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Last active June 7, 2019 08:00
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  • Save seanlinsley/2038003 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save seanlinsley/2038003 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A better form to edit multiple child records. Created for
<%= semantic_form_for @parent do |a| %>
<%= a.inputs "Family Details" do %>
<%= a.input :name %>
<%= a.input :user %>
<%= a.input :region %>
<% end %>
<%= a.inputs "Children" do %>
<th>First Name</th>
<th>Last Name</th>
<%= a.semantic_fields_for :children do |b| %>
<td><%= b.input :first_name, :label => false %></td>
<td><%= b.input :last_name, :label => false %></td>
<td><%= b.input :age, :label => false %></td>
<td><%= b.input :gender, :label => false %></td>
<td><%= link_to "Remove", "#", onclick: "
if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this?\
\\nIt will be permanently deleted!')) {
$.ajax({url: '/children/#{}', type: 'DELETE'});
$(this).closest('tr').remove(); return false;
}", :class => "button" %></td>
<% end %>
<% js = a.semantic_fields_for :children, do |c| %>
<td><%= c.input :first_name, :label => false %></td>
<td><%= c.input :last_name, :label => false %></td>
<td><%= c.input :age, :label => false %></td>
<td><%= c.input :gender, :label => false %></td>
<td><%= link_to "Remove", "#", :onclick => "$(this).closest('tr').remove(); return false;", :class => "button" %></td>
<% end %>
<span class="add-child">
<% js = escape_javascript(js) %>
<%= link_to I18n.t('active_admin.has_many_new',
model: @child.to_s.singularize.titlecase), "#",
onclick: "$('table.children tr').last().after(
'#{js}'.replace(/[0-9]+(?=[\\\]_])/g, new Date().getTime())
); return false;",
class: "button" %>
<% end %>
<%= a.actions do %>
<%= a.action :submit %>
<li class="cancel"><%= link_to "Cancel", parent %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
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troelskn commented Jan 3, 2013

You need to change the first line to:

<%= semantic_form_for [:admin, @parent] do |a| %>

and likewise in the actions block on the bottom:

<li class="cancel"><%= link_to "Cancel", [:admin, @parent] %></li>

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thanks for this, it's a lot nicer. I found another thing for me to make it working.
It didn't do anything when clicking on "add a new child". just add a class to the table:

 <%= a.inputs "Children" do %>
    <table class="children">

so that it get found when calling in javascipt here:

<%= link_to I18n.t('active_admin.has_many_new',
          model: @child.to_s.singularize.titlecase), "#",
          onclick: "$('table.children tr').last().after(
                      '#{js}'.replace(/[0-9]+(?=[\\\]_])/g, new Date().getTime())
                    ); return false;",
          class: "button" %>

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