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This is a chapter from my main SeanPM_OnGitHub Gist that displays information about my old and new social mediums.


Social mediums chapter

This is the new version of the Social mediums (old and new) chapter from the original Gist.

Go back


00.0 - Top

01.0 - Title

02.0 - Index

03.0 - Old social mediums

03.0.1 - Old YouTube

03.0.2 - Old Twitter

03.0.3 - Old Tumblr

03.0.4 - Old Scratch

03.0.5 - Old Instagram

03.0.6 - Old Reddit

03.0.7 - Old FaceBook

03.0.8 - Old Instagram

03.0.9 - Old Google+ (deleted)

03.0.10 - Old WhatsApp (non-existent)

03.0.11 - Old TikTok (non-existent)

03.0.12 - Old Pinterest (non-existent)

03.0.13 - Old Snapchat (non-existent)

03.0.14 - Old GitHub

03.0.15 - Old Steam

03.0.16 - Old Discord

03.0.17 - Old Vimeo

03.0.18 - Old Ditty

03.0.19 - Old Go90 (deleted)

03.0.20 - Old Wikipedia

03.0.21 - Old Bandcamp

03.0.22 - Old Khan Academy

03.0.23 - Old ProtonMail

03.0.24 - Old Gmail

03.0.25 - Old

03.0.26 - Old Patreon

03.1 - Current social mediums

03.1.1 - Current GitHub

03.1.2 - Current Steam

03.1.3 - Current Reddit

03.1.4 - Current Discord

03.1.5 - Current YouTube (inactive)

03.1.6 - Current Twitter (inactive)

03.1.7 - Current Facebook (deleted)

03.1.8 - Current Instagram (inactive)

03.1.9 - Current Tumblr (inactive)

03.1.10 - Current Quora (inactive)

03.1.11 - Current Google+ (deleted)

03.1.12 - Current WhatsApp (non-existent)

03.1.13 - Current TikTok (non-existent)

03.1.14 - Current Pinterest (non-existent)

03.1.15 - Current Snapchat (non-existent)

03.1.16 - Current scratch (inactive)

03.1.17 - Current Vimeo (inactive)

03.1.18 - Current Ditty (non-existent)

03.1.19 - Current Go90 (non-existent)

03.1.20 - Current Wikipedia

03.1.21 - Current Bandcamp

03.1.22 - Current Khan Academy

03.1.23 - Current ProtonMail

03.1.24 - Current Gmail

03.1.25 - Current

03.1.26 - Current Patreon

04.0 - Gist info

05.0 - Gist version history

06.0 - Footer

Old social mediums

This is a categorized list of my old social media platforms.

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Old YouTube

I had several old YouTube channels. None of them are in use anymore, as of August 2018

Main YouTube account (Sean Walla Walla)

Years active: 2015-2018

Subscribers: 150+

VIews: 60000+

Videos: 26000+

Money stolen from me: $19.?? (I will get the exact amount another time)

Money earned: $00.00

Money spent: $00.00

Click here to view my original YouTube channel

Secondary YouTube account (SeanWallWalla2)

Years active: 2016-2018

Subscribers: 14

Views: 924

Videos: 230+

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

Money spent: $00.00

Click here to view my secondary YouTube channel

School account (subject to deletion)

Years active: never

Subscribers: 0

Views: 0

Videos: 0

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

Money spent: $00.00

Click here to view my school YouTube channel (if it still exists)

Business account

Years active: 2017-2018

Subscribers: ?

Views: 100+

Videos: 50+

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

Money spent: $00.00

Click here to view my business YouTube channel (if it still exists)

Live account:

Years active: 2017-2018

Subscribers: ?

Views: 100+

Videos: 50+

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

Money spent: $00.00

Click here to view my live streaming YouTube channel (if it still exists)

Library account:

Years active: 2017-2018

Subscribers: ?

