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This is a separate chapter from my main SeanPM_OnGitHub Gist that gives information about the languages I speak.


Spoken languages chapter

This is the new version of the Spoken languages chapter from the original Gist.

Go back


00.0 - Top

01.0 - Title

02.0 - Index

03.0 - Languages I speak

03.0.1 - English (main, fluent)

03.0.2 - Spanish

03.0.3 - German

03.0.4 - Japanese

03.0.5 - Arabic

03.0.6 - Chinese

03.0.7 - Slovak

03.0.8 - French

03.0.9 - Swedish

03.0.10 - Hungarian

03.0.11 - Greek

03.0.12 - Hebrew

03.0.13 - Russian

04.0 - Gist info

05.0 - Gist version history

06.0 - Footer

43.0 - Languages I speak

43.0.1 - English (main, fluent)

43.0.2 - Spanish

43.0.3 - German

43.0.4 - Japanese

43.0.5 - Arabic

43.0.6 - Chinese

43.0.7 - Slovak

43.0.8 - French

43.0.9 - Swedish

43.0.10 - Hungarian

43.0.11 - Greek

43.0.12 - Hebrew

43.0.13 - Russian

Languages I speak

I am a linguistic enthusiast. I still live up to my childhood middle nickname of language.

I like to study and look at different languages. I do it very frequently. Please keep in mind that I don't speak these languages fluently, the only human spoken language I am fluent in is English. All the other ones are languages I can't even write a full sentence in.

Here is a list of the knowledge of languages I know:

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)


Section coming soon


This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)


Spanish – Limited (x words) Known words: Uno (1) Dose(2) Tres(3) cuatro(4) Cinco(5) Sies(6) Siete(7) Ocho(8) nueve(9) Diez(10) Despacito (slowly) En Espanol(in Spanish) Excellente(excellent) Por Favor (please) Pinata(unknown) españa(spain) señor(mr) señora(mrs) Hola (hello) Negro (black)

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)


German – Limited (8 words)

Nein – No Guten – Good Guten Tag – Good morning Für – For Dich – You Mein – My Kampf – Struggle/Fight Fick – Fuck

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)


Japanese – Limited to swears and city names (0 words) Baka バカ – (Foo) (unconfirmed) Nagasaki 長崎市 (long cape) (unconfirmed)

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)


Arabic – limited (5 words) Habibi – (Baby) (unconfirmed) Al Qaeda أل قادة (The base) Allah الله (God) Haram الحرم (forbidden) Halal حلال (Acceptable) Akbar أكبر (is great)

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)


Chinese – Limited (1 word) Nǐ hǎo - 你好 (Hello)

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)


Slovak – Limited (1 word)

Vladimir – Universal ruler

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)


French – limited (2 words)

Bon – good Bonjour - Hello

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)


Swedish – Limited (1 word)

Hon – (She) (unconfirmed) Svenska - Swedish

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)


Hungarian – limited (1-2 words)

Adda (into it) (unconfirmed)

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)


Roman – Limited to numerals (70 words)

I = 1 II = 2 III = 3 IIII = 4 IV = 4 V = 5 VI = 6 VII = 7 VIII = 8 VIIII = 9 IX = 9 X = 10 XI = 11 XII = 12 XIII = 13 XIIII = 14 XIV = 14 XV = 15 XVI = 16 XVII = 17 XVIII = 18 XVIIII = 19 XIX = 19 XX = 20 XXI = 21 XXII = 22 XXIII = 23 XXIIII = 24 XXIV = 24 XXV = 25 XXVI = 26 XXVII = 27 XXVIII = 28 XXVIIII = 29 XXIX = 29 XXX = 30 XXXI = 31 XXXII = 32 XXXIII = 33 XXXIIII = 34 XXXIV = 34 XXXV = 35 XXXVI = 36 XXXVII = 37 XXXVIII = 38 XXXVIIII = 39 XXXIX = 39 XL = 40 XLI = 41 XLII = 42 XLIII = 43 XLIIII = 44 XLIV = 44 XLV = 45 XLVI = 46 XLVII = 47 XLVIII = 48 XLVIIII = 49 XLIX = 49 L = 50 LI = 51 LII = 52 LIII = 53 LIIII = 54 LIV = 54 LV = 55 LVI = 56 LVII = 57 LVIII = 58 LVIIII = 59 LVIX = 59 C = 100 CC = 200 CCC = 300 M = 1000 MM = 2000 MMM = 3000 MMMM = 4000 MMMMM = 5000 Stopped at 5K

If you didn't already catch this, a fun fact about Roman Numerals is that you can have IIII instead of IV and IX. It still counts, it just isn't the standard way

This section was last updated on July 29th 2020 (07.29.2020)


Hebrew (limited, 1 word)

  1. Shalom (שלום)
  2. No other known Hebrew words

This section was last updated on July 29th 2020 (07.29.2020)


Russian (limited, 4 words)

  1. Het/no (нет)
  2. Droog (дрег)
  3. Bitch (сука)
  4. Fuck (Блядь)
  5. No other known Russian words

This section was last updated on July 29th 2020 (07.29.2020)

Gist info

File version: 1 (Saturday, August 1st 2020 at pm) - Separated from: SeanPM_OnGitHubV56

File type: Markdown (*.md)

Line count (including blank lines and compiler line): 353

Gist version history

Version 1 (Saturday, August 1st 2020 at pm) - Separated from: SeanPM_OnGitHubV56


  • Started the new Gist
  • Imported all data from the source Gist
  • Added a title section
  • Added an index
  • Added a Gist info section
  • Added a Gist version history section
  • Added a footer

Version 2 (Coming soon)


  • Coming soon


You have reached the bottom of this Gist.

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End of file

Gist info

File version: 1 (Saturday, August 1st 2020 at 12:57 pm) - Separated from: SeanPM_OnGitHubV56

File type: Markdown (*.md)

Line count (including blank lines and compiler line): 404

Gist version history

Version 1 (Saturday, August 1st 2020 at 12:57 pm) - Separated from: SeanPM_OnGitHubV56


  • Started the new Gist
  • Imported all data from the source Gist
  • Added a title section
  • Added an index
  • Added a Gist info section
  • Added a Gist version history section
  • Added a footer

Version 2 (Coming soon)


  • Coming soon


You have reached the bottom of this Gist.

( Go back to the main article | Go back to GistHub | Go back to GitHub )

End of file

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