:13.952 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 4248
10-10 00:17:13.995 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 4519).
10-10 00:17:13.995 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 3527).
10-10 00:17:13.996 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 3536
10-10 00:17:13.996 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 4528
10-10 00:17:13.996 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 3255).
10-10 00:17:13.996 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 3264
10-10 00:17:14.002 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 3847).
10-10 00:17:14.003 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 3856
10-10 00:17:14.003 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 3159).
10-10 00:17:14.003 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 3168
10-10 00:17:14.008 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 11055).
10-10 00:17:14.008 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 11064
10-10 00:17:14.014 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 4367).
10-10 00:17:14.014 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 4376
10-10 00:17:14.024 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 25591).
10-10 00:17:14.024 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 25600
10-10 00:17:14.056 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 6887).
10-10 00:17:14.057 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 6896
10-10 00:17:14.304 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 264247).
10-10 00:17:14.305 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 264256
10-10 00:17:14.322 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 22503).
10-10 00:17:14.323 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 22512
10-10 00:17:14.379 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 66039).
10-10 00:17:14.379 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 66048
10-10 00:17:14.382 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 16183).
10-10 00:17:14.382 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 16192
10-10 00:17:14.383 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 11271).
10-10 00:17:14.383 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 11280
10-10 00:17:14.472 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 67743).
10-10 00:17:14.473 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 67752
10-10 00:17:14.475 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 35871).
10-10 00:17:14.475 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 35880
10-10 00:17:14.486 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 16567).
10-10 00:17:14.486 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 16576
10-10 00:17:14.563 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 125151).
10-10 00:17:14.564 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 125160
10-10 00:17:14.606 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 39583).
10-10 00:17:14.608 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 39592
10-10 00:17:14.612 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 30783).
10-10 00:17:14.613 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 30792
10-10 00:17:14.671 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 94487).
10-10 00:17:14.672 i: [FFmpegExtractor] End of input has been reached.
10-10 00:17:14.672 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 94496
10-10 00:17:14.892 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (268435456 > 310695).
10-10 00:17:14.894 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 310704
10-10 00:17:14.934 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 43375).
10-10 00:17:14.935 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 43384
10-10 00:17:14.946 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 31903).
10-10 00:17:14.947 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 31912
10-10 00:17:14.954 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 26415).
10-10 00:17:14.954 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 26424
10-10 00:17:14.967 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 25367).
10-10 00:17:14.967 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 25376
10-10 00:17:14.994 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 25887).
10-10 00:17:14.994 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 25896
10-10 00:17:14.997 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 22247).
10-10 00:17:14.997 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 22256
10-10 00:17:15.022 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 50495).
10-10 00:17:15.023 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 50504
10-10 00:17:15.031 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 37687).
10-10 00:17:15.032 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 37696
10-10 00:17:15.094 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 94583).
10-10 00:17:15.095 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 94592
10-10 00:17:15.098 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 51247).
10-10 00:17:15.098 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 51256
10-10 00:17:15.130 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 50175).
10-10 00:17:15.131 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 50184
10-10 00:17:15.158 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 44975).
10-10 00:17:15.160 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 44984
10-10 00:17:15.169 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 44623).
10-10 00:17:15.170 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 44632
10-10 00:17:15.195 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 47207).
10-10 00:17:15.195 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 47216
10-10 00:17:15.211 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 43551).
10-10 00:17:15.212 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 43560
10-10 00:17:15.286 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 175711).
10-10 00:17:15.287 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 175720
10-10 00:17:15.302 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 44575).
10-10 00:17:15.303 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 44584
10-10 00:17:15.311 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 31391).
10-10 00:17:15.312 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 31400
10-10 00:17:15.333 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 29599).
10-10 00:17:15.334 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 29608
10-10 00:17:15.339 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 31079).
10-10 00:17:15.340 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 31088
10-10 00:17:15.349 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 27959).
10-10 00:17:15.350 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 27968
10-10 00:17:15.371 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 58167).
10-10 00:17:15.372 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 58176
10-10 00:17:15.399 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 48199).
10-10 00:17:15.400 i: [FFmpegExtractor] End of input has been reached.
10-10 00:17:15.401 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 48208
10-10 00:17:15.667 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (268435456 > 438815).
10-10 00:17:15.669 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 438824
10-10 00:17:15.696 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 57215).
10-10 00:17:15.698 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 57224
10-10 00:17:15.699 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] [FFmpegExtractor] Requesting IO seek to 0 bytes.
10-10 00:17:15.699 i: [FFmpegExtractor] IO-seek has been requested, target of 0 bytes (whence 65536).
10-10 00:17:15.699 i: [FFmpegExtractor] IO-seek not resolvable, returning -38 instead.
10-10 00:17:15.700 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] [FFmpegExtractor] IO seek completed to -38 Interrupted: No Closed: No
10-10 00:17:15.700 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] [FFmpegExtractor] Requesting IO seek to -1 bytes.
10-10 00:17:15.701 i: [FFmpegExtractor] IO-seek has been requested, target of -1 bytes (whence 2).
10-10 00:17:15.701 i: [FFmpegExtractor] IO-seek not resolvable, returning -38 instead.
10-10 00:17:15.702 i: [FFmpegExtractor] IO-seek has been requested, target of 0 bytes (whence 65536).
10-10 00:17:15.702 i: [FFmpegExtractor] IO-seek not resolvable, returning -38 instead.
10-10 00:17:15.702 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] [FFmpegExtractor] IO seek completed to -38 Interrupted: No Closed: No
10-10 00:17:15.703 i: [FFmpegExtractor] IO-seek has been requested, target of -1 bytes (whence 2).
10-10 00:17:15.703 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] [FFmpegExtractor] Requesting IO seek to 0 bytes.
10-10 00:17:15.704 i: [FFmpegExtractor] IO-seek not resolvable, returning -38 instead.
10-10 00:17:15.704 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] [FFmpegExtractor] IO seek completed to -38 Interrupted: No Closed: No
10-10 00:17:15.705 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] [FFmpegExtractor] Requesting IO seek to -1 bytes.
10-10 00:17:15.705 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] [FFmpegExtractor] IO seek completed to -38 Interrupted: No Closed: No
10-10 00:17:15.705 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] Input #0, matroska,webm, from '':
10-10 00:17:15.706 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] Metadata:
10-10 00:17:15.706 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] ENCODER :
10-10 00:17:15.707 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] Lavf59.20.101
10-10 00:17:15.707 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO]
10-10 00:17:15.707 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] Duration:
10-10 00:17:15.708 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] N/A
10-10 00:17:15.709 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] , start:
10-10 00:17:15.709 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] 690.987000
10-10 00:17:15.709 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO]
10-10 00:17:15.710 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] , bitrate:
10-10 00:17:15.710 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] N/A
10-10 00:17:15.710 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] Stream #0:0
10-10 00:17:15.710 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] (jpn)
10-10 00:17:15.711 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] : Video: h264, none(tv, bt709, progressive), 1920x1080
10-10 00:17:15.711 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] , SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9
10-10 00:17:15.711 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] ,
10-10 00:17:15.711 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] 23.98 tbr,
10-10 00:17:15.712 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] 1k tbn
10-10 00:17:15.712 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] 23.98 fps,
10-10 00:17:15.713 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO]
10-10 00:17:15.713 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] Metadata:
10-10 00:17:15.713 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] ENCODER :
10-10 00:17:15.714 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] Lavc59.25.100 h264_vaapi
10-10 00:17:15.714 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] Stream #0:1
10-10 00:17:15.714 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] (jpn)
10-10 00:17:15.715 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO]
10-10 00:17:15.715 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] : Audio: opus, 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp
10-10 00:17:15.715 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO]
10-10 00:17:15.715 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] [FFmpegExtractor] Created filter for h264.
10-10 00:17:15.716 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] Metadata:
10-10 00:17:15.716 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] [FFmpegExtractor] Requesting IO seek to 0 bytes.
10-10 00:17:15.716 i: [FFmpegExtractor] IO-seek has been requested, target of 0 bytes (whence 65536).
10-10 00:17:15.716 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] ENCODER :
10-10 00:17:15.717 i: [FFmpegExtractor] IO-seek not resolvable, returning -38 instead.
10-10 00:17:15.717 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] Lavc59.25.100 libopus
10-10 00:17:15.717 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO]
10-10 00:17:15.717 i: [FFmpegExtractor] IO-seek has been requested, target of -1 bytes (whence 2).
10-10 00:17:15.718 i: [FFmpegExtractor] IO-seek not resolvable, returning -38 instead.
10-10 00:17:15.718 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] [FFmpegExtractor] IO seek completed to -38 Interrupted: No Closed: No
10-10 00:17:15.718 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] [FFmpegExtractor] Requesting IO seek to -1 bytes.
10-10 00:17:15.719 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] [FFmpegExtractor] IO seek completed to -38 Interrupted: No Closed: No
10-10 00:17:15.719 i: [FFmpegExtractor] Container: Container[mkv] No Title - 0 kbps, -54 seconds [CT: 0us, ST: 690987000us, SRT: -9223372036854775808us]..
10-10 00:17:15.719 i: [FFmpegExtractor] Track found: VideoStream[0-h264] 1920x1080 [SAR 1:1, DAR 16:9]. H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10 - Unknown Profile (video/avc), ~0 kbps -54 seconds 23.98fps, No Title / Japanese (jpn), 2 / 30 bytes, ..
10-10 00:17:15.720 i: [FFmpegExtractor] Track found: AudioStream[1-opus] 2 channels over 3 (stereo), 48000 Hz, 72,0 padding. Opus (Opus Interactive Audio Codec) - Unknown Profile (audio/opus), ~0 kbps -54 seconds 0.00fps, No Title / Japanese (jpn), 1 / 19 bytes, ..
10-10 00:17:15.720 i: [LoadControl] Assumed Bitrate: 400000, Segment Count: -18661
10-10 00:17:15.720 i: [LoadControl] Setting buffer size to 16 MB / 0 seconds.
10-10 00:17:15.722 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] videoEnabled [eventTime=4.75, mediaPos=681.00, window=0, period=0]
10-10 00:17:15.722 i: [ExoPlayer][DMCodecAdapterFactory] Creating an asynchronous MediaCodec adapter for track type video
10-10 00:17:15.723 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] audioEnabled [eventTime=4.75, mediaPos=681.00, window=0, period=0]
10-10 00:17:15.727 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] tracks [eventTime=4.75, mediaPos=681.00, window=0, period=0
10-10 00:17:15.727 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] group [
10-10 00:17:15.728 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] [X] Track:0, id=0, mimeType=video/avc, bitrate=15211000, codecs=h264, res=1920x1080, fps=23.976, supported=YES
10-10 00:17:15.728 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] ]
10-10 00:17:15.728 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] group [
10-10 00:17:15.728 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] [X] Track:0, id=1, mimeType=audio/opus, codecs=opus, channels=2, sample_rate=48000, language=japanese, selectionFlags=[default,forced], supported=YES
10-10 00:17:15.729 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] ]
10-10 00:17:15.729 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] Metadata [
10-10 00:17:15.729 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] original_init_data: (Value: 0 Buffer: 46 bytes)
10-10 00:17:15.729 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] scantype_progressive: (Value: 1 Buffer: 0 bytes)
10-10 00:17:15.730 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] HlsTrackMetadataEntry
10-10 00:17:15.730 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] ]
10-10 00:17:15.730 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] ]
10-10 00:17:15.731 i: [Player][ExoPlayer] Track information has been changed.
10-10 00:17:15.731 i: [Player][ExoPlayer] Setting initial track selection...
10-10 00:17:15.734 i: [TrackSelectorHelper] Initialising (Video: 1, Audio: 1, Text: 1)
10-10 00:17:15.734 i: [TrackSelectorHelper] Type: 2 Auto
10-10 00:17:15.735 i: [TrackSelectorHelper] Type: 1 Auto
10-10 00:17:15.735 i: [TrackSelectorHelper] Type: 2 Auto
10-10 00:17:15.735 i: [TrackSelectorHelper] Type: 1 Auto
10-10 00:17:15.735 i: [TrackSelectorHelper] Type: 2 Auto
10-10 00:17:15.736 i: [TrackSelectorHelper] Type: 3 Disabled
10-10 00:17:15.736 i: [TrackSelectorHelper] Type: 1 Auto
10-10 00:17:15.737 i: [TrackSelectorHelper] Type: 2 Auto
10-10 00:17:15.737 i: [TrackSelectorHelper] Type: 3 Disabled
10-10 00:17:15.737 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 47543).
10-10 00:17:15.737 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 47552
10-10 00:17:15.738 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 34167).
10-10 00:17:15.738 i: [TrackSelectorHelper] Type: 1 Auto
10-10 00:17:15.738 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 34176
10-10 00:17:15.739 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 32191).
10-10 00:17:15.739 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 32200
10-10 00:17:15.739 i: [TrackSelectorHelper] Type: 2 Auto
10-10 00:17:15.740 i: [TrackSelectorHelper] Type: 3 Disabled
10-10 00:17:15.742 i: [TrackSelectorHelper] Type: 1 Auto
10-10 00:17:15.742 i: [TrackSelectorHelper] Type: 2 Auto
10-10 00:17:15.743 i: [TrackSelectorHelper] Type: 3 Disabled
10-10 00:17:15.751 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 31599).
10-10 00:17:15.751 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 31608
10-10 00:17:15.761 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 31031).
10-10 00:17:15.761 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 31040
10-10 00:17:15.770 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 31439).
10-10 00:17:15.770 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 31448
10-10 00:17:15.777 i: [MediaCodecVideoSyncRenderer] Decoder initialised, after 0 attempts.
10-10 00:17:15.778 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] videoDecoderInitialized [eventTime=4.80, mediaPos=681.00, window=0, period=0, c2.exynos.h264.decoder]
10-10 00:17:15.778 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] videoInputFormat [eventTime=4.80, mediaPos=681.00, window=0, period=0, id=0, mimeType=video/avc, bitrate=15211000, codecs=h264, res=1920x1080, fps=23.976]
10-10 00:17:15.778 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] audioDecoderInitialized [eventTime=4.81, mediaPos=683.00, window=0, period=0, Plex.Audio.OPUS]
10-10 00:17:15.778 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] audioInputFormat [eventTime=4.81, mediaPos=683.00, window=0, period=0, id=1, mimeType=audio/opus, codecs=opus, channels=2, sample_rate=48000, language=japanese, selectionFlags=[default,forced]]
10-10 00:17:15.779 i: [TranscodeSession] Updating session status
10-10 00:17:15.779 i: [AudioDecoder] Resampling from 2 channels, 48000Hz into 2 channels, 48000.
10-10 00:17:15.779 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] [AudioDecoder] Output has been configured to stereo.
10-10 00:17:15.779 i: Fetching [method:GET]
10-10 00:17:15.780 i: [FFmpeg] [WARN] [opus @ 0xb400007d1624add0] Could not update timestamps for skipped samples.
10-10 00:17:15.780 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] [AudioDecoder] Input has been modified, changed to stereo (2 channels), 48000Hz, 648 samples.
10-10 00:17:15.780 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] [AudioDecoder] Resampling from stereo at 48000Hz into stereo at 48000Hz.
10-10 00:17:15.780 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] [AudioDecoder] Input has been modified, changed to stereo (2 channels), 48000Hz, 960 samples.
10-10 00:17:15.781 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] [AudioDecoder] Resampling from stereo at 48000Hz into stereo at 48000Hz.
10-10 00:17:15.793 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 31007).
10-10 00:17:15.793 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 31016
10-10 00:17:15.801 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 30839).
10-10 00:17:15.801 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 30848
10-10 00:17:15.807 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 30311).
10-10 00:17:15.807 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 30320
10-10 00:17:15.823 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 31623).
10-10 00:17:15.823 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 31632
10-10 00:17:15.831 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 29311).
10-10 00:17:15.831 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 29320
10-10 00:17:15.841 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 29559).
10-10 00:17:15.841 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 29568
10-10 00:17:15.857 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 29863).
10-10 00:17:15.857 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 29872
10-10 00:17:15.866 i: [TranscodeSession] Resolution: -1x-1, Video: Transcode, Audio: Transcode, Speed: 4.100000, Throttled: false
10-10 00:17:15.880 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 28607).
10-10 00:17:15.881 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 28616
10-10 00:17:15.886 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 28151).
10-10 00:17:15.886 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 28160
10-10 00:17:15.893 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 28719).
10-10 00:17:15.893 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 28728
10-10 00:17:15.905 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 26983).
10-10 00:17:15.906 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 26992
10-10 00:17:15.913 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 26447).
10-10 00:17:15.913 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 26456
10-10 00:17:15.929 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 37975).
10-10 00:17:15.929 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 37984
10-10 00:17:15.941 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 30623).
10-10 00:17:15.941 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 30632
10-10 00:17:15.953 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 27519).
10-10 00:17:15.953 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 27528
10-10 00:17:15.990 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 85727).
10-10 00:17:15.990 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 85736
10-10 00:17:15.991 i: [FFmpegExtractor] End of input has been reached.
10-10 00:17:16.263 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (268435456 > 456719).
10-10 00:17:16.263 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 456728
10-10 00:17:16.280 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 68295).
10-10 00:17:16.281 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 68304
10-10 00:17:16.318 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 118695).
10-10 00:17:16.318 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 118704
10-10 00:17:16.327 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 31711).
10-10 00:17:16.328 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 31720
10-10 00:17:16.342 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 24975).
10-10 00:17:16.343 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 24984
10-10 00:17:16.381 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 98023).
10-10 00:17:16.382 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 98032
10-10 00:17:16.394 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 31695).
10-10 00:17:16.395 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 31704
10-10 00:17:16.405 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 25807).
10-10 00:17:16.406 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 25816
10-10 00:17:16.434 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 90735).
10-10 00:17:16.435 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 90744
10-10 00:17:16.455 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 32327).
10-10 00:17:16.455 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 32336
10-10 00:17:16.465 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 26391).
10-10 00:17:16.466 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 26400
10-10 00:17:16.493 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 95447).
10-10 00:17:16.494 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 95456
10-10 00:17:16.509 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 34095).
