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Last active April 10, 2023 15:03
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  • Save seansplayin/707eeaebf4b7dfc3d32ea841d337e252 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save seansplayin/707eeaebf4b7dfc3d32ea841d337e252 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#include <WiFiAP.h>
#include <WebServer.h>
#include "htmlreporting.h"
String htmlreporting = html;
#define DS_SAMPLES 5
// WiFi credentials
const char *ssid = " :)";
const char *password = "";
// Create an instance of the web server
WebServer server(80);
// Data wire is plugged into port 2 on the ESP32
#define ONE_WIRE_BUS 2
// Setup a oneWire instance to communicate with any OneWire devices (not just Maxim/Dallas temperature ICs)
OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS);
// Pass oneWire reference to DallasTemperature library
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);
// Temperature sensor addresses
DeviceAddress DSensor1 = {0x28, 0xFF, 0x56, 0xC6, 0x83, 0x16, 0x2, 0x6C};
DeviceAddress DSensor2 = {0x28, 0xFF, 0x18, 0xE1, 0x8C, 0x16, 0x3, 0x56};
DeviceAddress DSensor3 = {0x28, 0xFF, 0x87, 0x18, 0x8E, 0x16, 0x4, 0x6E};
DeviceAddress DSensor4 = {0x28, 0xFF, 0x77, 0xA1, 0x8E, 0x16, 0x3, 0x8F};
DeviceAddress DSensor5 = {0x28, 0xFF, 0x19, 0xA9, 0x8D, 0x16, 0x4, 0x8B};
DeviceAddress DSensor6 = {0x28, 0xFF, 0x89, 0x7C, 0x8E, 0x16, 0x4, 0x85};
DeviceAddress DSensor7 = {0x28, 0xFF, 0xF5, 0x22, 0x8C, 0x16, 0x3, 0x9A};
DeviceAddress DSensor8 = {0x28, 0xFF, 0xE7, 0x26, 0x8E, 0x16, 0x4, 0x62};
DeviceAddress DSensor9 = {0x28, 0xFF, 0x8, 0x45, 0x8D, 0x16, 0x4, 0x2F};
DeviceAddress DSensor10 = {0x28, 0xFF, 0x10, 0x62, 0x8C, 0x16, 0x3, 0x2B};
DeviceAddress DSensor11 = {0x28, 0x7C, 0xC9, 0x81, 0xE3, 0x6F, 0x3C, 0x00};
//DeviceAddress DSensor11 = {0x28, 0xFF, 0x9E, 0x24, 0x8C, 0x16, 0x3, 0x20};
//Pump Relay Pins
int lagPumpPin = 25;
int leadPumpPin = 32;
int domesticHeatingPumpPin = 33;
int domesticHotWaterPumpPin = 34;
int circulationLoopPumpPin = 35;
int leadPumpMode = 0;
int lagPumpMode = 0;
int domesticHotWaterPumpMode = 0;
int domesticHeatingPumpMode = 0;
int circulationLoopPumpMode = 0;
float PT1000 = 0.0;
#define PT1000_AVG_BUFFER_SIZE 10
float pt1000AvgBuffer[PT1000_AVG_BUFFER_SIZE];
int pt1000AvgIndex = 0;
float pt1000AvgSum = 0.0;
const int PT1000Pin = 4;
const float PT1000Resistance = 1000.0;
float resistanceToTemperature(float resistance) {
// implementation of the resistanceToTemperature function
float readPT1000() {
float reading = analogRead(PT1000Pin);
float voltage = reading * 3.3 / 4095.0;
float resistance = voltage * PT1000Resistance / (3.3 - voltage);
float temperature = resistanceToTemperature(resistance);
return temperature;
float temperature = ((analogRead(PT1000Pin) * 0.00322265625) - 1.25) / 0.005;
float pt1000_temps[ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE];
int pt1000_index = 0;
//float pt1000_temps[ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE];
float ds1_temps[DS_SAMPLES];
float ds2_temps[DS_SAMPLES];
float ds3_temps[DS_SAMPLES];
float ds4_temps[DS_SAMPLES];
float ds5_temps[DS_SAMPLES];
float ds6_temps[DS_SAMPLES];
float ds7_temps[DS_SAMPLES];
float ds8_temps[DS_SAMPLES];
float ds9_temps[DS_SAMPLES];
float ds10_temps[DS_SAMPLES];
float ds11_temps[DS_SAMPLES];
float pt1000_f;
float pt1000avg_f;
float dsensor1_f;
float dsensor1avg_f;
float dsensor2_f;
float dsensor2avg_f;
float dsensor3_f;
float dsensor3avg_f;
float dsensor4_f;
float dsensor4avg_f;
float dsensor5_f;
float dsensor5avg_f;
float dsensor6_f;
float dsensor6avg_f;
float dsensor7_f;
float dsensor7avg_f;
float dsensor8_f;
float dsensor8avg_f;
float dsensor9_f;
float dsensor9avg_f;
float dsensor10_f;
float dsensor10avg_f;
float dsensor11_f;
float dsensor11avg_f;
// Rolling average arrays
float PT1000Array[5];
float DSensor1Array[5];
float DSensor2Array[5];
