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Created March 30, 2022 13:20
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  • Save seanonthenet/1d75d8c2b6a9dbe445df0c97168ddfd1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Shopify Admin API Zeus GraphQL Typescript Types const.ts
/* eslint-disable */
export const AllTypesProps: Record<string, any> = {
ARN: 'String',
AppInstallation: {
allSubscriptions: {
first: {
type: 'Int',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
after: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
last: {
type: 'Int',
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arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
before: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
reverse: {
type: 'Boolean',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
sortKey: {
type: 'AppSubscriptionSortKeys',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
credits: {
first: {
type: 'Int',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
after: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
last: {
type: 'Int',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
before: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
reverse: {
type: 'Boolean',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
sortKey: {
type: 'AppTransactionSortKeys',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
oneTimePurchases: {
first: {
type: 'Int',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
after: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
last: {
type: 'Int',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
before: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
reverse: {
type: 'Boolean',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
sortKey: {
type: 'AppTransactionSortKeys',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
revenueAttributionRecords: {
first: {
type: 'Int',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
after: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
last: {
type: 'Int',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
before: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
reverse: {
type: 'Boolean',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
sortKey: {
type: 'AppRevenueAttributionRecordSortKeys',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
AppInstallationCategory: 'enum',
AppInstallationPrivacy: 'enum',
AppInstallationSortKeys: 'enum',
AppPlanInput: {
appUsagePricingDetails: {
type: 'AppUsagePricingInput',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
appRecurringPricingDetails: {
type: 'AppRecurringPricingInput',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
AppPricingInterval: 'enum',
AppPurchaseStatus: 'enum',
AppRecurringPricingInput: {
interval: {
type: 'AppPricingInterval',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
price: {
type: 'MoneyInput',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
AppRevenueAttributionRecordCreateUserErrorCode: 'enum',
AppRevenueAttributionRecordDeleteUserErrorCode: 'enum',
AppRevenueAttributionRecordInput: {
idempotencyKey: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
capturedAt: {
type: 'DateTime',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
amount: {
type: 'MoneyInput',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
type: {
type: 'AppRevenueAttributionType',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
test: {
type: 'Boolean',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
AppRevenueAttributionRecordSortKeys: 'enum',
AppRevenueAttributionType: 'enum',
AppSubscriptionLineItem: {
usageRecords: {
first: {
type: 'Int',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
after: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
last: {
type: 'Int',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
before: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
reverse: {
type: 'Boolean',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
sortKey: {
type: 'AppUsageRecordSortKeys',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
AppSubscriptionLineItemInput: {
plan: {
type: 'AppPlanInput',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
AppSubscriptionSortKeys: 'enum',
AppSubscriptionStatus: 'enum',
AppTransactionSortKeys: 'enum',
AppUsagePricingInput: {
cappedAmount: {
type: 'MoneyInput',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
terms: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
AppUsageRecordSortKeys: 'enum',
AttributeInput: {
key: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
value: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
AutomaticDiscountSortKeys: 'enum',
BillingAttemptUserErrorCode: 'enum',
BulkMutationErrorCode: 'enum',
BulkOperationErrorCode: 'enum',
BulkOperationStatus: 'enum',
BulkOperationType: 'enum',
BulkProductResourceFeedbackCreateUserErrorCode: 'enum',
CalculatedOrder: {
addedDiscountApplications: {
first: {
type: 'Int',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
after: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
last: {
type: 'Int',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
before: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
reverse: {
type: 'Boolean',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
addedLineItems: {
first: {
type: 'Int',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
after: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
last: {
type: 'Int',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
before: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
reverse: {
type: 'Boolean',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
lineItems: {
first: {
type: 'Int',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
after: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
last: {
type: 'Int',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
before: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
reverse: {
type: 'Boolean',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
query: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
stagedChanges: {
first: {
type: 'Int',
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arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
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type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
last: {
type: 'Int',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
before: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
reverse: {
type: 'Boolean',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
Channel: {
collectionPublicationsV3: {
first: {
type: 'Int',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
after: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
last: {
type: 'Int',
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arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
before: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
reverse: {
type: 'Boolean',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
collections: {
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type: 'Int',
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type: 'String',
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arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
