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Last active September 4, 2020 05:10
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  • Save seanpm2001/65ee0d397fa3749a3d7f2b5d465a717a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save seanpm2001/65ee0d397fa3749a3d7f2b5d465a717a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is a separate chapter from my main SeanPM_OnGitHub Gist that shows all my stargazing projects on GitHub.


GitHub stargazing chapter

This is the new version of the GitHub Stargazing chapter from the original Gist.

Go back

This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (09.03.2020)*


00.0 - Top

01.0 - Title

02.0 - Index

03.0 - GitHub stargazing

03.0.1 - Topics

03.0.2 - Kernels

03.0.3 - My own projects

03.0.4 - Browser extensions

03.0.5 - Websites

03.0.6 - Media players

03.0.7 - Program plugins and extensions

03.0.8 - Miscellaneous

03.0.9 - Virtual Private Network stars

[03.0.10 - Khan Academy stars](#Khan Academy stars)

03.0.11 - File system stars

03.0.12 - Degoogling

03.0.13 - Forks of my own projects

03.0.14 - Wiki projects

03.0.15 - Office software projects

03.0.16 - YouTuber projects

04.0 - Gist info

05.0 - Gist version history

06.0 - Footer

This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (09.03.2020)*

GitHub stargazing

This section contains subsections of everything I have starred on GitHub.

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)


41 topics starred

  1. Linux
  2. Python
  3. html5
  4. HTML
  5. CSS
  6. JavaScript
  7. FOSS
  8. Shell
  9. BASH
  10. Java
  11. SQL
  12. Rich Text Format
  13. PHP
  14. Swift
  15. WebVTT
  16. C
  17. C++
  18. Fortran
  19. Dart
  20. Jython
  21. GNU
  22. ActionScript
  23. AngelScript
  24. Ruby
  25. F#
  26. C#
  27. Rust
  28. Ada
  29. Objective-C
  30. Jupyter Notebook
  31. vim
  32. Mozilla Firefox
  33. mit-scratch
  34. Scratch2
  35. Scratch3
  36. Scratch
  37. VBscript
  38. ajax
  39. lisp
  40. Scheme-language
  41. Applescript
  42. No other GitHub topics listed

This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (08.03.2020)


