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Created April 25, 2017 16:12
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  • Save seankmchenry/6f28b5c818355a8dafba072aae89b737 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save seankmchenry/6f28b5c818355a8dafba072aae89b737 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
DJ Optimize
@echo off
if exist %USERPROFILE%\DJbatch.txt goto menu
start reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
echo Don't delete this file! The Ultimate Dj Batch file needs it to run fine! >> %USERPROFILE%\DJbatch.txt
ECHO. Welcome to the DJTT Pro Audio Optimizer
ECHO. Press 1 Optimize
ECHO. Press 2 Restore
ECHO. Press 3 Quit
Set /p input=What do you want to do?
IF %Input% == 1 GOTO Optimize
IF %Input% == 2 GOTO Restore
IF %Input% == 3 GOTO Quit
ECHO. Optimizing your computer now!
rem Stopping Windows Firewall, Windows Defender and Avast!...
net stop mpssvc /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop windefend /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop "avast! Antivirus" /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
rem Stopping DHCP Client, Wireless LAN and Bluetooth...
net stop WinHttpAutoProxySvc /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop dhcp /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop wlansvc /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop btwdins /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop [service name] /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
rem Stopping Other Network Related Services...
net stop "dns cache" /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop netprofm /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop nlasvc /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop netman /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop iphlpsvc /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop lanmanworkstation /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop "Bonjour Service" /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop dhcp /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop nsi /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop lanmanserver /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop lmhosts /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop "shared access" /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop nettcpportsharing /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop remoteaccess /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop alg /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop bits /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop "peerdists vc" /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop certpropsvc /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop homegrouplistener /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop homegroupprovider /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop winrm /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop Broswer /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop TrkWks /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
rem Stopping other Windows Services...
net stop wscsvc /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop DPS /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop CscService /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop WPDBusEnum /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop ProtectedStorage /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop RemoteRegistry /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop seclogon /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop wscsvc /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
rem Stopping Blue Tooth Services
net stop bthserv /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
rem Stopping Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance Services
net stop sessionenv /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop termservice /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
rem Stopping Windows Update Services
net stop wuauserv /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
rem Stopping iPod Services
rem net stop "ipod service" /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
rem net stop "Apple Mobile Device" /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
rem Stopping Stuff that makes your PC look nice...
net stop themes /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop sensrsvc /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop AeLookupSvc /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop UxSms /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
rem Stopping Scanner, Camera and other imaging Services...
net stop stisvc /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop hpqddsvc /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop hpslpsvc /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
rem Stopping Windows Media Playing Sharing...
net stop WMPnetworksvc /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
rem Stopping Tablet Device Support...
net stop tabletinputservice /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
rem Stopping Other Windows Services...
net stop bdesvc /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop wbengine /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop uiodetect /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop defragsvc /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop axinstsv /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop "w32time" /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop wercplsupport /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop PnkBstrA /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop TeamViewer6 /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop HPSLPSVC /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop Wsearch /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net stop NAUpdate /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
rem Stopping Printer Services
net stop spooler /yes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
rem stopping useless programs
Taskkill /f /im TeamViewer.exe 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
Taskkill /im firefox.exe 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
Taskkill /f /im uTorrent.exe 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
Taskkill /f /im Dropbox.exe 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
Taskkill /f /im steam.exe 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
Taskkill /f /im "AAM Updates Notifier.exe" 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
Taskkill /f /im AvastUI.exe 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
Taskkill /f /im BTTray.exe 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
Taskkill /f /im hpqtra08.exe 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
Taskkill /f /im hpwuschd2.exe 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
Taskkill /f /im iexplorer.exe 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
rem Stop defragmentating RAM
Taskkill /im ramsaverpro.exe 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
if exist %USERPROFILE%\temp.txt del %USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
ECHO. Your PC has been optimized
ECHO. Press 1 if you want to restore everything for normal use
ECHO. Press 2 to quit
Set /p input=What do you want to do?
IF %Input% == 1 GOTO Restore
IF %Input% == 2 GOTO Quit
ECHO. Restoring everything for normal use!
rem Defragmentating your RAM
if exist "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\WinTools Software\RAM Saver Professional\ramsaverpro.exe" start "DJ Script" "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\WinTools Software\RAM Saver Professional\ramsaverpro.exe"
if exist "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files (x86)\WinTools Software\RAM Saver Professional\ramsaverpro.exe" start "DJ Script" "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files (x86)\WinTools Software\RAM Saver Professional\ramsaverpro.exe"
rem Starting Windows Firewall, Windows Defender and Avast!...
net start mpssvc 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start windefend 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start "avast! Antivirus" 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
rem Starting DHCP Client, Bluetooth and Wireless LAN...
net start WinHttpAutoProxySvc 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start dhcp 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start wlansvc 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start btwdins 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
rem Starting Other Network Related Services...
