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Created August 3, 2020 23:58
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This is a separate chapter from my main SeanPM_OnGitHub Gist that showcases my farming experience.


Farming chapter

This is the new version of the Farming chapter from the original Gist.

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This section was last updated on August 3rd 2020 (08.03.2020)


00.0 - Top

01.0 - Title

02.0 - Index

03.0 - Farming

04.0 - Gist info

05.0 - Gist version history

06.0 - Footer

This section was last updated on August 3rd 2020 (08.03.2020)


I live on a ranch, and have many animals. We have over a dozen chickens, 2 cats, 4 dogs, 3 fish, 3 horses, and some goats. On May 25th 2020, one of our goats gave birth to 2 baby goats. It happened at 1:30 in the morning, and by the time someone went out there to check on them, they were already cleaned off. They have been really fun.

My current pets include:


Guinea - A white miniature shnauzer that has been in our family since the mid-2000s. He has been on many adventures, and he is one of our best pets. We got him for free, as someone was unable to care for him. He has had a really great life, and is over 12 years old.

Milly - A grey miniature shanuzer that has been in our family for a few years, as her previous owner recently died and she was gifted to us. She has some PTSD, but we treat her really well.

Mila - A black unknown dog breed that we rescued from the Humane Society. She had over 8 long years of abuse before we got her, and now we are caring for her in her final years. She is a nice dog, but she has some mental problems, such as dementia, and severe schizophrenia.

Kitty - A black unknown dog breed that we rescued from the Humane Society. She wasn't abused as far as we know, she was just a stray. She is a very shy dog, and we take good care of her. She is really friendly towards people she trusts.


Cocoa - A unknown cat breed that we got from someone who was giving away kittens. She is a nice cat, but is pretty grumpy and stays outside most of the time. She really helps us out by killing mice and gophers around the property.

BB/Princess Leia - An unknown cat breed that we rescued from the humane society. She is also a nice cat, but is incredibly shy, and we hardly ever see her due to this. She gets along with cocoa, and also assists on hunting rodents


I have had pet fish since 2013. I went through a pet shop phase as a child, and took care of several fish. Most fish have lasted a long time, and I haven't gotten any new fish in years. Over the years since 2015, the number of fish has been decreasing, as more are dying of old age. I originally had 7 fish in 2015, but as of November 12th 2019 to June 22nd 2020, I am down to 3 fish, a Koi that I have had since the 5th grade (the fish is estimated to be ~8 years old as of June 2nd 2020) and 2 cleaner fish, one a yellow sucker fish, and one a long grey eel-like fish. Some recent scares have happened, such as earlier this month, the Koi jumped out of the fish tank and was found on the floor, almost completely still. Someone came by and put it back in, and it somehow recovered. I wasn't awake when this happened, I still don't know how this was possible. The Koi acted slower for a couple weeks, but is back to normal now.


We have been raising chickens on and off since 2013, but we have had chickens consistently since 2015. Currently, we have 18 chickens, 12 of them are baby chickens that we got earlier this year in May. We have also lost many chickens over the years, some died by drowning (just 1) some died due to fox attacks (about 8) and some just died of old age. We don't have names for most of our current chickens, except for 1, which is named Amy.


My parents have 3 horses at the moment, they are mostly a decoration, but we ride them sometimes. We originally got 2 horses (Mocha and Shaman) in December 2015, and we got another one (star) in 2019. Our guests love to feed and visit with them as well.


My parents got 2 goats in 2019, they had a Flintstones naming theme for them. The current adult goat names are Betty and Wilma. In early May 2020, Wilma had a stillbirth, which was unfortunate, we tried lots to save it, but unfortunately it died. Its lungs were full of mucus and it couldn't breath. We got a light heartbeat, but we kept losing it until it died near 8:00 pm. Later in the month on May 25th 2020, Betty gave birth to twins at 1:30 in the morning. By the time we got outside, they were already out and dried off. Due to the Flintstones naming theme, they were named Pebbles and Bam Bam. They have been growing up ever since. As of June 22nd 2020, they have grown from 2 pounds (0.91 Kilograms) to 9-10 pounds (4.08-4.54 kilograms) each. Bam Bam is the male goat and pebbles is the female goat.

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)


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Gist info

File version: 1 (Monday, August 3rd 2020 at 4:58 pm) - Separated from: SeanPM_OnGitHubV57

File type: Markdown (*.md)

Line count (including blank lines and compiler line): 135

Gist version history

Version 1 (Monday, August 3rd 2020 at 4:58 pm) - Separated from: SeanPM_OnGitHubV57 (Monday, August 3rd 2020 at 4:58 pm)


  • Started the new Gist
  • Imported all data from the source Gist
  • Added a title section
  • Added an index
  • Added a Gist info section
  • Added a Gist version history section
  • Added a footer

Version 2 (Coming soon)


  • Coming soon


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End of file

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