Views: 100+

Videos: 30+

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

Money spent: $00.00

Click here to view my ebook library YouTube channel (if it still exists)

Music account:

Years active: 2017-2018

Subscribers: ?

Views: 100+

Videos: 50+

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

Money spent: $00.00

Click here to view my music YouTube channel (if it still exists)

Animation account:

Years active: 2017-2018

Subscribers: ?

Views: 200+

Videos: 10+

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

Money spent: $00.00

Click here to view my animation YouTube channel (if it still exists)

Gaming account:

Years active: 2017-2018

Subscribers: ?

Views: 2000+

Videos: 800+

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

Money spent: $00.00

Click here to view my gaming YouTube channel (if it still exists)

Statistic account:

Years active: 2017-2018

Subscribers: ?

Views: 1000+

Videos: 800+

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

Money spent: $00.00

Click here to view my statistic YouTube channel (if it still exists)

Personal account:

Years active: never

Subscribers: 0

Views: 0

Videos: 0

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

Money spent: $00.00

Click here to view my personal YouTube channel (if it still exists)

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Old Twitter

Main Twitter account (Sean Walla Walla)

Years active: 2016-2017

Followers: 1300+

Tweets: 10000+

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money spent: $00.00

Click here to view my original Twitter account

My other twitter accounts (abandoned)


Years active: 2017-2017

Followers: ?

Tweets: ?

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money spent: $00.00

Click here to view my secondary twitter account


L stands for: Live

Years active: 2017-2017

Followers: ?

Tweets: ?

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money spent: $00.00

Click here to view my live streaming twitter account


B stands for: Business

Years active: 2017-2017

Followers: ?

Tweets: ?

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money spent: $00.00

Click here to view my business twitter account


A stands for: Animation

Years active: 2017-2017

Followers: ?

Tweets: ?

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money spent: $00.00

Click here to view my animation twitter account


E stands for: EBook Library

Years active: 2017-2017

Followers: ?

Tweets: ?

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money spent: $00.00

Click here to view my electronic book library twitter account

Those are all of my Twitter accounts. None of them are used anymore.

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Old Reddit

I have an alternate Reddit account I no longer use.

Reddit (u/seanwallawalla2)

Years active: never (just an alt)

Followers: 1 (myself)

Posts: 0

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

Click here to view my alternate Reddit profile

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Old FaceBook

I have not used FaceBook in over 5 years, and my account is inaccessible.

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Old Instagram

I have not used Instagram in over 3 years. my old account is listed below. I only posted my YT logo with all the filters

Instagram (@seanwallawalla)

Years active: a single day (no longer in use)

Followers: 90+

Posts: 40+

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

Click here to view my abandoned Instagram page

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Old Tumblr

I have not used Tumblr in over 4 years. I no longer use it as a social platform, however I might reconsider.

Username: Seanwallawalla

Years active: 2016-2018

Followers: a few

Posts: 60+

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

Click here to view my abandoned Tumblr page

I have some other Tumblr pages, when researching, I found out that they aren't separate accounts, but blogs. Here they are:

Sean walla walla is sean myrick

Sean Myrick Walla Walla Seanspokane2016

SMNBC (Soft Micro Network Broadcast Center

Soft Micro Scratch Corporation

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Old Quora

I have not used Quora to post EVER. I still use it for question viewing, but never to interact.

Username: Seanwallawalla

Years active: never

Followers: 0

Posts: 0

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

Click here to view my old Quora profile

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Old Google+

I have not used Google+ in a long time, and I no longer have access to my account, as it was deleted. Googles lack of interest in sustaining a platform helped me for once, it helped me degoogle a bit more.

Since it was deleted, I can only post a dead link.

Username: seanwallawalla

Years active: 2016-2017

Followers: 0

Posts: 700+ (auto-generated whenever I uploaded a video)

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

Click here to see a 404 page of my Google+ account I may have formatted this wrong, I have no template link for what a user link looks like, so please include evidence (not just a screenshot, a wayback machine link) if you want me to add the link here.