net start "dns cache" 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start netprofm 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start nlasvc 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start netman 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start iphlpsvc 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start lanmanworkstation 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start "Bonjour Service" 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start dhcp 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start nsi 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start lanmanserver 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start lmhosts 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start "shared access" 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start nettcpportsharing 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start remoteaccess 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start alg 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start bits 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start peerdistsvc 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start certpropsvc 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start homegrouplistener 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start homegroupprovider 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start winrm 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start Broswer 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start TrkWks 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
rem Starting other Windows Services...
net start wscsvc 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start DPS 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start CscService 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start WPDBusEnum 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start ProtectedStorage 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start RemoteRegistry 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start seclogon 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start wscsvc 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start osppsvc 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
rem Starting Blue Tooth Services
net start bthserv 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
rem Starting Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance Services
net start sessionenv 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start termservice 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
rem Starting Windows Update Service
net start wuauserv 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
rem Starting iPod Services
net start "ipod service" 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start "Apple Mobile Device" 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
rem Starting Stuff that makes your PC look nice...
net start themes 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start sensrsvc 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start AeLookupSvc 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start UxSms 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
rem Starting Scanner, Camera and other imaging Services...
net start stisvc 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start hpqddsvc 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start hpslpsvc 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
rem Starting Windows Media Playing Sharing...
net start WMPnetworksvc 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
rem Starting Tablet Device Support...
net start tabletinputservice 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
rem Starting Other Windows Services...
net start bdesvc 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start wbengine 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start uiodetect 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start defragsvc 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start axinstsv 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start "w32time" 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start wercplsupport 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start PnkBstrA 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start TeamViewer6 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start HPSLPSVC 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
net start Wsearch 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
rem Starting Printer Services
net start spooler 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
rem Stop RAM Defragmentation
Taskkill /im ramsaverpro.exe 2>%USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
if exist %USERPROFILE%\temp.txt del %USERPROFILE%\temp.txt
ECHO. Your PC has been restored
ECHO. Press 1 if you want to optimize your laptop for a gig
ECHO. Press 2 to quit
Set /p input=What do you want to do?
IF %Input% == 1 GOTO Optimize
IF %Input% == 2 GOTO Quit
ECHO. Thanks for using this! Credits to SmiTTTen - DJ Trancicted - Stashe
ping -n 1 -w 5000 > nul
@echo off
rem Set environment variable for TEMP path
rem Delete old log file if it exists
del /F C:\TEMP\dj-optimize-log.txt
rem Stopping and disable Automatic Update service
net stop wuauserv /yes 2> %USERTEMP%\dj-optimize-log.txt
sc config wuauserv start= disabled 2> %USERTEMP%\dj-optimize-log.txt
rem Stopping avast! Antivirus
net stop "avast! Antivirus" 2> %USERTEMP%\dj-optimize-log.txt
rem Stopping Wireless Zero Configuration service
net stop WZCSVC 2> %USERTEMP%\dj-optimize-log.txt
rem Stopping Print Spooler service
net stop Spooler 2> %USERTEMP%\dj-optimize-log.txt
rem Stopping ATI Hotkey Poller service
net stop "Ati HotKey Poller" 2> %USERTEMP%\dj-optimize-log.txt
rem Stopping Windows Firewall/ICS service
net stop SharedAccess 2> %USERTEMP%\dj-optimize-log.txt
rem Stopping browser executables
taskkill /im chrome.exe 2> %USERTEMP%\dj-optimize-log.txt
taskkill /im firefox.exe 2> %USERTEMP%\dj-optimize-log.txt
rem Stopping development tools
taskkill /f /im httpd.exe 2> %USERTEMP%\dj-optimize-log.txt
taskkill /f /im mysqld.exe 2> %USERTEMP%\dj-optimize-log.txt
taskkill /f /im sublime_text.exe 2> %USERTEMP%\dj-optimize-log.txt
rem Stopping web services
taskkill /f /im BoxSync.exe 2> %USERTEMP%\dj-optimize-log.txt
taskkill /f /im BoxSyncHelper.exe 2> %USERTEMP%\dj-optimize-log.txt
taskkill /f /im spotify.exe 2> %USERTEMP%\dj-optimize-log.txt
taskkill /f /im SpotifyWebHelper.exe 2> %USERTEMP%\dj-optimize-log.txt
rem Stopping miscellaneous programs
taskkill /f /im "Everything-*" 2> %USERTEMP%\dj-optimize-log.txt
taskkill /f /im peerblock.exe 2> %USERTEMP%\dj-optimize-log.txt
taskkill /f /im procexp.exe 2> %USERTEMP%\dj-optimize-log.txt
taskkill /f /im SoulseekQt.exe 2> %USERTEMP%\dj-optimize-log.txt
rem Remove environment variable
echo DJ optimizations are complete.
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