10-10 00:17:16.509 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 34104
10-10 00:17:16.517 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 27359).
10-10 00:17:16.518 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 27368
10-10 00:17:16.528 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 25119).
10-10 00:17:16.528 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 25128
10-10 00:17:16.537 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 23927).
10-10 00:17:16.538 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 23936
10-10 00:17:16.627 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 204231).
10-10 00:17:16.627 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 204240
10-10 00:17:16.635 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 57031).
10-10 00:17:16.635 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 57040
10-10 00:17:16.647 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 32903).
10-10 00:17:16.647 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 32912
10-10 00:17:16.655 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 26911).
10-10 00:17:16.656 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 26920
10-10 00:17:16.673 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 17727).
10-10 00:17:16.674 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 17736
10-10 00:17:16.682 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 23671).
10-10 00:17:16.683 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 23680
10-10 00:17:16.690 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 21655).
10-10 00:17:16.690 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 21664
10-10 00:17:16.791 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 289327).
10-10 00:17:16.792 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 289336
10-10 00:17:16.793 i: [FFmpegExtractor] End of input has been reached.
10-10 00:17:16.941 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (268435456 > 261071).
10-10 00:17:16.942 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 261080
10-10 00:17:16.975 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 33311).
10-10 00:17:16.976 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 33320
10-10 00:17:16.978 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 21191).
10-10 00:17:16.979 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 21200
10-10 00:17:16.986 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 19967).
10-10 00:17:16.987 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 19976
10-10 00:17:16.991 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 19031).
10-10 00:17:16.992 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 19040
10-10 00:17:17.030 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 106727).
10-10 00:17:17.031 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 106736
10-10 00:17:17.043 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 34935).
10-10 00:17:17.044 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 34944
10-10 00:17:17.050 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 27231).
10-10 00:17:17.050 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 27240
10-10 00:17:17.106 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 110591).
10-10 00:17:17.107 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 110600
10-10 00:17:17.112 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 27527).
10-10 00:17:17.113 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 27536
10-10 00:17:17.122 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 18423).
10-10 00:17:17.123 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 18432
10-10 00:17:17.124 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 15951).
10-10 00:17:17.124 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 15960
10-10 00:17:17.143 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 13999).
10-10 00:17:17.143 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 14008
10-10 00:17:17.145 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 13527).
10-10 00:17:17.146 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 13536
10-10 00:17:17.147 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 12807).
10-10 00:17:17.148 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 12816
10-10 00:17:17.150 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 12223).
10-10 00:17:17.150 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 12232
10-10 00:17:17.154 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 26911).
10-10 00:17:17.155 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 26920
10-10 00:17:17.258 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 279183).
10-10 00:17:17.259 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 279192
10-10 00:17:17.278 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 47167).
10-10 00:17:17.279 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 47176
10-10 00:17:17.285 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 25055).
10-10 00:17:17.286 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 25064
10-10 00:17:17.293 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 18663).
10-10 00:17:17.293 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 18672
10-10 00:17:17.300 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 17471).
10-10 00:17:17.301 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 17480
10-10 00:17:17.306 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 16975).
10-10 00:17:17.306 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 16984
10-10 00:17:17.310 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 23023).
10-10 00:17:17.311 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 23032
10-10 00:17:17.311 i: [FFmpegExtractor] End of input has been reached.
10-10 00:17:17.472 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (268435456 > 286591).
10-10 00:17:17.473 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 286600
10-10 00:17:17.519 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 63863).
10-10 00:17:17.519 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 63872
10-10 00:17:17.527 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 48063).
10-10 00:17:17.528 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 48072
10-10 00:17:17.538 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 29655).
10-10 00:17:17.539 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 29664
10-10 00:17:17.546 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 25527).
10-10 00:17:17.547 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 25536
10-10 00:17:17.558 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 29703).
10-10 00:17:17.559 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 29712
10-10 00:17:17.571 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 22039).
10-10 00:17:17.572 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 22048
10-10 00:17:17.574 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 22087).
10-10 00:17:17.574 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 22096
10-10 00:17:17.587 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 28751).
10-10 00:17:17.588 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 28760
10-10 00:17:17.597 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 22727).
10-10 00:17:17.598 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 22736
10-10 00:17:17.600 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 22015).
10-10 00:17:17.600 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 22024
10-10 00:17:17.617 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 47271).
10-10 00:17:17.618 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 47280
10-10 00:17:17.629 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 34647).
10-10 00:17:17.630 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 34656
10-10 00:17:17.645 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 32799).
10-10 00:17:17.646 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 32808
10-10 00:17:17.668 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 40335).
10-10 00:17:17.669 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 40344
10-10 00:17:17.678 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 33695).
10-10 00:17:17.679 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 33704
10-10 00:17:17.734 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 152807).
10-10 00:17:17.735 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 152816
10-10 00:17:17.754 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 57255).
10-10 00:17:17.754 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 57264
10-10 00:17:17.766 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 40239).
10-10 00:17:17.767 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 40248
10-10 00:17:17.780 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 37775).
10-10 00:17:17.780 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 37784
10-10 00:17:17.794 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 44287).
10-10 00:17:17.794 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 44296
10-10 00:17:17.809 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 37439).
10-10 00:17:17.810 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 37448
10-10 00:17:17.834 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 37071).
10-10 00:17:17.835 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 37080
10-10 00:17:17.843 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 44439).
10-10 00:17:17.844 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 44448
10-10 00:17:17.845 i: [FFmpegExtractor] End of input has been reached.
10-10 00:17:18.031 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (268435456 > 365935).
10-10 00:17:18.032 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 365944
10-10 00:17:18.075 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 84767).
10-10 00:17:18.076 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 84776
10-10 00:17:18.091 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 47463).
10-10 00:17:18.092 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 47472
10-10 00:17:18.106 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 35127).
10-10 00:17:18.106 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 35136
10-10 00:17:18.117 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 30055).
10-10 00:17:18.118 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 30064
10-10 00:17:18.128 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 36687).
10-10 00:17:18.129 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 36696
10-10 00:17:18.141 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 30231).
10-10 00:17:18.142 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 30240
10-10 00:17:18.152 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 30183).
10-10 00:17:18.152 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 30192
10-10 00:17:18.163 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 38063).
10-10 00:17:18.163 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 38072
10-10 00:17:18.174 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 31983).
10-10 00:17:18.174 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 31992
10-10 00:17:18.186 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 32487).
10-10 00:17:18.186 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 32496
10-10 00:17:18.206 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 40727).
10-10 00:17:18.207 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 40736
10-10 00:17:18.211 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 34647).
10-10 00:17:18.211 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 34656
10-10 00:17:18.251 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 35839).
10-10 00:17:18.252 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 35848
10-10 00:17:18.261 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 44263).
10-10 00:17:18.262 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 44272
10-10 00:17:18.271 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 40551).
10-10 00:17:18.272 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 40560
10-10 00:17:18.289 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 44887).
10-10 00:17:18.290 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 44896
10-10 00:17:18.342 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 153543).
10-10 00:17:18.343 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 153552
10-10 00:17:18.362 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 52119).
10-10 00:17:18.363 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 52128
10-10 00:17:18.373 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 37423).
10-10 00:17:18.374 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 37432
10-10 00:17:18.380 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 32151).
10-10 00:17:18.380 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 32160
10-10 00:17:18.394 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 29679).
10-10 00:17:18.395 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 29688
10-10 00:17:18.402 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 28471).
10-10 00:17:18.403 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 28480
10-10 00:17:18.412 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 27655).
10-10 00:17:18.412 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 27664
10-10 00:17:18.413 i: [FFmpegExtractor] End of input has been reached.
10-10 00:17:18.613 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (268435456 > 396919).
10-10 00:17:18.614 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 396928
10-10 00:17:18.665 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 80127).
10-10 00:17:18.667 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 80136
10-10 00:17:18.677 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 29503).
10-10 00:17:18.678 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 29512
10-10 00:17:18.684 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 21143).
10-10 00:17:18.685 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 21152
10-10 00:17:18.688 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 17047).
10-10 00:17:18.689 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 17056
10-10 00:17:18.692 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 15471).
10-10 00:17:18.692 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 15480
10-10 00:17:18.698 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 15295).
10-10 00:17:18.698 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 15304
10-10 00:17:18.701 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 15071).
10-10 00:17:18.701 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 15080
10-10 00:17:18.710 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 14783).
10-10 00:17:18.711 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 14792
10-10 00:17:18.713 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 14807).
10-10 00:17:18.713 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 14816
10-10 00:17:18.745 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 89511).
10-10 00:17:18.746 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 89520
10-10 00:17:18.762 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 39927).
10-10 00:17:18.762 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 39936
10-10 00:17:18.777 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 48975).
10-10 00:17:18.778 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 48984
10-10 00:17:18.790 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 38663).
10-10 00:17:18.791 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 38672
10-10 00:17:18.801 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 35231).
10-10 00:17:18.801 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 35240
10-10 00:17:18.818 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 34047).
10-10 00:17:18.819 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 34056
10-10 00:17:18.835 i: [InteractionBehaviour] Woke up, reason: Touch event intercepted.
10-10 00:17:18.836 i: [SystemUIBehaviour] Showing the system user-interface.
10-10 00:17:18.914 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 191775).
10-10 00:17:18.914 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 191784
10-10 00:17:18.920 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 45975).
10-10 00:17:18.920 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 45984
10-10 00:17:18.921 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 32223).
10-10 00:17:18.922 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 32232
10-10 00:17:18.930 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 21887).
10-10 00:17:18.931 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 21896
10-10 00:17:18.938 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 18863).
10-10 00:17:18.938 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 18872
10-10 00:17:18.942 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 17719).
10-10 00:17:18.942 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 17728
10-10 00:17:18.954 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 30879).
10-10 00:17:18.954 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 30888
10-10 00:17:18.962 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 27359).
10-10 00:17:18.962 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 27368
10-10 00:17:18.962 i: [FFmpegExtractor] End of input has been reached.
10-10 00:17:19.142 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (268435456 > 361047).
10-10 00:17:19.143 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 361056
10-10 00:17:19.169 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 71983).
10-10 00:17:19.170 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 71992
10-10 00:17:19.179 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 29735).
10-10 00:17:19.179 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 29744
10-10 00:17:19.214 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 23463).
10-10 00:17:19.215 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 23472
10-10 00:17:19.218 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 19463).
10-10 00:17:19.219 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 19472
10-10 00:17:19.221 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 18103).
10-10 00:17:19.222 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 18112
10-10 00:17:19.228 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 17983).
10-10 00:17:19.228 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 17992
10-10 00:17:19.245 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 17591).
10-10 00:17:19.246 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 17600
10-10 00:17:19.246 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 17399).
10-10 00:17:19.247 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 17408
10-10 00:17:19.247 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 17151).
10-10 00:17:19.248 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 17160
10-10 00:17:19.265 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 59975).
10-10 00:17:19.266 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 59984
10-10 00:17:19.273 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 24151).
10-10 00:17:19.273 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 24160
10-10 00:17:19.285 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 27711).
10-10 00:17:19.286 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 27720
10-10 00:17:19.312 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 71240
10-10 00:17:19.313 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 71231).
10-10 00:17:19.317 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 26015).
10-10 00:17:19.318 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 26024
10-10 00:17:19.326 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 21520
10-10 00:17:19.327 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 21511).
10-10 00:17:19.332 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 20543).
10-10 00:17:19.333 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 20552
10-10 00:17:19.387 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 141279).
10-10 00:17:19.388 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 141288
10-10 00:17:19.395 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 36375).
10-10 00:17:19.396 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 36384
10-10 00:17:19.406 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 28791).
10-10 00:17:19.406 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 28800
10-10 00:17:19.498 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 216791).
10-10 00:17:19.498 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 216800
10-10 00:17:19.508 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 43719).
10-10 00:17:19.509 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 43728
10-10 00:17:19.523 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 33511).
10-10 00:17:19.523 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 33520
10-10 00:17:19.574 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 140895).
10-10 00:17:19.575 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 140904
10-10 00:17:19.575 i: [FFmpegExtractor] End of input has been reached.
10-10 00:17:19.729 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (268435456 > 280175).
10-10 00:17:19.730 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 280184
10-10 00:17:19.746 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 59351).
10-10 00:17:19.747 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 59360
10-10 00:17:19.761 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 37783).
10-10 00:17:19.762 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 37792
10-10 00:17:19.772 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 25375).
10-10 00:17:19.773 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 25384
10-10 00:17:19.777 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 20319).
10-10 00:17:19.777 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 20328
10-10 00:17:19.785 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 17695).
10-10 00:17:19.786 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 17704
10-10 00:17:19.797 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 29567).
10-10 00:17:19.798 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 29576
10-10 00:17:19.805 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 26423).
10-10 00:17:19.806 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 26432
10-10 00:17:19.814 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 25623).
10-10 00:17:19.815 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 25632
10-10 00:17:19.851 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 24903).
10-10 00:17:19.852 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 24912
10-10 00:17:19.853 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 24823).
10-10 00:17:19.853 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 24832
10-10 00:17:20.006 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 430407).
10-10 00:17:20.007 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 430416
10-10 00:17:20.023 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 49815).
10-10 00:17:20.024 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 49824
10-10 00:17:20.036 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 35351).
10-10 00:17:20.037 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 35360
10-10 00:17:20.045 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 33232
10-10 00:17:20.045 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 33223).
10-10 00:17:20.057 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 31751).
10-10 00:17:20.058 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 31760
10-10 00:17:20.241 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 148399).
10-10 00:17:20.242 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 148408
10-10 00:17:20.246 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 49359).
10-10 00:17:20.246 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 49368
10-10 00:17:20.249 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 38879).
10-10 00:17:20.249 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 38888
10-10 00:17:20.252 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 36887).
10-10 00:17:20.252 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 36896
10-10 00:17:20.255 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 35119).
10-10 00:17:20.255 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 35128
10-10 00:17:20.257 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 35551).
10-10 00:17:20.258 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 35560
10-10 00:17:20.260 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 35679).
10-10 00:17:20.260 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 35688
10-10 00:17:20.261 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 34471).
10-10 00:17:20.262 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 34480
10-10 00:17:20.262 i: [FFmpegExtractor] End of input has been reached.
10-10 00:17:20.494 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (268435456 > 438775).
10-10 00:17:20.496 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 438784
10-10 00:17:20.521 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 89367).
10-10 00:17:20.522 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 89376
10-10 00:17:20.538 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 53455).
10-10 00:17:20.538 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 53464
10-10 00:17:20.548 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 32024
10-10 00:17:20.549 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 32015).
10-10 00:17:20.562 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 30023).
10-10 00:17:20.562 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 30032
10-10 00:17:20.569 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 29071).
10-10 00:17:20.569 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 29080
10-10 00:17:20.586 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 29023).
10-10 00:17:20.587 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 29032
10-10 00:17:20.592 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 29839).
10-10 00:17:20.592 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 29848
10-10 00:17:20.603 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 29047).
10-10 00:17:20.603 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 29056
10-10 00:17:20.613 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 29359).
10-10 00:17:20.613 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 29368
10-10 00:17:20.622 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 30399).
10-10 00:17:20.622 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 30408
10-10 00:17:20.633 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 29287).
10-10 00:17:20.634 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 29296
10-10 00:17:20.653 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 29287).
10-10 00:17:20.653 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 29296
10-10 00:17:20.657 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 29119).
10-10 00:17:20.657 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 29128
10-10 00:17:20.674 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 28751).
10-10 00:17:20.675 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 28760
10-10 00:17:20.676 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 28639).
10-10 00:17:20.676 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 28648
10-10 00:17:20.735 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 29263).
10-10 00:17:20.735 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 29272
10-10 00:17:20.737 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 28887).
10-10 00:17:20.737 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 28896
10-10 00:17:20.740 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 29007).
10-10 00:17:20.741 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 29016
10-10 00:17:20.758 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 57263).
10-10 00:17:20.759 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 57272
10-10 00:17:20.776 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 43519).
10-10 00:17:20.776 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 43528
10-10 00:17:20.785 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 40767).
10-10 00:17:20.786 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 40776
10-10 00:17:20.810 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 39863).
10-10 00:17:20.811 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 39872
10-10 00:17:20.814 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 39719).
10-10 00:17:20.815 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 39728
10-10 00:17:20.815 i: [FFmpegExtractor] End of input has been reached.
10-10 00:17:21.064 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (268435456 > 499655).
10-10 00:17:21.065 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 499664
10-10 00:17:21.091 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 62407).
10-10 00:17:21.091 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 62416
10-10 00:17:21.117 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 46975).
10-10 00:17:21.117 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 46984
10-10 00:17:21.119 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 36407).
10-10 00:17:21.119 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 36416
10-10 00:17:21.131 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 34799).
10-10 00:17:21.132 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 34808
10-10 00:17:21.138 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 35151).
10-10 00:17:21.138 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 35160
10-10 00:17:21.153 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 34455).
10-10 00:17:21.154 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 34464
10-10 00:17:21.165 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 34567).
10-10 00:17:21.166 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 34576
10-10 00:17:21.177 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 34295).
10-10 00:17:21.177 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 34304
10-10 00:17:21.190 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 33447).
10-10 00:17:21.191 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 33456
10-10 00:17:21.200 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 33815).
10-10 00:17:21.200 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 33824
10-10 00:17:21.213 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 34743).
10-10 00:17:21.214 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 34752
10-10 00:17:21.226 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 34095).
10-10 00:17:21.227 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 34104
10-10 00:17:21.238 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 34487).
10-10 00:17:21.238 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 34496
10-10 00:17:21.249 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 34815).
10-10 00:17:21.249 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 34824
10-10 00:17:21.284 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 34495).
10-10 00:17:21.285 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 34504
10-10 00:17:21.343 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 191743).
10-10 00:17:21.344 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 191752
10-10 00:17:21.362 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 44232
10-10 00:17:21.363 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 44223).
10-10 00:17:21.369 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 32727).
10-10 00:17:21.370 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 32736
10-10 00:17:21.381 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 30615).
10-10 00:17:21.381 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 30624
10-10 00:17:21.393 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 28927).
10-10 00:17:21.394 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 28936
10-10 00:17:21.401 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 27695).