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Old WhatsApp

I have never used WhatsApp before, and I do not intend to do so

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Old TikTok

I have never used TikTok before, and I never intend to do so.

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Old Pinterest

I have never used Pinterest before, and I do not intend to do so

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Old Snapchat

I have never used Snapchat before. I considered once, but ruled it out.

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Old Scratch

I no longer use Scratch. I now do actual, more sophisticated programming (and web development)

You can still view my past programming. I have multiple scratch accounts.

Original account

Username: @seanspokane2015

Years active: February 2015-2018

Followers: 100+

Projects: 1336

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

Click here to see my original Scratch account - It is a bit cringy, as it is from past me. Most of what I wrote back then no longer reflects who I am. I have changed an incredible amount since then, as I can change to seem like a completely different person by the month

Original main account (it was going to be my main account, but I decided to stick with the latter)

Username: @seanwallawalla

Years active: 2015-2016

Followers: unlisted

Projects: about 7

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

Click here to see my original planned to be main Scratch account - It is a bit cringy, as it is from past me. Most of what I wrote back then no longer reflects who I am. I have changed an incredible amount since then, as I can change to seem like a completely different person by the month

Griffpatch imitation account

I made this account to see how many people misspell griffpatch. I never used this account other than that.

Username: @gruffpatch

Years active: never

Followers: 0

Projects: 0

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

Click here to see this dummy account

I have a few other Scratch accounts, but I currently don't have enough time to add them to this list, and I will need to use a little bit of processing power to find them.

If you want to see the other accounts, just ask me (but not on July 26th 2020)

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Old GitHub

I didn't ever have a GitHub account before May 25th 2020. If anyone is claiming that I did and links to an account, that is not me.

Here is a redirect to my current GitHub account:


Username: @seanpm2001

Years active: May 25th 2020-present

Followers: 1

Repositories: 261

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

Click here to redirect to my GitHub account

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Old Steam

I didn't have a steam account before 2018. I will redirect you to my current Steam account:

Username: Pootdispensorhere

Years active: 2018-2018, July 24th 2020-2020

Followers: 0

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Old Discord

I didn't have a DIscord account before 2018, and I can't list the details yet, I am working on some things on Discord.

Username: \Unavailable\

Years active: 2018-2019, July 24th 2020-2020

Followers: 0

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

Click here to see (link currently unavailable

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Old Vimeo

I was active on Vimeo briefly on my first attempt at moving away from YouTube, but it didn't work out, as my content got claimed immediately, and there were also too many limitations and not enough content.

You can still view the account below:

Username: Sean Walla Walla

Years active: 2018-2018

Followers: 3

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

Click here to see my old Vimeo account

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Old Ditty

I was active on for a few months during the ending year of my YouTube period. All ditties were exported to my old YouTube music channel, but the original account is no longer available, as the service was discontinued in 2019.

You can view the old account info here:

Username: Seanwallawalla

Years active: 2018-2018

Followers: 0

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

The account no longer exists

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Old Go90

I created a Go90 account on my phone, because it was a default app, but I never bothered to use it afterwards. The original Go90 page is unavailable, as the service was also discontinued in 2019.

You can view the old account info here:

Username: Seanwallawalla

Years active: Never

Followers: 0

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

This account no longer exists

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Old Wikipedia

I created a Wikipedia account a while back, but I don't use it very often. I might use it again in the future.

You can view the account info here:

Username: Seanwallawalla

Years active: ?

Followers: Wikipedia doesn't have a follower system, that is not the point of Wikipedia

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00 (Wikipedia is not a revenue platform)

Total donations: none yet, I will donate to Wikipedia in the future when I have disposable income

You can view my Wikipedia user page here by clicking here

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Old Bandcamp

I created a Bandcamp account a while back to download music that wasn't accessible to me. I still use it for that, but I also use it to support the creators of some music I really like.

