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This is a separate chapter from my main SeanPM_OnGitHub Gist that lists my hardware searches.


Hardware search list chapter

This is the new version of the Hardware search list chapter from the original Gist.

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This section was last updated on August 3rd 2020 (08.03.2020)


00.0 - Top

01.0 - Title

02.0 - Index

03.0 - Hardware search list

03.0.1 - The perfect pair of headphones

03.0.2 - A good new phone

04.0 - Gist info

05.0 - Gist version history

06.0 - Footer

This section was last updated on August 3rd 2020 (08.03.2020)

Hardware search list

This is a list of hardware I am trying to find:

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

The perfect pair of headphones

I came up with the specs for the perfect pair of headphones for myself. The main specs include:

  • NOT earbuds
  • At least 12 hours of battery life, with rechargable batteries that can be charged wirelessly
  • Bluetooth and wireless
  • The ability to play 24 bit audio
  • The ability to not have pitch issues on Linux
  • The ability to block sound, alongside music playback

Some extra specs include:

  • Waterproof
  • Has built-in storage for storing music

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)

A good new phone

I have been dealing with a Samsung Galaxy S7 edge for nearly 4 years, and the device is almost completely destroyed. If the screen was cracked, the battery failed the rest of the way, and the hard drive died, the phone would no longer be usable.

I am working on degoogling, but in the world of phones, I don't have much choice. I have already ruled out iOS, for a few reasons:

No SD card support

Too expensive

Not enough customization

Other reasons not listed

I want to move away from Android, but I also want to have high functionality. I have considered virtual machines, but I have tried this, and i can't emulate modern Android. Heck, I can't even emulate Android 2.2 without problems (lack of touchscreen, light CPU issues)

I have considered LineageOS and GrapheneOS, but I don't know if I could root a phone myself, because of problems like voiding the warranty, lack of features (including messaging) and more. My budget for a phone cannot go above $999.99, and I will NOT Buy a Google Pixel, even if it were to be rooted, I still don't trust it, as Google makes all the decisions on a Google device, at least on Samsung they only make half the decisions.

The specs I need are:

  • At least 4 Gigabytes of RAM
  • At least 256 Gigabytes of internal storage
  • MicroSD card support
  • Inductive (wireless) charging support
  • Good, non-damaged speakers

I also want to avoid a refurbished phone, due to the fact that it has a higher chance of failing.

This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)


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End of file

Gist info

File version: 1 (Monday, August 3rd 2020 at 5:17 pm) - Separated from: SeanPM_OnGitHubV57

File type: Markdown (*.md)

Line count (including blank lines and compiler line): 163

Gist version history

Version 1 (Monday, August 3rd 2020 at 5:17 pm) - Separated from: SeanPM_OnGitHubV57 (Monday, August 3rd 2020 at 5:17 pm)


  • Started the new Gist
  • Imported all data from the source Gist
  • Added a title section
  • Added an index
  • Added a Gist info section
  • Added a Gist version history section
  • Added a footer

Version 2 (Coming soon)


  • Coming soon


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End of file

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