1 kernel repository starred

  1. Linux kernel
  2. No other kernels listed

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

My own projects

278 personal repositories starred

  1. MCPYE
  2. WacOS
  3. Google Anti-privacy essentials
  4. Touch Pets Dogs 2 Open
  5. SourceBase
  6. SeansAudioDB
  7. UCALC
  8. SNU 2D News
  9. SNU 2D PodCast TriPod
  10. SNU 2D Internet Museum
  11. SNU BrowserNose
  12. SNU SuperSearch
  13. SNU Extras
  14. SNU Account setup
  15. SNU Accessibility
  16. SNU About
  17. SNU UserHistoryManagement
  18. SNU Video Settings
  19. SNU Server Essentials
  20. SNU 2D Developer log
  21. SNU 1D Mode
  22. SNU 2D Update Log
  23. SNU 4D Mode
  24. SNU 0D Mode
  25. SNU CardStack
  26. SNU Version history
  27. Tetris 128
  28. SNU 2D SQL Tests
  29. SNU 2D AD_SYS
  30. SNU 2D Amish Center
  31. SNU 2D Copypasta Kitchen
  32. SNU 2D CSS Test References
  33. SNU 2D Dashboard
  34. SNU 2D Dennis Ritchie Memorial
  35. SNU 2D Digg Mode
  36. SNU 2D DMail Client
  37. SNU 2D DownloadMoreRAM Joke page center
  38. SNU 2D Earth Day 2019 center
  39. SNU 2D Earth Day 2020 center
  40. SNU 2D Earth Day center
  41. SNU 2D HTML Test References
  42. SNU 2D HTTP Status code list
  43. SNU 2D JavaScript Math center
  44. SNU 2D JavaScript Test References
  45. SNU 2D Ken Thompson Memorial
  46. SNU 2D SNU 2D MalwareViru RepoMode
  47. SNU 2D Martin Luther King Jr Memorial
  48. SNU 2D Memes
  49. Scratch Master
  50. Seanpm2001 Gist Repository
  51. SNU 2D New Years page
  52. SNU 2D IdeaBoard
  53. SNU 2D Nitter mode
  54. SNU 2D Pi Day 2019
  55. SNU 2D PiDay 3.14 Center
  56. SNU 2D ProfileBuilder
  57. SNU 2D Programming Tools
  58. Tap Pet Hotel Open
  59. Engineer superdesk
  60. SNU 2D 4Chan Legends
  61. SNU 2D 30th anniversay of the world wide web center
  62. KhanAcademyData seanwallawallaofficial
  63. SNU 2D Slang dictionary
  64. SNU 2D Beliefs
  65. SNU 2D Blogs
  66. SNU 2D Books
  67. SNU 3D Demo
  68. SNU 3D Game viewer
  69. SNU 3D Universe
  70. SNU 3D Root
  71. SNU 2D Root
  72. SNU 3D VR
  73. SNU 3D Minecraft Python Edition Alpha
  74. BGemJam
  75. AudiBass Manager
  76. SNU Committee
  78. GitHubby
  79. AP Java Archive 2019
  80. Ucuntu
  81. uOffice
  82. SNU 2D AmazonCompatibilityMode
  83. SNU 2D SexEducation
  84. SNU 2D Porn
  85. SNU 2D Erotica
  86. SNU 2D Engine room
  87. SNU 2D Film Plaza
  88. SNU 2D Terror Bay
  89. SNU 2D Time machine
  90. SNU 2D TOS
  91. SNU 2D Video Theater
  92. SNU 2D 3D Printing
  93. SNU 2D Algorithm
  94. SNU 2D Business
  95. SNU 2D Call Center
  96. SNU 2D SNU Ideaboard
  97. SNU 2D Plans
  98. SNU 2D Other references
  99. SNU 2D Pie Pivot-o Archive
  100. SNU 2D Character support
  101. SNU 2D BigBuckBunnyFullSuite
  102. SNU 2D Cache
  103. SNU 2D Companies
  104. SNU 2D Evidence Locker
  105. SNU 2D Clock
  106. SNU 2D Cloud Gaming
  107. SNU 2D CompuSmell project
  108. SNU 2D Disease Research Center
  109. SNU 2D Encyclopedia
  110. SNU 2D eSchool
  111. SNU 2D FileExtensionHelp
  112. SNU 2D FontMill
  113. My Linux setup
  114. SNU 2D Fonts
  115. SNU 2D Health
  116. SNU 2D Jobs
  117. SNU 2D Leap day
  118. SNU 2D Life stories
  119. SNU 2D LoopG
  120. SNU 2D Meme Gen
  121. SNU 2D Puzzle Center
  122. SNU 2D Questionarium
  123. SNU 2D Shopping
  124. SNU 2D Smell project
  125. SNU 2D Software center
  126. SNU 2D Speedrunners
  127. SNU 2D Spoofing center
  128. SNU 2D Streams
  129. SNU 2D Suicide prevention
  130. SNU 2D TableTop GameHouse
  131. SNU 2D Torrent
  132. SNU 2D Translate
  133. SNU 2D TV
  134. SNU 2D Typography docs
  135. SNU 2D Video
  136. SNU 2D Wiki
  137. SNU 2D Messenger
  138. SNU 2D SNU News
  139. SNU 2D Voices VoIP
  140. SNU 2D App startup
  141. SNU 2D Story bubble wand
