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Created November 20, 2020 15:28
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# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Registers an IP rule to allow access to a SQL Azure DB from the current machine's IP.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This assumes you are running PowerShell 7 or greater.
# Install the Azure and Azure SQL modules.
# Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser
# Install-Module -Name Az.Sql -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser
# Connect to your account using the command below. This will give you
# a URL and a code to use to log in.
# Connect-AzAccount
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# $subscription - the subscription to use.
# $resourceGroup - the resource group that the database is in.
# $ruleName - the IP rule name for the current machine.
# $server - the SQL Azure server.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$ruleName = "$env:USERNAME-on-$env:COMPUTERNAME" # e.g. sean-on-laptop
$client = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
[xml]$response = $client.DownloadString("")
$ip = ($response.html.body -split ':')[1].Trim()
function Set-ServerAccess ($subscription, $resourceGroup, $server) {
"Setting access rule for server $server in subscription $subscription" | Write-Host | Out-Null
$context = Get-AzSubscription -SubscriptionName $subscription
Set-AzContext $context
Remove-AzSqlServerFirewallRule -ServerName $server -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -FirewallRuleName $ruleName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
New-AzSqlServerFirewallRule -ServerName $server -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -FirewallRuleName $ruleName -StartIpAddress $ip -EndIpAddress $ip
Set-ServerAccess 'your subscription name' 'your resource group' 'your sql azure server name'
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