float DSensor3Array[5];
float DSensor4Array[5];
float DSensor5Array[5];
float DSensor6Array[5];
float DSensor7Array[5];
float DSensor8Array[5];
float DSensor9Array[5];
float DSensor10Array[5];
float DSensor11Array[5];
float PT1000Average = 0.0;
float DSensor1Average = 0.0;
float DSensor2Average = 0.0;
float DSensor3Average = 0.0;
float DSensor4Average = 0.0;
float DSensor5Average = 0.0;
float DSensor6Average = 0.0;
float DSensor7Average = 0.0;
float DSensor8Average = 0.0;
float DSensor9Average = 0.0;
float DSensor10Average = 0.0;
float DSensor11Average = 0.0;
// Pump control variables
bool leadPumpStatus = false;
bool lagPumpStatus = false;
bool domesticHotWaterPumpStatus = false;
bool domesticHeatingPumpStatus = false;
bool circulationLoopPumpStatus = false;
bool circulation = false; // declare the variable outside of any function
// Declare the functions readDSensor1() through readDSensor11() before calling them in loop()
// Function declaration for readDSensor1()
float readDSensor1();
// Function declaration for readDSensor2()
float readDSensor2();
// Function declaration for readDSensor3()
float readDSensor3();
// Function declaration for readDSensor4()
float readDSensor4();
// Function declaration for readDSensor5()
float readDSensor5();
// Function declaration for readDSensor6()
float readDSensor6();
// Function declaration for readDSensor7()
float readDSensor7();
// Function declaration for readDSensor8()
float readDSensor8();
// Function declaration for readDSensor9()
float readDSensor9();
// Function declaration for readDSensor10()
float readDSensor10();
// Function declaration for readDSensor11()
float readDSensor11();
// Define the functions to read temperature from each DS18B20 sensor
float readDSensor1() {
// Code to read temperature from DS18B20 sensor 1
float temperature = sensors.getTempC(DSensor1);
float readDSensor2() {
// Code to read temperature from DS18B20 sensor 2
float temperature = sensors.getTempC(DSensor2);
float readDSensor3() {
// Code to read temperature from DS18B20 sensor 3
float temperature = sensors.getTempC(DSensor3);
float readDSensor4() {
// Code to read temperature from DS18B20 sensor 4
float temperature = sensors.getTempC(DSensor4);
float readDSensor5() {
// Code to read temperature from DS18B20 sensor 5
float temperature = sensors.getTempC(DSensor5);
float readDSensor6() {
// Code to read temperature from DS18B20 sensor 6
float temperature = sensors.getTempC(DSensor6);
float readDSensor7() {
// Code to read temperature from DS18B20 sensor 7
float temperature = sensors.getTempC(DSensor7);
float readDSensor8() {
// Code to read temperature from DS18B20 sensor 8
float temperature = sensors.getTempC(DSensor8);
float readDSensor9() {
// Code to read temperature from DS18B20 sensor 9
float temperature = sensors.getTempC(DSensor9);
float readDSensor10() {
// Code to read temperature from DS18B20 sensor 10
float temperature = sensors.getTempC(DSensor10);
float readDSensor11() {
// Code to read temperature from DS18B20 sensor 11
float temperature = sensors.getTempC(DSensor11);
// Functions to set pump control variables
void setLeadPumpStatus(bool newStatus) {
leadPumpStatus = newStatus;
void setLagPumpStatus(bool newStatus) {
lagPumpStatus = newStatus;
void setDomesticHotWaterPumpStatus(bool newStatus) {
domesticHotWaterPumpStatus = newStatus;
void setDomesticHeatingPumpStatus(bool newStatus) {
domesticHeatingPumpStatus = newStatus;
void setCirculationLoopPumpStatus(bool newStatus) {
circulationLoopPumpStatus = newStatus;
// Functions to get pump control variables as strings for display
String getLeadPumpStatus() {
return leadPumpStatus ? "On" : "Off";
String getLagPumpStatus() {
return lagPumpStatus ? "On" : "Off";
String getDomesticHotWaterPumpStatus() {
return domesticHotWaterPumpStatus ? "On" : "Off";
String getDomesticHeatingPumpStatus() {
return domesticHeatingPumpStatus ? "On" : "Off";