  142. SNU 2D Zalgo Project
  143. SNU 2D Dialup Experience
  144. SNU 2D Twitter mode
  145. SNU 2D Update planning
  146. SNU 2D Valentines day page
  147. SNU 2D Valve legends resources
  148. SNU 2D VDictionary
  149. SNU 2D VM Center
  150. SNU 2D SNU Wiki
  151. SNU 2D WIP
  152. SNU 2D XHTML Test references
  153. SNU 2D XML Testing
  154. SNU 2D Yourspace
  155. SNU 2D YouTube Mode
  156. SNU 2D User !666
  157. SNU 2D User !Heaven
  158. SNU 2D User Apartje
  159. SNU 2D User Pie Pivot-o
  160. SNU 2D User SeanPatrickMyrick
  161. SNU 2D User SeanPatrickMyrickFirefox
  162. SNU 2D User Staff
  163. SNU 2D User companies
  164. SNU 2D User Template Acc
  165. SNU 2D User TVFilthyFrank
  166. SNU 2D User !
  167. SNU 2D Users root
  168. SNU Lobby
  169. SNU Global root
  170. SNU BotCoach
  171. SNU Algorithm
  172. SNU Call center
  174. SNU Cursor Settings
  175. SNU
  176. SNU Debug mode
  177. SNU Developer lounge
  178. SNU Device Manager
  179. SNU Documentation Center
  180. SNU Encryption
  181. SNU Font LIBrary
  182. SNU Government
  183. SNU Holiday themes
  184. SNU IE Engine
  185. SNU Legal Resource center
  186. SNU Mascot center
  187. SNU Modes
  188. SNU Old SWWWebsite
  189. SNU OS Killers
  190. SNU P2PSection
  191. MEDOS Floppy
  192. MEDOS HDD
  193. MEDOS SSD
  194. qMeadows_
  195. qMeadows file cabinet
  196. MEDOS AndroidApp
  197. Python class archive 2017
  198. Python class archive 2018
  199. SeanPM Food index
  200. Legendary HTML test
  201. ScriptKidd ToolKit
  202. MEDOS
  203. Go-ogle
  204. FBI Roleplay simulator
  205. Talla browser
  206. TalkScript
  207. Horsin' around in the barn
  208. AGRAN Programming language
  209. MemeMachine 2019
  210. Windows 10 Python edition (Coming soon)
  211. Windows Server 2016 Python edition (Coming soon)
  212. SNU PFOSS Exchange (coming soon)
  213. SNU Playback settings (coming soon)
  214. SNU Policies (coming soon)
  215. SNU Privacy initative (coming soon)
  216. SNU Project Timeline (coming soon)
  217. SNU Protest toolkit (coming soon)
  218. SNU Public snapshots (coming soon)
  219. Daily desktop screenshots
  220. SNU RSS (coming soon)
  221. SNU Rules of the Internet (coming soon)
  222. SNU Scripts (coming soon)
  223. SNU Search (coming soon)
  224. SNU Snapshot tool (coming soon)
  225. SNU SiteLogo (coming soon)
  226. SNU DOM (coming soon)
  227. SNU Internet Front (coming soon)
  228. SNU Lingual (coming soon)
  229. SNU Signin (coming soon)
  230. SNU Data management (coming soon)
  231. SNU Editions (coming soon)
  232. SNU Terminal (coming soon)
  233. SNU Sound settings (coming soon)
  234. SNU StartAScript (coming soon)
  235. SNU System (coming soon)
  236. SNU System.messages (coming soon)
  237. SNU T3D (coming soon)
  238. SNU ToBeImplemented (coming soon)
  239. SNU Text engine (coming soon)
  240. SNU Textures (coming soon)
  241. SNU Themes (coming soon)
  242. SNU User filters (coming soon)
  243. SNU WLinkWBotW (coming soon)
  244. SNU Root (coming soon)
  245. SNU !!new (coming soon)
  246. Reactop
  247. iBlast
  248. Goodbye world
  249. Password Generator ultimate
  250. uDonate
  251. MadLIbby
  252. Hello world
  253. SPKSRC - Accidental fork, but I don't feel like deleting.
  254. OpenTowers
  255. OpenGov
  256. NUNIX
  257. Seans OS Data
  258. SNU_Family tree
  259. SNU Ancestry
  260. Discord bots
  261. SNU Pun Parlor
  262. UShortcut Pro.
  263. SNU 2D CloudDrive
  264. Personal Kiosk
  265. Underune maker
  266. TrueTorrent
  267. Economica
  268. Virtual-VHS
  269. Reddit-bots
  270. Seanpm2001
  271. 3DE
  272. Matrix-lang
  273. HXTemplate
  274. LinkLax
  275. SNU 2D WeatherVane
  276. hlwojiv
  277. Meadows
  278. μMiniwave 279 No other personal projects listed