You can view the account info here:

Username: Seanwallawallafan

Years active: ??-2020

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

Money spent: $24.97

You can view my Bandcamp page by clicking here

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Old Khan Academy

I had 2 old Khan Academy accounts. One of them no longer exists (my very first one, from Middle School) and one of them is going to be deleted soon.

Middle school account

This account no longer exists

Username: ??

Years active: 2014-2015

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00 (Khan Academy is not a revenue machine)

Total donations: none yet, I will donate to Khan Academy in the future when I have more disposable income, but not from this account, as it no longer exists

Link unavailable

High school account

This account will be deleted by my school district after I finish an additional 1-2 years of technical high school.

Username: SeanMyrickSchool

Years active: 2015-2016, 2020-2020

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00 (Khan Academy is not a revenue machine)

Total donations: none yet, I will donate to Khan Academy in the future when I have more disposable income, but not from this account, as it no longer exists

Click here to see this account (if it still exists)

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Old ProtonMail

I have switched from GMail to ProtonMail on May 25th 2020, but the address isn't public yet.


Years active: May 25th 2020-July 29th 2020

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

This section was last updated on July 29th 2020 (07.29.2020)

Old Gmail

I no longer use Gmail, as of May 25th 2020. My Gmail addresses are not yet public.


Years active: May 15th 2015-May 25th 2020

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

This section was last updated on July 29th 2020 (07.29.2020)


I still have my account, but I don't know if I will use it. You can view it here.

Username: @seanwallawalla

Years active: Never

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

This section was last updated on July 29th 2020 (07.29.2020)

Old Patreon

I created a Patreon account in July of 2020, solely to be able to have a sponsor button on my projects, and to receive donation revenue, as that is one of the only ways of making money in the OSS Business. You can view it here.

I have no way of earning money here yet, as no bank account has been connected.

Username: seanpm2001/seanwallawalla

Years active: July 2020-July 29th 2020

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

Patreons: 0

This section was last updated on July 29th 2020 (07.29.2020)

Current social mediums

This is a categorized list of my current online platforms:

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Current GitHub

GitHub (@seanpm2001)

Years active: May 25th 2020-present

Followers: 1

Commits: 15000+

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money spent: $00.00

Click here to go back to my GitHub profile

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Current Steam

Pootdispensorhere (yes I know the name has a spelling error, that is probably the only reason I got this name)

Years active: 2018-2019, July 24th 2020-present

Hours played: 7

Followers: 0

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money spent: $00.00

Click here to visit my Steam profile

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Current Reddit

Reddit: u/Seanwallawalla

Followers: 3

Posts: a few

Years active: July 3rd 2018-present

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money spent: $00.00

Money earned: $5.00 (worth of Reddit coins given to me for free)

Click here to view my Reddit profile

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Current Discord

I am going to keep this private for a little while longer so that I can fully reconfigure my servers.

I should be ready by August 6th 2020. If links are still not here, remind me. I will get to it on my own eventually.

Family tree server: Click here to be invited as a guest - You have to be part of my family tree to become a certified member in this server, otherwise you don't have access to over 99.3% of the server.

GitHub development server Click here to be invited as a guest


Username: \Unavailable\

Years active: 2018-2019, July 24th 2020-2020

Followers: 0

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

Click here to see (link currently unavailable

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Current YouTube

I no longer use YouTube as a social platform.

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Current Twitter

I no longer use Twitter as a social platform.

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Current FaceBook

I have not used FaceBook in over 5 years, and I do not intend on doing so.

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Current Instagram

I have not used Instagram in over 3 years, and I do not intend on doing so.

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Current Tumblr

I have not used Tumblr in over 4 years. I no longer use it as a social platform, however I might reconsider. I don't know if I will.

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Current Quora

I have not used Quora to post EVER. I still use it for question viewing, but never to interact.

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Current Google+

Google+ no longer exists | I have not used Google+ in over 4 years

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Current WhatsApp

I have never used WhatsApp before, and I do not intend to do so

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Current TikTok

I have never used TikTok before, and I never intend to do so.

