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Last active May 14, 2020 16:24
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  • Save seanstory/d02c362cfa428a3860e7a12e8104a351 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save seanstory/d02c362cfa428a3860e7a12e8104a351 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
echo "What is your Access Token? (Example: cfcbcbae003c1ff47cd338edb32da3749b6652f3739ed2c55384542a1dc9cccd)"
echo "What is your Key? (Example: 5e7bce38f74c32c93d685d4f)"
read KEY
echo "What is your Host? (Example:"
read HOST
ACCESS_TOKEN=`echo $ACCESS_TOKEN | tr -d '[:blank:]'`
KEY=`echo $KEY | tr -d '[:blank:]'`
HOST=`echo $HOST | tr -d '[:blank:]'`
HOST=${HOST/https:\/\//} # remove https://
HOST=${HOST//\//} #remove any lingering slashes
HOST=${HOST/workplace-search-/workplace-search-api-} #use API host
HOST=${HOST/workplace-search-api-api/workplace-search-api-} # just in case you passed the api host
JSON=`curl -s`
for i in {0..8}; do
printf "\n#############################\n### Uploading batch $((i+1)) of 9...\n"
batch=`echo "${JSON}" | jq -r ".[$((i*100)):$(((i+1)*100))]"`
status=$(echo $batch | curl -s -o response.json -w "%{http_code}\\n" -k -XPOST https://$HOST/api/ws/v1/sources/$KEY/documents/bulk_create -d @- -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json")
if [[ "$status" -ne 200 ]]; then
cat response.json
echo "failure! Got response code: $status"
if [[ "$status" -eq 401 ]]; then
echo "Make sure that you have the right Access Token, you entered: '$ACCESS_TOKEN'"
if [[ "$status" -eq 404 ]]; then
echo "Make sure that you have the right Key, you entered: '$KEY'"
if [[ "$status" -eq 000 ]]; then
echo "Make sure that you have the right host - something went unexpededly wrong when CUrling '$HOST'..."
exit 1
response=`cat response.json`
rm response.json
error_count=`echo $response | jq -r ".results | .[] | .errors | length" | awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}'`
if [[ "$error_count" -ne 0 ]]; then
echo $response
echo "failure! The response had errors"
exit 1
count=`echo $response | jq -r ".results | length"`
echo "Indexed $count businesses:"
echo $batch | jq -r ".[] | .business_name"
printf "\n#####################################\n### Finished! Uploaded all businesses\n\n"
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