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type: 'Int',
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type: 'String',
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arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
reverse: {
type: 'Boolean',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
hasCollection: {
id: {
type: 'ID',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
productPublications: {
first: {
type: 'Int',
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arrayRequired: false,
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type: 'String',
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arrayRequired: false,
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last: {
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type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
reverse: {
type: 'Boolean',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
productPublicationsV3: {
first: {
type: 'Int',
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arrayRequired: false,
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type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
last: {
type: 'Int',
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arrayRequired: false,
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array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
reverse: {
type: 'Boolean',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
CodeDiscountSortKeys: 'enum',
Collection: {
description: {
truncateAt: {
type: 'Int',
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arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
hasProduct: {
id: {
type: 'ID',
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required: true,
image: {
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type: 'Int',
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maxHeight: {
type: 'Int',
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required: false,
crop: {
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required: false,
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key: {
type: 'String',
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arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
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type: 'String',
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pinnedStatus: {
type: 'MetafieldDefinitionPinnedStatus',
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query: {
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type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
reverse: {
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array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
privateMetafield: {
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type: 'String',
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arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
key: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
privateMetafields: {
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type: 'String',
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arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
first: {
type: 'Int',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
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type: 'String',
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arrayRequired: false,
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array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
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reverse: {
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array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
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type: 'Int',
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required: false,
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type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
last: {
type: 'Int',
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required: false,
before: {
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array: false,
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required: false,
reverse: {
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arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
sortKey: {
type: 'ProductCollectionSortKeys',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
publicationCount: {
onlyPublished: {
type: 'Boolean',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
publications: {
onlyPublished: {
type: 'Boolean',
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arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
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reverse: {
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arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
publishedOnChannel: {
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type: 'ID',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
publishedOnPublication: {
publicationId: {
type: 'ID',
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arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
resourcePublications: {
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arrayRequired: false,
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first: {
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arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
resourcePublicationsV2: {
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type: 'Boolean',
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arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
first: {
type: 'Int',
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reverse: {
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array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
translations: {
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arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
unpublishedChannels: {
first: {
type: 'Int',
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arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
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arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
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required: false,
unpublishedPublications: {
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reverse: {
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arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
CollectionDeleteInput: {
id: {
type: 'ID',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
CollectionInput: {
descriptionHtml: {
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handle: {
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arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
id: {
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type: 'ImageInput',
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publications: {
type: 'CollectionPublicationInput',
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arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
privateMetafields: {
type: 'PrivateMetafieldInput',
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arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
ruleSet: {
type: 'CollectionRuleSetInput',
