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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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# You will need to get your own API key by creating an account at
# install.packages(c("httr", "RJSONIO"))
mtcars_aaS <- function(api_key, mpg_min = "0", mpg_max = "10e6",
cyl_min = "0", cyl_max = "10e6",
disp_min = "0", disp_max = "10e6",
hp_min = "0", hp_max = "10e6",
drat_min = "0", drat_max = "10e6",
wt_min = "0", wt_max = "10e6",
qsec_min = "0", qsec_max = "10e6",
vs_min = "0", vs_max = "10e6",
am_min = "0", am_max = "10e6",
gear_min = "0", gear_max = "10e6",
carb_min = "0", carb_max = "10e6"){
data <- list(mpg_min = mpg_min, mpg_max = mpg_max,
cyl_min = cyl_min, cyl_max = cyl_max,
disp_min = disp_min, disp_max = disp_max,
hp_min = hp_min, hp_max = hp_max,
drat_min = drat_min, drat_max = drat_max,
wt_min = wt_min, wt_max = wt_max,
qsec_min = qsec_min, qsec_max = qsec_max,
vs_min = vs_min, vs_max = vs_max,
am_min = am_min, am_max = am_max,
gear_min = gear_min, gear_max = gear_max,
carb_min = carb_min, carb_max = carb_max)
# This post request could be much more eloquent, I would sincerely appreciate any httr help!
post <- POST("",
query=list(api_key=api_key), config(postfields = toJSON(data),
httpheader = c('Content-Type' = 'application/json')))
data.frame(fromJSON(content(post, as = "text")))
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