10-10 00:17:21.402 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 27704
10-10 00:17:21.419 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 27943).
10-10 00:17:21.419 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 27952
10-10 00:17:21.423 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] Invalid NAL unit size (805306368 > 29359).
10-10 00:17:21.423 i: [FFmpeg] [ERROR] [NULL @ 0xb400007d162493f0] missing picture in access unit with size 29368
10-10 00:17:21.424 i: [FFmpegExtractor] End of input has been reached.
10-10 00:17:21.553 i: [Player] Engine being destroyed due to player deconstruction.
10-10 00:17:21.553 i: [EngineEventManager] onPlaybackStopped: Closed
10-10 00:17:21.553 i: [Player][Timeline] Playback stopped (error: false)
10-10 00:17:21.554 i: [VideoAwakeBehaviour] Keep screen awake has been requested disabled for VideoAwakeBehaviour.
10-10 00:17:21.554 i: [TranscodeSession] Stopping...
10-10 00:17:21.555 i: [PlayQueueProgressBehaviour] Updating PlayQueueManager state, isPlaying: false
10-10 00:17:21.555 i: [SleepTimerBehaviour] Sleep timer behaviour changed.
10-10 00:17:21.556 i: [BufferHelper] Assumed Bitrate: 400000, Segment Count: 46875
10-10 00:17:21.557 i: [BufferHelper] Detected memory pressure, reducing segment count to fit available memory: 512
10-10 00:17:21.557 i: [BufferHelper] Segment count: 3276
10-10 00:17:21.557 i: [TranscodeSession] Notifying server that we've stopped
10-10 00:17:21.557 i: Fetching [method:GET]
10-10 00:17:21.558 i: [WiFiLockBehaviour] Releasing WiFi lock since playback was stopped.
10-10 00:17:21.565 i: [BatteryMonitorBehaviour] Playback session was 6656.0 minutes long.
10-10 00:17:21.565 i: [BatteryMonitorBehaviour] Average battery consumption was -84.49 µAh per minute.
10-10 00:17:21.565 i: [MediaSessionHelper] Releasing media session with tag: music
10-10 00:17:21.566 i: [MediaSessionHelper] Starting media session with tag: video
10-10 00:17:21.566 i: [MediaSessionHelper] Creating media session with tag: video
10-10 00:17:21.567 i: [BandwidthQualityBehaviour] Recording bandwidth for server as 21.8 Mbps.
10-10 00:17:21.590 i: [MediaSessionBehaviour] Updating state to STOPPED
10-10 00:17:21.590 i: [HomeHubs] Item content source server://be23f1d66d33423ae9282d38a0e8c6c316996422/com.plexapp.plugins.library has volatile hubs: marking as stale.
10-10 00:17:21.591 i: [ExoPlayerEngine] Releasing media source due to engine destruction.
10-10 00:17:21.591 i: [MemoryOptimisationBehaviour] Expanding memory cache.
10-10 00:17:21.591 i: [VideoAwakeBehaviour] Keep screen awake has been requested disabled for VideoAwakeBehaviour.
10-10 00:17:21.591 i: [AudioFocusBehaviour] Behaviour being destroyed, giving up audio focus
10-10 00:17:21.592 i: [PreplayViewModel] Refreshing metadata for Belgrieve the Red Ogre
10-10 00:17:21.593 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] state [eventTime=10.62, mediaPos=683.00, window=0, period=0, IDLE]
10-10 00:17:21.593 i: [ExoPlayer][ExoPlayerImpl] Release 88710fe [AndroidXMedia3/1.1.0] [felix, Pixel Fold, Google, 34] [media3.common, media3.exoplayer, media3.decoder, media3.datasource, media3.extractor, media3.exoplayer.hls]
10-10 00:17:21.603 i: [FFmpegExtractor] Interrupting extractor for release.
10-10 00:17:21.603 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] [FFmpegExtractor] Reading whilst closed, exiting.
10-10 00:17:21.603 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] [FFmpegExtractor] Pre-IO-seeking whilst interrupted, exiting.
10-10 00:17:21.603 i: [FFmpeg] [WARN] [matroska,webm @ 0xb400007c260571f0] Seek to desired resync point failed. Seeking to earliest point available instead.
10-10 00:17:21.603 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] [FFmpegExtractor] Pre-Reading whilst closed, exiting.
10-10 00:17:21.603 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] [FFmpegExtractor] Pre-Reading whilst closed, exiting.
10-10 00:17:21.604 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] [FFmpegExtractor] Closing demuxer context.
10-10 00:17:21.604 i: [FFmpeg] [INFO] [FFmpegExtractor] Source has been closed successfully.
10-10 00:17:21.604 i: [FFmpegExtractor] Extractor has been released.
10-10 00:17:21.604 e: [FFmpegExtractor] Extraction operation failed with exception.
10-10 00:17:21.604 e: An exception occurred: ay.c2: v0 was cancelled; job=v0{Cancelled}@1ff1e4b
10-10 00:17:21.604 e: Stacktrace: ay.c2: v0 was cancelled; job=v0{Cancelled}@1ff1e4b
10-10 00:17:21.609 i: [LoadControl] Setting buffer size to 73.19 MB / 0 seconds.
10-10 00:17:21.611 i: [LoadControl] Setting buffer size to 73.19 MB / 0 seconds.
10-10 00:17:21.611 i: [MediaSessionBehaviour] Releasing MediaSessionHelper
10-10 00:17:21.617 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] videoDisabled [eventTime=10.64, mediaPos=683.00, window=0, period=0]
10-10 00:17:21.617 i: [ExoPlayer][EventLogger] audioDisabled [eventTime=10.65, mediaPos=683.00, window=0, period=0]
10-10 00:17:21.617 i: [PlayerService] Terminating service from stop request.
10-10 00:17:21.632 i: [PlayerService] Service been destroyed.
10-10 00:17:21.634 i: Resuming PreplayActivity.
10-10 00:17:21.954 i: Fetching [method:GET]
10-10 00:17:22.049 i: [Preplay] Notifying listeners with status: SUCCESS
10-10 00:17:22.050 i: Fetching [method:GET]
10-10 00:17:22.184 i: [ASS][Renderer] Surface has been destroyed, disconnecting.
10-10 00:17:22.184 w: [ExoPlayer][ExoPlayerImplInternal] Ignoring messages sent after release.
10-10 00:17:23.674 i: [Cast] onRouteChanged (description=BRAVIA 4K UR3,, playback stream=-1, playback type=1)
10-10 00:17:24.117 i: [Cast] Application unfocused, stopping active scan.
10-10 00:17:24.132 i: [EventSource (PlexTV)] Application unfocused, disconnecting.
10-10 00:17:24.134 i: [WebSocketApplicationBehaviour] Focus change detected. Focused: false
10-10 00:17:24.137 i: [EventSource (PlexTV)] Disconnected from
10-10 00:17:24.138 i: [EventSource (LocalServer)] Application unfocused, disconnecting.
10-10 00:17:24.139 i: [EventSource (LocalServer)] Disconnected from
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.064 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - X-Forwarded-For:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.064 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Using X-Forwarded-For: as remote address
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.065 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.065 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.065 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (WAN)] GET /video/:/transcode/universal/decision?advancedSubtitles=text&audioBoost=100&autoAdjustQuality=0&directPlay=1&directStream=1&directStreamAudio=1&fastSeek=1&hasMDE=1&location=wan&maxVideoBitrate=200000&mediaBufferSize=122176&mediaIndex=0&partIndex=0&path=%2Flibrary%2Fmetadata%2F3581&protocol=*&session=1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android&skipSubtitles=1&subtitleSize=100&videoBitrate=200000&videoQuality=100&videoResolution=3840x2160 (9 live) #3069 GZIP Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (Pixel Fold) / Accept => application/xml / Accept-Encoding => gzip / Accept-Language => en-us / Connection => upgrade / Host => / Host => / User-Agent => Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 14; Pixel Fold Build/UP1A.231005.007; wv)PlexMobile/ / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-Host => / X-Forwarded-Port => 443 / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Scheme => https / X-Plex-Advertising-DoNotTrack => 0 / X-Plex-Advertising-Identifier => 61837bd8-44e1-4722-bcfa-b5806ecc8cfc / X-Plex-Client-Identifier => 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android / X-Plex-Client-Identifier => 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android / X-Plex-Client-Platform => Android / X-Plex-Client-Profile-Extra => add-limitation(scope=videoCodec&scopeName=h264&type=upperBound&name=video.level&value=52)+add-limitation(scope=videoCodec&scopeName=*&type=upperBound&name=video.width&value=3840&replace=true)+add-limitation(scope=videoCodec&scopeName=*&type=upperBound&name=video.height&value=2160&replace=true)+add-limitation(scope=videoCodec&scopeName=hevc&type=notMatch&name=video.DOVIProfile&value=5)+add-transcode-target(type=videoProfile&context=streaming&protocol=hls&container=mkv&videoCodec=h264,hevc&audioCodec=aac_latm,aac,aac,ac3,alac,dca,eac3,flac,mp1,mp2,mp3,opus,vorbis,wmav1,wmav2,wmalossless,wmapro,wmavoice&subtitleCodec=ass,pgs,subrip,dvd_subtitle,mov_text,vtt,dvb_subtitle&replace=true)+add-transcode-target-settings(type=videoProfile&context=streaming&protocol=hls&CopyMatroskaAttachments=true)+add-limitation(scope=videoAudioCodec&scopeName=aac&type=upperBound&name=audio.channels&value=8&replace=true)+add-transcode-target-audio-codec(type=videoProfile&context=streaming&protocol=hls&audioCodec=mp3)+add-transcode-target-audio-codec(type=videoProfile&context=streaming&protocol=hls&audioCodec=ac3)+add-transcode-target-audio-codec(type=videoProfile&context=streaming&protocol=hls&audioCodec=eac3)+add-transcode-target-audio-codec(type=videoProfile&context=streaming&protocol=hls&audioCodec=dca)+add-transcode-target-audio-codec(type=videoProfile&context=streaming&protocol=hls&audioCodec=opus)+add-limitation(scope=videoCodec&scopeName=*&type=NotMatch&name=video.anamorphic&value=999&replace=true)+add-transcode-target(type=subtitleProfile&context=streaming&protocol=http&container=mkv&subtitleCodec=srt)+append-transcode-target-codec(type=videoProfile&context=streaming&protocol=hls&videoCodec=hevc)+add-limitation(scope=videoCodec&scopeName=hevc&type=Match&name=video.profile&list=main|main 10)+add-limitation(scope=videoTranscodeTarget&scopeName=hevc&scopeType=videoCodec&context=streaming&protocol=hls&type=match&name=video.colorTrc&list=smpte2084|bt709|bt470m|smpte240m|smpte170m|bt470bg|bt2020-10&isRequired=false) / X-Plex-Device => Pixel Fold / X-Plex-Device => Pixel Fold / X-Plex-Device-Name => Pixel Fold / X-Plex-Device-Screen-Density => 420 / X-Plex-Device-Screen-Resolution => 2092x1080 (Mobile) / X-Plex-Device-Vendor => Google / X-Plex-DRM => widevine:video / X-Plex-Features => external-media,indirect-media,hub-style-list / X-Plex-Language => en-us / X-Plex-Model => felix / X-Plex-Platform => Android / X-Plex-Platform => Android / X-Plex-Platform-Version => 14 / X-Plex-Platform-Version => 14 / X-Plex-Playback-Id => 81d4396e-e877-41fa-88bf-70415f6a5a42 / X-Plex-Playback-Session-Id => f3666e34-22bb-4667-b980-017aa9d16d82 / X-Plex-Product => Plex for Android (Mobile) / X-Plex-Product => Plex for Android (Mobile) / X-Plex-Provider-Version => 6.4.0 / X-Plex-Provides => controller,sync-target / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx / X-Plex-Version => / X-Plex-Version => / X-Real-IP => / X-Real-IP => / X-Request-ID => 500922f5bb2b3b46f10b32068621099c / X-Scheme => https
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.065 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] Found session GUID of 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android in session start.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.065 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] TranscodeUniversalRequest: using augmented profile Android
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.065 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] Downloading document
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.070 [140522155887416] DEBUG - We're going to try to auto-select an audio stream for account 1.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.070 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Selecting best audio stream for part ID 6598 (language: en)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.070 [140522155887416] DEBUG - We're going to try to auto-select a subtitle.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.070 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Selected a foreign audio track: ja
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.070 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Subtitles: Found a candidate subtitle language [en] for a foreign film
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.070 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Audio Stream: 18808, Subtitle Stream: 18809
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.080 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] We're going to try to auto-select an audio stream for account 1.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.080 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] Selecting best audio stream for part ID 6598 (language: en)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.080 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] We're going to try to auto-select a subtitle.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.080 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] Selected a foreign audio track: ja
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.080 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] Subtitles: Found a candidate subtitle language [en] for a foreign film
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.080 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] Audio Stream: 18808, Subtitle Stream: 18809
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.086 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 1 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.086 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /library/metadata/3581?includeRelated=1&includeLoudnessRamps=1&includeChapters=1&includeMarkers=1 (9 live) #3056 GZIP 60ms 1918 bytes (pipelined: 3)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.105 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3069/Transcode] It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 1 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.109 [140522148186936] WARN - [Req#3069/Transcode] Streaming Resource: Bandwidth exceeded: 16296 kbps > 16000 kbps
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.110 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] MDE: Selected protocol hls; container: mkv
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.110 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] MDE: analyzing media item 6598
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.110 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] MDE: E2 - Belgrieve the Red Ogre: no direct play video profile exists for http/mkv/h264
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.110 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] MDE: E2 - Belgrieve the Red Ogre: no direct play video profile exists for http/mkv/h264/aac
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.110 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] MDE: My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer - S1 E2 - Belgrieve the Red Ogre: selected media 0 / 6598
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.110 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] Streaming Resource: Calculated bandwidth of 17380kbps exceeds bandwidth limit. Changing decision parameters provided by client to fit bandwidth limit of 16000kbps
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.110 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] Streaming Resource: Determining preferred transcode encoders through transcode only decision.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.110 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] Codecs: testing h264 (decoder) with hwdevice vaapi
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.110 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Rescanning for external libs: '/config/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Codecs/a31c019-4614-linux-x86_64/'
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.111 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] Codecs: hardware transcoding: testing API vaapi for device '/dev/dri/renderD128' (Raven Ridge [Radeon Vega Series / Radeon Vega Mobile Series])
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.111 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - libva: VA-API version 1.18.0
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.111 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - libva: Trying to open /config/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/va-dri-linux-x86_64/
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.113 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - libva: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_18
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.120 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - libva: va_openDriver() returns 0
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.120 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Initialised VAAPI connection: version 1.18
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.120 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x3231564e -> nv12.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.120 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x30313050 -> p010le.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.120 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x36313050 -> unknown.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.120 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x30323449 -> yuv420p.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.120 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x32315659 -> yuv420p.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.120 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x56595559 -> unknown.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.120 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x32595559 -> yuyv422.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.120 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x59565955 -> uyvy422.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.120 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x30303859 -> gray.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.120 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x50343434 -> yuv444p.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.120 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x41524742 -> bgra.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.120 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x41424752 -> rgba.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.120 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x58524742 -> bgr0.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.120 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x58424752 -> rgb0.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.120 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - VAAPI driver: Mesa Gallium driver 23.0.2 for AMD Radeon Graphics (raven, LLVM 16.0.1, DRM 3.49, 6.1.35).
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.120 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Driver not found in known nonstandard list, using standard behaviour.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.120 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] Codecs: Testing with profile 'High'
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.128 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] Codecs: testing h264 (decoder) with hwdevice vaapi
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.128 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Rescanning for external libs: '/config/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Codecs/a31c019-4614-linux-x86_64/'
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.129 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] Codecs: hardware transcoding: testing API vaapi for device '/dev/dri/renderD128' (Raven Ridge [Radeon Vega Series / Radeon Vega Mobile Series])
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.129 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - libva: VA-API version 1.18.0
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.129 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - libva: Trying to open /config/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/va-dri-linux-x86_64/
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.130 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - libva: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_18
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.136 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - libva: va_openDriver() returns 0
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.136 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Initialised VAAPI connection: version 1.18
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.136 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x3231564e -> nv12.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.136 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x30313050 -> p010le.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.136 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x36313050 -> unknown.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.137 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x30323449 -> yuv420p.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.137 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x32315659 -> yuv420p.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.137 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x56595559 -> unknown.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.137 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x32595559 -> yuyv422.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.137 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x59565955 -> uyvy422.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.137 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x30303859 -> gray.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.137 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x50343434 -> yuv444p.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.137 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x41524742 -> bgra.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.137 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x41424752 -> rgba.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.137 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x58524742 -> bgr0.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.137 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x58424752 -> rgb0.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.137 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - VAAPI driver: Mesa Gallium driver 23.0.2 for AMD Radeon Graphics (raven, LLVM 16.0.1, DRM 3.49, 6.1.35).
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.137 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Driver not found in known nonstandard list, using standard behaviour.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.137 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] Codecs: Testing with profile 'High'
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.143 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] Streaming Resource: Reducing playback quality for 15238kbps stream bitrate: video resolution to 1920x1080, audio channels to 2, quality to 60, disable video DS as 2147483647kbps is > the 15018kbps available, disable audio DS as 2147483647kbps is > the 193kbps available
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.143 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] Codecs: testing h264 (decoder) with hwdevice vaapi
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.143 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Rescanning for external libs: '/config/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Codecs/a31c019-4614-linux-x86_64/'
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.144 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] Codecs: hardware transcoding: testing API vaapi for device '/dev/dri/renderD128' (Raven Ridge [Radeon Vega Series / Radeon Vega Mobile Series])
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.144 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - libva: VA-API version 1.18.0
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.144 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - libva: Trying to open /config/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/va-dri-linux-x86_64/
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.144 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - libva: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_18
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.151 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - libva: va_openDriver() returns 0
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.151 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Initialised VAAPI connection: version 1.18
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.151 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x3231564e -> nv12.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.151 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x30313050 -> p010le.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.151 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x36313050 -> unknown.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.151 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x30323449 -> yuv420p.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.151 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x32315659 -> yuv420p.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.151 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x56595559 -> unknown.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.151 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x32595559 -> yuyv422.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.151 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x59565955 -> uyvy422.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.151 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x30303859 -> gray.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.151 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x50343434 -> yuv444p.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.151 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x41524742 -> bgra.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.151 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x41424752 -> rgba.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.151 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x58524742 -> bgr0.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.151 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x58424752 -> rgb0.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.151 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - VAAPI driver: Mesa Gallium driver 23.0.2 for AMD Radeon Graphics (raven, LLVM 16.0.1, DRM 3.49, 6.1.35).