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arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
templateSuffix: {
type: 'String',
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sortOrder: {
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arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
title: {
type: 'String',
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arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
metafields: {
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arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
seo: {
type: 'SEOInput',
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arrayRequired: false,
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redirectNewHandle: {
type: 'Boolean',
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required: false,
CollectionPublicationInput: {
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type: 'ID',
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channelId: {
type: 'ID',
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arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
channelHandle: {
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required: false,
CollectionPublishInput: {
id: {
type: 'ID',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
collectionPublications: {
type: 'CollectionPublicationInput',
array: true,
arrayRequired: true,
required: true,
CollectionRuleColumn: 'enum',
CollectionRuleInput: {
column: {
type: 'CollectionRuleColumn',
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required: true,
relation: {
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required: true,
condition: {
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required: true,
CollectionRuleRelation: 'enum',
CollectionRuleSetInput: {
appliedDisjunctively: {
type: 'Boolean',
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arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
rules: {
type: 'CollectionRuleInput',
array: true,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
CollectionSortKeys: 'enum',
CollectionSortOrder: 'enum',
CollectionUnpublishInput: {
id: {
type: 'ID',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
collectionPublications: {
type: 'CollectionPublicationInput',
array: true,
arrayRequired: true,
required: true,
CommentEventAttachment: {
image: {
maxWidth: {
type: 'Int',
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arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
maxHeight: {
type: 'Int',
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arrayRequired: false,
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crop: {
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required: false,
scale: {
type: 'Int',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
ContextualPricingContext: {
country: {
type: 'CountryCode',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
CountryCode: 'enum',
CountryHarmonizedSystemCodeInput: {
harmonizedSystemCode: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
countryCode: {
type: 'CountryCode',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
CreateMediaInput: {
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alt: {
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required: false,
mediaContentType: {
type: 'MediaContentType',
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arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
CropRegion: 'enum',
CurrencyCode: 'enum',
Customer: {
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array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
appliesOnEachItem: {
type: 'Boolean',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
SubscriptionManualDiscountInput: {
title: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
value: {
type: 'SubscriptionManualDiscountValueInput',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
recurringCycleLimit: {
type: 'Int',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
entitledLines: {
type: 'SubscriptionManualDiscountEntitledLinesInput',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
SubscriptionManualDiscountLinesInput: {
add: {
type: 'ID',
array: true,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
remove: {
type: 'ID',
array: true,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
SubscriptionManualDiscountValueInput: {
percentage: {
type: 'Int',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
fixedAmount: {
type: 'SubscriptionManualDiscountFixedAmountInput',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
SubscriptionPricingPolicyCycleDiscountsInput: {
afterCycle: {
type: 'Int',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
adjustmentType: {
type: 'SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentType',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
adjustmentValue: {
type: 'SellingPlanPricingPolicyValueInput',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
computedPrice: {
type: 'Decimal',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
SubscriptionPricingPolicyInput: {
basePrice: {
type: 'Decimal',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
cycleDiscounts: {
type: 'SubscriptionPricingPolicyCycleDiscountsInput',
array: true,
arrayRequired: true,
required: true,
SuggestedOrderTransactionKind: 'enum',
TaxExemption: 'enum',
TrackingInfoInput: {
number: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
url: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
TrackingInfoUpdateInput: {
trackingDetails: {
type: 'TrackingInfoInput',
array: true,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
trackingCompany: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
notifyCustomer: {
type: 'Boolean',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
TranslatableResource: {
translations: {
locale: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
outdated: {
type: 'Boolean',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
TranslatableResourceType: 'enum',
TranslationErrorCode: 'enum',
TranslationInput: {
locale: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
key: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
value: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
translatableContentDigest: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
URL: 'String',
UTMInput: {
campaign: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
source: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
medium: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
UnitSystem: 'enum',
UnsignedInt64: 'String',
UpdateMediaInput: {
id: {
type: 'ID',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
previewImageSource: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
alt: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
UrlRedirectBulkDeleteByIdsUserErrorCode: 'enum',
UrlRedirectBulkDeleteBySavedSearchUserErrorCode: 'enum',
UrlRedirectBulkDeleteBySearchUserErrorCode: 'enum',
UrlRedirectErrorCode: 'enum',
UrlRedirectImportErrorCode: 'enum',
UrlRedirectInput: {
path: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
target: {
type: 'String',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
UrlRedirectSortKeys: 'enum',
UtcOffset: 'String',
WebhookSubscriptionFormat: 'enum',
WebhookSubscriptionInput: {
callbackUrl: {