String getCirculationLoopPumpStatus() {
return circulationLoopPumpStatus ? "On" : "Off";
// Functions to get pump control variables as strings for radio buttons
String getLeadPumpOn() {
return leadPumpStatus ? "checked" : "";
String getLeadPumpOff() {
return !leadPumpStatus ? "checked" : "";
String getLeadPumpAuto() {
circulation = digitalRead(circulationLoopPumpPin); // assign a value to the global variable
return !leadPumpStatus && !circulation ? "checked" : "";
String getLagPumpOn() {
return lagPumpStatus ? "checked" : "";
String getLagPumpOff() {
return !lagPumpStatus ? "checked" : "";
String getLagPumpAuto() {
circulation = digitalRead(circulationLoopPumpPin);
return !lagPumpStatus && !circulation ? "checked" : "";
String getDomesticHotWaterPumpOn() {
return domesticHotWaterPumpStatus ? "checked" : "";
String getDomesticHotWaterPumpOff() {
return !domesticHotWaterPumpStatus ? "checked" : "";
String getDomesticHotWaterPumpAuto() {
circulation = digitalRead(circulationLoopPumpPin);
return !domesticHotWaterPumpStatus && !circulation ? "checked" : "";
String getDomesticHeatingPumpOn() {
return domesticHeatingPumpStatus ? "checked" : "";
String getDomesticHeatingPumpOff() {
return !domesticHeatingPumpStatus ? "checked" : "";
String getDomesticHeatingPumpAuto() {
circulation = digitalRead(circulationLoopPumpPin);
return !domesticHeatingPumpStatus && !circulation ? "checked" : "";
String getCirculationLoopPumpOn() {
return circulationLoopPumpStatus ? "checked" : "";
String getCirculationLoopPumpOff() {
return !circulationLoopPumpStatus ? "checked" : "";
String getCirculationLoopPumpAuto() {
circulation = digitalRead(circulationLoopPumpPin);
return circulation ? "checked" : "";
// Functions to handle pump control requests
void handleLeadPumpOn() {
leadPumpStatus = true;
server.send(200, "text/plain", "Lead pump turned on");
void handleLeadPumpOff() {
leadPumpStatus = false;
server.send(200, "text/plain", "Lead pump turned off");
void handleLeadPumpAuto() {
leadPumpStatus = !circulation;
server.send(200, "text/plain", "Lead pump set to auto");
void handleLagPumpOn() {
lagPumpStatus = true;
server.send(200, "text/plain", "Lag pump turned on");
void handleLagPumpOff() {
lagPumpStatus = false;
server.send(200, "text/plain", "Lag pump turned off");
void handleLagPumpAuto() {
lagPumpStatus = !circulation;
server.send(200, "text/plain", "Lag pump set to auto");
void handleDomesticHotWaterPumpOn() {
domesticHotWaterPumpStatus = true;
server.send(200, "text/plain", "Domestic hot water pump turned on");
void handleDomesticHotWaterPumpOff() {
domesticHotWaterPumpStatus = false;
server.send(200, "text/plain", "Domestic hot water pump turned off");
void handleDomesticHotWaterPumpAuto() {
domesticHotWaterPumpStatus = !circulation;
server.send(200, "text/plain", "Domestic hot water pump set to auto");
void handleDomesticHeatingPumpOn() {
domesticHeatingPumpStatus = true;
server.send(200, "text/plain", "Domestic heating pump turned on");
void handleDomesticHeatingPumpOff() {
domesticHeatingPumpStatus = false;
server.send(200, "text/plain", "Domestic heating pump turned off");
void handleDomesticHeatingPumpAuto() {
domesticHeatingPumpStatus = !circulation;
server.send(200, "text/plain", "Domestic heating pump set to auto");
void handleCirculationLoopPumpOn() {
circulationLoopPumpStatus = true;
server.send(200, "text/plain", "Circulation loop pump turned on");
void handleCirculationLoopPumpOff() {
circulationLoopPumpStatus = false;
server.send(200, "text/plain", "Circulation loop pump turned off");
void handleCirculationLoopPumpAuto() {
circulationLoopPumpStatus = circulation;
server.send(200, "text/plain", "Circulation loop pump set to auto");
void handleRoot() {
String html = "<html><body><h1>Sean's ESP32 Web Server</h1>";
html += "<p>Lead Pump: " + String(leadPumpMode) + "</p>";
html += "<p>Lag Pump: " + String(lagPumpMode) + "</p>";