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.151 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Driver not found in known nonstandard list, using standard behaviour.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.151 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] Codecs: Testing with profile 'High'
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.186 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] MDE: Selected protocol hls; container: mkv
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.186 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] MDE: analyzing media item 6598
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.186 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] MDE: E2 - Belgrieve the Red Ogre: Direct Play is disabled
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.186 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] MDE: E2 - Belgrieve the Red Ogre: media must be transcoded in order to use the hls protocol
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.186 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] MDE: E2 - Belgrieve the Red Ogre: no direct play video profile exists for http/mkv/h264
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.186 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] MDE: E2 - Belgrieve the Red Ogre: no direct play video profile exists for http/mkv/h264/aac
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.186 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] MDE: E2 - Belgrieve the Red Ogre: Direct Streaming is disabled, so video stream will be transcoded
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.186 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] MDE: E2 - Belgrieve the Red Ogre: no remuxable profile found, so video stream will be transcoded
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.186 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] MDE: Cannot direct stream video stream due to profile or setting limitations
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.186 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] Codecs: testing h264 (decoder) with hwdevice vaapi
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.186 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Rescanning for external libs: '/config/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Codecs/a31c019-4614-linux-x86_64/'
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.187 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] Codecs: hardware transcoding: testing API vaapi for device '/dev/dri/renderD128' (Raven Ridge [Radeon Vega Series / Radeon Vega Mobile Series])
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.187 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - libva: VA-API version 1.18.0
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.187 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - libva: Trying to open /config/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/va-dri-linux-x86_64/
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.188 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - libva: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_18
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.195 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - libva: va_openDriver() returns 0
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.195 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Initialised VAAPI connection: version 1.18
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.195 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x3231564e -> nv12.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.195 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x30313050 -> p010le.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.195 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x36313050 -> unknown.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.195 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x30323449 -> yuv420p.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.195 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x32315659 -> yuv420p.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.195 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x56595559 -> unknown.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.195 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x32595559 -> yuyv422.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.195 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x59565955 -> uyvy422.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.195 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x30303859 -> gray.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.195 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x50343434 -> yuv444p.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.195 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x41524742 -> bgra.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.195 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x41424752 -> rgba.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.195 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x58524742 -> bgr0.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.195 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x58424752 -> rgb0.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.195 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - VAAPI driver: Mesa Gallium driver 23.0.2 for AMD Radeon Graphics (raven, LLVM 16.0.1, DRM 3.49, 6.1.35).
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.195 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3069/Transcode] [FFMPEG] - Driver not found in known nonstandard list, using standard behaviour.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.195 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] Codecs: Testing with profile 'High'
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.202 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] MDE: E2 - Belgrieve the Red Ogre: Audio Direct Streaming is disabled, so video's audio stream will be transcoded
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.204 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] MDE: Cannot direct stream audio stream due to profile or setting limitations
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.204 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] MDE: My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer - S1 E2 - Belgrieve the Red Ogre: selected media 0 / 6598
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.204 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] Streaming Resource: Adding session 0x7fcddc647368:1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android which is using 15972kbps of WAN bandwidth. Used is now 15972kbps
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.204 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] Streaming Resource: Adding session 0x7fcddc647368:1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android which is using transcoder slot. Used slots is now 1
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.204 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] Streaming Resource: Added session 0x7fcddc647368:1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.205 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3069/Transcode] Streaming Resource: Reached Decision id=3581 codes=(MDE=3001,Not enough bandwidth for direct play of this item. Required bandwidth is 16296kbps and only 16000kbps is available. General=1001,Direct play not available; Conversion OK. Direct Play=3000,App cannot direct play this item. No direct play video profile exists for protocol http, with container mkv, and video codec h264. Transcode=1001,Direct play not available; Conversion OK.) media=(id=6598 part=(id=6598 decision=transcode container=mkv protocol=hls streams=(Video=(id=18807 decision=transcode bitrate=15018 encoder=h264_vaapi width=1920 height=1080) Audio=(id=18808 decision=transcode bitrate=193 encoder=libopus channels=2 rate=48000) Subtitle=(id=18809 decision=ignore languageCode=eng location=embedded))))
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.205 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 1 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.206 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /video/:/transcode/universal/decision?advancedSubtitles=text&audioBoost=100&autoAdjustQuality=0&directPlay=1&directStream=1&directStreamAudio=1&fastSeek=1&hasMDE=1&location=wan&maxVideoBitrate=200000&mediaBufferSize=122176&mediaIndex=0&partIndex=0&path=%2Flibrary%2Fmetadata%2F3581&protocol=*&session=1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android&skipSubtitles=1&subtitleSize=100&videoBitrate=200000&videoQuality=100&videoResolution=3840x2160 (9 live) #3069 GZIP 141ms 1631 bytes (pipelined: 3)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.246 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - X-Forwarded-For:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.246 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Using X-Forwarded-For: as remote address
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.246 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.246 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.246 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (WAN)] GET /photo/:/transcode?width=1038&url=http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A32400%2Flibrary%2Fmetadata%2F3578%2Fthumb%2F1696841256&height=1038 (9 live) #30a1 GZIP Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (Pixel Fold) / accept => image/webp, image/* / accept-encoding => gzip / accept-language => en-us / Connection => upgrade / Host => / Host => / user-agent => Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 14; Pixel Fold Build/UP1A.231005.007; wv)PlexMobile/ / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-Host => / X-Forwarded-Port => 443 / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Scheme => https / x-plex-advertising-donottrack => 0 / x-plex-advertising-identifier => 61837bd8-44e1-4722-bcfa-b5806ecc8cfc / x-plex-client-identifier => 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android / x-plex-device => Pixel Fold / x-plex-device-screen-density => 420 / x-plex-device-screen-resolution => 2092x1080 (Mobile) / x-plex-device-vendor => Google / x-plex-drm => widevine:video / x-plex-features => external-media,indirect-media,hub-style-list / X-Plex-Language => en-us / x-plex-marketplace => googlePlay / x-plex-model => felix / x-plex-platform => Android / x-plex-platform-version => 14 / x-plex-playback-id => 81d4396e-e877-41fa-88bf-70415f6a5a42 / x-plex-playback-session-id => f3666e34-22bb-4667-b980-017aa9d16d82 / x-plex-product => Plex for Android (Mobile) / x-plex-provider-version => 6.4.0 / x-plex-provides => controller,sync-target / x-plex-session-id => 45e0b7fa-deed-4d81-aacf-60054f66a44d / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx / x-plex-version => / X-Real-IP => / X-Real-IP => / X-Request-ID => aecb0b9b83bbc602772771dace5179b2 / X-Scheme => https
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.246 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#30a1] Photo transcoder: Request for url [] (is local: 1 upscaled: 0)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.247 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [IDLE] Adding (0->1) work item http_download - /photo/:/transcode?width=1038&url=http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A32400%2Flibrary%2Fmetadata%2F3578%2Fthumb%2F1696841256&height=1038&X-Plex-Token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&X-Plex-Language=en-us
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.247 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [IDLE] Server is now active
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.247 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * http_download - /photo/:/transcode?width=1038&url=http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A32400%2Flibrary%2Fmetadata%2F3578%2Fthumb%2F1696841256&height=1038&X-Plex-Token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&X-Plex-Language=en-us - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.247 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Content-Length of /config/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/PhotoTranscoder/f8/f8784cdc2516c385260d5bda7534a78392c284c9.jpg is 173365 (of total: 173365).
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.250 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /photo/:/transcode?width=1038&url=http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A32400%2Flibrary%2Fmetadata%2F3578%2Fthumb%2F1696841256&height=1038 (9 live) #30a1 GZIP 4ms 173365 bytes (pipelined: 4)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.250 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - [IDLE] Removing (1->0) work item http_download - /photo/:/transcode?width=1038&url=http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A32400%2Flibrary%2Fmetadata%2F3578%2Fthumb%2F1696841256&height=1038&X-Plex-Token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&X-Plex-Language=en-us
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.250 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - [IDLE] Server is now idle
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.334 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - X-Forwarded-For:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.334 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Using X-Forwarded-For: as remote address
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.334 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.334 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.334 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (WAN)] GET /video/:/transcode/universal/start.m3u8?advancedSubtitles=text&audioBoost=100&autoAdjustQuality=0&directPlay=0&directStream=1&directStreamAudio=1&fastSeek=1&hasMDE=1&location=wan&maxVideoBitrate=200000&mediaBufferSize=209664&mediaIndex=0&partIndex=0&path=%2Flibrary%2Fmetadata%2F3581&protocol=hls&session=1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android&subtitles=burn&subtitleSize=100&videoBitrate=200000&videoQuality=100&videoResolution=3840x2160 (9 live) #31a3 GZIP Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (Pixel Fold) / Accept-Encoding => gzip / Connection => upgrade / Host => / Host => / User-Agent => Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 14; Pixel Fold Build/UP1A.231005.007; wv)PlexMobile/ / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-Host => / X-Forwarded-Port => 443 / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Scheme => https / X-Plex-Client-Identifier => 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android / X-Plex-Client-Platform => Android / X-Plex-Client-Profile-Extra => add-limitation(scope=videoCodec&scopeName=h264&type=upperBound&name=video.level&value=52)+add-limitation(scope=videoCodec&scopeName=*&type=upperBound&name=video.width&value=3840&replace=true)+add-limitation(scope=videoCodec&scopeName=*&type=upperBound&name=video.height&value=2160&replace=true)+add-limitation(scope=videoCodec&scopeName=hevc&type=notMatch&name=video.DOVIProfile&value=5)+add-transcode-target(type=videoProfile&context=streaming&protocol=hls&container=mkv&videoCodec=h264,hevc&audioCodec=aac_latm,aac,aac,ac3,alac,dca,eac3,flac,mp1,mp2,mp3,opus,vorbis,wmav1,wmav2,wmalossless,wmapro,wmavoice&subtitleCodec=ass,pgs,subrip,dvd_subtitle,mov_text,vtt,dvb_subtitle&replace=true)+add-transcode-target-settings(type=videoProfile&context=streaming&protocol=hls&CopyMatroskaAttachments=true)+add-limitation(scope=videoAudioCodec&scopeName=aac&type=upperBound&name=audio.channels&value=8&replace=true)+add-transcode-target-audio-codec(type=videoProfile&context=streaming&protocol=hls&audioCodec=mp3)+add-transcode-target-audio-codec(type=videoProfile&context=streaming&protocol=hls&audioCodec=ac3)+add-transcode-target-audio-codec(type=videoProfile&context=streaming&protocol=hls&audioCodec=eac3)+add-transcode-target-audio-codec(type=videoProfile&context=streaming&protocol=hls&audioCodec=dca)+add-transcode-target-audio-codec(type=videoProfile&context=streaming&protocol=hls&audioCodec=opus)+add-limitation(scope=videoCodec&scopeName=*&type=NotMatch&name=video.anamorphic&value=999&replace=true)+add-transcode-target(type=subtitleProfile&context=streaming&protocol=http&container=mkv&subtitleCodec=srt)+append-transcode-target-codec(type=videoProfile&context=streaming&protocol=hls&videoCodec=hevc)+add-limitation(scope=videoCodec&scopeName=hevc&type=Match&name=video.profile&list=main|main 10)+add-limitation(scope=videoTranscodeTarget&scopeName=hevc&scopeType=videoCodec&context=streaming&protocol=hls&type=match&name=video.colorTrc&list=smpte2084|bt709|bt470m|smpte240m|smpte170m|bt470bg|bt2020-10&isRequired=false) / X-Plex-Device => Pixel Fold / X-Plex-Platform => Android / X-Plex-Platform-Version => 14 / X-Plex-Product => Plex for Android (Mobile) / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx / X-Plex-Version => / X-Real-IP => / X-Real-IP => / X-Request-ID => 6576a9b3a081c416e501be0897ebbd24 / X-Scheme => https
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.334 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#31a3/Transcode] Found session GUID of 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android in session start.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.335 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#31a3/Transcode] TranscodeUniversalRequest: using augmented profile Android
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.335 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#31a3/Transcode] Downloading document
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.363 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#31a3/Transcode] We're going to try to auto-select an audio stream for account 1.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.363 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#31a3/Transcode] Selecting best audio stream for part ID 6598 (language: en)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.363 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#31a3/Transcode] We're going to try to auto-select a subtitle.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.363 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#31a3/Transcode] Selected a foreign audio track: ja
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.363 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#31a3/Transcode] Subtitles: Found a candidate subtitle language [en] for a foreign film
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.363 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#31a3/Transcode] Audio Stream: 18808, Subtitle Stream: 18809
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.379 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#31a3/Transcode] It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 1 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.380 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#31a3/Transcode] Found session GUID of 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android in session start.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.380 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#31a3/Transcode] Using session GUID 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android for new transcode session.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.380 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#31a3/Transcode] [IDLE] Adding (0->1) work item transcoder - 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.380 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#31a3/Transcode] [IDLE] Server is now active
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.380 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#31a3/Transcode] [IDLE] * transcoder - 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.380 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#31a3/Transcode] Cleaning directory for session 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android ()
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.380 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /video/:/transcode/universal/start.m3u8?advancedSubtitles=text&audioBoost=100&autoAdjustQuality=0&directPlay=0&directStream=1&directStreamAudio=1&fastSeek=1&hasMDE=1&location=wan&maxVideoBitrate=200000&mediaBufferSize=209664&mediaIndex=0&partIndex=0&path=%2Flibrary%2Fmetadata%2F3581&protocol=hls&session=1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android&subtitles=burn&subtitleSize=100&videoBitrate=200000&videoQuality=100&videoResolution=3840x2160 (9 live) #31a3 GZIP 46ms 484 bytes (pipelined: 4)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.453 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - X-Forwarded-For:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.453 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Using X-Forwarded-For: as remote address
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.453 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.453 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.453 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (WAN)] GET /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/index.m3u8 (9 live) #31ed GZIP Signed-in / Accept-Encoding => gzip / Connection => upgrade / Host => / Host => / User-Agent => Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 14; Pixel Fold Build/UP1A.231005.007; wv)PlexMobile/ / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-Host => / X-Forwarded-Port => 443 / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Scheme => https / X-Real-IP => / X-Real-IP => / X-Request-ID => fc9ebc86dfc255ddde3b25fc861bf687 / X-Scheme => https
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.453 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Starting a transcode session 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android at offset -1.0 (state=3)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.461 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] TPU: hardware transcoding: using hardware decode accelerator vaapi
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.461 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] TPU: hardware transcoding: zero-copy support present
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.461 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] TPU: hardware transcoding: using zero-copy transcoding
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.461 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [Universal] Using local file path instead of URL: /media/plex-data/Anime/My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer/Season 1/My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer - S01E02 - Belgrieve the Red Ogre HDTV-1080p.mkv
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.461 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Codecs: hardware transcoding: testing API vaapi for device '/dev/dri/renderD128' (Raven Ridge [Radeon Vega Series / Radeon Vega Mobile Series])
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.461 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - libva: VA-API version 1.18.0
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.461 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - libva: Trying to open /config/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/va-dri-linux-x86_64/
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.462 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - libva: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_18
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.468 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - libva: va_openDriver() returns 0
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.468 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Initialised VAAPI connection: version 1.18
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.468 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x3231564e -> nv12.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.468 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x30313050 -> p010le.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.468 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x36313050 -> unknown.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.468 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x30323449 -> yuv420p.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.468 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x32315659 -> yuv420p.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.468 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x56595559 -> unknown.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.468 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x32595559 -> yuyv422.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.468 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x59565955 -> uyvy422.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.468 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x30303859 -> gray.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.468 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x50343434 -> yuv444p.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.468 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x41524742 -> bgra.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.468 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x41424752 -> rgba.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.468 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x58524742 -> bgr0.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.468 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x58424752 -> rgb0.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.468 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - VAAPI driver: Mesa Gallium driver 23.0.2 for AMD Radeon Graphics (raven, LLVM 16.0.1, DRM 3.49, 6.1.35).
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.468 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Driver not found in known nonstandard list, using standard behaviour.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.470 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Created surface 0x1.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.470 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Direct mapping disabled: deriving image does not work: 1 (operation failed).