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Current Pinterest

I have never used Pinterest before, and I do not intend to do so

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Current Snapchat

I have never used Snapchat before. I considered once, but ruled it out.

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Current Scratch

I no longer use Scratch. I now do actual, more sophisticated programming (and web development)

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Current Vimeo

I was active on Vimeo briefly on my first attempt at moving away from YouTube, but it didn't work out, as my content got claimed immediately, and there were also too many limitations and not enough content.

You can still view the account below:

Username: Sean Walla Walla

Years active: 2018-2018

Followers: 3

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

Click here to see my Current Vimeo account

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Current Ditty

I was active on for a few months during the ending year of my YouTube period. All ditties were exported to my Current YouTube music channel, but the original account is no longer available, as the service was discontinued in 2019.

You can view the Current account info here:

Username: Seanwallawalla

Years active: 2018-2018

Followers: 0

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

The account no longer exists

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Current Go90

I created a Go90 account on my phone, because it was a default app, but I never bothered to use it afterwards. The original Go90 page is unavailable, as the service was also discontinued in 2019.

You can view the Current account info here:

Username: Seanwallawalla

Years active: Never

Followers: 0

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

This account no longer exists

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Current Wikipedia

I created a Wikipedia account a while back, but I don't use it very often. I might use it again in the future.

You can view the account info here:

Username: Seanwallawalla

Years active: ?

Followers: Wikipedia doesn't have a follower system, that is not the point of Wikipedia

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00 (Wikipedia is not a revenue platform)

Total donations: none yet, I will donate to Wikipedia in the future when I have disposable income

You can view my Wikipedia user page here by clicking here

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Current Bandcamp

I created a Bandcamp account a while back to download music that wasn't accessible to me. I still use it for that, but I also use it to support the creators of some music I really like.

You can view the account info here:

Username: Seanwallawallafan

Years active: ??-2020

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

Money spent: $24.97

You can view my Bandcamp page by clicking here

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Current Khan Academy

I still use my main Khan Academy account on a daily basis. I have a massive 3+ year consecutive day streak going.

You can view my Khan Academy account here. I also keep an archive of my Khan Academy data on GitHub. Again, the link for that project is here.

This section was last updated on July 29th 2020 (07.29.2020)

Current ProtonMail

I have switched from GMail to ProtonMail on May 25th 2020, but the address isn't public yet.

This section was last updated on July 29th 2020 (07.29.2020)

Current Gmail

I no longer use Gmail, as of May 25th 2020.

This section was last updated on July 29th 2020 (07.29.2020)


I still have my account, but I don't know if I will use it. You can view it here.

This section was last updated on July 29th 2020 (07.29.2020)

Current Patreon

I created a Patreon account in July of 2020, solely to be able to have a sponsor button on my projects, and to receive donation revenue, as that is one of the only ways of making money in the OSS Business. You can view it here.

I have no way of earning money here yet, as no bank account has been connected.

Username: seanpm2001/seanwallawalla

Years active: July 2020-July 29th 2020

Money stolen from me: $00.00

Money earned: $00.00

Patreons: 0

This section was last updated on July 29th 2020 (07.29.2020)

Gist info

File version: 1 (Saturday, August 1st 2020 at 12:47 pm) - Separated from: SeanPM_OnGitHubV56

File type: Markdown (*.md)

Line count (including blank lines and compiler line): 1,268

Gist version history

Version 1 (Saturday, August 1st 2020 at 12:47 pm) - Separated from: SeanPM_OnGitHubV56


  • Started the new Gist
  • Imported all data from the source Gist
  • Added a title section
  • Added an index
  • Added a Gist info section
  • Added a Gist version history section
  • Added a footer

Version 2 (Coming soon)


  • Coming soon


You have reached the bottom of this Gist.

( Go back to the main article | Go back to GistHub | Go back to GitHub )

End of file

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