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Last active August 23, 2020 23:55
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This is a separate chapter from my main SeanPM_OnGitHub Gist that lists my tech support info.


Tech support chapter

This is the new version of theTech support chapter from the original Gist.

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This section was last updated on August 23rd 2020 (08.23.2020)


00.0 - Top

01.0 - Title

02.0 - Index

03.0 - Technical support

3.0.1 - Microsoft Windows Technical support

3.0.2 - MIcrosoft Office technical support

3.0.3 - Other office software technical support

3.0.4 - MacOS technical support (limited)

3.0.5 - iOS technical support

3.0.6 - Android technical support

3.0.7 - Ubuntu Linux technical support

3.0.8 - Fedora Linux technical support

3.0.9 - ChromeOS and ChromiumOS technical support

3.0.10 - Other technical support

04.0 - Gist info

05.0 - Gist version history

06.0 - Footer

This section was last updated on August 23rd 2020 (08.23.2020)

Tech support

I offer free tech support at random for people who need it. Although I no longer use Windows 10 as a primary OS (As of July 10th 2020) I can still offer Windows technical support due to 14 years of experience. I also offer the tech support for Windows 10 where if desired, I will take all the time needed to fix a Windows 10 setup without doing a reset, as I avoided this as well, and I found it inconvenient. I also give out all the steps so that you can fix it on your own, even if it is just a restart. Please note, the first 3 times an issue is fixable with a restart, I won't charge anything, but if the same issue is encountered a fourth time within a 366 day period, I start charging $1.00 per fix (if I can't charge, then I won't help after this point)

My tech support is free other than that, but I don't have enough time to help everyone. I do tech support on these platforms:

This section was last updated on July 30th 2020 (07.30.2020)

Microsoft Windows Technical support

Windows (Win1.0 to Windows 10) (advanced support) ▪ Virtualization help ▪ Malware removal ▪ Basic hardware fixes ▪ Advanced setup repair without reinstallation ▪ Compatibility troubleshooting ▪ BSoD help

This section was last updated on July 30th 2020 (07.30.2020)

Microsoft Office Technical support

I have taken a year of classes and have become certified on working with Microsoft Office 2013. This knowledge carries over to other platforms as well. I can help with:

  • Microsoft Word (95 and up)
  • Microsoft Excel (95 and up)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint (95 and up)
  • Microsoft Access (97 and up)

This section was last updated on July 30th 2020 (07.30.2020)

Other office software technical support

Due to my training and personal experience with a 80% master certification in Microsoft Office, I also work on platforms other than Microsoft Office. I switched in 2018, as I stopped using paid, proprietary office products. I now work with LibreOffice from December 25th 2018 onward.

I can help with:

  • LibreOffice Writer (5.0 and up)
  • LibreOffice Impress (5.0 and up)
  • LibreOffice Base (5.0 and up)'
  • LibreOffice Calc (5.0 and up)
  • LibreOffice Draw (5.0 and up)
  • LaTeX (Markdown presentations and other markdown only, through the use of Konsole, or GTerminal)

I currently don't have experience with office software other than Microsoft Office 95-2016, and LibreOffice 5.0-6.4

This section was last updated on August 23rd 2020 (08.23.2020)

MacOS technical support

MacOS (System 1 - MacOS 11.0 "big sur") {partial support}

Notice: I don't have very much experience with MacOS, but I can still help and learn along the way. I can still operate MacOS decently.

▪ Virtualization support ▪ Basic hardware fixes

This section was last updated on July 30th 2020 (07.30.2020)

iOS Technical support

iPhoneOS/iOS/iPadOS (1.0-13.6) {intermediate (for iOS 4, 5, and 6) partial support (for all other versions}

▪ Basic hardware fixes ▪ Jailbreaking/rooting (Warning: this may void your warranty or make your device unstable. I will NEVER do this without your permission and only if you are ABSOLUTELY sure) I have over a terabyte of iOS firmware for jailbreaking for every single version for every device ▪ Message backup

This section was last updated on July 30th 2020 (07.30.2020)

Android technical support

Android (1.1-11.0) {intermediate support, for all versions}

▪ Virtualization support (for both desktop and mobile) ▪ Jailbreaking (Warning: this may void your warranty or make your device unstable. I will NEVER do this without your permission and only if you are ABSOLUTELY sure) ▪ Spam call help (I can't prevent them entirely, but I can help you get rid of some if not most of them) ▪ Contact customization and support ▪ Screen recorder help ▪ Battery saving help ▪ Customization

This section was last updated on July 30th 2020 (07.30.2020)

Ubuntu technical support

Ubuntu Linux (4.10 to 20.04) {basic support}

I just recently switched to Ubuntu 20.04, but I have had a lot of experience with Linux beforehand. I can't give as much tech support yet compared to other platforms, but I am getting there.

