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Last active November 1, 2019 16:10
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  • Save seanmhanson/60cb3a7de0991ef1bb84a2f756cd0a95 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Custom command to rebase a branch off master and optionally stash and pop local changes, or push to remote after
while getopts ":hips" opt; do
case ${opt} in
h ) echo "Usage: git rebase-master [-h] [-i] [-p] [-s]"
echo "[-h] display help and usage (you are here)"
echo "[-i] use an interactive rebase with master"
echo "[-p] push using force-with-lease after rebasing"
echo "[-s] stash changes before and pop after"
exit 0
i ) interactive=true
p ) push=true
s ) stash=true
\? ) echo "Usage: git rebase-master [-h] [-i] [-p] [-s]"
exit 0
if currentBranch=$(git symbolic-ref --short -q HEAD)
echo On branch "$currentBranch"
if [ "$stash" = true ]; then
git stash
echo "Local changes stashed"
echo "Pulling updates from master..."
git checkout master
git pull origin master
git checkout -
if [ "$interactive" = true ]; then
git rebase master -i
git rebase master
echo "Rebased successfully onto master"
if [ "$stash" = true ]; then
git stash pop
echo "Local changes reapplied from stash"
if [ "$push" = true ]; then
git push origin "$currentBranch" --force-with-lease
echo "Force pushed with lease to remote branch"
echo "ERROR: Cannot find the current branch!"
exit 1
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