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This is a separate chapter from my main SeanPM_OnGitHub Gist that showcases my experience with Microsoft.


Experience with Microsoft chapter

This is the new version of the Experience with Microsoft chapter from the original Gist.

Go back

This section was last updated on August 4th 2020 (08.04.2020)


00.0 - Top

01.0 - Title

02.0 - Index

03.0 - Experience with Microsoft

04.0 - Gist info

05.0 - Gist version history

06.0 - Footer

This section was last updated on August 4th 2020 (08.04.2020)

Experience with Microsoft

I have had a long experience with Microsoft. It has been positive for most of it (2006-2017) but then it has been negative (2017-2018)

I first got into computing in 2006, with my first use on a desktop computer in my final year of preschool. The main thing that ties everything together in my relation to Microsoft is Windows XP. This is literally the heart of my experience with them.

I use to play Pacman and DIgDug on a computer running Windows XP. I also learned the very basics of computing at this point, at the age of 4.9

I had many other positive experiences, such as school computers running Windows XP, and my own laptop with Windows XP in 3rd and 4th grades, from 2009-2011, when the computer failed.

I got back into Windows with Windows 8 in 2012, but I did not like the interface of Windows 8. I will always prefer XP as my Windows desktop if I have to. I had another laptop (A Samsung laptop) froom 2012 to 2014, mostly used to stream TV shows and play Minecraft.

One of the biggest positive eras I had with Microsoft was a thermo-nuclear explosion of nostalgia for Microsoft that lasted from December 2015 to June 2018. I had nostalgia for the older Windows operating systems as well, including Windows 95, Windows 3.1, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. I didn't like Windows 7 as much until after I didn't see it everywhere, then I had sharp nostalgia for it.

This era just happened to be right in the middle of my Scratch era, and I made several hundreds of projects related to Microsoft.

My love for Microsoft ended in 2019, when Windows 10 just became too much for me. This was during my great awakening period. I began to hate Microsoft, mostly Windows 10, however I still had the sharp nostalgia for Windows XP. This never ended, it is still here today for me.

I eventually moved away from a Microsoft based operating system on July 9th 2020, when I got my first Linux based laptop. I still use Microsoft services, including OneDrive, GitHub, and Minecraft. I will still continue to support Microsoft due to this nostalgia period, and also because 2 of my family members work for them, and I don't want to upset them, or have them lose their job.

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

Gist info

File version: 1 (Tuesday, August 4th 2020 at 2:05 pm) - Separated from: SeanPM_OnGitHubV58

File type: Markdown (*.md)

Line count (including blank lines and compiler line): 111

Gist version history

Version 1 (Tuesday, August 4th 2020 at 2:05 pm) - Separated from: SeanPM_OnGitHubV58 (Tuesday, August 4th 2020 at 2:05 pm)


  • Started the new Gist
  • Imported all data from the source Gist
  • Added a title section
  • Added an index
  • Added a Gist info section
  • Added a Gist version history section
  • Added a footer
  • No other changes in version 1

Version 2 (Coming soon)


  • Coming soon
  • No other changes in version 2


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End of file

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