type: 'URL',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
format: {
type: 'WebhookSubscriptionFormat',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: false,
includeFields: {
type: 'String',
array: true,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
metafieldNamespaces: {
type: 'String',
array: true,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
privateMetafieldNamespaces: {
type: 'String',
array: true,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
WebhookSubscriptionSortKeys: 'enum',
WebhookSubscriptionTopic: 'enum',
WeightInput: {
value: {
type: 'Float',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
unit: {
type: 'WeightUnit',
array: false,
arrayRequired: false,
required: true,
WeightUnit: 'enum',
export const ReturnTypes: Record<string, any> = {
accessRestricted: {
reason: 'String',
AccessScope: {
description: 'String',
handle: 'String',
AdjustmentSale: {
actionType: 'SaleActionType',
id: 'ID',
lineType: 'SaleLineType',
quantity: 'Int',
taxes: 'SaleTax',
totalAmount: 'MoneyBag',
totalDiscountAmountAfterTaxes: 'MoneyBag',
totalDiscountAmountBeforeTaxes: 'MoneyBag',
totalTaxAmount: 'MoneyBag',
AllDiscountItems: {
allItems: 'Boolean',
ApiVersion: {
displayName: 'String',
handle: 'String',
supported: 'Boolean',
App: {
apiKey: 'String',
appStoreAppUrl: 'URL',
appStoreDeveloperUrl: 'URL',
banner: 'Image',
description: 'String',
developerName: 'String',
developerUrl: 'URL',
embedded: 'Boolean',
failedRequirements: 'FailedRequirement',
features: 'String',
feedback: 'AppFeedback',
handle: 'String',
icon: 'Image',
id: 'ID',
installUrl: 'URL',
installation: 'AppInstallation',
isPostPurchaseAppInUse: 'Boolean',
launchUrl: 'URL',
navigationItems: 'NavigationItem',
pricingDetails: 'String',
pricingDetailsSummary: 'String',
privacyPolicyUrl: 'URL',
published: 'Boolean',
screenshots: 'Image',
shopifyDeveloped: 'Boolean',
title: 'String',
uninstallMessage: 'String',
uninstallUrl: 'URL',
AppConnection: {
edges: 'AppEdge',
pageInfo: 'PageInfo',
AppCredit: {
amount: 'MoneyV2',
createdAt: 'DateTime',
description: 'String',
id: 'ID',
test: 'Boolean',
AppCreditConnection: {
edges: 'AppCreditEdge',
pageInfo: 'PageInfo',
AppCreditCreatePayload: {
appCredit: 'AppCredit',
userErrors: 'UserError',
AppCreditEdge: {
cursor: 'String',
node: 'AppCredit',
AppEdge: {
cursor: 'String',
node: 'App',
AppFeedback: {
app: 'App',
link: 'Link',
messages: 'UserError',
AppInstallation: {
accessScopes: 'AccessScope',
activeSubscriptions: 'AppSubscription',
allSubscriptions: 'AppSubscriptionConnection',
app: 'App',
channel: 'Channel',
credits: 'AppCreditConnection',
id: 'ID',
launchUrl: 'URL',
oneTimePurchases: 'AppPurchaseOneTimeConnection',
publication: 'Publication',
revenueAttributionRecords: 'AppRevenueAttributionRecordConnection',
subscriptions: 'AppSubscription',
uninstallUrl: 'URL',
AppInstallationConnection: {
edges: 'AppInstallationEdge',
pageInfo: 'PageInfo',
AppInstallationEdge: {
cursor: 'String',
node: 'AppInstallation',
AppPlanV2: {
pricingDetails: 'AppPricingDetails',
AppPricingDetails: {
'...on AppRecurringPricing': 'AppRecurringPricing',
'...on AppUsagePricing': 'AppUsagePricing',
AppPurchase: {
'...on AppPurchaseOneTime': 'AppPurchaseOneTime',
createdAt: 'DateTime',
name: 'String',
price: 'MoneyV2',
status: 'AppPurchaseStatus',
test: 'Boolean',
AppPurchaseOneTime: {
createdAt: 'DateTime',
id: 'ID',
name: 'String',
price: 'MoneyV2',
status: 'AppPurchaseStatus',
test: 'Boolean',
AppPurchaseOneTimeConnection: {
edges: 'AppPurchaseOneTimeEdge',
pageInfo: 'PageInfo',
AppPurchaseOneTimeCreatePayload: {
appPurchaseOneTime: 'AppPurchaseOneTime',
confirmationUrl: 'URL',
userErrors: 'UserError',
AppPurchaseOneTimeEdge: {
cursor: 'String',
node: 'AppPurchaseOneTime',
AppRecurringPricing: {
interval: 'AppPricingInterval',
price: 'MoneyV2',
AppRevenueAttributionRecord: {
amount: 'MoneyV2',
capturedAt: 'DateTime',
createdAt: 'DateTime',
id: 'ID',
idempotencyKey: 'String',
test: 'Boolean',
type: 'AppRevenueAttributionType',
AppRevenueAttributionRecordConnection: {
edges: 'AppRevenueAttributionRecordEdge',
pageInfo: 'PageInfo',
AppRevenueAttributionRecordCreatePayload: {
appRevenueAttributionRecord: 'AppRevenueAttributionRecord',
userErrors: 'AppRevenueAttributionRecordCreateUserError',
AppRevenueAttributionRecordCreateUserError: {
code: 'AppRevenueAttributionRecordCreateUserErrorCode',
field: 'String',
message: 'String',
AppRevenueAttributionRecordDeletePayload: {
deletedId: 'ID',
userErrors: 'AppRevenueAttributionRecordDeleteUserError',
AppRevenueAttributionRecordDeleteUserError: {
code: 'AppRevenueAttributionRecordDeleteUserErrorCode',
field: 'String',
message: 'String',
AppRevenueAttributionRecordEdge: {
cursor: 'String',
node: 'AppRevenueAttributionRecord',
AppSubscription: {
createdAt: 'DateTime',
currentPeriodEnd: 'DateTime',
id: 'ID',
lineItems: 'AppSubscriptionLineItem',
name: 'String',
returnUrl: 'URL',
status: 'AppSubscriptionStatus',
test: 'Boolean',
trialDays: 'Int',
AppSubscriptionCancelPayload: {
appSubscription: 'AppSubscription',
userErrors: 'UserError',
AppSubscriptionConnection: {
edges: 'AppSubscriptionEdge',
pageInfo: 'PageInfo',
AppSubscriptionCreatePayload: {
appSubscription: 'AppSubscription',
confirmationUrl: 'URL',
userErrors: 'UserError',
AppSubscriptionEdge: {
cursor: 'String',
node: 'AppSubscription',
AppSubscriptionLineItem: {
id: 'ID',
plan: 'AppPlanV2',
usageRecords: 'AppUsageRecordConnection',
AppSubscriptionLineItemUpdatePayload: {
appSubscription: 'AppSubscription',
confirmationUrl: 'URL',
userErrors: 'UserError',
AppUsagePricing: {
balanceUsed: 'MoneyV2',
cappedAmount: 'MoneyV2',
interval: 'AppPricingInterval',
terms: 'String',
AppUsageRecord: {
createdAt: 'DateTime',
description: 'String',
id: 'ID',
price: 'MoneyV2',
subscriptionLineItem: 'AppSubscriptionLineItem',
AppUsageRecordConnection: {
edges: 'AppUsageRecordEdge',
pageInfo: 'PageInfo',
AppUsageRecordCreatePayload: {
appUsageRecord: 'AppUsageRecord',
userErrors: 'UserError',
AppUsageRecordEdge: {
cursor: 'String',
node: 'AppUsageRecord',
Attribute: {
key: 'String',
value: 'String',
AutomaticDiscountApplication: {
allocationMethod: 'DiscountApplicationAllocationMethod',
index: 'Int',
targetSelection: 'DiscountApplicationTargetSelection',
targetType: 'DiscountApplicationTargetType',
title: 'String',
value: 'PricingValue',
BasicEvent: {
appTitle: 'String',
attributeToApp: 'Boolean',
attributeToUser: 'Boolean',
createdAt: 'DateTime',
criticalAlert: 'Boolean',
id: 'ID',
message: 'FormattedString',
BillingAttemptUserError: {
code: 'BillingAttemptUserErrorCode',
field: 'String',
message: 'String',
BulkMutationUserError: {
code: 'BulkMutationErrorCode',
field: 'String',
message: 'String',
BulkOperation: {
completedAt: 'DateTime',
createdAt: 'DateTime',
errorCode: 'BulkOperationErrorCode',
fileSize: 'UnsignedInt64',
id: 'ID',
objectCount: 'UnsignedInt64',
partialDataUrl: 'URL',
query: 'String',
rootObjectCount: 'UnsignedInt64',
status: 'BulkOperationStatus',
type: 'BulkOperationType',
url: 'URL',
BulkOperationCancelPayload: {
bulkOperation: 'BulkOperation',
userErrors: 'UserError',
BulkOperationRunMutationPayload: {
bulkOperation: 'BulkOperation',
userErrors: 'BulkMutationUserError',
BulkOperationRunQueryPayload: {
bulkOperation: 'BulkOperation',
userErrors: 'UserError',
