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Created December 20, 2019 02:35
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Some code that's not working right
// this is the node thing for getting from the start position to the last key
type path struct {
name string
node *tile
steps int
parent *path
children []path
keysFound []string
final bool
mapNow grid
// traverse takes a root node ( the '@' node ) and creates a graph
// the graph won't be even or whatever the term is for each branch being the
// same length because it'll stop adding nodes whenever there are no 'gettable'
// keys left from where it ends up
func traverse(in path) path {
if {
return in
tmpGrid := in.mapNow.getCopy() /// make a copy
keys := tmpGrid.getableKeys(in.node)
// for all those keys
for _, k := range keys {
ng := tmpGrid.getCopy() /// do it again to be safe -- apparently messing up
// because when we do a second loop for [e d] it's not getting the right map
d := ng.tileToTileSteps(in.node, k)
kn := k.key
kf := []string{kn}
if len(in.keysFound) > 0 {
kf = append(kf, in.keysFound...)
ng2 := ng.removeKey(kn) // another copy
keysLeft := ng2.keys()
gettableKeys := ng2.getableKeys(k)
k.key = ""
np := path{
name: kn,
node: k,
parent: &in,
steps: in.steps + d,
children: []path{},
mapNow: ng2.getCopy(), // do it again again, to be super safe?
final: len(keysLeft) <= 0,
keysFound: kf,
if len(keysLeft) > 0 && len(gettableKeys) > 0 {
np = traverse(np)
in.children = append(in.children, np)
return in
// should be creating a copy of the map/grid/whatever, but maybe isn't???
func (g grid) getCopy() grid {
out := make(grid)
for n, t := range g {
nei := map[string]edge{}
for nn, e := range t.neighbours {
nei[nn] = e
nt := &tile{
key: t.key,
door: t.door,
coord: t.coord,
neighbours: nei,
out[n] = nt
return out
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