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Last active September 22, 2019 19:05
How the Hypothesis client configures itself

How the client is configured

There are several different files in the client source code that read configuration (also sometimes called "options" or "settings") from different places.

An additional difficulty is that the client consists of two separate components:

  1. The code in src/annotator/ is JavaScript code that's injected directly into the parent document and can read configuration from the document (for example config objects as <script type="application/json"> elements in the parent document).

  2. The code in src/sidebar/ (which is the AngularJS sidebar app) is JavaScript code that's in a different-origin <iframe> of the parent document and cannot directly read config from the parent document (because of the same origin policy).

  3. TODO: Also probably Chrome extension code (separate repo) that reads its own config from some other place.

Config settings need to be passed from the code in the parent document to the code in the iframe. We'll see how this is done below.

This is how client configuration is processed on page load:

  1. The parent document can contain JSON documents containing config objects.

    If the parent document contains a <script class="js-hypothes-config" type="application/json"> element then the client will read configuration from it at startup (see below).

    This is intended to be used by publisher sites that embed the Hypothesis client and want to customize its configuration.

    Note that the settings that the client will accept from parent documents are whitelisted because the parent document is untrusted. But also note that this whitelist is currently only used by the AngularJS sidebar app code running in the <iframe>, it's not used by the other half of the client code that runs in the parent document (and that also reads config from the parent document, and that creates the iframe!)

    The browser extension uses this when a direct link (a URL ending with #annotations:<ANNOTATION_ID>) is visited. It reads the <ANNOTATION_ID> from the URL fragment and copies it into a "js-hypothesis-config" object for the client to pick up. This is because some websites change or remove the URL's # fragment before the client starts up and has a chance to read the <ANNOTATION_ID> from the fragment.

    (Note that if you're not following a direct link, like if you just visit a web page and activate the Chrome extension, the extension still injects an empty {} "js-hypothesis-config" object into the page.)

  2. The iframe's own document can also contain the same "js-hypothesis-config" <script> elements and those will also be read by the client at startup as well (see below).

    For example the Hypothesis web service puts one of these JSON documents in the page at view-source: to configure the instance of the client that's served there:

     <script class="js-hypothesis-config" type="application/json">
         "googleAnalytics": "<GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_TRACKING_ID>",
         "serviceUrl": "",
         "release": "<DOCKER_HUB_TAG>",
         "authDomain": "",
         "websocketUrl": "wss://",
         "apiUrl": "",
         "raven": {
           "dsn": "<SENTRY_DSN>",
           "release": "<DOCKER_HUB_TAG>"

    Here's the line of code that inserts it. The settings that the web service places in this config object come from the web service's own configuration settings, see h/views/

    As well as inserting the "js-hypothesis-config" object into the parent document (as explained above), the browser extension also inserts one into the iframe's own document.

  3. The parent document can contain a window.hypothesisConfig function that returns a config object.

    This is another way for a page that embeds Hypothesis to customize its configuration. Unlike with the "js-hypothesis-config" objects, the window.hypothesisConfig function can specify JavaScript callback functions for the client to call, which is used for the onLogin callback.

    window.hypothesisConfig = function () {
      return { ... };  // Config settings

    There's a working example of this in the test publisher site.

  4. shared/settings.js exports a settings(document) function that finds all <script "js-hypothesis-config"> elements in the given document, parses them as JSON, and returns a config object.

  5. src/annotator/config.js exports a config(window) function that returns an options object by following these steps:

    1. Finds the <link type="application/annotator+html" src="..."> element in the window.document of the given window and sets its href URL as

      Aside about <link type="application/annotator+html">:

      This <link> element seems to be used for two different things:

      First, the href of this <link> element is used as the src attribute for the sidebar AngularJS app's <iframe> when injects the <iframe> into the parent document.

      Second, boot.js looks for a <link type="application/annotator+html"> in the page in detect the presence of another instance of Hypothesis already in the page. It aborts booting the Hypothesis client if there's already one in the page.

      I believe this is intended to have the Chrome extension abort on launch, if there is already an embedded instance of Hypothesis in the page?

      But it seems like there may be a race condition here between the Chrome extension and embedded instance of Hypothesis?

      Also it seems like, to thwart attacks based on sites embedding their own malicious copies of the client and hoping users don't notice that they're not using the real client, launching the Chrome extension should override any existing embedded client in the page (but doing this overriding robustly is probably difficult).

    2. Calls the settings() function from shared/settings.js on the window.document of the given window. Merges the returned settings object into options.

    3. Calls the window.hypothesisConfig function of the given window, and merges the returned config object into options.

    4. Extracts the "direct linked ID" from the URL.

      This is the #annotations:<id> that bouncer appends to the end of the document's URL when sending the user directly to an annotation in context.