BulkProductResourceFeedbackCreatePayload: {
feedback: 'ProductResourceFeedback',
userErrors: 'BulkProductResourceFeedbackCreateUserError',
BulkProductResourceFeedbackCreateUserError: {
code: 'BulkProductResourceFeedbackCreateUserErrorCode',
field: 'String',
message: 'String',
CalculatedAutomaticDiscountApplication: {
allocationMethod: 'DiscountApplicationAllocationMethod',
appliedTo: 'DiscountApplicationLevel',
description: 'String',
id: 'ID',
targetSelection: 'DiscountApplicationTargetSelection',
targetType: 'DiscountApplicationTargetType',
value: 'PricingValue',
CalculatedDiscountAllocation: {
allocatedAmountSet: 'MoneyBag',
discountApplication: 'CalculatedDiscountApplication',
CalculatedDiscountApplication: {
'...on CalculatedAutomaticDiscountApplication': 'CalculatedAutomaticDiscountApplication',
'...on CalculatedDiscountCodeApplication': 'CalculatedDiscountCodeApplication',
'...on CalculatedManualDiscountApplication': 'CalculatedManualDiscountApplication',
'...on CalculatedScriptDiscountApplication': 'CalculatedScriptDiscountApplication',
allocationMethod: 'DiscountApplicationAllocationMethod',
appliedTo: 'DiscountApplicationLevel',
description: 'String',
id: 'ID',
targetSelection: 'DiscountApplicationTargetSelection',
targetType: 'DiscountApplicationTargetType',
value: 'PricingValue',
CalculatedDiscountApplicationConnection: {
edges: 'CalculatedDiscountApplicationEdge',
pageInfo: 'PageInfo',
CalculatedDiscountApplicationEdge: {
cursor: 'String',
node: 'CalculatedDiscountApplication',
CalculatedDiscountCodeApplication: {
allocationMethod: 'DiscountApplicationAllocationMethod',
appliedTo: 'DiscountApplicationLevel',
code: 'String',
description: 'String',
id: 'ID',
targetSelection: 'DiscountApplicationTargetSelection',
targetType: 'DiscountApplicationTargetType',
value: 'PricingValue',
CalculatedDraftOrder: {
appliedDiscount: 'DraftOrderAppliedDiscount',
availableShippingRates: 'ShippingRate',
customer: 'Customer',
lineItems: 'CalculatedDraftOrderLineItem',
shippingLine: 'ShippingLine',
subtotalPrice: 'Money',
taxLines: 'TaxLine',
totalPrice: 'Money',
totalShippingPrice: 'Money',
totalTax: 'Money',
CalculatedDraftOrderLineItem: {
appliedDiscount: 'DraftOrderAppliedDiscount',
custom: 'Boolean',
customAttributes: 'Attribute',
discountedTotal: 'MoneyV2',
discountedUnitPrice: 'MoneyV2',
fulfillmentService: 'FulfillmentService',
image: 'Image',
isGiftCard: 'Boolean',
name: 'String',
originalTotal: 'MoneyV2',
originalUnitPrice: 'MoneyV2',
product: 'Product',
quantity: 'Int',
requiresShipping: 'Boolean',
sku: 'String',
taxable: 'Boolean',
title: 'String',
totalDiscount: 'MoneyV2',
variant: 'ProductVariant',
variantTitle: 'String',
vendor: 'String',
weight: 'Weight',
CalculatedLineItem: {
calculatedDiscountAllocations: 'CalculatedDiscountAllocation',
customAttributes: 'Attribute',
discountAllocations: 'DiscountAllocation',
discountedUnitPriceSet: 'MoneyBag',
editableQuantity: 'Int',
editableQuantityBeforeChanges: 'Int',
editableSubtotalSet: 'MoneyBag',
hasStagedLineItemDiscount: 'Boolean',
id: 'ID',
image: 'Image',
originalUnitPriceSet: 'MoneyBag',
quantity: 'Int',
restockable: 'Boolean',
restocking: 'Boolean',
sku: 'String',
stagedChanges: 'OrderStagedChange',
title: 'String',
uneditableSubtotalSet: 'MoneyBag',
variant: 'ProductVariant',
variantTitle: 'String',
CalculatedLineItemConnection: {
edges: 'CalculatedLineItemEdge',
pageInfo: 'PageInfo',
CalculatedLineItemEdge: {
cursor: 'String',
node: 'CalculatedLineItem',
CalculatedManualDiscountApplication: {
allocationMethod: 'DiscountApplicationAllocationMethod',
appliedTo: 'DiscountApplicationLevel',
description: 'String',
id: 'ID',
targetSelection: 'DiscountApplicationTargetSelection',
targetType: 'DiscountApplicationTargetType',
value: 'PricingValue',
CalculatedOrder: {
addedDiscountApplications: 'CalculatedDiscountApplicationConnection',
addedLineItems: 'CalculatedLineItemConnection',
cartDiscountAmountSet: 'MoneyBag',
committed: 'Boolean',
id: 'ID',
lineItems: 'CalculatedLineItemConnection',
notificationPreviewHtml: 'HTML',
notificationPreviewTitle: 'String',
order: 'Order',
originalOrder: 'Order',
stagedChanges: 'OrderStagedChangeConnection',
subtotalLineItemsQuantity: 'Int',
subtotalPriceSet: 'MoneyBag',
taxLines: 'TaxLine',
totalOutstandingSet: 'MoneyBag',
totalPriceSet: 'MoneyBag',
CalculatedScriptDiscountApplication: {
allocationMethod: 'DiscountApplicationAllocationMethod',
appliedTo: 'DiscountApplicationLevel',
description: 'String',
id: 'ID',
targetSelection: 'DiscountApplicationTargetSelection',
targetType: 'DiscountApplicationTargetType',
value: 'PricingValue',
Channel: {
app: 'App',
collectionPublicationsV3: 'ResourcePublicationConnection',
collections: 'CollectionConnection',
handle: 'String',
hasCollection: 'Boolean',
id: 'ID',
name: 'String',
navigationItems: 'NavigationItem',
overviewPath: 'URL',
productPublications: 'ProductPublicationConnection',
productPublicationsV3: 'ResourcePublicationConnection',
products: 'ProductConnection',
supportsFuturePublishing: 'Boolean',
ChannelConnection: {
edges: 'ChannelEdge',
pageInfo: 'PageInfo',
ChannelEdge: {
cursor: 'String',
node: 'Channel',
Collection: {
availablePublicationCount: 'Int',
description: 'String',
descriptionHtml: 'HTML',
feedback: 'ResourceFeedback',
handle: 'String',
hasProduct: 'Boolean',
id: 'ID',
image: 'Image',
legacyResourceId: 'UnsignedInt64',
metafield: 'Metafield',
metafieldDefinitions: 'MetafieldDefinitionConnection',
metafields: 'MetafieldConnection',
privateMetafield: 'PrivateMetafield',
privateMetafields: 'PrivateMetafieldConnection',
products: 'ProductConnection',
productsCount: 'Int',
publicationCount: 'Int',
publications: 'CollectionPublicationConnection',
publishedOnChannel: 'Boolean',
publishedOnCurrentChannel: 'Boolean',
publishedOnCurrentPublication: 'Boolean',
publishedOnPublication: 'Boolean',
resourcePublications: 'ResourcePublicationConnection',
resourcePublicationsV2: 'ResourcePublicationV2Connection',
ruleSet: 'CollectionRuleSet',
seo: 'SEO',
sortOrder: 'CollectionSortOrder',
storefrontId: 'StorefrontID',
templateSuffix: 'String',
title: 'String',
translations: 'PublishedTranslation',
unpublishedChannels: 'ChannelConnection',
unpublishedPublications: 'PublicationConnection',
updatedAt: 'DateTime',
CollectionAddProductsPayload: {
collection: 'Collection',
userErrors: 'UserError',
CollectionConnection: {
edges: 'CollectionEdge',
pageInfo: 'PageInfo',
CollectionCreatePayload: {
collection: 'Collection',
userErrors: 'UserError',
CollectionDeletePayload: {
deletedCollectionId: 'ID',
shop: 'Shop',
userErrors: 'UserError',
CollectionEdge: {
cursor: 'String',
node: 'Collection',
CollectionPublication: {
channel: 'Channel',
collection: 'Collection',
isPublished: 'Boolean',
publication: 'Publication',
publishDate: 'DateTime',
CollectionPublicationConnection: {
edges: 'CollectionPublicationEdge',
pageInfo: 'PageInfo',
CollectionPublicationEdge: {
cursor: 'String',
node: 'CollectionPublication',
CollectionPublishPayload: {
collection: 'Collection',
collectionPublications: 'CollectionPublication',
shop: 'Shop',
userErrors: 'UserError',
CollectionRemoveProductsPayload: {
job: 'Job',
userErrors: 'UserError',
CollectionReorderProductsPayload: {
job: 'Job',
userErrors: 'UserError',
CollectionRule: {