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.473 [140522155887416] INFO - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Preparing driver rsv for GPU Raven Ridge [Radeon Vega Series / Radeon Vega Mobile Series]
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.473 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/DriverDL/rsv] Skipping download; already exists
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.475 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] TPU: hardware transcoding: final decoder: vaapi, final encoder: vaapi
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.484 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Sufficient disk space: 668.5kB source file, 19.52GB capacity, 19.44GB available on "/transcode/Transcode/Sessions"
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.484 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/JobRunner] Job running: FFMPEG_EXTERNAL_LIBS='/config/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Codecs/a31c019-4614-linux-x86_64/' LIBVA_DRIVERS_PATH="/config/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/va-dri-linux-x86_64" X_PLEX_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex Transcoder" -codec:0 h264 -hwaccel:0 vaapi -hwaccel_fallback_threshold:0 10 -hwaccel_output_format:0 vaapi -hwaccel_device:0 vaapi -codec:1 aac -analyzeduration 20000000 -probesize 20000000 -i "/media/plex-data/Anime/My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer/Season 1/My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer - S01E02 - Belgrieve the Red Ogre HDTV-1080p.mkv" -filter_complex "[0:0]hwupload[0];[0]scale_vaapi=w=1920:h=1080:format=nv12[1];[1]hwupload[2]" -map "[2]" -metadata:s:0 language=jpn -codec:0 h264_vaapi -b:0 11263k -maxrate:0 15018k -bufsize:0 30036k -bsf:0 extract_extradata -r:0 23.975999999999999 -force_key_frames:0 "expr:gte(t,n_forced*1)" -filter_complex "[0:1] aresample=async=1:ochl='stereo':rematrix_maxval=0.000000dB:osr=48000[3]" -map "[3]" -metadata:s:1 language=jpn -codec:1 libopus -b:1 193k -segment_format matroska -f ssegment -individual_header_trailer 0 -flags +global_header -segment_header_filename header -segment_time 1 -segment_start_number 0 -segment_copyts 1 -segment_time_delta 0.0625 -segment_list "" -segment_list_type csv -segment_list_size 5 -segment_list_separate_stream_times 1 -segment_list_unfinished 1 -segment_format_options output_ts_offset=10 -max_delay 5000000 -avoid_negative_ts disabled -map_metadata:g -1 -map_metadata:c -1 -map_chapters -1 "media-%05d.ts" -start_at_zero -copyts -vsync cfr -init_hw_device vaapi=vaapi:/dev/dri/renderD128 -filter_hw_device vaapi -y -nostats -loglevel quiet -loglevel_plex error -progressurl
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.484 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/JobRunner] In directory: "/transcode/Transcode/Sessions/plex-transcode-1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android-a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396"
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.485 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/JobRunner] Jobs: Starting child process with pid 2128
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.558 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - WebSocket: processed 1 frame(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.576 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/progress?status=startup (10 live) #302e Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.577 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 204 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/progress?status=startup (10 live) #302e 0ms 203 bytes (pipelined: 1) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.606 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/progress?status=startup (10 live) #3247 Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.606 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 204 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/progress?status=startup (10 live) #3247 0ms 203 bytes (pipelined: 2) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.606 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/progress?status=opening (10 live) #324c Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.607 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 204 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/progress?status=opening (10 live) #324c 0ms 203 bytes (pipelined: 3) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.919 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/progress?status=opened (10 live) #3251 Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.919 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 204 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/progress?status=opened (10 live) #3251 0ms 203 bytes (pipelined: 4) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.919 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/progress/stream?index=0&id=0&codec=h264&type=video (10 live) #3256 Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.919 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/progress/stream?index=0&id=0&codec=h264&type=video (10 live) #3256 0ms 195 bytes (pipelined: 5) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.954 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/progress/stream?index=1&id=0&codec=aac&type=audio&profile=LC (10 live) #325b Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.955 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/progress/stream?index=1&id=0&codec=aac&type=audio&profile=LC (10 live) #325b 0ms 195 bytes (pipelined: 6) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.955 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/progress/streamDetail?index=0&id=0&codec=h264&type=video&profile=High&width=1920&height=1080&interlaced=0&sar=1:1&level=40&frameRate=23.976&disp_default=1 (10 live) #3260 Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.955 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/progress/streamDetail?index=0&id=0&codec=h264&type=video&profile=High&width=1920&height=1080&interlaced=0&sar=1:1&level=40&frameRate=23.976&disp_default=1 (10 live) #3260 0ms 195 bytes (pipelined: 7) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.955 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/progress/streamDetail?index=1&id=0&codec=aac&type=audio&profile=LC&language=jpn&channels=2&layout=stereo&sampleRate=44100&disp_default=1 (10 live) #3264 Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.955 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/progress/streamDetail?index=1&id=0&codec=aac&type=audio&profile=LC&language=jpn&channels=2&layout=stereo&sampleRate=44100&disp_default=1 (10 live) #3264 0ms 195 bytes (pipelined: 8) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.955 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/progress/streamDetail?index=2&id=0&codec=ass&type=subtitle&language=eng&disp_default=1 (10 live) #3269 Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.955 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/progress/streamDetail?index=2&id=0&codec=ass&type=subtitle&language=eng&disp_default=1 (10 live) #3269 0ms 195 bytes (pipelined: 9) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.967 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/progress?duration=1420.109000 (10 live) #326d Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.967 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 204 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/progress?duration=1420.109000 (10 live) #326d 0ms 203 bytes (pipelined: 10) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.967 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Started session successfully: 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.967 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#31ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] HLS: Building an M3U8 for 1421 total seconds with 1 seconds/segment, target duration of 1.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.968 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/index.m3u8 (10 live) #31ed GZIP 515ms 3943 bytes (pipelined: 5)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.983 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - X-Forwarded-For:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.983 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.983 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.984 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Subnet)] GET /status/sessions (11 live) #3244 GZIP Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (Firefox) / accept => application/json, text/plain, */* / accept-encoding => gzip, deflate, br / accept-language => en / Connection => upgrade / cookie => authelia_session=fGIaFXH4KBn^6bF!qpHZyBThmK!bsPTM / dnt => 1 / Host => / Host => / referer => / sec-fetch-dest => empty / sec-fetch-mode => cors / sec-fetch-site => same-origin / user-agent => Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/117.0 / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-Host => / X-Forwarded-Port => 443 / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Scheme => https / X-Plex-Client-Identifier => 56sila3c44frr3jlejsqnge6 / X-Plex-Device => Windows / X-Plex-Device-Name => Firefox / X-Plex-Device-Screen-Resolution => 2560x1307,2560x1440 / X-Plex-Features => external-media,indirect-media,hub-style-list / X-Plex-Language => en / X-Plex-Model => bundled / X-Plex-Platform => Firefox / X-Plex-Platform-Version => 117.0 / X-Plex-Product => Plex Web / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx / X-Plex-Version => 4.108.0 / X-Real-IP => / X-Real-IP => / X-Request-ID => e71ef34cda80ebdf2b481c7f69d6970f / X-Scheme => https
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.984 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3244] [Now] Adding 0 sessions.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.984 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 0 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:10.984 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /status/sessions (11 live) #3244 GZIP 0ms 350 bytes (pipelined: 1)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.042 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/progress?progress=0.0&size=-22&remaining=-1&vdec_packets=9&vdec_hw_ok=1&speed=0.0&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #3274 Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.043 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [Req#3274/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396] We want 60 seconds ahead, last returned was -1.000000 and max is -1.000000.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.043 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [Req#3274/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396] It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 0 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.043 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 206 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/progress?progress=0.0&size=-22&remaining=-1&vdec_packets=9&vdec_hw_ok=1&speed=0.0&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #3274 0ms 355 bytes (pipelined: 11) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.069 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - X-Forwarded-For:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.069 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Using X-Forwarded-For: as remote address
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.069 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.069 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.070 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (WAN)] GET /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/header (11 live) #3283 Signed-in / Accept-Encoding => identity / Connection => upgrade / Host => / Host => / User-Agent => Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 14; Pixel Fold Build/UP1A.231005.007; wv)PlexMobile/ / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-Host => / X-Forwarded-Port => 443 / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Scheme => https / X-Real-IP => / X-Real-IP => / X-Request-ID => 155566cbea1a4a41601a2a082fe4f75d / X-Scheme => https
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.078 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/manifest (12 live) #3286 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.078 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#3286/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396] Transcoder segment range: 0 - 0 (-1)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.080 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/manifest (12 live) #3286 1ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.274 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/manifest (12 live) #32a9 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.274 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#32a9/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396] Transcoder segment range: 0 - 0 (0)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.309 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3283/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Exists("/transcode/Transcode/Sessions/plex-transcode-1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android-a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/header") => 1
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.309 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [IDLE] Adding (0->1) work item http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/header
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.309 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/header - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.309 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * transcoder - 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.309 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Content-Length of /transcode/Transcode/Sessions/plex-transcode-1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android-a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/header is 727 (of total: 727).
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.309 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/manifest (12 live) #32a9 35ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.310 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/header (11 live) #3283 240ms 727 bytes (pipelined: 6)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.310 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - [IDLE] Removing (1->0) work item http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/header
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.310 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * transcoder - 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.310 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/manifest (12 live) #32b1 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.310 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#32b1/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396] Transcoder segment range: 0 - 1 (0)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.311 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/manifest (12 live) #32b1 0ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.377 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - X-Forwarded-For:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.377 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Using X-Forwarded-For: as remote address
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.377 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.377 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.378 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (WAN)] GET /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00681.ts (11 live) #32c3 Signed-in / Accept-Encoding => identity / Connection => upgrade / Host => / Host => / User-Agent => Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 14; Pixel Fold Build/UP1A.231005.007; wv)PlexMobile/ / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-Host => / X-Forwarded-Port => 443 / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Scheme => https / X-Real-IP => / X-Real-IP => / X-Request-ID => 44c46918cfdd0ca540ad2138dca7c3bb / X-Scheme => https
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.378 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Asked for segment 681 from session.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.489 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/manifest (12 live) #32ca Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.489 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#32ca/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396] Transcoder segment range: 0 - 1 (1)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.506 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/manifest (12 live) #32ca 17ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.540 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/manifest (12 live) #32de Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.540 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#32de/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396] Transcoder segment range: 0 - 2 (1)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.540 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/progress?progress=0.1&size=-22&remaining=-1&vdec_packets=58&vdec_hw_ok=50&speed=3.9&vdec_hw_status=1 (12 live) #3299 Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.540 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/manifest (12 live) #32de 0ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.540 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - [Req#3299/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396] We want 60 seconds ahead, last returned was -1.000000 and max is 2.002000.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.540 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - [Req#3299/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396] It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 0 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.540 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 206 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/progress?progress=0.1&size=-22&remaining=-1&vdec_packets=58&vdec_hw_ok=50&speed=3.9&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #3299 0ms 355 bytes (pipelined: 12) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.578 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] We're in a seek: asked for 681, min/max available was 0/1
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.578 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Segment #681 WON.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.578 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Killing job.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.578 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Signalling job ID 2128 with 9
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.578 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Job was already killed, not killing again.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.578 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Stopping transcode session 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.578 [140522190404408] VERBOSE - JobManager: child process with handle 2128 exited
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.578 [140522190404408] DEBUG - Jobs: '/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex Transcoder' exit code for process 2128 is -9 (signal: Killed)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.587 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - X-Forwarded-For:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.587 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.587 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.587 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Subnet)] GET /status/sessions (11 live) #328e GZIP Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (Firefox) / accept => application/json, text/plain, */* / accept-encoding => gzip, deflate, br / accept-language => en / Connection => upgrade / cookie => authelia_session=fGIaFXH4KBn^6bF!qpHZyBThmK!bsPTM / dnt => 1 / Host => / Host => / referer => / sec-fetch-dest => empty / sec-fetch-mode => cors / sec-fetch-site => same-origin / user-agent => Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/117.0 / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-Host => / X-Forwarded-Port => 443 / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Scheme => https / X-Plex-Client-Identifier => 56sila3c44frr3jlejsqnge6 / X-Plex-Device => Windows / X-Plex-Device-Name => Firefox / X-Plex-Device-Screen-Resolution => 2560x1307,2560x1440 / X-Plex-Features => external-media,indirect-media,hub-style-list / X-Plex-Language => en / X-Plex-Model => bundled / X-Plex-Platform => Firefox / X-Plex-Platform-Version => 117.0 / X-Plex-Product => Plex Web / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx / X-Plex-Version => 4.108.0 / X-Real-IP => / X-Real-IP => / X-Request-ID => 329fad36b56eed5ff4a5cba64db84545 / X-Scheme => https
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.587 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#328e] [Now] Adding 0 sessions.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.587 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 0 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.588 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /status/sessions (11 live) #328e GZIP 0ms 350 bytes (pipelined: 2)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.598 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Starting a transcode session 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android at offset 681.0 (state=3)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.605 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] TPU: hardware transcoding: using hardware decode accelerator vaapi
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.605 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] TPU: hardware transcoding: zero-copy support present
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.605 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] TPU: hardware transcoding: using zero-copy transcoding
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.607 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [Universal] Using local file path instead of URL: /media/plex-data/Anime/My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer/Season 1/My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer - S01E02 - Belgrieve the Red Ogre HDTV-1080p.mkv
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.607 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Codecs: hardware transcoding: testing API vaapi for device '/dev/dri/renderD128' (Raven Ridge [Radeon Vega Series / Radeon Vega Mobile Series])
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.607 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - libva: VA-API version 1.18.0
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.607 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - libva: Trying to open /config/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/va-dri-linux-x86_64/
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.608 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - libva: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_18
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.618 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - libva: va_openDriver() returns 0
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.618 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Initialised VAAPI connection: version 1.18
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.618 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x3231564e -> nv12.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.618 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x30313050 -> p010le.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.618 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x36313050 -> unknown.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.618 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x30323449 -> yuv420p.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.618 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x32315659 -> yuv420p.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.618 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x56595559 -> unknown.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.618 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x32595559 -> yuyv422.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.618 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x59565955 -> uyvy422.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.618 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x30303859 -> gray.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.618 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x50343434 -> yuv444p.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.618 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x41524742 -> bgra.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.618 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x41424752 -> rgba.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.618 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x58524742 -> bgr0.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.618 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Format 0x58424752 -> rgb0.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.618 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - VAAPI driver: Mesa Gallium driver 23.0.2 for AMD Radeon Graphics (raven, LLVM 16.0.1, DRM 3.49, 6.1.35).
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.618 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Driver not found in known nonstandard list, using standard behaviour.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.620 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Created surface 0x1.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.620 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] [FFMPEG] - Direct mapping disabled: deriving image does not work: 1 (operation failed).
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.626 [140522148186936] INFO - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Preparing driver rsv for GPU Raven Ridge [Radeon Vega Series / Radeon Vega Mobile Series]
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.626 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/DriverDL/rsv] Skipping download; already exists
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.651 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - WebSocket: processed 1 frame(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.699 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] TPU: hardware transcoding: final decoder: vaapi, final encoder: vaapi
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.717 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Sufficient disk space: 668.5kB source file, 19.52GB capacity, 19.44GB available on "/transcode/Transcode/Sessions"
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.717 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/JobRunner] Job running: FFMPEG_EXTERNAL_LIBS='/config/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Codecs/a31c019-4614-linux-x86_64/' LIBVA_DRIVERS_PATH="/config/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/va-dri-linux-x86_64" X_PLEX_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex Transcoder" -codec:0 h264 -hwaccel:0 vaapi -hwaccel_fallback_threshold:0 10 -hwaccel_output_format:0 vaapi -hwaccel_device:0 vaapi -codec:1 aac -ss 681 -analyzeduration 20000000 -probesize 20000000 -i "/media/plex-data/Anime/My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer/Season 1/My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer - S01E02 - Belgrieve the Red Ogre HDTV-1080p.mkv" -filter_complex "[0:0]hwupload[0];[0]scale_vaapi=w=1920:h=1080:format=nv12[1];[1]hwupload[2]" -map "[2]" -metadata:s:0 language=jpn -codec:0 h264_vaapi -b:0 11263k -maxrate:0 15018k -bufsize:0 30036k -bsf:0 extract_extradata -r:0 23.975999999999999 -force_key_frames:0 "expr:gte(t,n_forced*1)" -filter_complex "[0:1] aresample=async=1:ochl='stereo':rematrix_maxval=0.000000dB:osr=48000[3]" -map "[3]" -metadata:s:1 language=jpn -codec:1 libopus -b:1 193k -segment_format matroska -f ssegment -individual_header_trailer 0 -flags +global_header -segment_header_filename header -segment_time 1 -segment_start_number 681 -segment_copyts 1 -segment_time_delta 0.0625 -segment_list "" -segment_list_type csv -segment_list_size 5 -segment_list_separate_stream_times 1 -segment_list_unfinished 1 -segment_format_options output_ts_offset=10 -max_delay 5000000 -avoid_negative_ts disabled -map_metadata:g -1 -map_metadata:c -1 -map_chapters -1 "media-%05d.ts" -start_at_zero -copyts -init_hw_device vaapi=vaapi:/dev/dri/renderD128 -filter_hw_device vaapi -y -nostats -loglevel quiet -loglevel_plex error -progressurl
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.717 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/JobRunner] In directory: "/transcode/Transcode/Sessions/plex-transcode-1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android-f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191"
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.718 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/JobRunner] Jobs: Starting child process with pid 2180
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.718 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Started session successfully: 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.718 [140522118982456] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Streaming Resource: Resetting play progress due to seek
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.724 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - X-Forwarded-For:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.724 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.724 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.725 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Subnet)] GET /status/sessions (11 live) #3318 GZIP Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (Firefox) / accept => application/json, text/plain, */* / accept-encoding => gzip, deflate, br / accept-language => en / Connection => upgrade / cookie => authelia_session=fGIaFXH4KBn^6bF!qpHZyBThmK!bsPTM / dnt => 1 / Host => / Host => / referer => / sec-fetch-dest => empty / sec-fetch-mode => cors / sec-fetch-site => same-origin / user-agent => Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/117.0 / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-Host => / X-Forwarded-Port => 443 / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Scheme => https / X-Plex-Client-Identifier => 56sila3c44frr3jlejsqnge6 / X-Plex-Device => Windows / X-Plex-Device-Name => Firefox / X-Plex-Device-Screen-Resolution => 2560x1307,2560x1440 / X-Plex-Features => external-media,indirect-media,hub-style-list / X-Plex-Language => en / X-Plex-Model => bundled / X-Plex-Platform => Firefox / X-Plex-Platform-Version => 117.0 / X-Plex-Product => Plex Web / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx / X-Plex-Version => 4.108.0 / X-Real-IP => / X-Real-IP => / X-Request-ID => 42454049d79d387ea0cf173351e29db5 / X-Scheme => https
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.725 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#3318] [Now] Adding 0 sessions.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.725 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 0 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.725 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /status/sessions (11 live) #3318 GZIP 0ms 350 bytes (pipelined: 3)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.728 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/manifest (12 live) #32e6 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.729 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 404 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/manifest (12 live) #32e6 0ms 259 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.792 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/manifest (12 live) #3385 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.792 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 404 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/manifest (12 live) #3385 0ms 259 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.812 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?status=startup (12 live) #338b Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.812 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 204 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?status=startup (12 live) #338b 0ms 203 bytes (pipelined: 1) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.838 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?status=startup (12 live) #3394 Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.838 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 204 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?status=startup (12 live) #3394 0ms 203 bytes (pipelined: 2) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.839 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?status=opening (12 live) #3399 Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.839 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 204 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?status=opening (12 live) #3399 0ms 203 bytes (pipelined: 3) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.859 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?status=opened (12 live) #339e Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.859 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 204 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?status=opened (12 live) #339e 0ms 203 bytes (pipelined: 4) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.859 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress/stream?index=0&id=0&codec=h264&type=video (12 live) #33a3 Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.859 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress/stream?index=0&id=0&codec=h264&type=video (12 live) #33a3 0ms 195 bytes (pipelined: 5) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.915 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress/stream?index=1&id=0&codec=aac&type=audio&profile=LC (12 live) #33a8 Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.916 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress/stream?index=1&id=0&codec=aac&type=audio&profile=LC (12 live) #33a8 0ms 195 bytes (pipelined: 6) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.916 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress/streamDetail?index=0&id=0&codec=h264&type=video&profile=High&width=1920&height=1080&interlaced=0&sar=1:1&level=40&frameRate=23.976&disp_default=1 (12 live) #33ad Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.916 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress/streamDetail?index=0&id=0&codec=h264&type=video&profile=High&width=1920&height=1080&interlaced=0&sar=1:1&level=40&frameRate=23.976&disp_default=1 (12 live) #33ad 0ms 195 bytes (pipelined: 7) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.916 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress/streamDetail?index=1&id=0&codec=aac&type=audio&profile=LC&language=jpn&channels=2&layout=stereo&sampleRate=44100&disp_default=1 (12 live) #33b1 Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.916 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress/streamDetail?index=1&id=0&codec=aac&type=audio&profile=LC&language=jpn&channels=2&layout=stereo&sampleRate=44100&disp_default=1 (12 live) #33b1 0ms 195 bytes (pipelined: 8) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.916 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress/streamDetail?index=2&id=0&codec=ass&type=subtitle&language=eng&disp_default=1 (12 live) #33b5 Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.916 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress/streamDetail?index=2&id=0&codec=ass&type=subtitle&language=eng&disp_default=1 (12 live) #33b5 0ms 195 bytes (pipelined: 9) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.934 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?duration=1420.109000 (12 live) #33ba Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.935 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 204 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?duration=1420.109000 (12 live) #33ba 0ms 203 bytes (pipelined: 10) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.996 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/manifest (13 live) #3391 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:11.996 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 404 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/manifest (13 live) #3391 0ms 259 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.041 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=0.0&size=-22&remaining=-1&vdec_packets=17&vdec_hw_ok=9&speed=0.0&vdec_hw_status=1 (12 live) #33c1 Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.041 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - [Req#33c1/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] We want 60 seconds ahead, last returned was -1.000000 and max is -1.000000.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.041 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - [Req#33c1/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 0 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.041 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 206 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=0.0&size=-22&remaining=-1&vdec_packets=17&vdec_hw_ok=9&speed=0.0&vdec_hw_status=1 (12 live) #33c1 0ms 355 bytes (pipelined: 11) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.078 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/manifest (14 live) #33c4 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.078 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (14 live) #33d3 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.078 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 404 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/manifest (14 live) #33c4 0ms 259 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.078 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#33d3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 681 (-1)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.079 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/progress?progress=0.3&size=-22&remaining=371&vdec_packets=106&vdec_hw_ok=98&speed=3.7&vdec_hw_status=1 (13 live) #32f0 Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.079 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (13 live) #33d3 0ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.079 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [Req#32f0/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396] It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 0 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.079 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 206 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/progress?progress=0.3&size=-22&remaining=371&vdec_packets=106&vdec_hw_ok=98&speed=3.7&vdec_hw_status=1 (13 live) #32f0 0ms 355 bytes (pipelined: 13) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.449 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (13 live) #33d4 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.450 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#33d4/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 681 (681)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.461 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/manifest (14 live) #33e8 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.461 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 404 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/manifest (14 live) #33e8 0ms 259 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.483 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (13 live) #33d4 33ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.519 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#32c3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Returning segment 681 from session
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.519 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [IDLE] Adding (0->1) work item http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00681.ts
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.519 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00681.ts - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.519 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * transcoder - 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.519 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Content-Length of /transcode/Transcode/Sessions/plex-transcode-1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android-f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/media-00681.ts is 1095550 (of total: 1095550).