html += "<p>Domestic Hot Water Pump: " + String(domesticHotWaterPumpMode) + "</p>";
html += "<p>Domestic Heating Pump: " + String(domesticHeatingPumpMode) + "</p>";
html += "<p>Circulation Loop Pump: " + String(circulationLoopPumpMode) + "</p>";
html += "<p>PT1000: " + String(PT1000) + "</p>";
html += "<form action='/form'>";
html += "<p>Lead Pump Mode: <input type='text' name='leadPumpMode' value='" + String(leadPumpMode) + "'></p>";
html += "<p>Lag Pump Mode: <input type='text' name='lagPumpMode' value='" + String(lagPumpMode) + "'></p>";
html += "<p>Domestic Hot Water Pump Mode: <input type='text' name='domesticHotWaterPumpMode' value='" + String(domesticHotWaterPumpMode) + "'></p>";
html += "<p>Domestic Heating Pump Mode: <input type='text' name='domesticHeatingPumpMode' value='" + String(domesticHeatingPumpMode) + "'></p>";
html += "<p>Circulation Loop Pump Mode: <input type='text' name='circulationLoopPumpMode' value='" + String(circulationLoopPumpMode) + "'></p>";
html += "<p>PT1000 Value: <input type='text' name='PT1000' value='" + String(PT1000) + "'></p>";
html += "<p>DSensor1 Value: <input type='text' name='DSensor1' value='" + String((int)DSensor1[0]) + "'></p>";
html += "<p><input type='submit' value='Submit'></p>";
html += "</form>";
html += "</body></html>";
server.send(200, "text/html", html);
void setup() {
// Initialize serial communication
pinMode(PT1000Pin, INPUT);
pinMode(leadPumpPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(lagPumpPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(domesticHotWaterPumpPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(domesticHeatingPumpPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(circulationLoopPumpPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(leadPumpPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(lagPumpPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(domesticHotWaterPumpPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(domesticHeatingPumpPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(circulationLoopPumpPin, LOW);
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
Serial.print("Connecting to ");
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.print("Connected to WiFi network with IP Address: ");
// Initialize the web server
server.on("/", handleRoot);
server.on("/", [](){
server.send_P(200, "text/html", htmlreporting.c_str());
Serial.println("Web server started");
// Initialize PT1000 analog input
pinMode(PT1000Pin, INPUT);
// Initialize DS18b20 digital temperature sensors
// Locate sensors on the bus
if (!sensors.getAddress(DSensor1, 0)) {
Serial.println("Error: Unable to locate DSensor1.");
if (!sensors.getAddress(DSensor2, 1)) {
Serial.println("Error: Unable to locate DSensor2.");
if (!sensors.getAddress(DSensor3, 2)) {
Serial.println("Error: Unable to locate DSensor3.");
if (!sensors.getAddress(DSensor4, 3)) {
Serial.println("Error: Unable to locate DSensor4.");
if (!sensors.getAddress(DSensor5, 4)) {
Serial.println("Error: Unable to locate DSensor5.");
if (!sensors.getAddress(DSensor6, 5)) {
Serial.println("Error: Unable to locate DSensor6.");
if (!sensors.getAddress(DSensor7, 6)) {
Serial.println("Error: Unable to locate DSensor7.");
if (!sensors.getAddress(DSensor8, 7)) {
Serial.println("Error: Unable to locate DSensor8.");
if (!sensors.getAddress(DSensor9, 8)) {
Serial.println("Error: Unable to locate DSensor9.");
if (!sensors.getAddress(DSensor10, 9)) {
Serial.println("Error: Unable to locate DSensor10.");
if (!sensors.getAddress(DSensor11, 10)) {
Serial.println("Error: Unable to locate DSensor11.");
// Loop function
void loop() {
// Print ESP32 Local IP Address
int ds1_index = 0;
int ds2_index = 0;
int ds3_index = 0;
int ds4_index = 0;
int ds5_index = 0;
int ds6_index = 0;
int ds7_index = 0;
int ds8_index = 0;
int ds9_index = 0;
int ds10_index = 0;
int ds11_index = 0;
// Read PT1000 temperature