column: 'CollectionRuleColumn',
condition: 'String',
relation: 'CollectionRuleRelation',
CollectionRuleConditions: {
allowedRelations: 'CollectionRuleRelation',
defaultRelation: 'CollectionRuleRelation',
ruleType: 'CollectionRuleColumn',
CollectionRuleSet: {
appliedDisjunctively: 'Boolean',
rules: 'CollectionRule',
CollectionUnpublishPayload: {
collection: 'Collection',
shop: 'Shop',
userErrors: 'UserError',
CollectionUpdatePayload: {
collection: 'Collection',
job: 'Job',
userErrors: 'UserError',
CommentEvent: {
appTitle: 'String',
attachments: 'CommentEventAttachment',
attributeToApp: 'Boolean',
attributeToUser: 'Boolean',
canDelete: 'Boolean',
canEdit: 'Boolean',
createdAt: 'DateTime',
criticalAlert: 'Boolean',
edited: 'Boolean',
embed: 'CommentEventEmbed',
id: 'ID',
message: 'FormattedString',
rawMessage: 'String',
subject: 'CommentEventSubject',
CommentEventAttachment: {
fileExtension: 'String',
id: 'ID',
image: 'Image',
name: 'String',
size: 'Int',
url: 'URL',
CommentEventEmbed: {
'...on Customer': 'Customer',
'...on DraftOrder': 'DraftOrder',
'...on Order': 'Order',
'...on Product': 'Product',
'...on ProductVariant': 'ProductVariant',
CommentEventSubject: {
'...on Customer': 'Customer',
'...on DraftOrder': 'DraftOrder',
'...on Order': 'Order',
'...on PriceRule': 'PriceRule',
hasTimelineComment: 'Boolean',
id: 'ID',
CountriesInShippingZones: {
countryCodes: 'CountryCode',
includeRestOfWorld: 'Boolean',
CountryHarmonizedSystemCode: {
countryCode: 'CountryCode',
harmonizedSystemCode: 'String',
CountryHarmonizedSystemCodeConnection: {
edges: 'CountryHarmonizedSystemCodeEdge',
pageInfo: 'PageInfo',
CountryHarmonizedSystemCodeEdge: {
cursor: 'String',
node: 'CountryHarmonizedSystemCode',
CurrencyFormats: {
moneyFormat: 'FormattedString',
moneyInEmailsFormat: 'String',
moneyWithCurrencyFormat: 'FormattedString',
moneyWithCurrencyInEmailsFormat: 'String',
CurrencySetting: {
currencyCode: 'CurrencyCode',
currencyName: 'String',
enabled: 'Boolean',
rateUpdatedAt: 'DateTime',
CurrencySettingConnection: {
edges: 'CurrencySettingEdge',
pageInfo: 'PageInfo',
CurrencySettingEdge: {
cursor: 'String',
node: 'CurrencySetting',
Customer: {
acceptsMarketing: 'Boolean',
acceptsMarketingUpdatedAt: 'DateTime',
addresses: 'MailingAddress',
averageOrderAmount: 'Money',
averageOrderAmountV2: 'MoneyV2',
canDelete: 'Boolean',
createdAt: 'DateTime',
defaultAddress: 'MailingAddress',
displayName: 'String',
email: 'String',
events: 'EventConnection',
firstName: 'String',
hasNote: 'Boolean',
hasTimelineComment: 'Boolean',
id: 'ID',
image: 'Image',
lastName: 'String',
lastOrder: 'Order',
legacyResourceId: 'UnsignedInt64',
lifetimeDuration: 'String',
locale: 'String',
marketingOptInLevel: 'CustomerMarketingOptInLevel',
metafield: 'Metafield',
metafieldDefinitions: 'MetafieldDefinitionConnection',
metafields: 'MetafieldConnection',
multipassIdentifier: 'String',
note: 'String',
orders: 'OrderConnection',
ordersCount: 'UnsignedInt64',
paymentMethods: 'CustomerPaymentMethodConnection',
phone: 'String',
privateMetafield: 'PrivateMetafield',
privateMetafields: 'PrivateMetafieldConnection',
productSubscriberStatus: 'CustomerProductSubscriberStatus',
smsMarketingConsent: 'CustomerSmsMarketingConsentState',
state: 'CustomerState',
subscriptionContracts: 'SubscriptionContractConnection',
tags: 'String',
taxExempt: 'Boolean',
taxExemptions: 'TaxExemption',
totalSpent: 'Money',
totalSpentV2: 'MoneyV2',
updatedAt: 'DateTime',
validEmailAddress: 'Boolean',
verifiedEmail: 'Boolean',
CustomerAddTaxExemptionsPayload: {
customer: 'Customer',
userErrors: 'UserError',
CustomerConnection: {
edges: 'CustomerEdge',
pageInfo: 'PageInfo',
CustomerCreatePayload: {
customer: 'Customer',
userErrors: 'UserError',
CustomerCreditCard: {
billingAddress: 'CustomerCreditCardBillingAddress',
brand: 'String',
expiresSoon: 'Boolean',
expiryMonth: 'Int',
expiryYear: 'Int',
firstDigits: 'String',
isRevocable: 'Boolean',
lastDigits: 'String',
maskedNumber: 'String',
name: 'String',
source: 'String',
virtualLastDigits: 'String',
CustomerCreditCardBillingAddress: {
address1: 'String',
city: 'String',
country: 'String',
countryCode: 'CountryCode',
province: 'String',
provinceCode: 'String',
zip: 'String',
CustomerDeletePayload: {
deletedCustomerId: 'ID',
shop: 'Shop',
userErrors: 'UserError',
CustomerEdge: {
cursor: 'String',
node: 'Customer',
CustomerGenerateAccountActivationUrlPayload: {
accountActivationUrl: 'URL',
userErrors: 'UserError',
CustomerJourney: {
customerOrderIndex: 'Int',
daysToConversion: 'Int',
firstVisit: 'CustomerVisit',
lastVisit: 'CustomerVisit',
moments: 'CustomerMoment',
CustomerJourneySummary: {
customerOrderIndex: 'Int',
daysToConversion: 'Int',
firstVisit: 'CustomerVisit',
lastVisit: 'CustomerVisit',
moments: 'CustomerMomentConnection',
momentsCount: 'Int',
ready: 'Boolean',
CustomerMoment: {
'...on CustomerVisit': 'CustomerVisit',
occurredAt: 'DateTime',
CustomerMomentConnection: {
edges: 'CustomerMomentEdge',
pageInfo: 'PageInfo',
CustomerMomentEdge: {
cursor: 'String',
node: 'CustomerMoment',
CustomerPaymentInstrument: {
'...on CustomerCreditCard': 'CustomerCreditCard',
'...on CustomerPaypalBillingAgreement': 'CustomerPaypalBillingAgreement',
'...on CustomerShopPayAgreement': 'CustomerShopPayAgreement',
CustomerPaymentInstrumentBillingAddress: {
address1: 'String',
city: 'String',
country: 'String',
countryCode: 'CountryCode',
name: 'String',
province: 'String',
provinceCode: 'String',
zip: 'String',
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CustomerPaymentMethodPaypalBillingAgreementCreatePayload: {
customerPaymentMethod: 'CustomerPaymentMethod',
userErrors: 'CustomerPaymentMethodUserError',
CustomerPaymentMethodPaypalBillingAgreementUpdatePayload: {
customerPaymentMethod: 'CustomerPaymentMethod',
userErrors: 'CustomerPaymentMethodUserError',
CustomerPaymentMethodRemoteCreatePayload: {
customerPaymentMethod: 'CustomerPaymentMethod',
userErrors: 'CustomerPaymentMethodRemoteUserError',
CustomerPaymentMethodRemoteCreditCardCreatePayload: {
customerPaymentMethod: 'CustomerPaymentMethod',
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CustomerPaymentMethodRemoteUserError: {
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CustomerPaymentMethodRevokePayload: {
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CustomerPaymentMethodSendUpdateEmailPayload: {
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CustomerPaymentMethodUserError: {
code: 'CustomerPaymentMethodUserErrorCode',
field: 'String',
message: 'String',
CustomerPaypalBillingAgreement: {
billingAddress: 'CustomerPaymentInstrumentBillingAddress',
inactive: 'Boolean',
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paypalAccountEmail: 'String',
CustomerRemoveTaxExemptionsPayload: {
customer: 'Customer',
userErrors: 'UserError',
CustomerReplaceTaxExemptionsPayload: {
customer: 'Customer',
userErrors: 'UserError',
CustomerShopPayAgreement: {
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name: 'String',
CustomerSmsMarketingConsentError: {
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consentUpdatedAt: 'DateTime',
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CustomerSmsMarketingConsentUpdatePayload: {
customer: 'Customer',
userErrors: 'CustomerSmsMarketingConsentError',