      The Chrome extension or Via may already have extracted this annotation ID and placed it in one of the other forms of config above (a "js-hypothesis-config" element, probably) but sometimes the client itself still needs to extract it from the URL (not sure why).

    5. Returns the combined options object.

  6. src/annotator/main.js calls config(window) passing it the global window object of the parent document, getting the options object.

  7. main.js passes the options object to either PdfSidebar (src/annotator/ or Sidebar (src/annotator/

    Note: don't be fooled into thinking this is the AngularJS sidebar app. This Sidebar class is still in the src/annotator/ code that's injected into the parent document, it's not in the <iframe>.

    Note: be sure to notice that the PdfSidebar class above is a subclass of the Sidebar class above which is a subclass of Host (the one in src/annotator/, not the one in src/sidebar/ which is a subclass of Guest which is a subclass of Annotator (TODO: I'm not sure where the Annotator class is defined or whether it's the bottom of this class hierarchy).

  8. Host JSON stringifies the whole options object except and sets the resulting JSON string as the value of a ?config=<JSON_STRING> parameter on the URL of the AngularJS sidebar app's <iframe> element.

    <iframe src="<JSON_STRING>">

    This is how settings get passed from the src/annotator/ code that's embedded in the parent document into the src/sidebar/ code which is the AngularJS sidebar app that runs in the <iframe>.

  9. Now let's go over to the AngularJS sidebar app running in the iframe and see how that configures itself from those JSON-stringified options in the iframe src URL, plus multiple other sources!

    sidebar/app.js (which is the Browserify "entrypoint" file a.k.a the "top" / first JavaScript file that the browser runs when the iframe is injected) calls shared/settings.js ("the settings service", an AngularJS service, but also just a normal Browserify-requireable JavaScript function) to read the client configuration settings from the document:

    var settings = require('../shared/settings')(document);

    Note: This is the second time that shared/settings.js has been called! It is first called by the src/annotator code which passes in the parent document, and now it's called by the src/sidebar code which passes in the iframe's document.

  10. As it did before settings() finds all the JSON "scripts" of the form <script class="js-hypothesis-config"> in the given document (this time the iframe's document), merges them all together, and returns them as a config object.

    Note: While the object that shared/settings.js returns is named config inside shared/settings.js (e.g. return config;) it is renamed to settings in sidebar/app.js:

    var settings = require('../shared/settings')(document);
  11. Next, sidebar/app.js also calls sidebar/host-config.js. host-config reads the JSON-stringified options object from the iframe src URL. It parses the JSON and returns the options object.

    sidebar/app.js merges the config object from sidebar/host-config.js with the config object that it already got shared/settings.js:

    var hostPageConfig = require('./host-config');
    Object.assign(settings, hostPageConfig(window));

    Note: Inside sidebar/host-config.js the object that was called options (over in the src/annotator code, before it got JSON stringified) is now renamed to config. (Well, actually it was renamed to ?config=<JSON_STRING> as soon as it was appended to the URL.)

    Note: Although it is called config inside host-config.js this object gets merged into an object called settings by app.js. Ultimately, in the end, at least in the AngularJS sidebar app, we end up with an object called settings.

  12. Finally, sidebar/app.js sets this merged settings object as the "settings" value in AngularJS.

    Any src/sidebar code can now depend on settings using AngularJS injection and receive this settings object. For example here's sidebar/auth.js using the settings` object.


What functional requirements does this configuration system fulfill, that any simpler replacement implementation would also need to fulfill?

  • Publisher sites that embed Hypothesis need to be able to configure certain settings of their embedded client.

    • openSidebar (whether the sidebar opens automatically on page load)

    • showHighlights

    • openLoginForm

    This is currently done with <script class="js-hypothesis-config" type="application/json"> tags in the parent page that embeds the client.

  • Trusted partner sites that embed Hypothesis need to be able to provide an onLogin JavaScript callback function to their embedded instance of the client.

    This is currently done with a window.hypothesisConfig() function in the parent page that embeds the client.

  • Trusted partner sites that embed Hypothesis need to be able to provide an authority (e.g. "") and icon to tell the client to use a publisher group instead of the usual Hypothesis groups.

    The publisher example site does this using window.hypothesisConfig

  • The client needs to be able to detect when a direct link annotation ID is/was in the URL fragment so it can open and show that annotation. This needs to be resilient to sites that delete or change the URL fragment.

    This is currently done by bouncer putting a # fragment on the URL and then the Chrome extension or Via copying the # fragment from the URL into a <script class="js-hypothesis-config" type="application/json"> in the parent page.

  • The Hypothesis web service needs to be able to configure the instance of the client that it serves at /app.html.