// Read PT1000 temperature
float pt1000_temp = readPT1000();
PT1000 = readPT1000();
// Add PT1000 temperature to rolling average array
pt1000_temps[pt1000_index] = pt1000_temp;
pt1000_index = (pt1000_index + 1) % ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE;
// Calculate PT1000 rolling average
float pt1000_sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
pt1000_sum += pt1000_temps[i];
pt1000avg_f = pt1000_sum / ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE;
// Read DSensor1 temperature
float ds1_temp = readDSensor1();
// Add DSensor1 temperature to rolling average array
ds1_temps[ds1_index] = ds1_temp;
ds1_index = (ds1_index + 1) % ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE;
// Calculate DSensor1 rolling average
float ds1_sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
ds1_sum += ds1_temps[i];
DSensor1Average = ds1_sum / ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE;
// Read DSensor2 temperature
float ds2_temp = readDSensor2();
// Add DSensor2 temperature to rolling average array
ds2_temps[ds2_index] = ds2_temp;
ds2_index = (ds2_index + 1) % ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE;
// Calculate DSensor2 rolling average
float ds2_sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
ds2_sum += ds2_temps[i];
DSensor2Average = ds2_sum / ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE;
// Read DSensor3 temperature
float ds3_temp = readDSensor3();
// Add DSensor3 temperature to rolling average array
ds3_temps[ds3_index] = ds3_temp;
ds3_index = (ds3_index + 1) % ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE;
// Calculate DSensor3 rolling average
float ds3_sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
ds3_sum += ds3_temps[i];
DSensor3Average = ds3_sum / ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE;
// Read DSensor4 temperature
float ds4_temp = readDSensor4();
// Add DSensor4 temperature to rolling average array
ds4_temps[ds4_index] = ds4_temp;
ds4_index = (ds4_index + 1) % ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE;
// Calculate DSensor4 rolling average
float ds4_sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
ds4_sum += ds4_temps[i];
DSensor4Average = ds4_sum / ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE;
// Read DSensor5 temperature
float ds5_temp = readDSensor5();
// Add DSensor5 temperature to rolling average array
ds5_temps[ds5_index] = ds5_temp;
ds5_index = (ds5_index + 1) % ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE;
// Calculate DSensor5 rolling average
float ds5_sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
ds5_sum += ds5_temps[i];
DSensor5Average = ds5_sum / ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE;
// Read DSensor6 temperature
float ds6_temp = readDSensor6();
// Add DSensor6 temperature to rolling average array
ds6_temps[ds6_index] = ds6_temp;
ds6_index = (ds6_index + 1) % ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE;
// Calculate DSensor6 rolling average
float ds6_sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
ds6_sum += ds6_temps[i];
DSensor6Average = ds6_sum / ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE;
// Read DSensor7 temperature
float ds7_temp = readDSensor7();
// Add DSensor7 temperature to rolling average array
ds7_temps[ds7_index] = ds7_temp;
ds7_index = (ds7_index + 1) % ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE;
// Calculate DSensor7 rolling average
float ds7_sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
ds7_sum += ds7_temps[i];
DSensor7Average = ds7_sum / ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE;
// Read DSensor8 temperature
float ds8_temp = readDSensor8();
// Add DSensor8 temperature to rolling average array
ds8_temps[ds8_index] = ds8_temp;
ds8_index = (ds8_index + 1) % ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE;
// Calculate DSensor8 rolling average