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.560 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (13 live) #33ed Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.561 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#33ed/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 682 (681)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.561 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00681.ts (13 live) #32c3 1183ms 1095550 bytes (pipelined: 7)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.561 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - [IDLE] Removing (1->0) work item http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00681.ts
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.561 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * transcoder - 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.561 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Removed transcode data consumer, active count 1 => 0
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.561 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (13 live) #33ed 1ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.562 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/manifest (13 live) #3400 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.563 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 404 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/manifest (13 live) #3400 0ms 259 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.564 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=0.1&size=-22&remaining=-1&vdec_packets=43&vdec_hw_ok=35&speed=2.0&vdec_hw_status=1 (12 live) #33cd Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.565 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#33cd/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] We want 60 seconds ahead, last returned was 682.016000 and max is 682.015000.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.565 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#33cd/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 0 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.565 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 206 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=0.1&size=-22&remaining=-1&vdec_packets=43&vdec_hw_ok=35&speed=2.0&vdec_hw_status=1 (12 live) #33cd 0ms 355 bytes (pipelined: 12) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.569 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/manifest (13 live) #3411 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.569 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 404 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/manifest (13 live) #3411 0ms 259 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.593 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/progress?progress=0.4&size=-22&remaining=543&vdec_packets=130&vdec_hw_ok=123&speed=2.0&vdec_hw_status=1 (12 live) #33e0 Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.593 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - [Req#33e0/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396] It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 0 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.593 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 206 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396/progress?progress=0.4&size=-22&remaining=543&vdec_packets=130&vdec_hw_ok=123&speed=2.0&vdec_hw_status=1 (12 live) #33e0 0ms 355 bytes (pipelined: 14) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.619 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - Didn't receive a request from End of file
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.755 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3420 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.755 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3420/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 682 (682)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.781 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3420 25ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.840 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3430 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.841 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#3430/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 683 (682)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:12.841 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3430 0ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.027 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3438 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.028 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#3438/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 683 (683)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.044 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3438 16ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.081 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3440 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.081 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3440/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 684 (683)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.082 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3440 0ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.085 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=0.2&size=-22&remaining=538&vdec_packets=91&vdec_hw_ok=83&speed=4.0&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #341b Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.085 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [Req#341b/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] We want 60 seconds ahead, last returned was 682.016000 and max is 684.017000.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.085 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [Req#341b/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 0 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.085 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 206 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=0.2&size=-22&remaining=538&vdec_packets=91&vdec_hw_ok=83&speed=4.0&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #341b 0ms 355 bytes (pipelined: 13) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.273 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3448 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.273 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#3448/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 684 (684)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.299 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3448 26ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.353 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3459 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.353 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3459/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 685 (684)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.353 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3459 0ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.543 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3461 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.543 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#3461/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 685 (685)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.567 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3461 24ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.597 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3469 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.597 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#3469/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 686 (685)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.598 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3469 0ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.598 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=0.4&size=-22&remaining=373&vdec_packets=138&vdec_hw_ok=130&speed=3.6&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #3452 Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.598 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3452/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] We want 60 seconds ahead, last returned was 682.016000 and max is 686.019000.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.598 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3452/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 0 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.598 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 206 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=0.4&size=-22&remaining=373&vdec_packets=138&vdec_hw_ok=130&speed=3.6&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #3452 0ms 355 bytes (pipelined: 14) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.625 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - WebSocket: processed 1 frame(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.708 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - X-Forwarded-For:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.708 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Using X-Forwarded-For: as remote address
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.708 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.708 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.709 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (WAN)] GET /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00682.ts (11 live) #3404 Signed-in / Accept-Encoding => identity / Connection => upgrade / Host => / Host => / User-Agent => Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 14; Pixel Fold Build/UP1A.231005.007; wv)PlexMobile/ / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-Host => / X-Forwarded-Port => 443 / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Scheme => https / X-Real-IP => / X-Real-IP => / X-Request-ID => 1c32197153569bb9b6dc9f2e071a8b4c / X-Scheme => https
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.709 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#3404/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Asked for segment 682 from session.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.709 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#3404/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Returning segment 682 from session
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.709 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [IDLE] Adding (0->1) work item http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00682.ts
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.709 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00682.ts - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.709 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * transcoder - 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.709 [140522086378296] DEBUG - [Req#3404/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Cleaning directory for session 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android (/transcode/Transcode/Sessions/plex-transcode-1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android-a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.710 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Content-Length of /transcode/Transcode/Sessions/plex-transcode-1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android-f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/media-00682.ts is 1421992 (of total: 1421992).
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.713 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00682.ts (11 live) #3404 4ms 1421992 bytes (pipelined: 8)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.713 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - [IDLE] Removing (1->0) work item http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00682.ts
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.713 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * transcoder - 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.713 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Removed transcode data consumer, active count 1 => 0
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.788 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3471 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.788 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#3471/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 686 (686)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.805 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3471 17ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.846 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #34a5 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.846 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#34a5/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 687 (686)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:13.846 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #34a5 0ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.031 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #34ad Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.031 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#34ad/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 687 (687)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.050 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #34ad 19ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.084 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #34b5 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.085 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#34b5/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 688 (687)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.085 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #34b5 0ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.110 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=0.5&size=-22&remaining=360&vdec_packets=190&vdec_hw_ok=182&speed=4.2&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #347e Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.111 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#347e/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] We want 60 seconds ahead, last returned was 683.017000 and max is 688.021000.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.111 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#347e/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 0 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.111 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 206 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=0.5&size=-22&remaining=360&vdec_packets=190&vdec_hw_ok=182&speed=4.2&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #347e 0ms 355 bytes (pipelined: 15) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.272 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #34bd Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.272 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#34bd/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 688 (688)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.289 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #34bd 16ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.319 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #34ce Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.320 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#34ce/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 689 (688)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.320 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #34ce 0ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.424 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - WebSocket: processed 1 frame(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.440 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - X-Forwarded-For:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.440 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Using X-Forwarded-For: as remote address
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.440 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.440 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.440 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (WAN)] GET /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00683.ts (11 live) #349c Signed-in / Accept-Encoding => identity / Connection => upgrade / Host => / Host => / User-Agent => Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 14; Pixel Fold Build/UP1A.231005.007; wv)PlexMobile/ / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-Host => / X-Forwarded-Port => 443 / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Scheme => https / X-Real-IP => / X-Real-IP => / X-Request-ID => 759dc26248dc6721669035d04342c495 / X-Scheme => https
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.441 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#349c/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Asked for segment 683 from session.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.441 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#349c/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Returning segment 683 from session
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.441 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [IDLE] Adding (0->1) work item http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00683.ts
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.441 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00683.ts - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.441 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * transcoder - 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.442 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Content-Length of /transcode/Transcode/Sessions/plex-transcode-1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android-f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/media-00683.ts is 1262873 (of total: 1262873).
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.444 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00683.ts (11 live) #349c 3ms 1262873 bytes (pipelined: 9)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.444 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - [IDLE] Removing (1->0) work item http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00683.ts
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.444 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * transcoder - 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.444 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Removed transcode data consumer, active count 1 => 0
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.505 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #34d6 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.506 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#34d6/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 689 (689)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.526 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #34d6 20ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.578 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #34ff Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.578 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#34ff/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 690 (689)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.579 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #34ff 0ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.618 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=0.6&size=-22&remaining=337&vdec_packets=239&vdec_hw_ok=231&speed=4.1&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #34c9 Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.619 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#34c9/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] We want 60 seconds ahead, last returned was 684.018000 and max is 690.023000.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.619 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#34c9/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 0 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.620 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 206 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=0.6&size=-22&remaining=337&vdec_packets=239&vdec_hw_ok=231&speed=4.1&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #34c9 1ms 355 bytes (pipelined: 16) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.779 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3507 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.780 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#3507/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 690 (690)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.802 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3507 22ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.838 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3518 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.838 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#3518/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 691 (690)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.839 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3518 0ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.840 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - X-Forwarded-For:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.840 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Using X-Forwarded-For: as remote address
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.840 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.840 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.840 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (WAN)] GET /transcode/sessions/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android (11 live) #34f7 GZIP Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (Pixel Fold) / Accept => application/xml / Accept-Encoding => gzip / Accept-Language => en-us / Connection => upgrade / Host => / Host => / User-Agent => Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 14; Pixel Fold Build/UP1A.231005.007; wv)PlexMobile/ / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-Host => / X-Forwarded-Port => 443 / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Scheme => https / X-Plex-Advertising-DoNotTrack => 0 / X-Plex-Advertising-Identifier => 61837bd8-44e1-4722-bcfa-b5806ecc8cfc / X-Plex-Client-Identifier => 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android / X-Plex-Device => Pixel Fold / X-Plex-Device-Name => Pixel Fold / X-Plex-Device-Screen-Density => 420 / X-Plex-Device-Screen-Resolution => 2092x1080 (Mobile) / X-Plex-Device-Vendor => Google / X-Plex-DRM => widevine:video / X-Plex-Features => external-media,indirect-media,hub-style-list / X-Plex-Language => en-us / X-Plex-Model => felix / X-Plex-Platform => Android / X-Plex-Platform-Version => 14 / X-Plex-Playback-Id => 81d4396e-e877-41fa-88bf-70415f6a5a42 / X-Plex-Playback-Session-Id => f3666e34-22bb-4667-b980-017aa9d16d82 / X-Plex-Product => Plex for Android (Mobile) / X-Plex-Provider-Version => 6.4.0 / X-Plex-Provides => controller,sync-target / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx / X-Plex-Version => / X-Real-IP => / X-Real-IP => / X-Request-ID => 89bfa04afaa9c3ad2a704feffcd2c5d1 / X-Scheme => https
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.840 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 1 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:14.841 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /transcode/sessions/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android (11 live) #34f7 GZIP 0ms 768 bytes (pipelined: 10)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.024 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3520 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.024 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#3520/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 691 (691)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.029 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - X-Forwarded-For:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.029 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Using X-Forwarded-For: as remote address
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.029 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.029 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.029 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (WAN)] GET /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00684.ts (12 live) #3532 Signed-in / Accept-Encoding => identity / Connection => upgrade / Host => / Host => / User-Agent => Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 14; Pixel Fold Build/UP1A.231005.007; wv)PlexMobile/ / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-Host => / X-Forwarded-Port => 443 / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Scheme => https / X-Real-IP => / X-Real-IP => / X-Request-ID => 10303605e79bdcd05f592662261c7662 / X-Scheme => https
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.029 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#3532/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Asked for segment 684 from session.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.040 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#3532/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Returning segment 684 from session
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.040 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - [IDLE] Adding (0->1) work item http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00684.ts
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.040 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00684.ts - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.040 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * transcoder - 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.041 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Content-Length of /transcode/Transcode/Sessions/plex-transcode-1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android-f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/media-00684.ts is 1909329 (of total: 1909329).
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.041 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3520 16ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.043 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00684.ts (11 live) #3532 13ms 1909329 bytes (pipelined: 11)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.043 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - [IDLE] Removing (1->0) work item http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00684.ts
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.043 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * transcoder - 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.043 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Removed transcode data consumer, active count 1 => 0
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.076 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3537 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.076 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3537/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 692 (691)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.077 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3537 0ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.125 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=0.8&size=-22&remaining=346&vdec_packets=289&vdec_hw_ok=281&speed=4.0&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #3515 Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.125 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [Req#3515/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] We want 60 seconds ahead, last returned was 685.019000 and max is 692.025000.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.125 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [Req#3515/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 0 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.125 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 206 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=0.8&size=-22&remaining=346&vdec_packets=289&vdec_hw_ok=281&speed=4.0&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #3515 0ms 355 bytes (pipelined: 17) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.266 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #355e Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.267 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#355e/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 692 (692)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.285 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #355e 18ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.320 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #356f Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.321 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#356f/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 693 (692)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.321 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #356f 0ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.508 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3577 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.508 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#3577/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 693 (693)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.523 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3577 15ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.554 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #357f Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.554 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#357f/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 694 (693)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.555 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #357f 0ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.635 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=0.9&size=-22&remaining=338&vdec_packets=340&vdec_hw_ok=332&speed=4.3&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #356a Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.635 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#356a/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] We want 60 seconds ahead, last returned was 685.019000 and max is 694.027000.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.635 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#356a/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 0 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.635 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 206 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=0.9&size=-22&remaining=338&vdec_packets=340&vdec_hw_ok=332&speed=4.3&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #356a 0ms 355 bytes (pipelined: 18) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.749 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3587 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.750 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#3587/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 694 (694)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.770 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3587 20ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.831 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - X-Forwarded-For:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.831 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Using X-Forwarded-For: as remote address
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.831 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.831 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.831 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (WAN)] GET /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00685.ts (11 live) #3555 Signed-in / Accept-Encoding => identity / Connection => upgrade / Host => / Host => / User-Agent => Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 14; Pixel Fold Build/UP1A.231005.007; wv)PlexMobile/ / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-Host => / X-Forwarded-Port => 443 / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Scheme => https / X-Real-IP => / X-Real-IP => / X-Request-ID => 40cc4da20daf9f3e7b3b2c3749d2b02b / X-Scheme => https
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.831 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#3555/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Asked for segment 685 from session.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.831 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#3555/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Returning segment 685 from session
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.831 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - [IDLE] Adding (0->1) work item http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00685.ts
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.831 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00685.ts - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.831 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * transcoder - 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.832 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Content-Length of /transcode/Transcode/Sessions/plex-transcode-1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android-f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/media-00685.ts is 1229066 (of total: 1229066).
