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Created July 20, 2022 15:23
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RTK Query Testing Utils - Setup API Store
import {
} from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import { CurriedGetDefaultMiddleware as GetDefaultMiddleware } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/dist/getDefaultMiddleware';
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
interface DefaultApi {
reducer: Reducer<any, any>;
reducerPath: string;
middleware: Middleware;
util: { resetApiState(): any };
interface DefaultReducers {
[key: string]: Reducer<any, any>;
interface ApiStore {
api: any;
store: EnhancedStore;
* A utility for creating mock stores used in testing the actions/behaviors of our API, independent
* of the UI.
* - this is similar to "redux-mock-store" when testing with redux, but this also includes the API
* reducers, whereas redux-mock-store does not us to include reducers
* - Based upon RTK Query's helper function, as per John McDowell
* RTK Query fn:
* McDowell example:
export function setupStoreWithApi<
Api extends DefaultApi,
ExtraReducers extends DefaultReducers = Record<never, never>,
>(api: Api, extraReducers?: ExtraReducers): ApiStore {
const getStore = (): EnhancedStore => {
const reducers = {
[api.reducerPath]: api.reducer,
const middleware = (getDefaultMiddleware: GetDefaultMiddleware) =>
serializableCheck: false,
immutableChecK: false,
return configureStore({ reducer: combineReducers(reducers), middleware });
* Rewritten for clarity from the RTK function, this creates the type that matches the
* created store, but as an explicit type (without the generics seen above as "Api" and
* "ExtraReducers"), so that the returned store will already be correctly typed
type ReducersFromApi = { api: ReturnType<Api['reducer']> };
type ReducersFromOptions = {
[K in keyof ExtraReducers]: ReturnType<ExtraReducers[K]>;
type StoreReducers = ReducersFromApi & ReducersFromOptions;
// middleware expected from the store, if any; otherwise, this is omitted entirely
type ExpectedStoreType = ReturnType<typeof getStore>;
type StoreMiddleware = ExpectedStoreType extends EnhancedStore<
infer M
? M
: never;
type StoreType = EnhancedStore<StoreReducers, AnyAction, StoreMiddleware>;
// initialize the api and store, ensuring that store is correctly cast after initialization
const initialStore = getStore() as StoreType;
const ref = { api, store: initialStore };
const store = getStore() as StoreType; = store;
return ref;
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