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Last active June 16, 2020 21:13
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I really don't like the soulless new modern design, here is where I give my thoughts on it

Flat solid soulless design



1.0 Title

2.0 Index

3.0 Disclaimer

4.0 Intro

4.1 Newer systems

4.2 Apple and or Microsofts fault

4.3 Not claimable

4.4 Everything looks the same

4.5 None of it is memorable

5.0 Gist version history

6.0 Gist info

7.0 Footer



This Gist just states my opinion. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. You don't have to agree with this if you don't want to. Disclaimer added late in version 3


I am a strong critic to modern design (2012-2020) where everything is so bland and basic.

Newer systems

We live in an age where computers are getting better and better. Some of us even have 4K or 8K displays. But what is the point of having such good resolution when most icons are designed to look like something from a computer from the 1950s? Our screen resolutions keep getting better and better, but the graphics that are displayed on them are getting worse and worse. There aren't even many options given to have a system with good graphics on the interface to test.

Apple and or Microsofts fault

With the release of iOS 7 in 2013, Apple began making their devices have solid color design, killing the soul of the iOS interface. Unfortunately, a ton of companies and organizations started bandwagoning, and then we have things like Windows 8, Android 7.0, OS X 10.10, and many other systems that just don't have a soul. Other companies might have bandwagoned on Microsoft, as Microsoft was the first major company to switch to solid color design. They later made a 90 (not a full 180) with some of Windows 10 icons.

Not claimable

When you make an icon so basic, you lose ownership rights. For example: the logo for Google Docs, Opera mobile 2015, and millions of others are designed so simply, that they are not just ineligable for copyright/copyleft, but also ineligable for ownership (You can't claim that you made it) These icons look like a 2 year old got on PAINT for Windows 1.0 for 7 seconds, then saved the image and everyone was amazed. What happened to making memorable icons?

Everything looks the same

With the current trend of computer graphics, it is getting increasingly difficult to tell the difference between 2 systems. For example, there are very few differences on the main interface (notification bar and homepage, plus other default programs) of iOS 12/13 and Android 9/10. The same goes for Windows 10 and Windows 8/Windows 8.1. What happened to unique design? Where did all the effort go? Everyone is just copying the same boring designs for all their systems. I am unfortunately seeing this in desktop environments such as KDE, GNOME, CINNAMON, XFCE, and more as well.

None of it is memorable

In the future, when you look back at older systems designs, you won't be as fond of 1 desktop environment, because they all look the same. There aren't very many creative features that are memorable, it is all rehashed from itself.

Something with effort and thought put into it will be far more memorable than just a solid flat color for everything.

Gist version history

Version 1 (Saturday, June 13th 2020 at 6:49 pm)


  • Started the Gist
  • Added in the intro section
  • Added in the newer systems section
  • Added in the apple/microsoft fault section
  • Added in the not claimable section
  • Added the Gist info section

Version 2 (Monday, June 15th 2020 at 11:23 pm)


  • Added the everything looks the same section
  • Added the not memorable section
  • Updated the Gist info section

Version 3 (Tuesday, June 16th 2020 at 1:50 pm)


  • Updated the Gist info section
  • Added more dividers
  • Added the disclaimer section
  • Added the version history section
  • Added the index
  • Added the footer

Version 4 (Tuesday, June 16th 2020 at 2:02 pm)


  • Fixed the index by spacing it out
  • Fixed the version history section by spacing it out
  • Updated the Gist info section
  • Updated the version history section

Version 5 (Tuesday, June 16th 2020 at 2:13 pm) 100% bug free release


  • Fixed the final bug, fixing the link for the Apple and or Microsofts fault section on the index
  • Updated the Gist info section
  • Updated the version history section

I was a little hesistant to release another small version, since it only fixes 1 thing, but I feel like it would be nice to have a fully bug free version.

Version 6 (Coming soon)


  • Coming soon

Version 7 (Coming soon)


  • Coming soon

Version 8 (Coming soon)


  • Coming soon

Version 9 (Coming soon)


  • Coming soon

Version 10 (Coming soon)


  • Coming soon

More coming soon

This Gist is incomplete

Gist info

Gist version: 5 (Tuesday, June 16th 2020 at 2:13 pm)

File type: Markdown (*.md)

Line count: 0,189


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