float ds8_sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
ds8_sum += ds8_temps[i];
DSensor8Average = ds8_sum / ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE;
// Read DSensor9 temperature
float ds9_temp = readDSensor9();
// Add DSensor9 temperature to rolling average array
ds9_temps[ds9_index] = ds9_temp;
ds9_index = (ds9_index + 1) % ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE;
// Calculate DSensor9 rolling average
float ds9_sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
ds9_sum += ds9_temps[i];
DSensor9Average = ds9_sum / ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE;
// Read DSensor10 temperature
float ds10_temp = readDSensor10();
// Add DSensor10 temperature to rolling average array
ds10_temps[ds10_index] = ds10_temp;
ds10_index = (ds10_index + 1) % ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE;
// Calculate DSensor10 rolling average
float ds10_sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
ds10_sum += ds10_temps[i];
DSensor10Average = ds10_sum / ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE;
// Read DSensor11 temperature
float ds11_temp = readDSensor11();
// Add DSensor11 temperature to rolling average array
ds11_temps[ds11_index] = ds11_temp;
ds11_index = (ds11_index + 1) % ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE;
// Calculate DSensor11 rolling average
float ds11_sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
ds11_sum += ds11_temps[i];
DSensor11Average = ds11_sum / ROLLING_ARRAY_SIZE;
// Add the new temperature reading to the rolling average array for each sensor
PT1000Array[4] = temperature;
DSensor1Array[4] = sensors.getTempC(DSensor1);
DSensor2Array[4] = sensors.getTempC(DSensor2);
DSensor3Array[4] = sensors.getTempC(DSensor3);
DSensor4Array[4] = sensors.getTempC(DSensor4);
DSensor5Array[4] = sensors.getTempC(DSensor5);
DSensor6Array[4] = sensors.getTempC(DSensor6);
DSensor7Array[4] = sensors.getTempC(DSensor7);
DSensor8Array[4] = sensors.getTempC(DSensor8);
DSensor9Array[4] = sensors.getTempC(DSensor9);
DSensor10Array[4] = sensors.getTempC(DSensor10);
DSensor11Array[4] = sensors.getTempC(DSensor11);
// Shift the rolling average array for each sensor
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
PT1000Array[i] = PT1000Array[i + 1];
DSensor1Array[i] = DSensor1Array[i + 1];
DSensor2Array[i] = DSensor2Array[i + 1];
DSensor3Array[i] = DSensor3Array[i + 1];
DSensor4Array[i] = DSensor4Array[i + 1];
DSensor5Array[i] = DSensor5Array[i + 1];
DSensor6Array[i] = DSensor6Array[i + 1];
DSensor7Array[i] = DSensor7Array[i + 1];
DSensor8Array[i] = DSensor8Array[i + 1];
DSensor9Array[i] = DSensor9Array[i + 1];
DSensor10Array[i] = DSensor10Array[i + 1];
DSensor11Array[i] = DSensor11Array[i + 1];
// Calculate the rolling average for each sensor
PT1000Average = (PT1000Array[0] + PT1000Array[1] + PT1000Array[2] + PT1000Array[3] + PT1000Array[4]) / 5.0;
DSensor1Average = (DSensor1Array[0] + DSensor1Array[1] + DSensor1Array[2] + DSensor1Array[3] + DSensor1Array[4]) / 5.0;
DSensor2Average = (DSensor2Array[0] + DSensor2Array[1] + DSensor2Array[2] + DSensor2Array[3] + DSensor2Array[4]) / 5.0;
DSensor3Average = (DSensor3Array[0] + DSensor3Array[1] + DSensor3Array[2] + DSensor3Array[3] + DSensor3Array[4]) / 5.0;
DSensor4Average = (DSensor4Array[0] + DSensor4Array[1] + DSensor4Array[2] + DSensor4Array[3] + DSensor4Array[4]) / 5.0;
DSensor5Average = (DSensor5Array[0] + DSensor5Array[1] + DSensor5Array[2] + DSensor5Array[3] + DSensor5Array[4]) / 5.0;
DSensor6Average = (DSensor6Array[0] + DSensor6Array[1] + DSensor6Array[2] + DSensor6Array[3] + DSensor6Array[4]) / 5.0;
DSensor7Average = (DSensor7Array[0] + DSensor7Array[1] + DSensor7Array[2] + DSensor7Array[3] + DSensor7Array[4]) / 5.0;
DSensor8Average = (DSensor8Array[0] + DSensor8Array[1] + DSensor8Array[2] + DSensor8Array[3] + DSensor8Array[4]) / 5.0;
DSensor9Average = (DSensor9Array[0] + DSensor9Array[1] + DSensor9Array[2] + DSensor9Array[3] + DSensor9Array[4]) / 5.0;