CustomerUpdateDefaultAddressPayload: {
customer: 'Customer',
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CustomerUpdatePayload: {
customer: 'Customer',
userErrors: 'UserError',
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id: 'ID',
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provinces: 'DeliveryProvince',
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DeliveryCountryAndZone: {
country: 'DeliveryCountry',
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DeliveryCountryCodesOrRestOfWorld: {
countryCodes: 'CountryCode',
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DeliveryMethodDefinitionConnection: {
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DeliveryProductVariantsCount: {
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count: 'Int',
DeliveryProfile: {
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productVariantsCount: 'Int',
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id: 'ID',
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DeliveryRateProvider: {
'...on DeliveryParticipant': 'DeliveryParticipant',
'...on DeliveryRateDefinition': 'DeliveryRateDefinition',
DeliverySetting: {
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DeliverySettingUpdatePayload: {
setting: 'DeliverySetting',
userErrors: 'UserError',
DeliveryShippingOriginAssignPayload: {
userErrors: 'UserError',
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countries: 'DeliveryCountry',
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name: 'String',
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DiscountAutomaticBasicUpdatePayload: {
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DiscountAutomaticBulkDeletePayload: {
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DiscountAutomaticBxgy: {
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totalSales: 'MoneyV2',
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DiscountCodeBasicCreatePayload: {
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DiscountCodeBasicUpdatePayload: {
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DiscountCodeBulkActivatePayload: {
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DiscountCodeFreeShippingUpdatePayload: {
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'...on DiscountCustomerAll': 'DiscountCustomerAll',
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DiscountCustomers: {
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DiscountRedeemCodeBulkAddPayload: {
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DisplayableError: {
'...on AppRevenueAttributionRecordCreateUserError': 'AppRevenueAttributionRecordCreateUserError',
'...on AppRevenueAttributionRecordDeleteUserError': 'AppRevenueAttributionRecordDeleteUserError',
'...on BillingAttemptUserError': 'BillingAttemptUserError',
'...on BulkMutationUserError': 'BulkMutationUserError',
'...on BulkProductResourceFeedbackCreateUserError': 'BulkProductResourceFeedbackCreateUserError',
'...on CustomerPaymentMethodGetUpdateUrlUserError': 'CustomerPaymentMethodGetUpdateUrlUserError',
'...on CustomerPaymentMethodRemoteUserError': 'CustomerPaymentMethodRemoteUserError',
'...on CustomerPaymentMethodUserError': 'CustomerPaymentMethodUserError',
'...on CustomerSmsMarketingConsentError': 'CustomerSmsMarketingConsentError',
'...on DiscountUserError': 'DiscountUserError',
'...on FilesUserError': 'FilesUserError',
'...on FulfillmentOrderHoldUserError': 'FulfillmentOrderHoldUserError',
'...on FulfillmentOrderReleaseHoldUserError': 'FulfillmentOrderReleaseHoldUserError',
'...on FulfillmentOrderRescheduleUserError': 'FulfillmentOrderRescheduleUserError',
'...on GiftCardUserError': 'GiftCardUserError',
'...on MediaUserError': 'MediaUserError',
'...on MetafieldDefinitionCreateUserError': 'MetafieldDefinitionCreateUserError',
'...on MetafieldDefinitionDeleteUserError': 'MetafieldDefinitionDeleteUserError',
'...on MetafieldDefinitionPinUserError': 'MetafieldDefinitionPinUserError',
'...on MetafieldDefinitionUnpinUserError': 'MetafieldDefinitionUnpinUserError',
'...on MetafieldDefinitionUpdateUserError': 'MetafieldDefinitionUpdateUserError',
'...on MetafieldsSetUserError': 'MetafieldsSetUserError',
'...on OrderInvoiceSendUserError': 'OrderInvoiceSendUserError',
'...on PaymentTermsCreateUserError': 'PaymentTermsCreateUserError',
'...on PaymentTermsDeleteUserError': 'PaymentTermsDeleteUserError',
'...on PaymentTermsUpdateUserError': 'PaymentTermsUpdateUserError',
'...on PriceListPriceUserError': 'PriceListPriceUserError',
'...on PriceListUserError': 'PriceListUserError',
'...on PriceRuleUserError': 'PriceRuleUserError',
'...on ProductChangeStatusUserError': 'ProductChangeStatusUserError',
'...on ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserError': 'ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserError',
'...on ProductVariantsBulkDeleteUserError': 'ProductVariantsBulkDeleteUserError',
'...on ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserError': 'ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserError',
'...on ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserError': 'ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserError',
'...on PubSubWebhookSubscriptionCreateUserError': 'PubSubWebhookSubscriptionCreateUserError',
'...on PubSubWebhookSubscriptionUpdateUserError': 'PubSubWebhookSubscriptionUpdateUserError',
'...on SellingPlanGroupUserError': 'SellingPlanGroupUserError',
'...on ShopPolicyUserError': 'ShopPolicyUserError',
'...on StandardMetafieldDefinitionEnableUserError': 'StandardMetafieldDefinitionEnableUserError',
'...on SubscriptionContractUserError': 'SubscriptionContractUserError',
'...on SubscriptionDraftUserError': 'SubscriptionDraftUserError',
'...on TranslationUserError': 'TranslationUserError',
'...on UrlRedirectBulkDeleteByIdsUserError': 'UrlRedirectBulkDeleteByIdsUserError',
'...on UrlRedirectBulkDeleteBySavedSearchUserError': 'UrlRedirectBulkDeleteBySavedSearchUserError',
'...on UrlRedirectBulkDeleteBySearchUserError': 'UrlRedirectBulkDeleteBySearchUserError',
'...on UrlRedirectImportUserError': 'UrlRedirectImportUserError',
'...on UrlRedirectUserError': 'UrlRedirectUserError',
'...on UserError': 'UserError',
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FulfillmentOrderRejectCancellationRequestPayload: {
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FulfillmentOrderRejectFulfillmentRequestPayload: {
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FulfillmentOrderReleaseHoldPayload: {
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code: 'GiftCardErrorCode',
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HasEvents: {
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InventoryBulkAdjustQuantityAtLocationPayload: {
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MetafieldDefinitionType: {
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MetafieldDefinitionUnpinPayload: {
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MoneyBag: {
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shopMoney: 'MoneyV2',
MoneyV2: {
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Mutation: {
appCreditCreate: 'AppCreditCreatePayload',
appPurchaseOneTimeCreate: 'AppPurchaseOneTimeCreatePayload',
appRevenueAttributionRecordCreate: 'AppRevenueAttributionRecordCreatePayload',