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.833 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00685.ts (11 live) #3555 2ms 1229066 bytes (pipelined: 12)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.833 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - [IDLE] Removing (1->0) work item http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00685.ts
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.833 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * transcoder - 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.833 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Removed transcode data consumer, active count 1 => 0
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.837 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #35a0 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.838 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#35a0/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 695 (694)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.838 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #35a0 0ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.969 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.969 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.970 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.970 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Subnet)] GET /identity (13 live) #35c7 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / User-Agent => kube-probe/1.26
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.970 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.970 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Subnet)] GET /identity (13 live) #35cf Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / User-Agent => kube-probe/1.26
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.970 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 0 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.970 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /identity (13 live) #35cf 0ms 369 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.970 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 0 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:15.970 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /identity (12 live) #35c7 0ms 369 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.019 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #35d0 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.019 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#35d0/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 695 (695)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.042 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #35d0 23ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.073 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #35e7 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.074 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#35e7/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 696 (695)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.074 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #35e7 0ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.149 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=1.1&size=-22&remaining=343&vdec_packets=388&vdec_hw_ok=380&speed=3.9&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #359b Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.150 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [Req#359b/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] We want 60 seconds ahead, last returned was 686.020000 and max is 696.029000.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.150 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [Req#359b/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 0 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.150 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 206 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=1.1&size=-22&remaining=343&vdec_packets=388&vdec_hw_ok=380&speed=3.9&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #359b 0ms 355 bytes (pipelined: 19) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.260 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #35ef Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.260 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#35ef/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 696 (696)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.278 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #35ef 17ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.310 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3600 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.310 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#3600/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 697 (696)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.311 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3600 0ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.350 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - X-Forwarded-For:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.350 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Using X-Forwarded-For: as remote address
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.350 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.350 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.350 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (WAN)] GET /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00686.ts (11 live) #35bf Signed-in / Accept-Encoding => identity / Connection => upgrade / Host => / Host => / User-Agent => Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 14; Pixel Fold Build/UP1A.231005.007; wv)PlexMobile/ / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-Host => / X-Forwarded-Port => 443 / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Scheme => https / X-Real-IP => / X-Real-IP => / X-Request-ID => bfadcfc41846d29a05ef486e277f3628 / X-Scheme => https
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.350 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#35bf/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Asked for segment 686 from session.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.350 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#35bf/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Returning segment 686 from session
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.350 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [IDLE] Adding (0->1) work item http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00686.ts
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.350 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00686.ts - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.350 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * transcoder - 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.351 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Content-Length of /transcode/Transcode/Sessions/plex-transcode-1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android-f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/media-00686.ts is 1272550 (of total: 1272550).
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.354 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00686.ts (11 live) #35bf 3ms 1272550 bytes (pipelined: 13)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.354 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - [IDLE] Removing (1->0) work item http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00686.ts
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.354 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * transcoder - 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.354 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Removed transcode data consumer, active count 1 => 0
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.493 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3608 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.493 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3608/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 697 (697)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.546 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3608 53ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.547 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #362f Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.547 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#362f/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 698 (697)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.548 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #362f 0ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.651 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=1.2&size=-22&remaining=342&vdec_packets=440&vdec_hw_ok=432&speed=4.4&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #35fc Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.651 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [Req#35fc/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] We want 60 seconds ahead, last returned was 687.021000 and max is 698.031000.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.651 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [Req#35fc/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 0 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.651 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 206 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=1.2&size=-22&remaining=342&vdec_packets=440&vdec_hw_ok=432&speed=4.4&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #35fc 0ms 355 bytes (pipelined: 20) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.734 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3637 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.734 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3637/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 698 (698)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.754 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3637 19ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.797 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3648 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.797 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#3648/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 699 (698)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.797 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3648 0ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.881 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - X-Forwarded-For:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.881 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Using X-Forwarded-For: as remote address
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.881 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.881 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.881 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (WAN)] GET /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00687.ts (11 live) #3627 Signed-in / Accept-Encoding => identity / Connection => upgrade / Host => / Host => / User-Agent => Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 14; Pixel Fold Build/UP1A.231005.007; wv)PlexMobile/ / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-Host => / X-Forwarded-Port => 443 / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Scheme => https / X-Real-IP => / X-Real-IP => / X-Request-ID => 2537a118bd18f0d32bfe9cd89f09e908 / X-Scheme => https
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.881 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#3627/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Asked for segment 687 from session.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.881 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#3627/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Returning segment 687 from session
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.882 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [IDLE] Adding (0->1) work item http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00687.ts
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.882 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00687.ts - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.882 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * transcoder - 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.882 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Content-Length of /transcode/Transcode/Sessions/plex-transcode-1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android-f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/media-00687.ts is 1394315 (of total: 1394315).
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.885 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00687.ts (11 live) #3627 3ms 1394315 bytes (pipelined: 14)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.885 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - [IDLE] Removing (1->0) work item http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00687.ts
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.885 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * transcoder - 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.885 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Removed transcode data consumer, active count 1 => 0
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.976 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3650 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.976 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3650/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 699 (699)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:16.994 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3650 18ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.025 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3677 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.025 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#3677/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 700 (699)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.026 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3677 0ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.148 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=1.3&size=-22&remaining=334&vdec_packets=490&vdec_hw_ok=482&speed=4.0&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #3643 Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.149 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [Req#3643/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] We want 60 seconds ahead, last returned was 688.022000 and max is 700.033000.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.149 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [Req#3643/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 0 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.149 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 206 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=1.3&size=-22&remaining=334&vdec_packets=490&vdec_hw_ok=482&speed=4.0&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #3643 0ms 355 bytes (pipelined: 21) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.213 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #367f Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.213 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#367f/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 700 (700)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.242 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #367f 29ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.289 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3690 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.289 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#3690/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 701 (700)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.290 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3690 1ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.450 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - X-Forwarded-For:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.450 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Using X-Forwarded-For: as remote address
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.451 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.451 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.451 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (WAN)] GET /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00688.ts (11 live) #366f Signed-in / Accept-Encoding => identity / Connection => upgrade / Host => / Host => / User-Agent => Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 14; Pixel Fold Build/UP1A.231005.007; wv)PlexMobile/ / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-Host => / X-Forwarded-Port => 443 / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Scheme => https / X-Real-IP => / X-Real-IP => / X-Request-ID => 4d4d021dfb04d9a91bc80cb41506e5e3 / X-Scheme => https
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.451 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#366f/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Asked for segment 688 from session.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.451 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#366f/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Returning segment 688 from session
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.451 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [IDLE] Adding (0->1) work item http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00688.ts
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.451 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00688.ts - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.451 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * transcoder - 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.452 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Content-Length of /transcode/Transcode/Sessions/plex-transcode-1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android-f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/media-00688.ts is 1321787 (of total: 1321787).
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.456 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00688.ts (11 live) #366f 5ms 1321787 bytes (pipelined: 15)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.456 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - [IDLE] Removing (1->0) work item http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00688.ts
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.456 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * transcoder - 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.456 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Removed transcode data consumer, active count 1 => 0
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.470 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3698 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.470 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3698/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 701 (701)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.484 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3698 14ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.513 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #36bf Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.514 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#36bf/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 702 (701)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.514 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #36bf 0ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.657 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=1.5&size=-22&remaining=336&vdec_packets=541&vdec_hw_ok=533&speed=4.3&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #3689 Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.657 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [Req#3689/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] We want 60 seconds ahead, last returned was 689.023000 and max is 702.035000.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.657 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [Req#3689/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 0 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.657 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 206 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=1.5&size=-22&remaining=336&vdec_packets=541&vdec_hw_ok=533&speed=4.3&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #3689 0ms 355 bytes (pipelined: 22) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.700 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #36c7 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.700 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#36c7/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 702 (702)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.720 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #36c7 19ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.758 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #36d8 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.758 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#36d8/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 703 (702)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.759 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #36d8 0ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.943 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #36e0 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.943 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#36e0/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 703 (703)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.959 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #36e0 16ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.990 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #36e8 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.990 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#36e8/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 704 (703)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.991 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #36e8 0ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.998 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - X-Forwarded-For:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.998 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Using X-Forwarded-For: as remote address
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.998 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.998 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.998 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (WAN)] GET /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00689.ts (11 live) #36b7 Signed-in / Accept-Encoding => identity / Connection => upgrade / Host => / Host => / User-Agent => Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 14; Pixel Fold Build/UP1A.231005.007; wv)PlexMobile/ / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-Host => / X-Forwarded-Port => 443 / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Scheme => https / X-Real-IP => / X-Real-IP => / X-Request-ID => ad4a2a12e1e9930aed0f564b3f196190 / X-Scheme => https
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.998 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#36b7/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Asked for segment 689 from session.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.998 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#36b7/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Returning segment 689 from session
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.998 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - [IDLE] Adding (0->1) work item http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00689.ts
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.998 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00689.ts - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.998 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * transcoder - 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:17.999 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Content-Length of /transcode/Transcode/Sessions/plex-transcode-1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android-f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/media-00689.ts is 1511746 (of total: 1511746).
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.002 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00689.ts (11 live) #36b7 4ms 1511746 bytes (pipelined: 16)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.002 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - [IDLE] Removing (1->0) work item http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00689.ts
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.002 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * transcoder - 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.002 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Removed transcode data consumer, active count 1 => 0
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.152 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=1.6&size=-22&remaining=334&vdec_packets=590&vdec_hw_ok=582&speed=4.1&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #36d3 Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.153 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [Req#36d3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] We want 60 seconds ahead, last returned was 690.024000 and max is 704.037000.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.153 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [Req#36d3/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 0 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.153 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 206 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=1.6&size=-22&remaining=334&vdec_packets=590&vdec_hw_ok=582&speed=4.1&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #36d3 0ms 355 bytes (pipelined: 23) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.194 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #36f0 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.195 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#36f0/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 704 (704)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.240 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #36f0 45ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.241 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3720 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.241 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#3720/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 705 (704)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.241 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3720 0ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.423 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3728 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.424 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#3728/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 705 (705)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.451 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3728 27ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.487 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3730 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.487 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3730/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 706 (705)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.488 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3730 1ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.611 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - X-Forwarded-For:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.611 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Using X-Forwarded-For: as remote address
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.611 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.611 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.611 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (WAN)] GET /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00690.ts (11 live) #370e Signed-in / Accept-Encoding => identity / Connection => upgrade / Host => / Host => / User-Agent => Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 14; Pixel Fold Build/UP1A.231005.007; wv)PlexMobile/ / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-Host => / X-Forwarded-Port => 443 / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Scheme => https / X-Real-IP => / X-Real-IP => / X-Request-ID => 8ece55658f6f2510cc53c7eb940488f2 / X-Scheme => https
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.611 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#370e/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Asked for segment 690 from session.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.611 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#370e/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Returning segment 690 from session
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.611 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - [IDLE] Adding (0->1) work item http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00690.ts
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.611 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00690.ts - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.611 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * transcoder - 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.612 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Content-Length of /transcode/Transcode/Sessions/plex-transcode-1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android-f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/media-00690.ts is 1593297 (of total: 1593297).
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.615 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00690.ts (11 live) #370e 4ms 1593297 bytes (pipelined: 17)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.615 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - [IDLE] Removing (1->0) work item http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00690.ts
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.615 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * transcoder - 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.615 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Removed transcode data consumer, active count 1 => 0
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.670 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=1.8&size=-22&remaining=336&vdec_packets=641&vdec_hw_ok=633&speed=4.2&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #371a Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.670 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [Req#371a/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] We want 60 seconds ahead, last returned was 691.025000 and max is 706.039000.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.670 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [Req#371a/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 0 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.670 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 206 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=1.8&size=-22&remaining=336&vdec_packets=641&vdec_hw_ok=633&speed=4.2&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #371a 0ms 355 bytes (pipelined: 24) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.684 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3738 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.685 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3738/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 706 (706)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.708 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3738 23ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.764 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3768 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.764 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#3768/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 707 (706)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.765 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3768 0ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.953 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3770 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.953 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#3770/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 707 (707)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:18.981 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3770 28ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.033 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3778 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.033 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3778/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 708 (707)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.034 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3778 0ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.170 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=1.9&size=-22&remaining=358&vdec_packets=684&vdec_hw_ok=676&speed=3.6&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #3765 Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.170 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - [Req#3765/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] We want 60 seconds ahead, last returned was 691.025000 and max is 708.041000.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.170 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - [Req#3765/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 0 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.171 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 206 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=1.9&size=-22&remaining=358&vdec_packets=684&vdec_hw_ok=676&speed=3.6&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #3765 0ms 355 bytes (pipelined: 25) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.222 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3780 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.222 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#3780/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 708 (708)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.240 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3780 18ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.274 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3791 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.274 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3791/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 709 (708)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.275 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3791 0ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.296 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - X-Forwarded-For:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.296 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Using X-Forwarded-For: as remote address
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.296 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.296 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.297 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (WAN)] GET /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00691.ts (11 live) #3757 Signed-in / Accept-Encoding => identity / Connection => upgrade / Host => / Host => / User-Agent => Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 14; Pixel Fold Build/UP1A.231005.007; wv)PlexMobile/ / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-Host => / X-Forwarded-Port => 443 / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Scheme => https / X-Real-IP => / X-Real-IP => / X-Request-ID => f67c32fedda0613f861fe226f303138b / X-Scheme => https
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.297 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#3757/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Asked for segment 691 from session.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.297 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#3757/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Returning segment 691 from session
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.297 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - [IDLE] Adding (0->1) work item http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00691.ts
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.297 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00691.ts - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.297 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * transcoder - 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.298 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Content-Length of /transcode/Transcode/Sessions/plex-transcode-1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android-f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/media-00691.ts is 1300750 (of total: 1300750).
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.301 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00691.ts (11 live) #3757 4ms 1300750 bytes (pipelined: 18)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.301 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - [IDLE] Removing (1->0) work item http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00691.ts
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.301 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * transcoder - 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.301 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Removed transcode data consumer, active count 1 => 0
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.457 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3799 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.457 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#3799/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 709 (709)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.478 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3799 21ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.535 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #37c0 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.535 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#37c0/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 710 (709)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.536 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #37c0 0ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.672 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=2.0&size=-22&remaining=368&vdec_packets=732&vdec_hw_ok=724&speed=4.0&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #378c Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.672 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - [Req#378c/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] We want 60 seconds ahead, last returned was 692.026000 and max is 710.043000.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.672 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - [Req#378c/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 0 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.673 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 206 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=2.0&size=-22&remaining=368&vdec_packets=732&vdec_hw_ok=724&speed=4.0&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #378c 0ms 355 bytes (pipelined: 26) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.724 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #37c8 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.724 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#37c8/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 710 (710)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.756 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #37c8 32ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.791 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #37d9 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.791 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#37d9/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 711 (710)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.791 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #37d9 0ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.852 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - X-Forwarded-For:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.852 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Using X-Forwarded-For: as remote address
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.852 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.852 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.852 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (WAN)] GET /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00692.ts (11 live) #37b9 Signed-in / Accept-Encoding => identity / Connection => upgrade / Host => / Host => / User-Agent => Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 14; Pixel Fold Build/UP1A.231005.007; wv)PlexMobile/ / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-Host => / X-Forwarded-Port => 443 / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Scheme => https / X-Real-IP => / X-Real-IP => / X-Request-ID => 369580137c6ec57a2a016952742242a4 / X-Scheme => https
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.852 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#37b9/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Asked for segment 692 from session.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.852 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#37b9/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Returning segment 692 from session
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.852 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - [IDLE] Adding (0->1) work item http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00692.ts
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.852 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00692.ts - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.852 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * transcoder - 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.853 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Content-Length of /transcode/Transcode/Sessions/plex-transcode-1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android-f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/media-00692.ts is 1499785 (of total: 1499785).
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.956 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00692.ts (11 live) #37b9 104ms 1499785 bytes (pipelined: 19)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.956 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - [IDLE] Removing (1->0) work item http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00692.ts
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.956 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * transcoder - 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.956 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Removed transcode data consumer, active count 1 => 0
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.977 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #37e1 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.977 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#37e1/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 711 (711)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:19.992 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #37e1 15ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.028 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3808 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.028 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3808/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 712 (711)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.029 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3808 1ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.175 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=2.2&size=-22&remaining=349&vdec_packets=781&vdec_hw_ok=773&speed=4.0&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #37d4 Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.176 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - [Req#37d4/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] We want 60 seconds ahead, last returned was 693.027000 and max is 712.045000.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.176 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - [Req#37d4/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 0 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.176 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 206 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=2.2&size=-22&remaining=349&vdec_packets=781&vdec_hw_ok=773&speed=4.0&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #37d4 0ms 355 bytes (pipelined: 27) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.218 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3810 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.218 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#3810/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 712 (712)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.240 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3810 21ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.281 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3821 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.281 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3821/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 713 (712)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.281 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3821 0ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.465 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - X-Forwarded-For:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.465 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Using X-Forwarded-For: as remote address
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.465 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.465 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.465 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (WAN)] GET /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00693.ts (11 live) #37ff Signed-in / Accept-Encoding => identity / Connection => upgrade / Host => / Host => / User-Agent => Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 14; Pixel Fold Build/UP1A.231005.007; wv)PlexMobile/ / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-Host => / X-Forwarded-Port => 443 / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Scheme => https / X-Real-IP => / X-Real-IP => / X-Request-ID => 3ab1cb7fae33b1093f9e63ca5587e024 / X-Scheme => https
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.465 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#37ff/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Asked for segment 693 from session.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.465 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#37ff/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android] Returning segment 693 from session
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.465 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - [IDLE] Adding (0->1) work item http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00693.ts
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.465 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00693.ts - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.465 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * transcoder - 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.466 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Content-Length of /transcode/Transcode/Sessions/plex-transcode-1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android-f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/media-00693.ts is 1230479 (of total: 1230479).