▪ Program management ▪ Virtualization ▪ GNOME customization ▪ Installation of non-snap programs (.deb, .flatpak, .appimage) ▪ KDE customization/installation (coming soon) ▪ Audio system repair (I redid all the drivers myself for my device, I had many problems at first, but I managed to fix all of them with a few commands)

This section was last updated on July 30th 2020 (07.30.2020)

Fedora technical support

Fedora Linux (Fedora Core 1-Fedora 32) {basic support}

▪ Virtualization ▪ GNOME tweaks ▪ KDE installation ▪ Program management

This section was last updated on July 30th 2020 (07.30.2020)

ChromeOS and ChromiumOS technical support

I have fixed my mentality neutrality towards ChromeOS when it comes to technical support. Despite a large hatred for the operating system that is still ongoing, I have decided to start doing technical support for ChromeOS users, following my personal code of conduct, as not supporting it would be a violation of the code of conduct.

I have begun doing further research into ChromeOS, and can now do technical support of the operating system. The only time I will make a suggestion for you to switch to another operating system is if you end up wanting to have privacy (as ChromeOS gives you absolutely no privacy, and will always record everything you do when near your ChromeBook) or if you end up hating Google (in my case, it happened to be both)

The current support I offer for ChromeOS includes:

▪ Keyboard shortcuts ▪ URL blocking ▪ Anti-malware ▪ Getting rid of browser hijackers ▪ Blocking ads (Google makes it hard to block ads on Chrome, as of Chromium v74) ▪ Proxy setup ▪ Redirecting URLs on public networks, so that a safer option will be chosen, instead of a URL not safe for public use (an example being routing to the difference being regular DuckDuckGo can be set to have pornographic results, while automatically filters all bad content, and will refuse to show the bad stuff. however there isn't much of a point in using DuckDuckGo on Chrome, as it won't defend your privacy) ▪ Reinstallation ▪ Degoogling, and installing another Linux distribution on your ChromeBook (I will always need your full consent first before doing something drastic like this, and I will NEVER do this without 100% permission from you) ▪ Connecting to a network ▪ Setting up a webcam ▪ Minor device repair and cleaning ▪ Optimizing the browser experience by making a set of tabs that make workflow easier ▪ Setting up Chromecast ▪ Popup blocking

This section was last updated on August 23rd 2020 (08.23.2020)

Other technical support

I also support Manjaro Linux, Arch Linux, Debian Linux, Linux Mint, Solaris, OpenBSD, Tandy Deskmate, IBM OS/2, Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Xubuntu, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Oracle Linux, FireOS, TvOS, AmigaOS, and MS-DOS)

ChromeOS technical support was removed on day 1, but has been reinstated, and will stay as of August 21st 2020 (drafted in my daily overnight notes file) was first announced on August 22nd 2020 (on an unofficial SeanPM_OnGitHub Gist chapter repository) and officially confirmed on August 23rd 2020 (on the official SeanPM_OnGitHub Gist chapter repository)

All my technical support is free, I do it solely to help people. If I am busy, I may not be able to offer technical support.

This section was last updated on August 23rd 2020 (08.23.2020)

Gist info

File version: 2 (Sunday, August 23rd 2020 at 4:55 pm) - Separated from: SeanPM_OnGitHubV56

File type: Markdown (*.md)

Line count (including blank lines and compiler line): 300

This section was last updated on August 23rd 2020 (08.23.2020)

Gist version history

Version 1 (Saturday, August 1st 2020 at 12:45 pm) - Separated from: SeanPM_OnGitHubV56


  • Started the new Gist
  • Imported all data from the source Gist
  • Added a title section
  • Added an index
  • Added a Gist info section
  • Added a Gist version history section
  • Added a footer
  • No other changes in version 1

This section was last updated on August 23rd 2020 (08.23.2020)

Version 2 (Sunday, August 23rd 2020 at 4:55 pm)


  • Updated the other office software technical support section
  • Updated the other technical support section
  • Added the ChromeOS/ChromiumOS technical support section
  • Updated the index
  • Updated the title section
  • Updated the footer
  • Updated the Gist info section
  • Updated the Gist version history section
  • No other changes in version 2

This section was last updated on August 23rd 2020 (08.23.2020)

Version 3 (Coming soon)


  • Coming soon

This section was last updated on August 23rd 2020 (08.23.2020)

Version 4 (Coming soon)


  • Coming soon

This section was last updated on August 23rd 2020 (08.23.2020)


You have reached the bottom of this Gist.

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End of file

This section was last updated on August 23rd 2020 (08.23.2020)

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