appRevenueAttributionRecordDelete: 'AppRevenueAttributionRecordDeletePayload',
appSubscriptionCancel: 'AppSubscriptionCancelPayload',
appSubscriptionCreate: 'AppSubscriptionCreatePayload',
appSubscriptionLineItemUpdate: 'AppSubscriptionLineItemUpdatePayload',
appUsageRecordCreate: 'AppUsageRecordCreatePayload',
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bulkOperationRunQuery: 'BulkOperationRunQueryPayload',
bulkProductResourceFeedbackCreate: 'BulkProductResourceFeedbackCreatePayload',
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customerPaymentMethodGetUpdateUrl: 'CustomerPaymentMethodGetUpdateUrlPayload',
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customerPaymentMethodPaypalBillingAgreementUpdate: 'CustomerPaymentMethodPaypalBillingAgreementUpdatePayload',
customerPaymentMethodRemoteCreate: 'CustomerPaymentMethodRemoteCreatePayload',
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customerRemoveTaxExemptions: 'CustomerRemoveTaxExemptionsPayload',
customerReplaceTaxExemptions: 'CustomerReplaceTaxExemptionsPayload',
customerSmsMarketingConsentUpdate: 'CustomerSmsMarketingConsentUpdatePayload',
customerUpdate: 'CustomerUpdatePayload',
customerUpdateDefaultAddress: 'CustomerUpdateDefaultAddressPayload',
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discountCodeRedeemCodeBulkDelete: 'DiscountCodeRedeemCodeBulkDeletePayload',
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subscriptionContractUpdate: 'SubscriptionContractUpdatePayload',
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subscriptionDraftLineUpdate: 'SubscriptionDraftLineUpdatePayload',
subscriptionDraftUpdate: 'SubscriptionDraftUpdatePayload',
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'...on OnlineStorePage': 'OnlineStorePage',
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'...on AppRevenueAttributionRecord': 'AppRevenueAttributionRecord',
'...on AppSubscription': 'AppSubscription',
'...on AppUsageRecord': 'AppUsageRecord',
'...on BasicEvent': 'BasicEvent',
'...on BulkOperation': 'BulkOperation',
'...on CalculatedOrder': 'CalculatedOrder',
'...on Channel': 'Channel',
'...on Collection': 'Collection',
'...on CommentEvent': 'CommentEvent',
'...on Customer': 'Customer',
'...on CustomerPaymentMethod': 'CustomerPaymentMethod',
'...on CustomerVisit': 'CustomerVisit',
'...on DeliveryCarrierService': 'DeliveryCarrierService',
'...on DeliveryCondition': 'DeliveryCondition',
'...on DeliveryCountry': 'DeliveryCountry',
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'...on DeliveryMethod': 'DeliveryMethod',
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'...on DeliveryProfileItem': 'DeliveryProfileItem',
'...on DeliveryProvince': 'DeliveryProvince',
'...on DeliveryRateDefinition': 'DeliveryRateDefinition',
'...on DeliveryZone': 'DeliveryZone',
'...on DiscountAutomaticBxgy': 'DiscountAutomaticBxgy',
'...on DiscountAutomaticNode': 'DiscountAutomaticNode',
'...on DiscountCodeNode': 'DiscountCodeNode',
'...on DiscountRedeemCodeBulkCreation': 'DiscountRedeemCodeBulkCreation',
'...on Domain': 'Domain',
'...on DraftOrder': 'DraftOrder',
'...on DraftOrderLineItem': 'DraftOrderLineItem',
'...on Duty': 'Duty',
'...on ExternalVideo': 'ExternalVideo',
'...on Fulfillment': 'Fulfillment',
'...on FulfillmentEvent': 'FulfillmentEvent',
'...on FulfillmentLineItem': 'FulfillmentLineItem',
'...on FulfillmentOrder': 'FulfillmentOrder',
'...on FulfillmentOrderDestination': 'FulfillmentOrderDestination',
'...on FulfillmentOrderLineItem': 'FulfillmentOrderLineItem',
'...on FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequest': 'FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequest',
'...on GenericFile': 'GenericFile',
'...on GiftCard': 'GiftCard',
'...on InventoryItem': 'InventoryItem',
'...on InventoryLevel': 'InventoryLevel',
'...on LineItem': 'LineItem',
'...on LineItemMutable': 'LineItemMutable',
'...on Location': 'Location',
'...on MailingAddress': 'MailingAddress',
'...on MarketingActivity': 'MarketingActivity',
'...on MarketingEvent': 'MarketingEvent',
'...on MediaImage': 'MediaImage',
'...on Metafield': 'Metafield',
'...on MetafieldDefinition': 'MetafieldDefinition',
'...on MetafieldStorefrontVisibility': 'MetafieldStorefrontVisibility',
'...on Model3d': 'Model3d',
'...on OnlineStoreArticle': 'OnlineStoreArticle',
'...on OnlineStoreBlog': 'OnlineStoreBlog',
'...on OnlineStorePage': 'OnlineStorePage',
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'...on PriceRule': 'PriceRule',
'...on PriceRuleDiscountCode': 'PriceRuleDiscountCode',
'...on PrivateMetafield': 'PrivateMetafield',
'...on Product': 'Product',
'...on ProductOption': 'ProductOption',
'...on ProductTaxonomyNode': 'ProductTaxonomyNode',
'...on ProductVariant': 'ProductVariant',
'...on Publication': 'Publication',
'...on Refund': 'Refund',
'...on SavedSearch': 'SavedSearch',
'...on ScriptTag': 'ScriptTag',
'...on SellingPlan': 'SellingPlan',
'...on SellingPlanGroup': 'SellingPlanGroup',
'...on Shop': 'Shop',
'...on ShopPolicy': 'ShopPolicy',
'...on ShopifyPaymentsAccount': 'ShopifyPaymentsAccount',
'...on ShopifyPaymentsBankAccount': 'ShopifyPaymentsBankAccount',
'...on ShopifyPaymentsDispute': 'ShopifyPaymentsDispute',
'...on ShopifyPaymentsPayout': 'ShopifyPaymentsPayout',
'...on ShopifyPaymentsVerification': 'ShopifyPaymentsVerification',
'...on StandardMetafieldDefinitionTemplate': 'StandardMetafieldDefinitionTemplate',
'...on StorefrontAccessToken': 'StorefrontAccessToken',
'...on SubscriptionBillingAttempt': 'SubscriptionBillingAttempt',
'...on SubscriptionContract': 'SubscriptionContract',
'...on SubscriptionDraft': 'SubscriptionDraft',
'...on TenderTransaction': 'TenderTransaction',
'...on TransactionFee': 'TransactionFee',
'...on UrlRedirect': 'UrlRedirect',
'...on UrlRedirectImport': 'UrlRedirectImport',
'...on Video': 'Video',
'...on WebhookSubscription': 'WebhookSubscription',
id: 'ID',
OnlineStoreArticle: {
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OnlineStoreBlog: {
id: 'ID',
translations: 'PublishedTranslation',
OnlineStorePage: {
defaultCursor: 'String',
id: 'ID',
translations: 'PublishedTranslation',
OnlineStorePreviewable: {
'...on Product': 'Product',
onlineStorePreviewUrl: 'URL',
Order: {
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disputes: 'OrderDisputeSummary',
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risks: 'OrderRisk',
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shippingLines: 'ShippingLineConnection',
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totalDiscountsSet: 'MoneyBag',
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totalPriceSet: 'MoneyBag',
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totalShippingPriceSet: 'MoneyBag',
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totalTaxSet: 'MoneyBag',
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totalTipReceivedSet: 'MoneyBag',
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OrderAgreement: {
app: 'App',
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order: 'Order',
reason: 'OrderActionType',
sales: 'SaleConnection',
OrderApp: {
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name: 'String',
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