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Last active March 9, 2021 20:01
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Collecting Cache Dependencies for layered caching in Xperience
public class ArticlesRepository : IArticlesRepository
private readonly ICacheDependenciesStore store;
public ArticlesRepository(ICacheDependenciesStore store)
{ = store;
public IEnumerable<Article> GetAll(string nodeAliasPath)
store.Store(new[] { $"node|samplesite|{nodeAliasPath}|childnodes" });
// return the query results
public class CacheDependenciesStore : ICacheDependenciesStore, ICacheDependenciesScope
private readonly ConcurrentStack<HashSet<string>> keyScopes = new();
public void Begin() => keyScopes.Push(new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
public void Store(string[] keys)
if (!keyScopes.TryPeek(out var currentScope))
foreach (string? key in keys)
public IEnumerable<string> End()
if (!keyScopes.TryPop(out var currentScope))
return Enumerable.Empty<string>();
if (!keyScopes.TryPeek(out var parentScope))
return currentScope.AsEnumerable();
foreach (string? key in currentScope)
return currentScope.AsEnumerable();
public class CoffeeRepository : ICoffeeRepository
private readonly ICacheDependenciesStore store;
public CoffeeRepository(ICacheDependenciesStore store)
{ = store;
public IEnumerable<Coffee> GetBestSellers()
store.Store(new[] { $"nodes|samplesite||all" });
// return the query results
@inject ICacheDependenciesScope Scope
@{ Scope.Begin(); }
<editable-area area-identifier="area1"
#{ var keys = Scope.End().ToList(); } @* keys has all the dep keys of all widgets in the above editable area *@
<cache expires-after="TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)">
<vc:coffee-list />
<vc:locations-list />
<cache-dependency cache-keys="Scope.End().ToList()" />
@* the above CacheDependencyTagHelper has the correct keys for the ViewComponents that it wraps *@
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddScoped<ICacheDependenciesScope>(s => s.GetRequiredService<CacheDependenciesStore>());
services.AddScoped<ICacheDependenciesStore>(s => s.GetRequiredService<CacheDependenciesStore>());
// now, register other services that use the CacheDependenciesStore as scoped
public class WidgetViewComponent
private readonly IArticlesRepository articlesRepo,
private readonly ICoffeeRepository coffeeRepo,
private readonly ICacheDependenciesScope scope
public WidgetViewComponent(
IArticlesRepository articlesRepo,
ICoffeeRepository coffeeRepo,
ICacheDependenciesScope scope)
this.articlesRepo = articlesRepo;
this.coffeeRepo = coffeeRepo;
this.scope = scope;
public IViewComponentResult Invoke(ComponentViewModel vm, ICacheDependencies deps)
var articles = articlesRepo.GetAll(vm.Page.NodeAliasPath);
var bestSellers = coffeeRepo.GetBestSellers();
deps.CacheKeys = scope.End().ToList();
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