DSensor10Average = (DSensor10Array[0] + DSensor10Array[1] + DSensor10Array[2] + DSensor10Array[3] + DSensor10Array[4]) / 5.0;
DSensor11Average = (DSensor11Array[0] + DSensor11Array[1] + DSensor11Array[2] + DSensor11Array[3] + DSensor11Array[4]) / 5.0;
// Print the temperatures to the serial monitor
Serial.print("PT1000: ");
Serial.print("DSensor1: ");
Serial.print("DSensor2: ");
Serial.print("DSensor3: ");
Serial.print("DSensor4: ");
Serial.print("DSensor5: ");
Serial.print("DSensor6: ");
Serial.print("DSensor7: ");
Serial.print("DSensor8: ");
Serial.print("DSensor9: ");
Serial.print("DSensor10: ");
Serial.print("DSensor11: ");
// Print the rolling averages to the serial monitor
Serial.print("PT1000 Average: ");
Serial.print("DSensor1 Average: ");
Serial.print("DSensor2 Average: ");
Serial.print("DSensor3 Average: ");
Serial.print("DSensor4 Average: ");
Serial.print("DSensor5 Average: ");
Serial.print("DSensor6 Average: ");
Serial.print("DSensor7 Average: ");
Serial.print("DSensor8 Average: ");
Serial.print("DSensor9 Average: ");
Serial.print("DSensor10 Average: ");
Serial.print("DSensor11 Average: ");
// Wait for 1 second before taking the next reading
void handleRoot() {
String htmlPage = String(html); // Copy the HTML code from htmlreporting.h into a String
char buf[32]; // Buffer for converting float to string
// Replace PT1000 temperature placeholder with actual value
String pt1000_f_str = dtostrf(pt1000_f, 6, 2, buf); // Convert float to string
htmlPage.replace("{{pt1000_f}}", pt1000_f_str);
// Replace PT1000 average temperature placeholder with actual value
String pt1000avg_f_str = dtostrf(pt1000avg_f, 6, 2, buf); // Convert float to string
htmlPage.replace("{{pt1000avg_f}}", pt1000avg_f_str);
// Replace Dsensor1 temperature placeholder with actual value
String dsensor1_f_str = dtostrf(dsensor1_f, 6, 2, buf); // Convert float to string
htmlPage.replace("{{dsensor1_f}}", dsensor1_f_str);
// Replace Dsensor1 average temperature placeholder with actual value
String dsensor1avg_f_str = dtostrf(dsensor1avg_f, 6, 2, buf); // Convert float to string
htmlPage.replace("{{dsensor1avg_f}}", dsensor1avg_f_str);
// Replace Dsensor2 temperature placeholder with actual value
String dsensor2_f_str = dtostrf(dsensor2_f, 6, 2, buf); // Convert float to string
htmlPage.replace("{{dsensor2_f}}", dsensor2_f_str);
// Replace Dsensor2 average temperature placeholder with actual value
String dsensor2avg_f_str = dtostrf(dsensor2avg_f, 6, 2, buf); // Convert float to string
htmlPage.replace("{{dsensor2avg_f}}", dsensor2avg_f_str);
// Replace Dsensor3 temperature placeholder with actual value
String dsensor3_f_str = dtostrf(dsensor3_f, 6, 2, buf); // Convert float to string
htmlPage.replace("{{dsensor3_f}}", dsensor3_f_str);
// Replace Dsensor3 average temperature placeholder with actual value
String dsensor3avg_f_str = dtostrf(dsensor3avg_f, 6, 2, buf); // Convert float to string
htmlPage.replace("{{dsensor3avg_f}}", dsensor3avg_f_str);
// Replace Dsensor4 temperature placeholder with actual value
String dsensor4_f_str = dtostrf(dsensor4_f, 6, 2, buf); // Convert float to string
htmlPage.replace("{{dsensor4_f}}", dsensor4_f_str);
// Replace Dsensor4 average temperature placeholder with actual value
String dsensor4avg_f_str = dtostrf(dsensor4avg_f, 6, 2, buf); // Convert float to string
htmlPage.replace("{{dsensor4avg_f}}", dsensor4avg_f_str);
// Replace Dsensor5 temperature placeholder with actual value
String dsensor5_f_str = dtostrf(dsensor5_f, 6, 2, buf); // Convert float to string
htmlPage.replace("{{dsensor5_f}}", dsensor5_f_str);
// Replace Dsensor5 average temperature placeholder with actual value
String dsensor5avg_f_str = dtostrf(dsensor5avg_f, 6, 2, buf); // Convert float to string
htmlPage.replace("{{dsensor5avg_f}}", dsensor5avg_f_str);
// Replace Dsensor6 temperature placeholder with actual value