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.466 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3829 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.467 [140522155887416] DEBUG - [Req#3829/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 713 (713)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.482 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3829 15ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.483 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00693.ts (11 live) #37ff 17ms 1230479 bytes (pipelined: 20)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.483 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - [IDLE] Removing (1->0) work item http_download - /video/:/transcode/universal/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/base/00693.ts
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.483 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - [IDLE] * transcoder - 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android - 1 active item(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.483 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Removed transcode data consumer, active count 1 => 0
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.523 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3845 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.523 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3845/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Transcoder segment range: 681 - 714 (713)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.524 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3845 0ms 166 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.559 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - WebSocket: processed 1 frame(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.670 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - X-Forwarded-For:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.670 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Using X-Forwarded-For: as remote address
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.670 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.670 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.670 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (WAN)] GET /video/:/transcode/universal/stop?autoAdjustQuality=0&hasMDE=1&location=wan&mediaBufferSize=209664&path=%2Flibrary%2Fmetadata%2F3581&session=1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android (11 live) #3850 GZIP Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (Pixel Fold) / Accept-Encoding => gzip / Accept-Language => en-us / Connection => upgrade / Host => / Host => / User-Agent => Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 14; Pixel Fold Build/UP1A.231005.007; wv)PlexMobile/ / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-Host => / X-Forwarded-Port => 443 / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Scheme => https / X-Plex-Advertising-DoNotTrack => 0 / X-Plex-Advertising-Identifier => 61837bd8-44e1-4722-bcfa-b5806ecc8cfc / X-Plex-Client-Identifier => 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android / X-Plex-Client-Identifier => 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android / X-Plex-Client-Platform => Android / X-Plex-Device => Pixel Fold / X-Plex-Device => Pixel Fold / X-Plex-Device-Name => Pixel Fold / X-Plex-Device-Screen-Density => 420 / X-Plex-Device-Screen-Resolution => 2092x1080 (Mobile) / X-Plex-Device-Vendor => Google / X-Plex-DRM => widevine:video / X-Plex-Features => external-media,indirect-media,hub-style-list / X-Plex-Language => en-us / X-Plex-Model => felix / X-Plex-Platform => Android / X-Plex-Platform => Android / X-Plex-Platform-Version => 14 / X-Plex-Platform-Version => 14 / X-Plex-Playback-Id => 81d4396e-e877-41fa-88bf-70415f6a5a42 / X-Plex-Playback-Session-Id => f3666e34-22bb-4667-b980-017aa9d16d82 / X-Plex-Product => Plex for Android (Mobile) / X-Plex-Product => Plex for Android (Mobile) / X-Plex-Provider-Version => 6.4.0 / X-Plex-Provides => controller,sync-target / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx / X-Plex-Version => / X-Plex-Version => / X-Real-IP => / X-Real-IP => / X-Request-ID => 0ae72df0a98934bb615ed7efd54ff56b / X-Scheme => https
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.671 [140522086378296] DEBUG - [Req#3850/Transcode] Killing job.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.671 [140522086378296] DEBUG - [Req#3850/Transcode] Signalling job ID 2180 with 9
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.671 [140522086378296] DEBUG - [Req#3850/Transcode] Job was already killed, not killing again.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.671 [140522086378296] DEBUG - [Req#3850/Transcode] Stopping transcode session 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.671 [140522084268856] DEBUG - [Req#3850/Transcode] Cleaning directory for session 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android (/transcode/Transcode/Sessions/plex-transcode-1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android-f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.671 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /video/:/transcode/universal/stop?autoAdjustQuality=0&hasMDE=1&location=wan&mediaBufferSize=209664&path=%2Flibrary%2Fmetadata%2F3581&session=1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android (11 live) #3850 GZIP 0ms 195 bytes (pipelined: 21)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.671 [140522190404408] VERBOSE - JobManager: child process with handle 2180 exited
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.671 [140522190404408] DEBUG - Jobs: '/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex Transcoder' exit code for process 2180 is -9 (signal: Killed)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.672 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - X-Forwarded-For:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.672 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Using X-Forwarded-For: as remote address
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.672 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.673 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.673 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (WAN)] GET /library/metadata/3581?asyncAugmentMetadata=1&checkFiles=1&includeExtras=1&includeReviews=1 (11 live) #31ba GZIP Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (Pixel Fold) / accept => application/json / accept-encoding => gzip / accept-language => en-us / Connection => upgrade / Host => / Host => / if-modified-since => Tue, 10 Oct 2023 04:17:08 GMT / user-agent => Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 14; Pixel Fold Build/UP1A.231005.007; wv)PlexMobile/ / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-Host => / X-Forwarded-Port => 443 / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Scheme => https / x-plex-advertising-donottrack => 0 / x-plex-advertising-identifier => 61837bd8-44e1-4722-bcfa-b5806ecc8cfc / x-plex-client-identifier => 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android / x-plex-device => Pixel Fold / x-plex-device-screen-density => 420 / x-plex-device-screen-resolution => 2092x1080 (Mobile) / x-plex-device-vendor => Google / x-plex-drm => widevine:video / x-plex-features => external-media,indirect-media,hub-style-list / X-Plex-Language => en-us / x-plex-marketplace => googlePlay / x-plex-model => felix / x-plex-platform => Android / x-plex-platform-version => 14 / x-plex-product => Plex for Android (Mobile) / x-plex-provider-version => 6.4.0 / x-plex-provides => controller,sync-target / x-plex-session-id => 45e0b7fa-deed-4d81-aacf-60054f66a44d / x-plex-token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx / x-plex-version => / X-Real-IP => / X-Real-IP => / X-Request-ID => 5a45b670c0d47bbc43ff95ca77cb1b1e / X-Scheme => https
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.679 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=2.3&size=-22&remaining=346&vdec_packets=830&vdec_hw_ok=822&speed=4.0&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #381c Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.680 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#381c/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] We want 60 seconds ahead, last returned was -1.000000 and max is -1.000000.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.680 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#381c/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 0 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.680 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 206 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=2.3&size=-22&remaining=346&vdec_packets=830&vdec_hw_ok=822&speed=4.0&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #381c 0ms 355 bytes (pipelined: 28) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.682 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - X-Forwarded-For:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.682 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.682 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.682 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Subnet)] GET /status/sessions (11 live) #3372 GZIP Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (Firefox) / accept => application/json, text/plain, */* / accept-encoding => gzip, deflate, br / accept-language => en / Connection => upgrade / cookie => authelia_session=fGIaFXH4KBn^6bF!qpHZyBThmK!bsPTM / dnt => 1 / Host => / Host => / referer => / sec-fetch-dest => empty / sec-fetch-mode => cors / sec-fetch-site => same-origin / user-agent => Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/117.0 / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-Host => / X-Forwarded-Port => 443 / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Scheme => https / X-Plex-Client-Identifier => 56sila3c44frr3jlejsqnge6 / X-Plex-Device => Windows / X-Plex-Device-Name => Firefox / X-Plex-Device-Screen-Resolution => 2560x1307,2560x1440 / X-Plex-Features => external-media,indirect-media,hub-style-list / X-Plex-Language => en / X-Plex-Model => bundled / X-Plex-Platform => Firefox / X-Plex-Platform-Version => 117.0 / X-Plex-Product => Plex Web / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx / X-Plex-Version => 4.108.0 / X-Real-IP => / X-Real-IP => / X-Request-ID => 702531220f57d97d5046ecb6fe5f98e0 / X-Scheme => https
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.682 [140522146077496] DEBUG - [Req#3372] [Now] Adding 0 sessions.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.682 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 0 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.683 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /status/sessions (11 live) #3372 GZIP 0ms 350 bytes (pipelined: 4)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.704 [140522086378296] DEBUG - [Req#3850/Transcode] Transcoder: Cleaning old transcode directories.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.716 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3858 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.735 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (13 live) #38b3 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.736 [140522086378296] DEBUG - [Req#3850/Transcode] Transcoder: Cleaning old transcode directory: "/transcode/Transcode/Sessions/plex-transcode-1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android-f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191"
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.736 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 404 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (13 live) #38b3 0ms 259 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.736 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 404 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (13 live) #3858 20ms 259 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.736 [140522155887416] DEBUG - We're going to try to auto-select an audio stream for account 1.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.736 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Selecting best audio stream for part ID 6598 (language: en)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.736 [140522155887416] DEBUG - We're going to try to auto-select a subtitle.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.736 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Selected a foreign audio track: ja
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.736 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Subtitles: Found a candidate subtitle language [en] for a foreign film
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.736 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Audio Stream: 18808, Subtitle Stream: 18809
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.764 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 1 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.765 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /library/metadata/3581?asyncAugmentMetadata=1&checkFiles=1&includeExtras=1&includeReviews=1 (11 live) #31ba GZIP 92ms 1894 bytes (pipelined: 5)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.791 [140522086378296] ERROR - [Req#3850/Transcode] Transcoder: Failed to delete session directory (boost::filesystem::remove: Directory not empty [system:39]: "/transcode/Transcode/Sessions/plex-transcode-1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android-f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191")
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.791 [140522086378296] DEBUG - [Req#3850/Transcode] Transcoder: Cleaning old transcode directory: "/transcode/Transcode/Sessions/plex-transcode-1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android-0e8493a9-9fe8-4400-93a7-85b0c6bd8243"
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.791 [140522084268856] ERROR - [Req#3850/Transcode] Failed to delete session directory (boost::filesystem::remove: Directory not empty [system:39]: "/transcode/Transcode/Sessions/plex-transcode-1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android-f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191")
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.856 [140522086378296] DEBUG - [Req#3850/Transcode] Whacked session 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android, 0 remaining.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.856 [140522086378296] DEBUG - Cleaning directory for session 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android (/transcode/Transcode/Sessions/plex-transcode-1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android-a777eeb5-feaa-4c06-9be2-7cacda069396)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.857 [140522086378296] DEBUG - Cleaning directory for session 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android (/transcode/Transcode/Sessions/plex-transcode-1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android-f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.890 [140522086378296] ERROR - Failed to delete session directory (boost::filesystem::remove: Resource busy [system:16]: "/transcode/Transcode/Sessions/plex-transcode-1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android-f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/.nfs000000000002000f000023c2")
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.890 [140522086378296] VERBOSE - [IDLE] Removing (1->0) work item transcoder - 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.890 [140522086378296] VERBOSE - [IDLE] Server is now idle
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.919 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #38b6 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.919 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 404 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #38b6 0ms 259 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.945 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #38e5 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:20.946 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 404 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #38e5 0ms 259 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:21.005 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - X-Forwarded-For:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:21.005 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Using X-Forwarded-For: as remote address
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:21.005 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:21.005 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:21.005 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (WAN)] GET /library/metadata/3581/related?count=25&excludeElements=Actor%2CCollection%2CCountry%2CDirector%2CGenre%2CLabel%2CMood%2CPart%2CPhoto%2CProducer%2CRole%2CSimilar%2CTopic%2CVast%2CWriter&excludeFields=file%2Csummary%2Ctagline&includeAugmentations=1&includeEmpty=1&includeExternalMetadata=1&includeLibraryPlaylists=1&includeMeta=1&includeRecentChannels=1&includeStations=1&includeTrailers=1&includeTypeFirst=1&libraryHubsOnly=1 (11 live) #386b GZIP Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (Pixel Fold) / Accept => application/xml / Accept-Encoding => gzip / Accept-Language => en-us / Connection => upgrade / Host => / Host => / User-Agent => Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 14; Pixel Fold Build/UP1A.231005.007; wv)PlexMobile/ / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-Host => / X-Forwarded-Port => 443 / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Scheme => https / X-Plex-Advertising-DoNotTrack => 0 / X-Plex-Advertising-Identifier => 61837bd8-44e1-4722-bcfa-b5806ecc8cfc / X-Plex-Client-Identifier => 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android / X-Plex-Device => Pixel Fold / X-Plex-Device-Name => Pixel Fold / X-Plex-Device-Screen-Density => 420 / X-Plex-Device-Screen-Resolution => 2092x1080 (Mobile) / X-Plex-Device-Vendor => Google / X-Plex-DRM => widevine:video / X-Plex-Features => external-media,indirect-media,hub-style-list / X-Plex-Language => en-us / X-Plex-Model => felix / X-Plex-Platform => Android / X-Plex-Platform-Version => 14 / X-Plex-Product => Plex for Android (Mobile) / X-Plex-Provider-Version => 6.4.0 / X-Plex-Provides => controller,sync-target / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx / X-Plex-Version => / X-Real-IP => / X-Real-IP => / X-Request-ID => bd0a682fe41d779fae20b9e27497f2f9 / X-Scheme => https
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:21.026 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 1 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:21.026 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /library/metadata/3581/related?count=25&excludeElements=Actor%2CCollection%2CCountry%2CDirector%2CGenre%2CLabel%2CMood%2CPart%2CPhoto%2CProducer%2CRole%2CSimilar%2CTopic%2CVast%2CWriter&excludeFields=file%2Csummary%2Ctagline&includeAugmentations=1&includeEmpty=1&includeExternalMetadata=1&includeLibraryPlaylists=1&includeMeta=1&includeRecentChannels=1&includeStations=1&includeTrailers=1&includeTypeFirst=1&libraryHubsOnly=1 (11 live) #386b GZIP 21ms 692 bytes (pipelined: 22)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:21.085 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - X-Forwarded-For:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:21.085 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Using X-Forwarded-For: as remote address
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:21.085 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:21.085 [140522183535416] VERBOSE - Comparing request from ::ffff: against ::ffff:
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:21.085 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (WAN)] GET /library/augmentation/3581/relatedTracks?count=25&excludeElements=Actor%2CCollection%2CCountry%2CDirector%2CGenre%2CLabel%2CMood%2CPart%2CPhoto%2CProducer%2CRole%2CSimilar%2CTopic%2CVast%2CWriter&excludeFields=file%2Csummary%2Ctagline&includeExternalMetadata=1&includeLibraryPlaylists=1&includeRecentChannels=1&includeStations=1&includeTypeFirst=1&indirectMedia=1&libraryHubsOnly=1 (11 live) #3901 GZIP Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (Pixel Fold) / Accept => application/xml / Accept-Encoding => gzip / Accept-Language => en-us / Connection => upgrade / Host => / Host => / User-Agent => Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 14; Pixel Fold Build/UP1A.231005.007; wv)PlexMobile/ / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-For => / X-Forwarded-Host => / X-Forwarded-Port => 443 / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Proto => https / X-Forwarded-Scheme => https / X-Plex-Advertising-DoNotTrack => 0 / X-Plex-Advertising-Identifier => 61837bd8-44e1-4722-bcfa-b5806ecc8cfc / X-Plex-Client-Identifier => 1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android / X-Plex-Device => Pixel Fold / X-Plex-Device-Name => Pixel Fold / X-Plex-Device-Screen-Density => 420 / X-Plex-Device-Screen-Resolution => 2092x1080 (Mobile) / X-Plex-Device-Vendor => Google / X-Plex-DRM => widevine:video / X-Plex-Features => external-media,indirect-media,hub-style-list / X-Plex-Language => en-us / X-Plex-Model => felix / X-Plex-Platform => Android / X-Plex-Platform-Version => 14 / X-Plex-Product => Plex for Android (Mobile) / X-Plex-Provider-Version => 6.4.0 / X-Plex-Provides => controller,sync-target / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx / X-Plex-Version => / X-Real-IP => / X-Real-IP => / X-Request-ID => 4485e114ba85325aa89b734e521697e3 / X-Scheme => https
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:21.094 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - [Req#3901] It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 0 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:21.094 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /library/augmentation/3581/relatedTracks?count=25&excludeElements=Actor%2CCollection%2CCountry%2CDirector%2CGenre%2CLabel%2CMood%2CPart%2CPhoto%2CProducer%2CRole%2CSimilar%2CTopic%2CVast%2CWriter&excludeFields=file%2Csummary%2Ctagline&includeExternalMetadata=1&includeLibraryPlaylists=1&includeRecentChannels=1&includeStations=1&includeTypeFirst=1&indirectMedia=1&libraryHubsOnly=1 (11 live) #3901 GZIP 9ms 444 bytes (pipelined: 23)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:21.139 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #38eb Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:21.139 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 404 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #38eb 0ms 259 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:21.196 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3913 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:21.196 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 404 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3913 0ms 259 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:21.201 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=2.5&size=-22&remaining=339&vdec_packets=883&vdec_hw_ok=875&speed=4.1&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #389d Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:21.201 [140522146077496] VERBOSE - [Req#389d/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 0 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:21.201 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 206 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=2.5&size=-22&remaining=339&vdec_packets=883&vdec_hw_ok=875&speed=4.1&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #389d 0ms 371 bytes (pipelined: 29) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:21.201 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress/log?level=3&message=Throttle%20-%20Going%20into%20sloth%20mode. (11 live) #3921 Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:21.201 [140522148186936] DEBUG - [Req#3921/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] Throttle - Going into sloth mode.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:21.202 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress/log?level=3&message=Throttle%20-%20Going%20into%20sloth%20mode. (11 live) #3921 0ms 195 bytes (pipelined: 30) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:21.678 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - WebSocket: processed 1 frame(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:21.752 [140522155887416] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=2.5&size=-22&remaining=2677&vdec_packets=883&vdec_hw_ok=875&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #392a Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:21.752 [140522155887416] VERBOSE - [Req#392a/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 0 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:21.752 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed: [] 206 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=2.5&size=-22&remaining=2677&vdec_packets=883&vdec_hw_ok=875&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #392a 0ms 371 bytes (pipelined: 31) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:21.755 [140522146077496] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3919 Signed-in / Accept => */* / Connection => close / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Transfer-Encoding => chunked / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:21.756 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 404 POST /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/manifest (12 live) #3919 0ms 259 bytes
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:21.776 [140522148186936] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=2.5&size=-22&remaining=20086&vdec_packets=883&vdec_hw_ok=876&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #3931 Signed-in Token (seangreenawalt) (range: bytes=0-) / Accept => */* / Connection => keep-alive / Host => / Icy-MetaData => 1 / Range => bytes=0- / User-Agent => Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION / X-Plex-Http-Pipeline => infinite / X-Plex-Token => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:21.777 [140522148186936] VERBOSE - [Req#3931/Transcode/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191] It took 0.0 sec to serialize a list with 0 elements.
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:21.777 [140522185644856] DEBUG - Completed: [] 206 PUT /video/:/transcode/session/1b8467354c6085e2-com-plexapp-android/f53d5196-bc01-46d2-929d-4c00c11e4191/progress?progress=2.5&size=-22&remaining=20086&vdec_packets=883&vdec_hw_ok=876&vdec_hw_status=1 (11 live) #3931 0ms 371 bytes (pipelined: 32) (range: bytes=0-)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:21.798 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - Didn't receive a request from End of file
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:23.179 [140522185644856] DEBUG - WebSocket: client initiated close
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:23.179 [140522185644856] VERBOSE - WebSocket: processed 0 frame(s)
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:23.179 [140522183535416] DEBUG - NotificationStream: Removing because of close
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:23.179 [140522183535416] DEBUG - handleStreamRead code 2: End of file
Oct 10, 2023 00:17:23.179 [140522183535416] DEBUG - Completed after connection close: [] -3 GET /:/websockets/notifications (10 live) #2edf GZIP 58822ms 4742 bytes
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