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Last active December 23, 2015 05:29
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iOS Newsletter

RubyMotion 2.8 is released

This update includes support for iOS 7, 64bit binaries and most importantly faster build time! Clean compilation takes 1/3 of the time compared to previous version.

AFNetworking 2.0 is released

The most widely used open source projects for iOS is going to release its first major update later this week. This includes better serialization, real-time connection support and more. Interestingly it supports iOS 7 only.

Made for iOS 7

A tumblr blog to highlight app designs and icons made for iOS 7.

iOS 7-Inspired Line Icons

80 iOS 7-style icons in EPS format by @jaysonlane

Build Phase #7: Less Fantasy, More Football

Mark and Gordon shared their experience with UITableViewController in this episode, including how to abstract out view and data logic from it, pretty interestly listen.

NSBrief #105: Pete Hodgson

Somehow I missed this episode where Pete Hodgson, creator of Frank, ThoughtWorkers, talks about the principles and practices of agile developers, and testing with frank.

iOS 7 is available today!

iOS 7 Before and After Pics

A comprehensive list of screen comparisons for recently updated apps, to be honest most of them are pretty boring, just a reskin of existing app, not inspiring at all.

On Using SQLite and FMDB Instead of Core Data

I am not a fan of Core Data too, this article summarizes some of the reason.


A recently released library on GitHub to provide an alternative to Core Data for people who like having direct SQL access.

Xcode 5 Finally Makes Interface Builder a Viable Option for Teams


Inside Apple's 64-bit iOS 7 and the prospects for a 64-bit Android

The least b.s. article on 64-bit iOS I've read so far.

Safari on iOS 7 and HTML5: problems, changes and new APIs

For those interested in the new CSS and Javascript apis in iOS 7.

iOS 7 UIDatePicker exploded in Reveal, animated for your pleasure

iOS Tab Bar Icons

300+ iOS 7 tab bar icons for free! Or pay $15 for 2000+ icons.


Some serious dude created this searchable full-text transcripts of WWDC sessions.

JavaScriptCore and iOS 7

JavaScriptCore is now included with iOS 7 to allow marshalling object between Objective-C and Javascript, very cool.

Speeding up NSCoding with Macros

A very clever way to serialize and deserialize object using NSCoding.

What’s New in Objective-C and Foundation in iOS 7

A good introduction to Xcode's new Modules feature.

Developing for iOS 7 (and supporting iOS 6)

Nice tip on handling status bar display on iOS 7 and iOS 6.

Essential iOS 7 Developer’s Guide

Double Encore has this awesome series on iOS 7

  1. iOS 7 Additions: OMG Finally!
  2. Custom Transitions
  3. iOS 7: Text Kit
  4. Auto Layout Updates in iOS 7
  5. The Developer’s Guide to iOS 7 Status Bar
  6. What’s New in Bluetooth LE?
  7. Background Fetch
  8. Core Motion Activity Tracking in iOS 7
  9. UIKit Dynamics
  10. Go From “0 to Game” With Sprite Kit
  11. What is Missing from iOS 7

How To Efficiently Display Large Amounts of Data on iOS Maps

Interesting solution to problem using data structure and algorithm. Could apply to Android as well.

A Quick Look plug-in for Provisioning

Quickly browse the provisioning profile using Quick Look, works on Mavericks.

NSArray enumeration performance examined

Very thorough comparison before for, foreach and block enumeration. In a nutshell, concurrent enumeration doesn't really help unless there are millions of records to loop through, which is very unlikely on mobile deveices.

Unleashing Genetic Algorithms on the iOS 7 Icon

Perfect exmaple of how people getting obssessed with iOS design :)

Generator Plug-in for Adobe Photoshop CC that helps users export image assets

Hopefully can save Pete.

Designing for iOS7: Perils & Pluses

I am not a huge fan of iOS 7 either, unfortunately we will have to stick with the trend.

iOS Code Review: Loose Guidelines

Practical guides from ThoughtBot for reviewing iOS code base.

Basic MVVM with ReactiveCocoa

Good introduction of MVVM and the use of ReactiveCocoa. Lots of examples.

Watchdog for Xcode

Watchdog monitors Xcode® and automatically cleans up stale cache files.


A magic button in Xcode to exterminate the current project's DerivedData directories


Study of innovative iOS interfaces.

Cocoa Tumblr

Great blog about iOS development by Tumblr.

Objective-C Programming Guide for Open Source Software

Presentation on SpeakerDeck, very useful, in Japanese though.

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