String dsensor6_f_str = dtostrf(dsensor6_f, 6, 2, buf); // Convert float to string
htmlPage.replace("{{dsensor6_f}}", dsensor6_f_str);
// Replace Dsensor6 average temperature placeholder with actual value
String dsensor6avg_f_str = dtostrf(dsensor6avg_f, 6, 2, buf); // Convert float to string
htmlPage.replace("{{dsensor6avg_f}}", dsensor6avg_f_str);
// Replace Dsensor7 temperature placeholder with actual value
String dsensor7_f_str = dtostrf(dsensor7_f, 6, 2, buf); // Convert float to string
htmlPage.replace("{{dsensor7_f}}", dsensor7_f_str);
// Replace Dsensor7 average temperature placeholder with actual value
String dsensor7avg_f_str = dtostrf(dsensor7avg_f, 6, 2, buf); // Convert float to string
htmlPage.replace("{{dsensor7avg_f}}", dsensor7avg_f_str);
// Replace Dsensor8 temperature placeholder with actual value
String dsensor8_f_str = dtostrf(dsensor8_f, 6, 2, buf); // Convert float to string
htmlPage.replace("{{dsensor8_f}}", dsensor8_f_str);
// Replace Dsensor8 average temperature placeholder with actual value
String dsensor8avg_f_str = dtostrf(dsensor8avg_f, 6, 2, buf); // Convert float to string
htmlPage.replace("{{dsensor8avg_f}}", dsensor8avg_f_str);
// Replace Dsensor9 temperature placeholder with actual value
String dsensor9_f_str = dtostrf(dsensor9_f, 6, 2, buf); // Convert float to string
htmlPage.replace("{{dsensor9_f}}", dsensor9_f_str);
// Replace Dsensor9 average temperature placeholder with actual value
String dsensor9avg_f_str = dtostrf(dsensor9avg_f, 6, 2, buf); // Convert float to string
htmlPage.replace("{{dsensor9avg_f}}", dsensor9avg_f_str);
// Replace Dsensor10 temperature placeholder with actual value
String dsensor10_f_str = dtostrf(dsensor10_f, 6, 2, buf); // Convert float to string
htmlPage.replace("{{dsensor10_f}}", dsensor10_f_str);
// Replace Dsensor10 average temperature placeholder with actual value
String dsensor10avg_f_str = dtostrf(dsensor10avg_f, 6, 2, buf); // Convert float to string
htmlPage.replace("{{dsensor10avg_f}}", dsensor10avg_f_str);
// Replace Dsensor11 temperature placeholder with actual value
String dsensor11_f_str = dtostrf(dsensor11_f, 6, 2, buf); // Convert float to string
htmlPage.replace("{{dsensor11_f}}", dsensor11_f_str);
// Replace Dsensor11 average temperature placeholder with actual value
String dsensor11avg_f_str = dtostrf(dsensor11avg_f, 6, 2, buf); // Convert float to string
htmlPage.replace("{{dsensor11avg_f}}", dsensor11avg_f_str);
// Send the updated HTML page to the client
server.send(200, "text/html", htmlPage);
const char html[] PROGMEM = R"====(
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5" />
<title>Sean's ESP32 Web Server</title>
<h1>Sean's ESP32 Web Server</h1>
<h2>Sensor Readings:</h2>
<table border="1">
<td>{{pt1000_f}} &deg;F</td>
<td>PT1000 Average</td>
<td>{{pt1000avg_f}} &deg;F</td>
<td>{{dsensor1_f}} &deg;F</td>
<td>DSensor1 Average</td>
<td>{{dsensor1avg_f}} &deg;F</td>
<td>{{dsensor2_f}} &deg;F</td>
<td>DSensor2 Average</td>
<td>{{dsensor2avg_f}} &deg;F</td>
<td>{{dsensor3_f}} &deg;F</td>
<td>DSensor3 Average</td>
<td>{{dsensor3avg_f}} &deg;F</td>
<td>{{dsensor4_f}} &deg;F</td>
<td>DSensor4 Average</td>
<td>{{dsensor4avg_f}} &deg;F</td>
<td>{{dsensor5_f}} &deg;F</td>
<td>DSensor5 Average</td>
<td>{{dsensor5avg_f}} &deg;F</td>
<td>{{dsensor6_f}} &deg;F</td>
<td>DSensor6 Average</td>
<td>{{dsensor6avg_f}} &deg;F</td>
<td>{{dsensor7_f}} &deg;F</td>
<td>DSensor7 Average</td>
<td>{{dsensor7avg_f}} &deg;F</td>
<td>{{dsensor8_f}} &deg;F</td>
<td>DSensor8 Average</td>
<td>{{dsensor8avg_f}} &deg;F</td>
<td>{{dsensor9_f}} &deg;F</td>
<td>DSensor9 Average</td>
<td>{{dsensor9avg_f}} &deg;F</td>
<td>{{dsensor10_f}} &deg;F</td>
<td>DSensor10 Average</td>
<td>{{dsensor10avg_f}} &deg;F</td>
<td>{{dsensor11_f}} &deg;F</td>
<td>DSensor11 Average</td>
<td>{{dsensor11avg_f}} &deg;F</td>
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