    • googleAnalytics: our google analytics tracking id
    • serviceUrl: the URL of the site
    • release (version num)
    • authDomain": ""
    • websocketUrl": "wss://",
    • apiUrl": "
    • Sentry DSN

    This is currently done using <script class="js-hypothesis-config" type="application/json"> in the iframe's document (/app.html).

  • The Chrome extension needs to be able to configure the instance of the client that it contains and injects into pages. Looks like the same settings as for the web service above:

    • apiUrl
    • authDomain
    • serviceUrl
    • release
    • websocketUrl
    • sentryPublicDSN
    • googleAnalytics

    This is currently done using <script class="js-hypothesis-config" type="application/json"> in the iframe's document (/app.html).

  • Dev instances of the Hypothesis web app embed the production client into some pages (e.g. /docs/help) but they configure that production client to use the dev web service instead of the production one (e.g. for logging in, and for the annotations API).

    This is currently done by:

    1. Configuring the part of the production client code that runs in the parent page to inject an <iframe> whose src is localhost:5000/app.html instead of This configuration is done using the sidebarAppUrl setting in a "js-hypothesis-config" tag in the parent page (e.g. in the localhost:5000/docs/help page)

    2. Configuring the part of the production client that runs in the <iframe> (aka the sidebar, the AngularJS app) to use the annotations API at localhost:5000/api instead of Once step 1 above has replaced with localhost:5000/app.html for the iframe contents, then localhost:5000/app.html contains a "js-hypothesis-config" with an apiUrl setting in it, and this configures the production client to use that API URL instead of the production one.

  • Two client instances in one page needs to be handled somehow. For example when the user visits a page that has an embedded Hypothesis client and then the user tries to launch their Chrome extension.

  • At least some configuration settings need to be passed from the parent document into the sidebar app iframe. This is true of, for example:

    • Direct link annotation IDs
    • Authority and icon for publisher groups

    This is currently done by setting some serialized JSON as the value of a ?config= param on the <iframe> src URL.


Functional problems

  • Any site can put a <link type="application/annotator+html" src="..."> in its page and it look like this will cause Hypothesis (for example when launched by the bookmarklet, Via or the Chrome extension) to inject an <iframe> with that <link>s href as the <iframe> src instead of the actual app.html URL. This provides an easy, high fidelity way to replace the sidebar with a malicious copy (for example the Chrome extension button will show as active as if you're using the actual Chrome extension).

    There seems to be no reason why the <iframe> src URL needs to be dynamic in this way?

  • Any site can put js-hypothesis-config objects in its page and the client will read them as configuration.

    The src/sidebar code will only take certain whitelisted settings from the page (see whitelist above) but the src/annotator code will read more, including sidebarAppUrl, assetsUrl, onLogin callback functions, etc.

    Some example potentially possible attacks:

    • Providing a malicious onLogin callback, for example popup a window into which the user may type their username and password
    • Providing a malicious direct link annotation ID (for example to a spam annotation, the client will automatically focus on and show this annotation only)
    • Providing a malicious sidebar app URL instead of
    • Providing a malicious asset root URL from which the sidebar app will load its assets
  • It's possible to have multiple js-hypothesis-config objects in one page. The client will read them all and merge them together. There seems to be no benefit to this ability to have multiple js-hypothesis-config objects, and it creates the possibility of users (people trying to embed Hypothesis in their sites) making a mistake and being confused when it doesn't work. For example you change the value of a setting in a js-hypothesis-config object, but it doesn't work because (unknown to you) it's being overridden by another js-hypothesis-config object further down the page.

  • From the point of view of someone wanting to embed Hypothesis in their site this API seems more difficult to use than it needs to be. You need to be able to insert a second <script> tag, but an "application/json" one not a normal JavaScript one, into the page. You need to be able to make sure that tag is in the page before the embed.js script runs. And that tag needs to contain valid JSON (which is all too easy to get wrong). Some IDEs may not even allow you to do this.

Code clarity and maintainability problems

In general the whole thing is just way too complex and would benefti from being replaced by something much smaller, simpler and more contained, which would be easier to understand and to maintain. But here are some specific issues:

  • Use just one name, not settings, options, config, app_config, etc.

  • There are several different places where client configuration can be provided but it's not clear (not without considerable time digging) which configuration options can be set from which locations (is it all from all?) and which locations override others when they both set the same option.

  • There's no one place where you could look and find the high level recipe, in a continuous series of lines of code in one file, of how the client configures itself and from where (as narrated above). Discovering this recipe is a major undertaking, requiring significant time and effort.

  • Too many different files spread throughout the codebase are involved in client configuration.

    It would be nice to have all settings in one place: one file that reads and merges all the different settings, and that everything else calls.