This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (09.03.2020)

Browser extensions

3 browser extension repositories starred

  1. DuckDuckGo privacy extension
  2. Mitchweaver/subs
  3. uBlock
  4. No other browser extensions listed

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)


2 website repositories starred

  2. DuckDuckGo
  3. No other websites listed

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Media players

1 media player repository starred

  1. VLC
  2. No other media players listed

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Program plugins and extensions

3 program plugin/extension repositories starred

  1. Markdown++
  2. Jupyter notebook
  3. VIM
  4. No other program plugins & extensions listed

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)


1 wrapper repository starred

  1. Go-fuck-yourself - I found the idea to be funny
  2. No other wrappers listed

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Programming languages

8 programming language repositories starred

  1. Blockly - Since I have used it in the past
  2. Swift
  3. HTML - Just a standard, also not a programming language
  4. Boo
  5. Boo-extensions
  6. Rust
  7. Go (not to be confused with Go! the language by Google)
  8. Star (by the creators of Go)
  9. No other programming languages listed

This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (09.03.2020)


2 medical repositories starred

I am really excited to be seeing medical related programs have open source alternates. This is a list of the medical software I have come across.

  1. Brain Tumor Detection and Segmentation using Deep Learning - I was researching the human brain and I came across this in the results.
  2. Skin cancer segmentation - This was recommended to me
  3. No other medical software listed

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)


1 virtualization repositories started (

  1. MacOS VirtualBox - This is incredible that someone was able to crack Apples security and get new versions of MacOS to be run in a virtual machine
  2. No other virtualization projects listed

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)


1 forked repository starred

  1. ChannaMy/SPKSRC - Starred to support a close family member, just because I could.
  2. No other forks listed

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)


1 framework repository started

  2. No other frameworks listed

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Web browsers

3 web browser repositories starred

  1. Firefox for iOS
  2. FIrefox Fenix for mobule
  3. Brave browser
  4. No other web browsers listed

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)


1 game repository starred

  1. LinCity NG
  2. No other game repositories listed

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Virtual Private Network stars

1 VPN repository starred

  1. ProtonVPN Linux CLI - I switched to ProtonVPN on July 30th 2020, as my first VPN. I trust this company.
  2. No other VPN repositories listed

This section was last updated on July 30th 2020 (07.30.2020)

Khan Academy stars

1 Khan Academy repository starred

  1. Khan Academy Simple Markdown
  2. No other Khan Academy repositories listed

This section was last updated on July 30th 2020 (07.30.2020)

File systems stars

1 File system repository starred

  1. ZFS
  2. No other file system repositories starred

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Miscellaneous stars

2 miscellaneous repositories starred

  1. Nocode
  2. hlwojiv (GitHub profile secret discovery source)
  3. No other miscellaneous projects listed

This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (09.03.2020)


1 degoogling repository starred

  1. Plexus - A database for apps that don't rely on Google Play and will work on F-droid with degoogled Android
  2. No other degoogling projects listed

This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (09.03.2020)

Forks of my projects

1 fork of my project repository starred

  1. WacOS by ipwnosx - ipwnosx was the first person to fork a project on my account
  2. No other forks of my projects listed

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Wiki projects

2 wiki related repositories starred

  1. Xowa - Offline Wikipedia reader when you have access to the Wikipedia backup dumps
  2. MediaWiki - The main MediaWiki software used in various Wikis, including Wikipedia, Wiktionary, rosettacode, ArchLinux, and thousands of other sites
  3. No other wiki related repositories listed

This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (09.03.2020)*

Office software projects

1 office software project listed

  1. LaTeX 3.0
  2. No other office software projects listed

This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (09.03.2020)*

YouTuber projects

1 YouTuber related project listed

  1. BlueScreen Simulator
  2. No other YouTube projects listed

This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (09.03.2020)*

Gist info

File version: 3 (Thursday, September 3rd 2020 at 10:10 pm) - Separated from: SeanPM_OnGitHubV56

File type: Markdown (*.md)

Line count (including blank lines and compiler line): 764

Character count/size: 34,648 (34,648 bytes, 34.64 Kilobytes)

Line encoding: UNIX (LF) - Note: LF stands for Line Feed

Word count: 764

This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (09.03.2020)

Gist version history

Version 1 (Saturday, August 1st 2020 at 1:03 pm) - Separated from: SeanPM_OnGitHubV56


  • Started the new Gist
  • Imported all data from the source Gist
  • Added a title section
  • Added an index
  • Added a Gist info section
  • Added a Gist version history section
  • Added a footer
  • No other changes in version 1

This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (09.03.2020)*

Version 2 (Sunday, August 2nd 2020 at 1:35 pm)


  • Updated the programming language star section
  • Updated the Gist info section
  • Updated the Gist version history section
  • No other changes in version 2

This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (09.03.2020)*

Version 3 (Thursday, September 3rd 2020 at 10:10 pm)


  • Updated the title section
  • Updated the index
  • Added the Forks of my own projects section
  • Updated the topics section
  • Updated the My own projects section
  • Updated the programming languages section
  • Updated the miscellaneous stars section
  • Added the degoogling section
  • Added the Wiki projects section
  • Added the office software projects section
  • Added the YouTuber projects section
  • Updated the Gist info section
  • Updated the Gist version history section
  • Updated the footer
  • No other changes in version 3

This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (09.03.2020)*

Version 4 (Coming soon)


  • Coming soon
  • No other changes in version 4

This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (09.03.2020)*

Version 5 (Coming soon)


  • Coming soon
  • No other changes in version 5

This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (09.03.2020)*

Version 6 (Coming soon)


  • Coming soon
  • No other changes in version 6

This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (09.03.2020)*


You have reached the bottom of this Gist.

( Go back to the main article | Go back to GistHub | Go back to GitHub )

End of file

This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (09.03.2020)*

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