  • It would be nice to have only one means of inter-frame comms (bridge). Get rid of this ?config param on the iframe src.

  • host-config is a bad name given that there are already two files (and Host classes) in the codebase but (I believe) "host" has a completely different intended meaning in those files.

    The general term for the stuff outside of an iframe seems to be parent page/window/document/frame, so I suggest we use parent instead of host.

  • The whole inheritance thing around PdfSidebar, Sidebar, Host, Guest and Annotator.


  • Need some way of preventing a bunch of settings (sidebarAppUrl, assetsUrl, onLogin, services...) from being read from the parent page when it's the Chrome extension that's in use. These settings should be for embedded clients only. Even the more harmless settings (showHighlights etc) should probably be ignored by the Chrome extension.

    Is there any reason why the Chrome extension should ever read settings from the parent page?

  • Just get rid of <link type="application/annotator+html" src="...">.

    If we want record whether a client instance has already booted in this page, and we're going to be using "js-hypothesis-config" objects anyway, then maybe we should add a "js-hypothesis-config" option for this. Or else just add a boolean variable to window.

  • src/annotator/config.js should remain the main place where the src/annotator code is configured.

    This function returns an object named options, it should be named config.

    But otherwise this seems fine.

  • src/shared/settings.js should be renamed to src/shared/config.js to match with other things that are named config.

    This is function that takes a document and returns a config object by reading all the "js-hypothesis-config" objects in the document. That's fine.

  • Add a new file src/sidebar/config.js, so there will now be three matching config.js files:

    1. src/shared/config.js, a shared helper function
    2. src/annotator/config.js, the ONE FILE that does all the config for the src/annotator code, calls src/shared/config.js to do some of the work
    3. src/sidebar/config.js, the ONE FILE that does all the config for the src/sidebar code, calls src/shared/config.js to do some of the work

    Move code that does config from src/sidebar/app.js into src/sidebar/config.js. sidebar/app.js just calls sidebar/config.js, same as annotator/main.js just calls annotator/config.js.

  • Change it to config everywhere, they're all config.js files that export config() functions that return config objects, when those objects are assigned to variables in other files (main.js, app.js, ...) those variables should be called config.

    There's a collision between a config variable and a config function, for example in main.js: var config = require('./config.js'); config = config();. A possible way around this would be to have annotator/config.js and sidebar/config.js actually export config objects directly rather than exporting functions?

  • Consider renaming sidebar/app.js to sidebar/main.js, to match annotator/main.js

  • Get rid of src/sidebar/host-config.js. This is the file that parses the JSON ?config= param on the <iframe>'s src. Get rid of the code (in that serializes and sets this URL param as well.

    Instead have sidebar/config.js, which is the ONE FILE that does all the config work for the src/sidebsr code, just call src/annotator/config.js over the bridge to get a config object. Have only one means of inter-frame communication: the bridge.

    This would also handily remove the whole sidebar / pdfsidebar / host / annotator family out of the config system.

  • src/sidebar/host-config.js currently uses a whitelist of all the config settings that it will read from the parent document. Whitelists are a good idea - not only are they a simple way to protect against parent documents setting config settings that we don't want them to, they're also a convenient place to list and document all the config settings that exist. Use whitelists in both annotator/config.js and sidebar/config.js (shared/config.js is just a helper function and can remain dumb, expecting its callers to apply whitelisting to what it returns).

  • Always use "parent" not "host" to refer to the "parent document" of the iframe.

  • Instead of <script class="js-hypothes-config" type="application/json"> just use HTML attributes on the embed.js script itself:

    <script src="/embed.js"

    From the point of view of the user trying to embed Hypothesis in their site this is much easier to do and less easy to get wrong (all you have to do is add attributes to the existing script tag).

    This would also make it slightly more difficult for malicious sites to configure the client. Rather than just having a "js-hypothesis-config" in their page that we will dutifully read, instead they would have to intercept our <script> tag injection and change its attributes before our script runs. Apparently they can still do this though, at least in the case of the bookmarklet, but we may be able to prevent it in the case of the browser extension.

    What about the config settings that we render (currently as further "js-hypothesis-config" objects) in the iframe's document rather than in the parent document? Perhaps they can just be data-* attrs on the <hypothesis-app> element?

    The onLogin callback can't be done as an HTML attribute though, would still require the window.hypothesisConfig function.

    The services array can't easily be done in this way because it's an array not a single value. There's no reason why we can't allow services things to be specified as single values in the (probably most common?) case of when there is only a single service though:

    <script src="/embed.js"

    Then for the more advanced case, if someone wants to specify multiple services then they can use window.hypothesisConfig which we already have to support for onLogin anyway. (Alternatively you can set data-services to the id of a <datalist> element in the page.)

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